{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %}Account linking for {{ g.user.nickname }} - DotaNoobs {% endblock %} {% block content %}

 {{ g.user.nickname }}'s Linked Accounts

Back to Settings
{{ form.hidden_tag() }}

Link Teamspeak Account

{% if g.user.teamspeak_id %} Already verified {% endif %}

{{ form.teamspeak_id }}
Enter your Teamspeak Unique Client ID into this field (note: this is NOT your Teamspeak name). You can access your TSID as follows:
  1. Click on the "Settings" menu at the top of your Teamspeak client
  2. Select "Identities" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Copy your "Unique ID"
  4. Close this modal-window with the little X (upper right)
  5. Paste your "Unique ID" into the Teamspeak ID field

Link Forum Board Account

{% if g.user.forum_id %} Already verified {% endif %}

{{ form.forum_username }}

{{ form.forum_password }}
{% endblock %}