# TinTin++ Settings for Aardwolf MUD ## Setup: * Clone the repository * Edit username in config.tin * Edit password in config.tin * Edit bag in config.tin * Edit paths in aardwolf-session ## Usage: * Launch tmux (tmux -2) * Run aardwolf-session (./aardwolf-session) * In-game: tags channel on * In-game: tags map on * In-game: tags mapexits on * In-game: tags mapnames on * In-game: tags roomchars on * In-game: tags roomobjs on ## Features * GMCP powered 2-line prompt with colored percentage meters (prompt.tin) * Quest time ticker and target tracking (quest.tin) * Repop watch and announce (gmcp.tin) * Minimap in seperate window (minimap.tin) * Alias-driven note jotting system (aliases.tin) * Channels logged to separate window (gmcp.tin) * Room characters/mobiles and objects logged to file (minimap.tin) ## Commands * debug on|off - toggles echoing GMCP data as it arrives * repopwatch on|off - toggles announcing of repops in $repchan * .note *message here* - adds *message* to notes.log (bottom right window) * .newpage - clears the note screen, providing a fresh page * cpcheck - print list of campaign targets to note window, sorted by area The actions.tin and aliases.tin files are a place for your personal triggers and aliases.