#CLASS {missiontimers_sausages} {kill}; #CLASS {missiontimers_sausages} {open}; #var {missions[sausage][active_list]} {}; #var {missions[sausage][retry_list]} {}; #nop You have four hours to deliver 150 fresh - line to start it all? #ACTION {^You have four hours to deliver %d fresh} { #action {^Sam Slager says to%+you: I'll have to take care of this one later} { #nop [A mission started, start checking for resignations]; #nop Are we already waiting on a timer for this character? #list {missions[sausage][retry_list]} {find} {$GMCP[charinfo][name]} {sausage_current}; #if {$sausage_current == 0} { #list {missions[sausage][retry_list]} {add} {$GMCP[charinfo][name]}; #line sub variable { #delay {600} { #nop Print message #format {sausage_retry_line} {%c[MH] %c*%c %s%c can now try a new sausage mission from Sam Slager.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold green}{$GMCP[charinfo][name]} {bold blue}; #echo {$sausage_retry_line}; #unvar {sausage_retry_line}; #nop Remove player from state list #list {missions[sausage][retry_list]} {find} {$GMCP[charinfo][name]} {sausage_current_inner}; #list {missions[sausage][retry_list]} {delete} {$sausage_current_inner}; }; }; }; #unvar {sausage_current}; }; #action {^Sam Slager says to%+you: Thank you, that's all} { #nop [A mission started, start checking for completions]; #nop Are we already waiting on a timer for this character? #list {missions[sausage][active_list]} {find} {$GMCP[charinfo][name]} {sausage_current}; #if {$sausage_current == 0} { #list {missions[sausage][active_list]} {add} {$GMCP[charinfo][name]}; #line sub variable { #delay {3600} { #nop Print message #format {sausage_timer_line} {%c[MH] %c*%c %s can get full XP for a sausage mission.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$GMCP[charinfo][name]}; #echo {$sausage_timer_line}; #unvar {sausage_timer_line}; #nop Remove player from state list #list {missions[sausage][active_list]} {find} {$GMCP[charinfo][name]} {sausage_current_inner}; #list {missions[sausage][active_list]} {delete} {$sausage_current_inner}; }; }; }; #unvar {sausage_current}; }; }; #CLASS {missiontimers_sausages} {close};