#ALIAS {setsize} {rows 300;cols 148}; #ALIAS {setmsize} {rows 300;cols 60}; #ALIAS {^clear$} { #system {tput clear}; #split {2} {1}; setsize; }; #ALIAS {htop} { #system {htop}; }; #ALIAS {rst} { #read {config.tin}; setsize; shields; }; #ALIAS {wiki} { #system {w3m https://dwwiki.mooo.com/w/index.php?search=%0}; #split {2} {1}; setsize; }; #ALIAS {colourpalette} { #foreach {a;b;c;d;e;f} {cnt1} { #foreach {a;b;c;d;e;f} {cnt2} { #var result <000>; #foreach {a;b;c;d;e;f} {cnt3} { #var result $result <$cnt1$cnt2$cnt3> <<888>$cnt1$cnt2$cnt3><088> }; #showme $result } } } #ALIAS {minesolve %1 %2 %3} { #var {total} {%1}; #var {hammer} {%2}; #var {pickaxe} {%3}; #var {solvecommand} {python3 -c 'import math; t,p,h = $total,$pickaxe,$hammer; pu,hu = int(math.floor(t/p)+1), int(math.floor(t/h)+1); print(*sorted([(i, j) for j in range(0,hu) for i in range(0,pu) if ((i*p) + (j*h) == t)], key=lambda t: t[1])[0]);'}; #script {result} {$solvecommand}; #replace {result[1]} { } {;}; #list {solution} {create} {$result[1]}; #format {minesolvedisplay} {<149>[MineSolver] Best solution is <139>%d<149> pickaxe strikes and <139>%d<149> hammer chips for a total of <159>%f<149> inches.<099>} {$solution[1]} {$solution[2]} {$total}; #echo {$minesolvedisplay}; }; #nop Resizing aliases for when we're in "cols 999" mode; #ALIAS {^skills%1} { #send {cols 130}; #send {skills %1}; #send {cols 999}; }; #ALIAS {^{speak|language}$} { #send {cols 130}; #send {speak}; #send {cols 999}; }; #ALIAS {^spells$} { #send {cols 130}; #send {spells}; #send {cols 999}; }; #ALIAS {^rituals$} { #send {cols 130}; #send {rituals}; #send {cols 999}; }; #ALIAS {^group status$} { #send {cols 130}; #send {group status}; #send {cols 999}; }; #ALIAS {^{who$|who (.+)$}} { #send {cols 130}; #send {%0}; #send {cols 999}; }; #ALIAS {^help %1} { #send {cols 130}; #send {help %1}; #send {cols 999}; }; #ALIAS {^nickname$} { #send {cols 130}; #send {nickname}; #send {cols 999}; };