{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %} Dashboard - packetcrypt {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Hello, {{ user.email }}!

Account Information

  • Email Address: {{ user.email }}
  • Last Payment Date: {{ lastpaid }}
  • Plan Expires: {{ expires }}
  • Number of Support Tickets: {{ user.tickets.all() | length }}
  • Traffic This Month: 000Mb (00%)
  • Number of Referred Signups: 0


{% if latest %} Renew {% else %} Purchase {% endif %}
{% if g.user.tickets.all() %} {% for ticket in g.user.tickets.all() %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% endif %}
Support Tickets
{{ g.user.tickets.all() | length }}
DateSubjectStatusLast Updated
{{ ticket.timestamp |date }} {{ ticket.subject }} N/A N/A
You have no support ticket history

{% if g.user.invoices.all() %} {% for invoice in g.user.invoices.all() %} {% if invoice.datepaid %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if invoice.is_confirmed %} {% else %} {% if invoice.paid %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{{ g.user.invoices.all() | length }}
Date PaidAmount PaidPayment AddressConfirmed
{{invoice.datepaid | date}}Unpaid{{invoice.value_paid}} {{invoice.address}}Pay
{% endblock %} {% block postscript %} {% endblock %}