from ircutils import bot, events, format import requests import simplejson as json import urllib2, random, re import HTMLParser from collections import deque class DotaMatch: api_key="4CEC40C492B1AB15EEBA07681E6EDBBD" hero_data = {} def __init__(self, channel, user, command, params): = channel self.requester = user self.command = command if not params: self.query = [user] else: self.query = params self.matches = [] self.notice = [] self.steam_id = '' def get_hero_values(self): xhr = urllib2.Request(""+self.api_key+"&language=en_us") o = urllib2.build_opener() f = data = json.load(f) for hero in data['result']['heroes']: self.hero_data[hero['id']] = hero def lookup_player(self, query): xhr = urllib2.Request(""+self.api_key+"&vanityurl="+query[0]) o = urllib2.build_opener() f = data = json.load(f) if data['response']['success'] == 1: self.steam_id = data['response']['steamid'] else: self.steam_id = 'NULL' def get_latest_match_id(self): if self.command == "!MATCHBYID": return True xhr = urllib2.Request(""+self.api_key+"&account_id="+self.steam_id) o = urllib2.build_opener() f = data = json.load(f) # did we get matches back? try: self.matches = data['result']['matches'] return True except KeyError: return False def get_match_info(self): try: xhr = urllib2.Request(""+self.api_key+"&match_id="+str(self.matches[0]['match_id'])) o = urllib2.build_opener() f = data = json.load(f) except Exception as e: self.notice.append("Problem connecting to the Dota2 API.") else: # get users 32-bit SteamID so we can look them up sid = int(self.steam_id) - 76561197960265728 p = {} for player in data['result']['players']: if player['account_id'] == sid: p = player break if not p: self.notice.append("Player {} not found in match {}.".format(self.query[0], self.query[1])) return hero_id = self.hero_data[p['hero_id']]['localized_name'] kills = p['kills'] deaths = p['deaths'] assists = p['assists'] last_hits = p['last_hits'] gpm = p['gold_per_min'] time = data['result']['duration'] / 60 if( p['player_slot'] & (1<<7) == 0 ): team = 'Radiant' else: team = 'Dire' if( team is 'Dire' and not bool(data['result']['radiant_win'])): result = 'Victory!' elif( team is 'Radiant' and bool(data['result']['radiant_win'])): result = 'Victory!' else: result = 'Defeat!' # print match info self.notice.append("Match for \x02{0}\x02 - Hero: \x0311{1}\x03, K/D/A: \x0303{2}/{3}/{4}\x03, Last Hits: \x0306{5}\x03, GPM: \x0308{6}\x03. Game Length: {7} mins. Team: {8} - {9}.".format(self.query[0], hero_id, kills, deaths, assists, last_hits, gpm, time, team, result)) def list_latest_matches(self): # get users 32-bit SteamID so we can look them up sid = int(self.steam_id) - 76561197960265728 p = {} self.notice.append("Recent Matches for " + self.query[0] + ":") for count, match in enumerate(self.matches): if count > 3: break try: xhr = urllib2.Request(""+self.api_key+"&match_id="+str(match['match_id'])) o = urllib2.build_opener() f = data = json.load(f) except Exception as e: self.notice.append("There was an error connecting to the Dota2 API.") else: for player in data['result']['players']: if player['account_id'] == sid: p = player break print self.hero_data[p['hero_id']] hero_id = self.hero_data[p['hero_id']]['localized_name'] kills = p['kills'] deaths = p['deaths'] assists = p['assists'] if( p['player_slot'] & (1<<7) == 0 ): team = 'Radiant' else: team = 'Dire' if( team is 'Dire' and not bool(data['result']['radiant_win'])): result = 'Victory!' elif( team is 'Radiant' and bool(data['result']['radiant_win'])): result = 'Victory!' else: result = 'Defeat!' self.notice.append(" [\x02{0}\x02]: \x0311{1}\x03 - \x0303{2}/{3}/{4}\x03 - {5}".format(match['match_id'], hero_id, kills, deaths, assists, result)) class DoobBot(bot.SimpleBot): auth_pool = deque() actions = ["!MATCH", "!MATCHES", "!MATCHBYID"] def on_channel_message(self, event): url ='http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F[0-9a-fA-F]))+', event.message) channel = user = event.source message = event.message.split(); command = message[0].upper() params = message[1:] if url: self.do_printurltitle(channel, user, elif command == "!ROLL": self.do_rolldice(channel, user, params) elif command == "!BTCX": self.do_getbtcinfo(channel, user, False, params) elif command == "!BTC": self.do_getbtcinfo(channel, user, True, params) elif command == "!WEATHER": self.do_getweather(channel, user, params) elif command == "!REDDITNEWS": self.do_getnews(channel, user, params) elif command == "!OW": self.do_overwatch(channel, user, params) elif command == "!ABOUT": self.send_message(channel, "I am DotaBot, I bring info about Dota2 Matches. Ask for a !match. See !help for more.") elif command == "!HELP": self.send_message(user, "I am DotaBot - these are my available commands.") self.send_message(user, "!MATCH - Get info about users latest match, if no argument passes your IRC nickname.") self.send_message(user, "!MATCHES - Get a list of recent matches for the user, if no argument passes your IRC nickname.") self.send_message(user, "!MATCHBYID - Get info about particular match by ID#.") self.send_message(user, "!ROLL ?D? - Simulate dice rolling (e.g. !roll 1d6 or !roll 5d20)") self.send_message(user, "!WEATHER - Query wunderground for weather data") self.send_message(user, "!REDDITNEWS - Pull a new story from , defaults to dota2.") self.send_message(user, "!DOTANEWS - pulls latest news story about Dota2 from Steamworks.") self.send_message(user, "!BTC - List current price of BTC in various fiat currencies.") self.send_message(user, "!BTCX - Convert bitcoins to the local currency of choice.") self.send_message(user, "Written by binaryatrocity -") elif command in self.actions: m = DotaMatch(channel, user, command, params) self.auth_pool.append(m); self.send_message('NICKSERV', 'STATUS {0}'.format(user)) def on_private_notice(self, event): if(event.message[0] == "2"): c = self.auth_pool.popleft() c.lookup_player(c.query) if c.steam_id == 'NULL': self.send_message(, "Unable to find SteamID for player "+c.query[0]) else: status = c.get_latest_match_id() if status: if c.command == "!MATCHES": c.list_latest_matches() elif c.command == "!MATCH": c.get_match_info() elif c.command == "!MATCHBYID": c.matches.append({'match_id':c.query[1]}) c.get_match_info() for msg in c.notice: self.send_message(, msg) else: self.send_message(, "No matches found for player "+c.query[0]) elif(event.message[0] == "1" or event.message[0] == "0"): c = self.auth_pool.popleft() self.send_message(, "You must be registered with NickServ before requesting match info! '/msg NickServ register HELP' for more info.") def on_private_message(self, event): user = event.source message = event.message.split() command = message[0].upper() params = message[1:] if command.upper() == "SAY": mstr = '' for msg in params: mstr = mstr +' '+ msg self.send_message(self.user, mstr) if command.upper() == "QUIT": self.disconnect(params) def do_getnews(self, channel, user, params): if not params: params.append('dota2') try: raw_data = urllib2.Request(""+params[0]+"/new.json?sort=new") o = urllib2.build_opener() f = data = json.load(f) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: self.send_message(channel, "There was a problem accessing news.") except Exception as e: print e else: items = [ x['data'] for x in data['data']['children'] ] rand = random.randint(0,10) notice = "News from r/{0}: {1} - [{2}]".format(params[0], items[rand]['title'], items[rand]['url']) self.send_message(channel, notice) def do_printurltitle(self, channel, user, url): try: html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() title = html_parser.unescape(urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=1).read(10000).split('')[1].split('')[0].strip()).encode('utf-8') notice = "{}'s URL: {}".format(user, title) self.send_message(channel, notice) except urllib2.URLError: pass except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: print e def do_getweather(self, channel, user, params): try: raw_data = urllib2.Request(""+params[0]+"&units=imperial") o = urllib2.build_opener() f = data = json.load(f) city = data['name'] country = data['sys']['country'] lat, lon = data['coord']['lat'], data['coord']['lon'] condition = data['weather'][0]['main'] temp = data['main']['temp'] humidity = data['main']['humidity'] high = data['main']['temp_max'] low = data['main']['temp_min'] winds = data['wind']['speed'] notice = "Weather for {}, {} ({}, {}): Currently {} at {} degrees with {}% humidity and winds at {} mph. High: {}, Low: {}".format(city, country, lat, lon, condition, temp, humidity, winds, high, low) self.send_message(channel, notice) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: self.send_message(channel, "Unable to find weather for "+params[0]) except urllib2.URLError as e: self.send_message(channel, "There was a problem accessing weather info.") except Exception as e: print e def do_getbtcinfo(self, channel, user, exch, params): if not exch: try: data = json.load(urllib2.build_opener().open(urllib2.Request(""+params[1].upper()+"&value="+params[0]))) notice = "{}: Value of {} {} in BTC is \x03{}\x03".format(user, params[0], params[1].upper(), data) self.send_message(channel, notice) except Exception: pass else: try: data = json.load(urllib2.build_opener().open(urllib2.Request(""))) notice = "Current price of BTC: USD[{}], GBP[{}], EUR[{}]".format(data['USD']['last'], data['GBP']['last'], data['EUR']['last']) self.send_message(channel, notice) pass except Exception as e: print e def do_rolldice(self, channel, user, params): try: dice = params[0].split('d') rolls = [] for roll in range(0,int(dice[0])): rolls.append(random.randint(1,int(dice[1]))) except Exception as e: pass else: notice = "Rolls for {}: {!s}. Total of {}".format(user, rolls, sum(rolls)) self.send_message(channel, notice) def do_overwatch(self, channel, user, params): ow_url = "" battletag = params[0] battletag = battletag.replace('#', '-') print params try: print '1' if params[1].upper() == 'STATS': api_url = "{}/{}/stats".format(ow_url, battletag) #data = json.load(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPSHandler()).open(urllib2.Request(api_url))) data = requests.get(api_url) sd = data.json()['overall_stats'] message = u"{}'s Overwatch Stats: Lvl {} - {} Games ({}W/{}L) for {}% win rate.".format( user, sd['level'], sd['games'], sd['wins'], sd['losses'], sd['win_rate']) elif params[1].upper() == 'HEROES': print '2' api_url = "{}/{}/heroes".format(ow_url, battletag) data = json.load(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPSHandler()).open(urllib2.Request(api_url))) print '3' sd = data['heroes'] print '4' import pudb; pudb message = u"{}'s Overwatch Heroes:\r \ {} [{} games, {} kda, {} winrate]\r \ {} [{} games, {} kda, {} winrate]\r \ {} [{} games, {} kda, {} winrate]".format( user, sd[0]['name'], sd[0]['games'], sd[0]['kpd'], sd[0]['winrate'], sd[1]['name'], sd[1]['games'], sd[1]['kpd'], sd[1]['winrate'], sd[2]['name'], sd[2]['games'], sd[2]['kpd'], sd[2]['winrate'] ) except IndexError as e: message = '!ow [battletag] [stats/heroes]' print e # Send data to channel self.send_message(channel, message.encode('ascii', 'replace')) print "message sent" # Create a new bot, and run it! if __name__ == "__main__": doob = DoobBot("MatchBot") init_match = DotaMatch('#atr0phy', 'SYSTEM', 'START', 'INIT') init_match.get_hero_values() doob.connect("", channel=['#dotanoobs', '#digital-deception', '#atr0phy']) doob.start()