import requests from time import sleep, mktime from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime from app import app, db, models MODES_TO_SKIP = ['Ability Draft', 'Greeviling', 'Diretide'] def collect_match_results(dotabuff_id, num_matches): results = [] page = 0 while True: page += 1 url = "{}/matches/?page={}".format(dotabuff_id, page) data = requests.get(url).text soup = BeautifulSoup(data).article.table.tbody # Catch last page if 'sorry' in break # Parse the matches on current page for row in soup.find_all('tr'): # Pass over bot matches and other 'inactive' games if 'inactive' in row.get('class', ''): continue cells = row.find_all('td') result_cell = cells[2] match_cell = cells[3] match_id = int(result_cell.a['href'].split('/')[-1]) match_type = match_cell.div.text if match_type in MODES_TO_SKIP: continue result = True if 'won' in result_cell.a['class'] else False dt = datetime.strptime(result_cell.time['datetime'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00') results.append({'match_id':match_id, 'win':result, 'datetime':dt, 'game_mode':match_type}) if len(results) > num_matches: break if len(results) > num_matches: break sleep(60) results.reverse() return results def apply_window(results, window_size=50): windows = [] # Compute the initial window win_rate = 0.00 for idx in range(0, window_size): win_rate += 1 if results[idx]['win'] else 0 win_rate /= window_size windows.append(win_rate) # From here on, modify based on leave/enter data points fractional_change = 1. / window_size for idx in range(window_size, len(results)): if results[idx-window_size]['win'] == results[idx]['win']: pass elif results[idx]['win']: win_rate += fractional_change else: win_rate -= fractional_change windows.append(win_rate) return windows def calculate_winrates(): users_analyzed = 0 for user in models.User.query.all(): db_id = requests.get(""+user.steam_id).url.split("/")[-1] result = collect_match_results(db_id, app.config['ANALYTICS_WINRATE_NUM_MATCHES']) windowed = apply_window(result, app.config['ANALYTICS_WINRATE_WINDOW']) date_nums = map(lambda x: mktime(x['datetime'].timetuple()),\ result[app.config['ANALYTICS_WINRATE_WINDOW']-1:]) winrate = {'total_games': len(result), 'data': zip(date_nums, windowed) } user.winrate_data = winrate db.session.commit() users_analyzed += 1 sleep(60)"Calculated win rate numbers for {} doobs.".format(users_analyzed)) return users_analyzed