!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.jade=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var nodes = require('./nodes'); var filters = require('./filters'); var doctypes = require('./doctypes'); var selfClosing = require('./self-closing'); var runtime = require('./runtime'); var utils = require('./utils'); var parseJSExpression = require('character-parser').parseMax; var isConstant = require('constantinople'); var toConstant = require('constantinople').toConstant;
/** * Initialize `Compiler` with the given `node`. * * @param {Node} node * @param {Object} options * @api public */
var Compiler = module.exports = function Compiler(node, options) { this.options = options = options || {}; this.node = node; this.hasCompiledDoctype = false; this.hasCompiledTag = false; this.pp = options.pretty || false; this.debug = false !== options.compileDebug; this.indents = 0; this.parentIndents = 0; this.terse = false; if (options.doctype) this.setDoctype(options.doctype); };
/** * Compiler prototype. */
Compiler.prototype = {
/** * Compile parse tree to JavaScript. * * @api public */
compile: function(){ this.buf = []; if (this.pp) this.buf.push("jade.indent = [];"); this.lastBufferedIdx = -1; this.visit(this.node); return this.buf.join('\n'); },
/** * Sets the default doctype `name`. Sets terse mode to `true` when * html 5 is used, causing self-closing tags to end with ">" vs "/>", * and boolean attributes are not mirrored. * * @param {string} name * @api public */
setDoctype: function(name){ name = name || 'default'; this.doctype = doctypes[name.toLowerCase()] || '<!DOCTYPE ' + name + '>'; this.terse = this.doctype.toLowerCase() == '<!doctype html>'; this.xml = 0 == this.doctype.indexOf('<?xml'); },
/** * Buffer the given `str` exactly as is or with interpolation * * @param {String} str * @param {Boolean} interpolate * @api public */
buffer: function (str, interpolate) { var self = this; if (interpolate) { var match = /(\\)?([#!]){((?:.|\n)*)$/.exec(str); if (match) { this.buffer(str.substr(0, match.index), false); if (match[1]) { // escape
this.buffer(match[2] + '{', false); this.buffer(match[3], true); return; } else { try { var rest = match[3]; var range = parseJSExpression(rest); var code = ('!' == match[2] ? '' : 'jade.escape') + "((jade.interp = " + range.src + ") == null ? '' : jade.interp)"; } catch (ex) { throw ex; //didn't match, just as if escaped
this.buffer(match[2] + '{', false); this.buffer(match[3], true); return; } this.bufferExpression(code); this.buffer(rest.substr(range.end + 1), true); return; } } }
str = JSON.stringify(str); str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);
if (this.lastBufferedIdx == this.buf.length) { if (this.lastBufferedType === 'code') this.lastBuffered += ' + "'; this.lastBufferedType = 'text'; this.lastBuffered += str; this.buf[this.lastBufferedIdx - 1] = 'buf.push(' + this.bufferStartChar + this.lastBuffered + '");' } else { this.buf.push('buf.push("' + str + '");'); this.lastBufferedType = 'text'; this.bufferStartChar = '"'; this.lastBuffered = str; this.lastBufferedIdx = this.buf.length; } },
/** * Buffer the given `src` so it is evaluated at run time * * @param {String} src * @api public */
bufferExpression: function (src) { var fn = Function('', 'return (' + src + ');'); if (isConstant(src)) { return this.buffer(fn(), false) } if (this.lastBufferedIdx == this.buf.length) { if (this.lastBufferedType === 'text') this.lastBuffered += '"'; this.lastBufferedType = 'code'; this.lastBuffered += ' + (' + src + ')'; this.buf[this.lastBufferedIdx - 1] = 'buf.push(' + this.bufferStartChar + this.lastBuffered + ');' } else { this.buf.push('buf.push(' + src + ');'); this.lastBufferedType = 'code'; this.bufferStartChar = ''; this.lastBuffered = '(' + src + ')'; this.lastBufferedIdx = this.buf.length; } },
/** * Buffer an indent based on the current `indent` * property and an additional `offset`. * * @param {Number} offset * @param {Boolean} newline * @api public */
prettyIndent: function(offset, newline){ offset = offset || 0; newline = newline ? '\n' : ''; this.buffer(newline + Array(this.indents + offset).join(' ')); if (this.parentIndents) this.buf.push("buf.push.apply(buf, jade.indent);"); },
/** * Visit `node`. * * @param {Node} node * @api public */
visit: function(node){ var debug = this.debug;
if (debug) { this.buf.push('jade_debug.unshift({ lineno: ' + node.line + ', filename: ' + (node.filename ? JSON.stringify(node.filename) : 'jade_debug[0].filename') + ' });'); }
// Massive hack to fix our context
// stack for - else[ if] etc
if (false === node.debug && this.debug) { this.buf.pop(); this.buf.pop(); }
if (debug) this.buf.push('jade_debug.shift();'); },
/** * Visit `node`. * * @param {Node} node * @api public */
visitNode: function(node){ return this['visit' + node.type](node); },
/** * Visit case `node`. * * @param {Literal} node * @api public */
visitCase: function(node){ var _ = this.withinCase; this.withinCase = true; this.buf.push('switch (' + node.expr + '){'); this.visit(node.block); this.buf.push('}'); this.withinCase = _; },
/** * Visit when `node`. * * @param {Literal} node * @api public */
visitWhen: function(node){ if ('default' == node.expr) { this.buf.push('default:'); } else { this.buf.push('case ' + node.expr + ':'); } this.visit(node.block); this.buf.push(' break;'); },
/** * Visit literal `node`. * * @param {Literal} node * @api public */
visitLiteral: function(node){ this.buffer(node.str); },
/** * Visit all nodes in `block`. * * @param {Block} block * @api public */
visitBlock: function(block){ var len = block.nodes.length , escape = this.escape , pp = this.pp
// Pretty print multi-line text
if (pp && len > 1 && !escape && block.nodes[0].isText && block.nodes[1].isText) this.prettyIndent(1, true);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { // Pretty print text
if (pp && i > 0 && !escape && block.nodes[i].isText && block.nodes[i-1].isText) this.prettyIndent(1, false);
this.visit(block.nodes[i]); // Multiple text nodes are separated by newlines
if (block.nodes[i+1] && block.nodes[i].isText && block.nodes[i+1].isText) this.buffer('\n'); } },
/** * Visit a mixin's `block` keyword. * * @param {MixinBlock} block * @api public */
visitMixinBlock: function(block){ if (this.pp) this.buf.push("jade.indent.push('" + Array(this.indents + 1).join(' ') + "');"); this.buf.push('block && block();'); if (this.pp) this.buf.push("jade.indent.pop();"); },
/** * Visit `doctype`. Sets terse mode to `true` when html 5 * is used, causing self-closing tags to end with ">" vs "/>", * and boolean attributes are not mirrored. * * @param {Doctype} doctype * @api public */
visitDoctype: function(doctype){ if (doctype && (doctype.val || !this.doctype)) { this.setDoctype(doctype.val || 'default'); }
if (this.doctype) this.buffer(this.doctype); this.hasCompiledDoctype = true; },
/** * Visit `mixin`, generating a function that * may be called within the template. * * @param {Mixin} mixin * @api public */
visitMixin: function(mixin){ var name = 'jade_mixins['; var args = mixin.args || ''; var block = mixin.block; var attrs = mixin.attrs; var attrsBlocks = mixin.attributeBlocks; var pp = this.pp;
name += (mixin.name[0]=='#' ? mixin.name.substr(2,mixin.name.length-3):'"'+mixin.name+'"')+']';
if (mixin.call) { if (pp) this.buf.push("jade.indent.push('" + Array(this.indents + 1).join(' ') + "');") if (block || attrs.length || attrsBlocks.length) {
this.buf.push(name + '.call({');
if (block) { this.buf.push('block: function(){');
// Render block with no indents, dynamically added when rendered
this.parentIndents++; var _indents = this.indents; this.indents = 0; this.visit(mixin.block); this.indents = _indents; this.parentIndents--;
if (attrs.length || attrsBlocks.length) { this.buf.push('},'); } else { this.buf.push('}'); } }
if (attrsBlocks.length) { if (attrs.length) { var val = this.attrs(attrs); attrsBlocks.unshift(val); } this.buf.push('attributes: jade.merge([' + attrsBlocks.join(',') + '])'); } else if (attrs.length) { var val = this.attrs(attrs); this.buf.push('attributes: ' + val); }
if (args) { this.buf.push('}, ' + args + ');'); } else { this.buf.push('});'); }
} else { this.buf.push(name + '(' + args + ');'); } if (pp) this.buf.push("jade.indent.pop();") } else { this.buf.push(name + ' = function(' + args + '){'); this.buf.push('var block = (this && this.block), attributes = (this && this.attributes) || {};'); this.parentIndents++; this.visit(block); this.parentIndents--; this.buf.push('};'); } },
/** * Visit `tag` buffering tag markup, generating * attributes, visiting the `tag`'s code and block. * * @param {Tag} tag * @api public */
visitTag: function(tag){ this.indents++; var name = tag.name , pp = this.pp , self = this;
function bufferName() { if (tag.buffer) self.bufferExpression(name); else self.buffer(name); }
if ('pre' == tag.name) this.escape = true;
if (!this.hasCompiledTag) { if (!this.hasCompiledDoctype && 'html' == name) { this.visitDoctype(); } this.hasCompiledTag = true; }
// pretty print
if (pp && !tag.isInline()) this.prettyIndent(0, true);
if ((~selfClosing.indexOf(name) || tag.selfClosing) && !this.xml) { this.buffer('<'); bufferName(); this.visitAttributes(tag.attrs, tag.attributeBlocks); this.terse ? this.buffer('>') : this.buffer('/>'); // if it is non-empty throw an error
if (tag.block && !(tag.block.type === 'Block' && tag.block.nodes.length === 0) && tag.block.nodes.some(function (tag) { return tag.type !== 'Text' || !/^\s*$/.test(tag.val)})) { throw new Error(name + ' is self closing and should not have content.'); } } else { // Optimize attributes buffering
this.buffer('<'); bufferName(); this.visitAttributes(tag.attrs, tag.attributeBlocks); this.buffer('>'); if (tag.code) this.visitCode(tag.code); this.visit(tag.block);
// pretty print
if (pp && !tag.isInline() && 'pre' != tag.name && !tag.canInline()) this.prettyIndent(0, true);
this.buffer('</'); bufferName(); this.buffer('>'); }
if ('pre' == tag.name) this.escape = false;
this.indents--; },
/** * Visit `filter`, throwing when the filter does not exist. * * @param {Filter} filter * @api public */
visitFilter: function(filter){ var text = filter.block.nodes.map( function(node){ return node.val; } ).join('\n'); filter.attrs = filter.attrs || {}; filter.attrs.filename = this.options.filename; this.buffer(filters(filter.name, text, filter.attrs), true); },
/** * Visit `text` node. * * @param {Text} text * @api public */
visitText: function(text){ this.buffer(text.val, true); },
/** * Visit a `comment`, only buffering when the buffer flag is set. * * @param {Comment} comment * @api public */
visitComment: function(comment){ if (!comment.buffer) return; if (this.pp) this.prettyIndent(1, true); this.buffer('<!--' + comment.val + '-->'); },
/** * Visit a `BlockComment`. * * @param {Comment} comment * @api public */
visitBlockComment: function(comment){ if (!comment.buffer) return; if (this.pp) this.prettyIndent(1, true); this.buffer('<!--' + comment.val); this.visit(comment.block); if (this.pp) this.prettyIndent(1, true); this.buffer('-->'); },
/** * Visit `code`, respecting buffer / escape flags. * If the code is followed by a block, wrap it in * a self-calling function. * * @param {Code} code * @api public */
visitCode: function(code){ // Wrap code blocks with {}.
// we only wrap unbuffered code blocks ATM
// since they are usually flow control
// Buffer code
if (code.buffer) { var val = code.val.trimLeft(); val = 'null == (jade.interp = '+val+') ? "" : jade.interp'; if (code.escape) val = 'jade.escape(' + val + ')'; this.bufferExpression(val); } else { this.buf.push(code.val); }
// Block support
if (code.block) { if (!code.buffer) this.buf.push('{'); this.visit(code.block); if (!code.buffer) this.buf.push('}'); } },
/** * Visit `each` block. * * @param {Each} each * @api public */
visitEach: function(each){ this.buf.push('' + '// iterate ' + each.obj + '\n' + ';(function(){\n' + ' var $$obj = ' + each.obj + ';\n' + ' if (\'number\' == typeof $$obj.length) {\n');
if (each.alternative) { this.buf.push(' if ($$obj.length) {'); }
this.buf.push('' + ' for (var ' + each.key + ' = 0, $$l = $$obj.length; ' + each.key + ' < $$l; ' + each.key + '++) {\n' + ' var ' + each.val + ' = $$obj[' + each.key + '];\n');
this.buf.push(' }\n');
if (each.alternative) { this.buf.push(' } else {'); this.visit(each.alternative); this.buf.push(' }'); }
this.buf.push('' + ' } else {\n' + ' var $$l = 0;\n' + ' for (var ' + each.key + ' in $$obj) {\n' + ' $$l++;' + ' var ' + each.val + ' = $$obj[' + each.key + '];\n');
this.buf.push(' }\n'); if (each.alternative) { this.buf.push(' if ($$l === 0) {'); this.visit(each.alternative); this.buf.push(' }'); } this.buf.push(' }\n}).call(this);\n'); },
/** * Visit `attrs`. * * @param {Array} attrs * @api public */
visitAttributes: function(attrs, attributeBlocks){ if (attributeBlocks.length) { if (attrs.length) { var val = this.attrs(attrs); attributeBlocks.unshift(val); } this.bufferExpression('jade.attrs(jade.merge([' + attributeBlocks.join(',') + ']), ' + JSON.stringify(this.terse) + ')'); } else if (attrs.length) { this.attrs(attrs, true); } },
/** * Compile attributes. */
attrs: function(attrs, buffer){ var buf = []; var classes = []; var classEscaping = [];
attrs.forEach(function(attr){ var key = attr.name; var escaped = attr.escaped;
if (key === 'class') { classes.push(attr.val); classEscaping.push(attr.escaped); } else if (isConstant(attr.val)) { if (buffer) { this.buffer(runtime.attr(key, toConstant(attr.val), escaped, this.terse)); } else { var val = toConstant(attr.val); if (escaped && !(key.indexOf('data') === 0 && typeof val !== 'string')) { val = runtime.escape(val); } buf.push(JSON.stringify(key) + ': ' + JSON.stringify(val)); } } else { if (buffer) { this.bufferExpression('jade.attr("' + key + '", ' + attr.val + ', ' + JSON.stringify(escaped) + ', ' + JSON.stringify(this.terse) + ')'); } else { var val = attr.val; if (escaped && !(key.indexOf('data') === 0)) { val = 'jade.escape(' + val + ')'; } else if (escaped) { val = '(typeof (jade.interp = ' + val + ') == "string" ? jade.escape(jade.interp) : jade.interp)"'; } buf.push(JSON.stringify(key) + ': ' + val); } } }.bind(this)); if (buffer) { if (classes.every(isConstant)) { this.buffer(runtime.cls(classes.map(toConstant), classEscaping)); } else { this.bufferExpression('jade.cls([' + classes.join(',') + '], ' + JSON.stringify(classEscaping) + ')'); } } else { if (classes.every(isConstant)) { classes = JSON.stringify(runtime.joinClasses(classes.map(toConstant).map(runtime.joinClasses).map(function (cls, i) { return classEscaping[i] ? runtime.escape(cls) : cls; }))); } else if (classes.length) { classes = '(jade.interp = ' + JSON.stringify(classEscaping) + ',' + ' jade.joinClasses([' + classes.join(',') + '].map(jade.joinClasses).map(function (cls, i) {' + ' return jade.interp[i] ? jade.escape(cls) : cls' + ' }))' + ')'; } if (classes.length) buf.push('"class": ' + classes); } return '{' + buf.join(',') + '}'; } };
},{"./doctypes":2,"./filters":3,"./nodes":16,"./runtime":24,"./self-closing":25,"./utils":26,"character-parser":33,"constantinople":34}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
module.exports = { 'default': '<!DOCTYPE html>' , 'xml': '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>' , 'transitional': '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' , 'strict': '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">' , 'frameset': '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">' , '1.1': '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">' , 'basic': '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/xhtml-basic11.dtd">' , 'mobile': '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN" "http://www.openmobilealliance.org/tech/DTD/xhtml-mobile12.dtd">' }; },{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
module.exports = filter; function filter(name, str, options) { if (typeof filter[name] === 'function') { var res = filter[name](str, options); } else { throw new Error('unknown filter ":' + name + '"'); } return res; } filter.exists = function (name, str, options) { return typeof filter[name] === 'function'; };
},{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
module.exports = [ 'a' , 'abbr' , 'acronym' , 'b' , 'br' , 'code' , 'em' , 'font' , 'i' , 'img' , 'ins' , 'kbd' , 'map' , 'samp' , 'small' , 'span' , 'strong' , 'sub' , 'sup' ]; },{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
/*! * Jade * Copyright(c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca> * MIT Licensed */
/** * Module dependencies. */
var Parser = require('./parser') , Lexer = require('./lexer') , Compiler = require('./compiler') , runtime = require('./runtime') , addWith = require('with') , fs = require('fs');
/** * Expose self closing tags. */
exports.selfClosing = require('./self-closing');
/** * Default supported doctypes. */
exports.doctypes = require('./doctypes');
/** * Text filters. */
exports.filters = require('./filters');
/** * Utilities. */
exports.utils = require('./utils');
/** * Expose `Compiler`. */
exports.Compiler = Compiler;
/** * Expose `Parser`. */
exports.Parser = Parser;
/** * Expose `Lexer`. */
exports.Lexer = Lexer;
/** * Nodes. */
exports.nodes = require('./nodes');
/** * Jade runtime helpers. */
exports.runtime = runtime;
/** * Template function cache. */
exports.cache = {};
/** * Parse the given `str` of jade and return a function body. * * @param {String} str * @param {Object} options * @return {String} * @api private */
function parse(str, options){ try { // Parse
var parser = new (options.parser || Parser)(str, options.filename, options);
// Compile
var compiler = new (options.compiler || Compiler)(parser.parse(), options) , js = compiler.compile();
// Debug compiler
if (options.debug) { console.error('\nCompiled Function:\n\n\u001b[90m%s\u001b[0m', js.replace(/^/gm, ' ')); }
var globals = options.globals && Array.isArray(options.globals) ? options.globals : [];
globals.push('jade'); globals.push('jade_mixins'); globals.push('jade_debug'); globals.push('buf');
return '' + 'var buf = [];\n' + 'var jade_mixins = {};\n' + (options.self ? 'var self = locals || {};\n' + js : addWith('locals || {}', '\n' + js, globals)) + ';' + 'return buf.join("");'; } catch (err) { parser = parser.context(); runtime.rethrow(err, parser.filename, parser.lexer.lineno, parser.input); } }
/** * Compile a `Function` representation of the given jade `str`. * * Options: * * - `compileDebug` when `false` debugging code is stripped from the compiled template, when it is explicitly `true`, the source code is included in the compiled template for better accuracy. * - `filename` used to improve errors when `compileDebug` is not `false` and to resolve imports/extends * * @param {String} str * @param {Options} options * @return {Function} * @api public */
exports.compile = function(str, options){ var options = options || {} , filename = options.filename ? JSON.stringify(options.filename) : 'undefined' , fn;
str = String(str);
if (options.compileDebug !== false) { fn = [ 'var jade_debug = [{ lineno: 1, filename: ' + filename + ' }];' , 'try {' , parse(str, options) , '} catch (err) {' , ' jade.rethrow(err, jade_debug[0].filename, jade_debug[0].lineno' + (options.compileDebug === true ? ',' + JSON.stringify(str) : '') + ');' , '}' ].join('\n'); } else { fn = parse(str, options); } fn = new Function('locals, jade', fn) var res = function(locals){ return fn(locals, Object.create(runtime)) }; if (options.client) { res.toString = function () { var err = new Error('The `client` option is deprecated, use `jade.compileClient`'); console.error(err.stack || err.message); return exports.compileClient(str, options); }; } return res; };
/** * Compile a JavaScript source representation of the given jade `str`. * * Options: * * - `compileDebug` When it is `true`, the source code is included in the compiled template for better error messages. * - `filename` used to improve errors when `compileDebug` is not `true` and to resolve imports/extends * * @param {String} str * @param {Options} options * @return {String} * @api public */
exports.compileClient = function(str, options){ var options = options || {} , filename = options.filename ? JSON.stringify(options.filename) : 'undefined' , fn;
str = String(str);
if (options.compileDebug) { options.compileDebug = true; fn = [ 'var jade_debug = [{ lineno: 1, filename: ' + filename + ' }];' , 'try {' , parse(str, options) , '} catch (err) {' , ' jade.rethrow(err, jade_debug[0].filename, jade_debug[0].lineno, ' + JSON.stringify(str) + ');' , '}' ].join('\n'); } else { options.compileDebug = false; fn = parse(str, options); }
return 'function template(locals) {\n' + fn + '\n}'; };
/** * Render the given `str` of jade. * * Options: * * - `cache` enable template caching * - `filename` filename required for `include` / `extends` and caching * * @param {String} str * @param {Object|Function} options or fn * @param {Function|undefined} fn * @returns {String} * @api public */
exports.render = function(str, options, fn){ // support callback API
if ('function' == typeof options) { fn = options, options = undefined; } if (typeof fn === 'function') { var res try { res = exports.render(str, options); } catch (ex) { return fn(ex); } return fn(null, res); }
options = options || {};
// cache requires .filename
if (options.cache && !options.filename) { throw new Error('the "filename" option is required for caching'); }
var path = options.filename; var tmpl = options.cache ? exports.cache[path] || (exports.cache[path] = exports.compile(str, options)) : exports.compile(str, options); return tmpl(options); };
/** * Render a Jade file at the given `path`. * * @param {String} path * @param {Object|Function} options or callback * @param {Function|undefined} fn * @returns {String} * @api public */
exports.renderFile = function(path, options, fn){ // support callback API
if ('function' == typeof options) { fn = options, options = undefined; } if (typeof fn === 'function') { var res try { res = exports.renderFile(path, options); } catch (ex) { return fn(ex); } return fn(null, res); }
options = options || {};
var key = path + ':string';
options.filename = path; var str = options.cache ? exports.cache[key] || (exports.cache[key] = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')) : fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); return exports.render(str, options); };
/** * Compile a Jade file at the given `path` for use on the client. * * @param {String} path * @param {Object} options * @returns {String} * @api public */
exports.compileFileClient = function(path, options){ options = options || {};
var key = path + ':string';
options.filename = path; var str = options.cache ? exports.cache[key] || (exports.cache[key] = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')) : fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
return exports.compileClient(str, options); };
/** * Express support. */
exports.__express = exports.renderFile;
},{"./compiler":1,"./doctypes":2,"./filters":3,"./lexer":6,"./nodes":16,"./parser":23,"./runtime":24,"./self-closing":25,"./utils":26,"fs":27,"with":46}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var utils = require('./utils'); var characterParser = require('character-parser');
/** * Initialize `Lexer` with the given `str`. * * @param {String} str * @param {String} filename * @api private */
var Lexer = module.exports = function Lexer(str, filename) { this.input = str.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n'); this.filename = filename; this.deferredTokens = []; this.lastIndents = 0; this.lineno = 1; this.stash = []; this.indentStack = []; this.indentRe = null; this.pipeless = false; };
function assertExpression(exp) { //this verifies that a JavaScript expression is valid
Function('', 'return (' + exp + ')'); } function assertNestingCorrect(exp) { //this verifies that code is properly nested, but allows
//invalid JavaScript such as the contents of `attributes`
var res = characterParser(exp) if (res.isNesting()) { throw new Error('Nesting must match on expression `' + exp + '`') } }
/** * Lexer prototype. */
Lexer.prototype = {
/** * Construct a token with the given `type` and `val`. * * @param {String} type * @param {String} val * @return {Object} * @api private */
tok: function(type, val){ return { type: type , line: this.lineno , val: val } },
/** * Consume the given `len` of input. * * @param {Number} len * @api private */
consume: function(len){ this.input = this.input.substr(len); },
/** * Scan for `type` with the given `regexp`. * * @param {String} type * @param {RegExp} regexp * @return {Object} * @api private */
scan: function(regexp, type){ var captures; if (captures = regexp.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); return this.tok(type, captures[1]); } },
/** * Defer the given `tok`. * * @param {Object} tok * @api private */
defer: function(tok){ this.deferredTokens.push(tok); },
/** * Lookahead `n` tokens. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Object} * @api private */
lookahead: function(n){ var fetch = n - this.stash.length; while (fetch-- > 0) this.stash.push(this.next()); return this.stash[--n]; },
/** * Return the indexOf `(` or `{` or `[` / `)` or `}` or `]` delimiters. * * @return {Number} * @api private */
bracketExpression: function(skip){ skip = skip || 0; var start = this.input[skip]; if (start != '(' && start != '{' && start != '[') throw new Error('unrecognized start character'); var end = ({'(': ')', '{': '}', '[': ']'})[start]; var range = characterParser.parseMax(this.input, {start: skip + 1}); if (this.input[range.end] !== end) throw new Error('start character ' + start + ' does not match end character ' + this.input[range.end]); return range; },
/** * Stashed token. */
stashed: function() { return this.stash.length && this.stash.shift(); },
/** * Deferred token. */
deferred: function() { return this.deferredTokens.length && this.deferredTokens.shift(); },
/** * end-of-source. */
eos: function() { if (this.input.length) return; if (this.indentStack.length) { this.indentStack.shift(); return this.tok('outdent'); } else { return this.tok('eos'); } },
/** * Blank line. */
blank: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^\n *\n/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length - 1); ++this.lineno; if (this.pipeless) return this.tok('text', ''); return this.next(); } },
/** * Comment. */
comment: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^\/\/(-)?([^\n]*)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var tok = this.tok('comment', captures[2]); tok.buffer = '-' != captures[1]; return tok; } },
/** * Interpolated tag. */
interpolation: function() { if (/^#\{/.test(this.input)) { var match; try { match = this.bracketExpression(1); } catch (ex) { return;//not an interpolation expression, just an unmatched open interpolation
this.consume(match.end + 1); return this.tok('interpolation', match.src); } },
/** * Tag. */
tag: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(\w[-:\w]*)(\/?)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var tok, name = captures[1]; if (':' == name[name.length - 1]) { name = name.slice(0, -1); tok = this.tok('tag', name); this.defer(this.tok(':')); while (' ' == this.input[0]) this.input = this.input.substr(1); } else { tok = this.tok('tag', name); } tok.selfClosing = !! captures[2]; return tok; } },
/** * Filter. */
filter: function() { return this.scan(/^:([\w\-]+)/, 'filter'); },
/** * Doctype. */
doctype: function() { if (this.scan(/^!!! *([^\n]+)?/, 'doctype')) { throw new Error('`!!!` is deprecated, you must now use `doctype`'); } var node = this.scan(/^(?:doctype) *([^\n]+)?/, 'doctype'); if (node && node.val && node.val.trim() === '5') { throw new Error('`doctype 5` is deprecated, you must now use `doctype html`'); } return node; },
/** * Id. */
id: function() { return this.scan(/^#([\w-]+)/, 'id'); },
/** * Class. */
className: function() { return this.scan(/^\.([\w-]+)/, 'class'); },
/** * Text. */
text: function() { return this.scan(/^(?:\| ?| )([^\n]+)/, 'text') || this.scan(/^(<[^\n]*)/, 'text'); },
textFail: function () { var tok; if (tok = this.scan(/^([^\.\n][^\n]+)/, 'text')) { console.warn('Warning: missing space before text for line ' + this.lineno + ' of jade file "' + this.filename + '"'); return tok; } },
/** * Dot. */
dot: function() { return this.scan(/^\./, 'dot'); },
/** * Extends. */
"extends": function() { return this.scan(/^extends? +([^\n]+)/, 'extends'); },
/** * Block prepend. */
prepend: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^prepend +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var mode = 'prepend' , name = captures[1] , tok = this.tok('block', name); tok.mode = mode; return tok; } },
/** * Block append. */
append: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^append +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var mode = 'append' , name = captures[1] , tok = this.tok('block', name); tok.mode = mode; return tok; } },
/** * Block. */
block: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^block\b *(?:(prepend|append) +)?([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var mode = captures[1] || 'replace' , name = captures[2] , tok = this.tok('block', name);
tok.mode = mode; return tok; } },
/** * Mixin Block. */
mixinBlock: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^block\s*(\n|$)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length - 1); return this.tok('mixin-block'); } },
/** * Yield. */
yield: function() { return this.scan(/^yield */, 'yield'); },
/** * Include. */
include: function() { return this.scan(/^include +([^\n]+)/, 'include'); },
/** * Include with filter */
includeFiltered: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^include:([\w\-]+) +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var filter = captures[1]; var path = captures[2]; var tok = this.tok('include', path); tok.filter = filter; return tok; } },
/** * Case. */
"case": function() { return this.scan(/^case +([^\n]+)/, 'case'); },
/** * When. */
when: function() { return this.scan(/^when +([^:\n]+)/, 'when'); },
/** * Default. */
"default": function() { return this.scan(/^default */, 'default'); },
/** * Call mixin. */
call: function(){
var tok, captures; if (captures = /^\+(([-\w]+)|(#\{))/.exec(this.input)) { // try to consume simple or interpolated call
if (captures[2]) { // simple call
this.consume(captures[0].length); tok = this.tok('call', captures[2]); } else { // interpolated call
var match; try { match = this.bracketExpression(2); } catch (ex) { return;//not an interpolation expression, just an unmatched open interpolation
} this.consume(match.end + 1); assertExpression(match.src); tok = this.tok('call', '#{'+match.src+'}'); }
// Check for args (not attributes)
if (captures = /^ *\(/.exec(this.input)) { try { var range = this.bracketExpression(captures[0].length - 1); if (!/^ *[-\w]+ *=/.test(range.src)) { // not attributes
this.consume(range.end + 1); tok.args = range.src; } } catch (ex) { //not a bracket expcetion, just unmatched open parens
} }
return tok; } },
/** * Mixin. */
mixin: function(){ var captures; if (captures = /^mixin +([-\w]+)(?: *\((.*)\))? */.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var tok = this.tok('mixin', captures[1]); tok.args = captures[2]; return tok; } },
/** * Conditional. */
conditional: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(if|unless|else if|else)\b([^\n]*)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var type = captures[1] , js = captures[2];
switch (type) { case 'if': assertExpression(js) js = 'if (' + js + ')'; break; case 'unless': assertExpression(js) js = 'if (!(' + js + '))'; break; case 'else if': assertExpression(js) js = 'else if (' + js + ')'; break; case 'else': if (js && js.trim()) { throw new Error('`else` cannot have a condition, perhaps you meant `else if`'); } js = 'else'; break; }
return this.tok('code', js); } },
/** * While. */
"while": function() { var captures; if (captures = /^while +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); assertExpression(captures[1]) return this.tok('code', 'while (' + captures[1] + ')'); } },
/** * Each. */
each: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(?:- *)?(?:each|for) +([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)(?: *, *([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*))? * in *([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var tok = this.tok('each', captures[1]); tok.key = captures[2] || '$index'; assertExpression(captures[3]) tok.code = captures[3]; return tok; } },
/** * Code. */
code: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(!?=|-)[ \t]*([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var flags = captures[1]; captures[1] = captures[2]; var tok = this.tok('code', captures[1]); tok.escape = flags.charAt(0) === '='; tok.buffer = flags.charAt(0) === '=' || flags.charAt(1) === '='; if (tok.buffer) assertExpression(captures[1]) return tok; } },
/** * Attributes. */
attrs: function() { if ('(' == this.input.charAt(0)) { var index = this.bracketExpression().end , str = this.input.substr(1, index-1) , tok = this.tok('attrs');
var quote = ''; var interpolate = function (attr) { return attr.replace(/(\\)?#\{(.+)/g, function(_, escape, expr){ if (escape) return _; try { var range = characterParser.parseMax(expr); if (expr[range.end] !== '}') return _.substr(0, 2) + interpolate(_.substr(2)); assertExpression(range.src) return quote + " + (" + range.src + ") + " + quote + interpolate(expr.substr(range.end + 1)); } catch (ex) { return _.substr(0, 2) + interpolate(_.substr(2)); } }); }
this.consume(index + 1); tok.attrs = [];
var escapedAttr = true var key = ''; var val = ''; var interpolatable = ''; var state = characterParser.defaultState(); var loc = 'key'; var isEndOfAttribute = function (i) { if (key.trim() === '') return false; if (i === str.length) return true; if (loc === 'key') { if (str[i] === ' ' || str[i] === '\n') { for (var x = i; x < str.length; x++) { if (str[x] != ' ' && str[x] != '\n') { if (str[x] === '=' || str[x] === '!' || str[x] === ',') return false; else return true; } } } return str[i] === ',' } else if (loc === 'value' && !state.isNesting()) { try { Function('', 'return (' + val + ');'); if (str[i] === ' ' || str[i] === '\n') { for (var x = i; x < str.length; x++) { if (str[x] != ' ' && str[x] != '\n') { if (characterParser.isPunctuator(str[x]) && str[x] != '"' && str[x] != "'") return false; else return true; } } } return str[i] === ','; } catch (ex) { return false; } } }
this.lineno += str.split("\n").length - 1;
for (var i = 0; i <= str.length; i++) { if (isEndOfAttribute(i)) { val = val.trim(); if (val) assertExpression(val) key = key.trim(); key = key.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, ''); tok.attrs.push({ name: key, val: '' == val ? true : val, escaped: escapedAttr }); key = val = ''; loc = 'key'; escapedAttr = false; } else { switch (loc) { case 'key-char': if (str[i] === quote) { loc = 'key'; if (i + 1 < str.length && [' ', ',', '!', '=', '\n'].indexOf(str[i + 1]) === -1) throw new Error('Unexpected character ' + str[i + 1] + ' expected ` `, `\\n`, `,`, `!` or `=`'); } else if (loc === 'key-char') { key += str[i]; } break; case 'key': if (key === '' && (str[i] === '"' || str[i] === "'")) { loc = 'key-char'; quote = str[i]; } else if (str[i] === '!' || str[i] === '=') { escapedAttr = str[i] !== '!'; if (str[i] === '!') i++; if (str[i] !== '=') throw new Error('Unexpected character ' + str[i] + ' expected `=`'); loc = 'value'; state = characterParser.defaultState(); } else { key += str[i] } break; case 'value': state = characterParser.parseChar(str[i], state); if (state.isString()) { loc = 'string'; quote = str[i]; interpolatable = str[i]; } else { val += str[i]; } break; case 'string': state = characterParser.parseChar(str[i], state); interpolatable += str[i]; if (!state.isString()) { loc = 'value'; val += interpolate(interpolatable); } break; } } }
if ('/' == this.input.charAt(0)) { this.consume(1); tok.selfClosing = true; }
return tok; } },
/** * &attributes block */ attributesBlock: function () { var captures; if (/^&attributes\b/.test(this.input)) { this.consume(11); var args = this.bracketExpression(); this.consume(args.end + 1); return this.tok('&attributes', args.src); } },
/** * Indent | Outdent | Newline. */
indent: function() { var captures, re;
// established regexp
if (this.indentRe) { captures = this.indentRe.exec(this.input); // determine regexp
} else { // tabs
re = /^\n(\t*) */; captures = re.exec(this.input);
// spaces
if (captures && !captures[1].length) { re = /^\n( *)/; captures = re.exec(this.input); }
// established
if (captures && captures[1].length) this.indentRe = re; }
if (captures) { var tok , indents = captures[1].length;
++this.lineno; this.consume(indents + 1);
if (' ' == this.input[0] || '\t' == this.input[0]) { throw new Error('Invalid indentation, you can use tabs or spaces but not both'); }
// blank line
if ('\n' == this.input[0]) return this.tok('newline');
// outdent
if (this.indentStack.length && indents < this.indentStack[0]) { while (this.indentStack.length && this.indentStack[0] > indents) { this.stash.push(this.tok('outdent')); this.indentStack.shift(); } tok = this.stash.pop(); // indent
} else if (indents && indents != this.indentStack[0]) { this.indentStack.unshift(indents); tok = this.tok('indent', indents); // newline
} else { tok = this.tok('newline'); }
return tok; } },
/** * Pipe-less text consumed only when * pipeless is true; */
pipelessText: function() { if (this.pipeless) { if ('\n' == this.input[0]) return; var i = this.input.indexOf('\n'); if (-1 == i) i = this.input.length; var str = this.input.substr(0, i); this.consume(str.length); return this.tok('text', str); } },
/** * ':' */
colon: function() { return this.scan(/^: */, ':'); },
fail: function () { if (/^ ($|\n)/.test(this.input)) { this.consume(1); return this.next(); } throw new Error('unexpected text ' + this.input.substr(0, 5)); },
/** * Return the next token object, or those * previously stashed by lookahead. * * @return {Object} * @api private */
advance: function(){ return this.stashed() || this.next(); },
/** * Return the next token object. * * @return {Object} * @api private */
next: function() { return this.deferred() || this.blank() || this.eos() || this.pipelessText() || this.yield() || this.doctype() || this.interpolation() || this["case"]() || this.when() || this["default"]() || this["extends"]() || this.append() || this.prepend() || this.block() || this.mixinBlock() || this.include() || this.includeFiltered() || this.mixin() || this.call() || this.conditional() || this.each() || this["while"]() || this.tag() || this.filter() || this.code() || this.id() || this.className() || this.attrs() || this.attributesBlock() || this.indent() || this.text() || this.comment() || this.colon() || this.dot() || this.textFail() || this.fail(); } };
},{"./utils":26,"character-parser":33}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node'); var Block = require('./block');
/** * Initialize a `Attrs` node. * * @api public */
var Attrs = module.exports = function Attrs() { this.attributeNames = []; this.attrs = []; this.attributeBlocks = []; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Attrs.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Attrs.prototype.constructor = Attrs;
Attrs.prototype.type = 'Attrs';
/** * Set attribute `name` to `val`, keep in mind these become * part of a raw js object literal, so to quote a value you must * '"quote me"', otherwise or example 'user.name' is literal JavaScript. * * @param {String} name * @param {String} val * @param {Boolean} escaped * @return {Tag} for chaining * @api public */
Attrs.prototype.setAttribute = function(name, val, escaped){ this.attributeNames = this.attributeNames || []; if (name !== 'class' && this.attributeNames.indexOf(name) !== -1) { throw new Error('Duplicate attribute "' + name + '" is not allowed.'); } this.attributeNames.push(name); this.attrs.push({ name: name, val: val, escaped: escaped }); return this; };
/** * Remove attribute `name` when present. * * @param {String} name * @api public */
Attrs.prototype.removeAttribute = function(name){ for (var i = 0, len = this.attrs.length; i < len; ++i) { if (this.attrs[i] && this.attrs[i].name == name) { delete this.attrs[i]; } } };
/** * Get attribute value by `name`. * * @param {String} name * @return {String} * @api public */
Attrs.prototype.getAttribute = function(name){ for (var i = 0, len = this.attrs.length; i < len; ++i) { if (this.attrs[i] && this.attrs[i].name == name) { return this.attrs[i].val; } } };
Attrs.prototype.addAttributes = function (src) { this.attributeBlocks.push(src); };
},{"./block":9,"./node":20}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a `BlockComment` with the given `block`. * * @param {String} val * @param {Block} block * @param {Boolean} buffer * @api public */
var BlockComment = module.exports = function BlockComment(val, block, buffer) { this.block = block; this.val = val; this.buffer = buffer; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
BlockComment.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); BlockComment.prototype.constructor = BlockComment;
BlockComment.prototype.type = 'BlockComment';
},{"./node":20}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a new `Block` with an optional `node`. * * @param {Node} node * @api public */
var Block = module.exports = function Block(node){ this.nodes = []; if (node) this.push(node); };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Block.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Block.prototype.constructor = Block;
Block.prototype.type = 'Block';
/** * Block flag. */
Block.prototype.isBlock = true;
/** * Replace the nodes in `other` with the nodes * in `this` block. * * @param {Block} other * @api private */
Block.prototype.replace = function(other){ other.nodes = this.nodes; };
/** * Pust the given `node`. * * @param {Node} node * @return {Number} * @api public */
Block.prototype.push = function(node){ return this.nodes.push(node); };
/** * Check if this block is empty. * * @return {Boolean} * @api public */
Block.prototype.isEmpty = function(){ return 0 == this.nodes.length; };
/** * Unshift the given `node`. * * @param {Node} node * @return {Number} * @api public */
Block.prototype.unshift = function(node){ return this.nodes.unshift(node); };
/** * Return the "last" block, or the first `yield` node. * * @return {Block} * @api private */
Block.prototype.includeBlock = function(){ var ret = this , node;
for (var i = 0, len = this.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { node = this.nodes[i]; if (node.yield) return node; else if (node.textOnly) continue; else if (node.includeBlock) ret = node.includeBlock(); else if (node.block && !node.block.isEmpty()) ret = node.block.includeBlock(); if (ret.yield) return ret; }
return ret; };
/** * Return a clone of this block. * * @return {Block} * @api private */
Block.prototype.clone = function(){ var clone = new Block; for (var i = 0, len = this.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { clone.push(this.nodes[i].clone()); } return clone; };
},{"./node":20}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a new `Case` with `expr`. * * @param {String} expr * @api public */
var Case = exports = module.exports = function Case(expr, block){ this.expr = expr; this.block = block; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Case.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Case.prototype.constructor = Case;
Case.prototype.type = 'Case';
var When = exports.When = function When(expr, block){ this.expr = expr; this.block = block; this.debug = false; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
When.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); When.prototype.constructor = When;
When.prototype.type = 'When';
},{"./node":20}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a `Code` node with the given code `val`. * Code may also be optionally buffered and escaped. * * @param {String} val * @param {Boolean} buffer * @param {Boolean} escape * @api public */
var Code = module.exports = function Code(val, buffer, escape) { this.val = val; this.buffer = buffer; this.escape = escape; if (val.match(/^ *else/)) this.debug = false; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Code.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Code.prototype.constructor = Code;
Code.prototype.type = 'Code'; // prevent the minifiers removing this
},{"./node":20}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a `Comment` with the given `val`, optionally `buffer`, * otherwise the comment may render in the output. * * @param {String} val * @param {Boolean} buffer * @api public */
var Comment = module.exports = function Comment(val, buffer) { this.val = val; this.buffer = buffer; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Comment.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Comment.prototype.constructor = Comment;
Comment.prototype.type = 'Comment';
},{"./node":20}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a `Doctype` with the given `val`. * * @param {String} val * @api public */
var Doctype = module.exports = function Doctype(val) { this.val = val; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Doctype.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Doctype.prototype.constructor = Doctype;
Doctype.prototype.type = 'Doctype';
},{"./node":20}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize an `Each` node, representing iteration * * @param {String} obj * @param {String} val * @param {String} key * @param {Block} block * @api public */
var Each = module.exports = function Each(obj, val, key, block) { this.obj = obj; this.val = val; this.key = key; this.block = block; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Each.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Each.prototype.constructor = Each;
Each.prototype.type = 'Each';
},{"./node":20}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node') var Block = require('./block');
/** * Initialize a `Filter` node with the given * filter `name` and `block`. * * @param {String} name * @param {Block|Node} block * @api public */
var Filter = module.exports = function Filter(name, block, attrs) { this.name = name; this.block = block; this.attrs = attrs; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Filter.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Filter.prototype.constructor = Filter;
Filter.prototype.type = 'Filter';
},{"./block":9,"./node":20}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
exports.Node = require('./node'); exports.Tag = require('./tag'); exports.Code = require('./code'); exports.Each = require('./each'); exports.Case = require('./case'); exports.Text = require('./text'); exports.Block = require('./block'); exports.MixinBlock = require('./mixin-block'); exports.Mixin = require('./mixin'); exports.Filter = require('./filter'); exports.Comment = require('./comment'); exports.Literal = require('./literal'); exports.BlockComment = require('./block-comment'); exports.Doctype = require('./doctype');
},{"./block":9,"./block-comment":8,"./case":10,"./code":11,"./comment":12,"./doctype":13,"./each":14,"./filter":15,"./literal":17,"./mixin":19,"./mixin-block":18,"./node":20,"./tag":21,"./text":22}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a `Literal` node with the given `str.
* * @param {String} str * @api public */
var Literal = module.exports = function Literal(str) { this.str = str; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Literal.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Literal.prototype.constructor = Literal;
Literal.prototype.type = 'Literal';
},{"./node":20}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a new `Block` with an optional `node`. * * @param {Node} node * @api public */
var MixinBlock = module.exports = function MixinBlock(){};
// Inherit from `Node`.
MixinBlock.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); MixinBlock.prototype.constructor = MixinBlock;
MixinBlock.prototype.type = 'MixinBlock';
},{"./node":20}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Attrs = require('./attrs');
/** * Initialize a new `Mixin` with `name` and `block`. * * @param {String} name * @param {String} args * @param {Block} block * @api public */
var Mixin = module.exports = function Mixin(name, args, block, call){ this.name = name; this.args = args; this.block = block; this.attrs = []; this.attributeBlocks = []; this.call = call; };
// Inherit from `Attrs`.
Mixin.prototype = Object.create(Attrs.prototype); Mixin.prototype.constructor = Mixin;
Mixin.prototype.type = 'Mixin';
},{"./attrs":7}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = module.exports = function Node(){};
/** * Clone this node (return itself) * * @return {Node} * @api private */
Node.prototype.clone = function(){ return this; };
Node.prototype.type = '';
},{}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Attrs = require('./attrs'); var Block = require('./block'); var inlineTags = require('../inline-tags');
/** * Initialize a `Tag` node with the given tag `name` and optional `block`. * * @param {String} name * @param {Block} block * @api public */
var Tag = module.exports = function Tag(name, block) { this.name = name; this.attrs = []; this.attributeBlocks = []; this.block = block || new Block; };
// Inherit from `Attrs`.
Tag.prototype = Object.create(Attrs.prototype); Tag.prototype.constructor = Tag;
Tag.prototype.type = 'Tag';
/** * Clone this tag. * * @return {Tag} * @api private */
Tag.prototype.clone = function(){ var clone = new Tag(this.name, this.block.clone()); clone.line = this.line; clone.attrs = this.attrs; clone.textOnly = this.textOnly; return clone; };
/** * Check if this tag is an inline tag. * * @return {Boolean} * @api private */
Tag.prototype.isInline = function(){ return ~inlineTags.indexOf(this.name); };
/** * Check if this tag's contents can be inlined. Used for pretty printing. * * @return {Boolean} * @api private */
Tag.prototype.canInline = function(){ var nodes = this.block.nodes;
function isInline(node){ // Recurse if the node is a block
if (node.isBlock) return node.nodes.every(isInline); return node.isText || (node.isInline && node.isInline()); }
// Empty tag
if (!nodes.length) return true;
// Text-only or inline-only tag
if (1 == nodes.length) return isInline(nodes[0]);
// Multi-line inline-only tag
if (this.block.nodes.every(isInline)) { for (var i = 1, len = nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { if (nodes[i-1].isText && nodes[i].isText) return false; } return true; }
// Mixed tag
return false; };
},{"../inline-tags":4,"./attrs":7,"./block":9}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Node = require('./node');
/** * Initialize a `Text` node with optional `line`. * * @param {String} line * @api public */
var Text = module.exports = function Text(line) { this.val = ''; if ('string' == typeof line) this.val = line; };
// Inherit from `Node`.
Text.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype); Text.prototype.constructor = Text;
Text.prototype.type = 'Text';
/** * Flag as text. */
Text.prototype.isText = true; },{"./node":20}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
var Lexer = require('./lexer'); var nodes = require('./nodes'); var utils = require('./utils'); var filters = require('./filters'); var path = require('path'); var constantinople = require('constantinople'); var parseJSExpression = require('character-parser').parseMax; var extname = path.extname;
/** * Initialize `Parser` with the given input `str` and `filename`. * * @param {String} str * @param {String} filename * @param {Object} options * @api public */
var Parser = exports = module.exports = function Parser(str, filename, options){ //Strip any UTF-8 BOM off of the start of `str`, if it exists.
this.input = str.replace(/^\uFEFF/, ''); this.lexer = new Lexer(this.input, filename); this.filename = filename; this.blocks = {}; this.mixins = {}; this.options = options; this.contexts = [this]; this.inMixin = false; };
/** * Parser prototype. */
Parser.prototype = {
/** * Save original constructor */
constructor: Parser,
/** * Push `parser` onto the context stack, * or pop and return a `Parser`. */
context: function(parser){ if (parser) { this.contexts.push(parser); } else { return this.contexts.pop(); } },
/** * Return the next token object. * * @return {Object} * @api private */
advance: function(){ return this.lexer.advance(); },
/** * Skip `n` tokens. * * @param {Number} n * @api private */
skip: function(n){ while (n--) this.advance(); },
/** * Single token lookahead. * * @return {Object} * @api private */
peek: function() { return this.lookahead(1); },
/** * Return lexer lineno. * * @return {Number} * @api private */
line: function() { return this.lexer.lineno; },
/** * `n` token lookahead. * * @param {Number} n * @return {Object} * @api private */
lookahead: function(n){ return this.lexer.lookahead(n); },
/** * Parse input returning a string of js for evaluation. * * @return {String} * @api public */
parse: function(){ var block = new nodes.Block, parser; block.line = 0; block.filename = this.filename;
while ('eos' != this.peek().type) { if ('newline' == this.peek().type) { this.advance(); } else { var next = this.peek(); var expr = this.parseExpr(); expr.filename = expr.filename || this.filename; expr.line = next.line; block.push(expr); } }
if (parser = this.extending) { this.context(parser); var ast = parser.parse(); this.context();
// hoist mixins
for (var name in this.mixins) ast.unshift(this.mixins[name]); return ast; }
return block; },
/** * Expect the given type, or throw an exception. * * @param {String} type * @api private */
expect: function(type){ if (this.peek().type === type) { return this.advance(); } else { throw new Error('expected "' + type + '", but got "' + this.peek().type + '"'); } },
/** * Accept the given `type`. * * @param {String} type * @api private */
accept: function(type){ if (this.peek().type === type) { return this.advance(); } },
/** * tag * | doctype * | mixin * | include * | filter * | comment * | text * | each * | code * | yield * | id * | class * | interpolation */
parseExpr: function(){ switch (this.peek().type) { case 'tag': return this.parseTag(); case 'mixin': return this.parseMixin(); case 'block': return this.parseBlock(); case 'mixin-block': return this.parseMixinBlock(); case 'case': return this.parseCase(); case 'when': return this.parseWhen(); case 'default': return this.parseDefault(); case 'extends': return this.parseExtends(); case 'include': return this.parseInclude(); case 'doctype': return this.parseDoctype(); case 'filter': return this.parseFilter(); case 'comment': return this.parseComment(); case 'text': return this.parseText(); case 'each': return this.parseEach(); case 'code': return this.parseCode(); case 'call': return this.parseCall(); case 'interpolation': return this.parseInterpolation(); case 'yield': this.advance(); var block = new nodes.Block; block.yield = true; return block; case 'id': case 'class': var tok = this.advance(); this.lexer.defer(this.lexer.tok('tag', 'div')); this.lexer.defer(tok); return this.parseExpr(); default: throw new Error('unexpected token "' + this.peek().type + '"'); } },
/** * Text */
parseText: function(){ var tok = this.expect('text'); var tokens = this.parseTextWithInlineTags(tok.val); if (tokens.length === 1) return tokens[0]; var node = new nodes.Block; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { node.push(tokens[i]); }; return node; },
/** * ':' expr * | block */
parseBlockExpansion: function(){ if (':' == this.peek().type) { this.advance(); return new nodes.Block(this.parseExpr()); } else { return this.block(); } },
/** * case */
parseCase: function(){ var val = this.expect('case').val; var node = new nodes.Case(val); node.line = this.line(); node.block = this.block(); return node; },
/** * when */
parseWhen: function(){ var val = this.expect('when').val return new nodes.Case.When(val, this.parseBlockExpansion()); },
/** * default */
parseDefault: function(){ this.expect('default'); return new nodes.Case.When('default', this.parseBlockExpansion()); },
/** * code */
parseCode: function(){ var tok = this.expect('code'); var node = new nodes.Code(tok.val, tok.buffer, tok.escape); var block; var i = 1; node.line = this.line(); while (this.lookahead(i) && 'newline' == this.lookahead(i).type) ++i; block = 'indent' == this.lookahead(i).type; if (block) { this.skip(i-1); node.block = this.block(); } return node; },
/** * comment */
parseComment: function(){ var tok = this.expect('comment'); var node;
if ('indent' == this.peek().type) { this.lexer.pipeless = true; node = new nodes.BlockComment(tok.val, this.parseTextBlock(), tok.buffer); this.lexer.pipeless = false; } else { node = new nodes.Comment(tok.val, tok.buffer); }
node.line = this.line(); return node; },
/** * doctype */
parseDoctype: function(){ var tok = this.expect('doctype'); var node = new nodes.Doctype(tok.val); node.line = this.line(); return node; },
/** * filter attrs? text-block */
parseFilter: function(){ var tok = this.expect('filter'); var attrs = this.accept('attrs'); var block;
if ('indent' == this.peek().type) { this.lexer.pipeless = true; block = this.parseTextBlock(); this.lexer.pipeless = false; } else { block = new nodes.Block; }
var options = {}; if (attrs) { attrs.attrs.forEach(function (attribute) { options[attribute.name] = constantinople.toConstant(attribute.val); }); }
var node = new nodes.Filter(tok.val, block, options); node.line = this.line(); return node; },
/** * each block */
parseEach: function(){ var tok = this.expect('each'); var node = new nodes.Each(tok.code, tok.val, tok.key); node.line = this.line(); node.block = this.block(); if (this.peek().type == 'code' && this.peek().val == 'else') { this.advance(); node.alternative = this.block(); } return node; },
/** * Resolves a path relative to the template for use in * includes and extends * * @param {String} path * @param {String} purpose Used in error messages. * @return {String} * @api private */
resolvePath: function (path, purpose) { var p = require('path'); var dirname = p.dirname; var basename = p.basename; var join = p.join;
if (path[0] !== '/' && !this.filename) throw new Error('the "filename" option is required to use "' + purpose + '" with "relative" paths');
if (path[0] === '/' && !this.options.basedir) throw new Error('the "basedir" option is required to use "' + purpose + '" with "absolute" paths');
path = join(path[0] === '/' ? this.options.basedir : dirname(this.filename), path);
if (basename(path).indexOf('.') === -1) path += '.jade';
return path; },
/** * 'extends' name */
parseExtends: function(){ var fs = require('fs');
var path = this.resolvePath(this.expect('extends').val.trim(), 'extends'); if ('.jade' != path.substr(-5)) path += '.jade';
var str = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); var parser = new this.constructor(str, path, this.options);
parser.blocks = this.blocks; parser.contexts = this.contexts; this.extending = parser;
// TODO: null node
return new nodes.Literal(''); },
/** * 'block' name block */
parseBlock: function(){ var block = this.expect('block'); var mode = block.mode; var name = block.val.trim();
block = 'indent' == this.peek().type ? this.block() : new nodes.Block(new nodes.Literal(''));
var prev = this.blocks[name] || {prepended: [], appended: []} if (prev.mode === 'replace') return this.blocks[name] = prev;
var allNodes = prev.prepended.concat(block.nodes).concat(prev.appended);
switch (mode) { case 'append': prev.appended = prev.parser === this ? prev.appended.concat(block.nodes) : block.nodes.concat(prev.appended); break; case 'prepend': prev.prepended = prev.parser === this ? block.nodes.concat(prev.prepended) : prev.prepended.concat(block.nodes); break; } block.nodes = allNodes; block.appended = prev.appended; block.prepended = prev.prepended; block.mode = mode; block.parser = this;
return this.blocks[name] = block; },
parseMixinBlock: function () { var block = this.expect('mixin-block'); if (!this.inMixin) { throw new Error('Anonymous blocks are not allowed unless they are part of a mixin.'); } return new nodes.MixinBlock(); },
/** * include block? */
parseInclude: function(){ var fs = require('fs'); var tok = this.expect('include');
var path = this.resolvePath(tok.val.trim(), 'include');
// has-filter
if (tok.filter) { var str = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8').replace(/\r/g, ''); str = filters(tok.filter, str, { filename: path }); return new nodes.Literal(str); }
// non-jade
if ('.jade' != path.substr(-5)) { var str = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8').replace(/\r/g, ''); return new nodes.Literal(str); }
var str = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); var parser = new this.constructor(str, path, this.options); parser.blocks = utils.merge({}, this.blocks);
parser.mixins = this.mixins;
this.context(parser); var ast = parser.parse(); this.context(); ast.filename = path;
if ('indent' == this.peek().type) { ast.includeBlock().push(this.block()); }
return ast; },
/** * call ident block */
parseCall: function(){ var tok = this.expect('call'); var name = tok.val; var args = tok.args; var mixin = new nodes.Mixin(name, args, new nodes.Block, true);
this.tag(mixin); if (mixin.code) { mixin.block.push(mixin.code); mixin.code = null; } if (mixin.block.isEmpty()) mixin.block = null; return mixin; },
/** * mixin block */
parseMixin: function(){ var tok = this.expect('mixin'); var name = tok.val; var args = tok.args; var mixin;
// definition
if ('indent' == this.peek().type) { this.inMixin = true; mixin = new nodes.Mixin(name, args, this.block(), false); this.mixins[name] = mixin; this.inMixin = false; return mixin; // call
} else { return new nodes.Mixin(name, args, null, true); } },
parseTextWithInlineTags: function (str) { var line = this.line();
var match = /(\\)?#\[((?:.|\n)*)$/.exec(str); if (match) { if (match[1]) { // escape
var text = new nodes.Text(str.substr(0, match.index) + '#['); text.line = line; var rest = this.parseTextWithInlineTags(match[2]); if (rest[0].type === 'Text') { text.val += rest[0].val; rest.shift(); } return [text].concat(rest); } else { var text = new nodes.Text(str.substr(0, match.index)); text.line = line; var buffer = [text]; var rest = match[2]; var range = parseJSExpression(rest); var inner = new Parser(range.src, this.filename, this.options); buffer.push(inner.parse()); return buffer.concat(this.parseTextWithInlineTags(rest.substr(range.end + 1))); } } else { var text = new nodes.Text(str); text.line = line; return [text]; } },
/** * indent (text | newline)* outdent */
parseTextBlock: function(){ var block = new nodes.Block; block.line = this.line(); var spaces = this.expect('indent').val; if (null == this._spaces) this._spaces = spaces; var indent = Array(spaces - this._spaces + 1).join(' '); while ('outdent' != this.peek().type) { switch (this.peek().type) { case 'newline': this.advance(); break; case 'indent': this.parseTextBlock(true).nodes.forEach(function(node){ block.push(node); }); break; default: var texts = this.parseTextWithInlineTags(indent + this.advance().val); texts.forEach(function (text) { block.push(text); }); } }
if (spaces == this._spaces) this._spaces = null; this.expect('outdent');
return block; },
/** * indent expr* outdent */
block: function(){ var block = new nodes.Block; block.line = this.line(); block.filename = this.filename; this.expect('indent'); while ('outdent' != this.peek().type) { if ('newline' == this.peek().type) { this.advance(); } else { var expr = this.parseExpr(); expr.filename = this.filename; block.push(expr); } } this.expect('outdent'); return block; },
/** * interpolation (attrs | class | id)* (text | code | ':')? newline* block? */
parseInterpolation: function(){ var tok = this.advance(); var tag = new nodes.Tag(tok.val); tag.buffer = true; return this.tag(tag); },
/** * tag (attrs | class | id)* (text | code | ':')? newline* block? */
parseTag: function(){ var tok = this.advance(); var tag = new nodes.Tag(tok.val);
tag.selfClosing = tok.selfClosing;
return this.tag(tag); },
/** * Parse tag. */
tag: function(tag){ tag.line = this.line();
var seenAttrs = false; // (attrs | class | id)*
out: while (true) { switch (this.peek().type) { case 'id': case 'class': var tok = this.advance(); tag.setAttribute(tok.type, "'" + tok.val + "'"); continue; case 'attrs': if (seenAttrs) { console.warn('You should not have jade tags with multiple attributes.'); } seenAttrs = true; var tok = this.advance(); var attrs = tok.attrs;
if (tok.selfClosing) tag.selfClosing = true;
for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { tag.setAttribute(attrs[i].name, attrs[i].val, attrs[i].escaped); } continue; case '&attributes': var tok = this.advance(); tag.addAttributes(tok.val); break; default: break out; } }
// check immediate '.'
if ('dot' == this.peek().type) { tag.textOnly = true; this.advance(); } if (tag.selfClosing && ['newline', 'outdent', 'eos'].indexOf(this.peek().type) === -1 && (this.peek().type !== 'text' || /^\s*$/.text(this.peek().val))) { throw new Error(name + ' is self closing and should not have content.'); }
// (text | code | ':')?
switch (this.peek().type) { case 'text': tag.block.push(this.parseText()); break; case 'code': tag.code = this.parseCode(); break; case ':': this.advance(); tag.block = new nodes.Block; tag.block.push(this.parseExpr()); break; case 'newline': case 'indent': case 'outdent': case 'eos': break; default: throw new Error('Unexpected token `' + this.peek().type + '` expected `text`, `code`, `:`, `newline` or `eos`') }
// newline*
while ('newline' == this.peek().type) this.advance();
// block?
if ('indent' == this.peek().type) { if (tag.textOnly) { this.lexer.pipeless = true; tag.block = this.parseTextBlock(); this.lexer.pipeless = false; } else { var block = this.block(); if (tag.block) { for (var i = 0, len = block.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { tag.block.push(block.nodes[i]); } } else { tag.block = block; } } }
return tag; } };
},{"./filters":3,"./lexer":6,"./nodes":16,"./utils":26,"character-parser":33,"constantinople":34,"fs":27,"path":30}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
/** * Merge two attribute objects giving precedence * to values in object `b`. Classes are special-cased * allowing for arrays and merging/joining appropriately * resulting in a string. * * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b * @return {Object} a * @api private */
exports.merge = function merge(a, b) { if (arguments.length === 1) { var attrs = a[0]; for (var i = 1; i < a.length; i++) { attrs = merge(attrs, a[i]); } return attrs; } var ac = a['class']; var bc = b['class'];
if (ac || bc) { ac = ac || []; bc = bc || []; if (!Array.isArray(ac)) ac = [ac]; if (!Array.isArray(bc)) bc = [bc]; a['class'] = ac.concat(bc).filter(nulls); }
for (var key in b) { if (key != 'class') { a[key] = b[key]; } }
return a; };
/** * Filter null `val`s. * * @param {*} val * @return {Boolean} * @api private */
function nulls(val) { return val != null && val !== ''; }
/** * join array as classes. * * @param {*} val * @return {String} */ exports.joinClasses = joinClasses; function joinClasses(val) { return Array.isArray(val) ? val.map(joinClasses).filter(nulls).join(' ') : val; }
/** * Render the given classes. * * @param {Array} classes * @param {Array.<Boolean>} escaped * @return {String} */ exports.cls = function cls(classes, escaped) { var buf = []; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { if (escaped && escaped[i]) { buf.push(exports.escape(joinClasses([classes[i]]))); } else { buf.push(joinClasses(classes[i])); } } var text = joinClasses(buf); if (text.length) { return ' class="' + text + '"'; } else { return ''; } };
/** * Render the given attribute. * * @param {String} key * @param {String} val * @param {Boolean} escaped * @param {Boolean} terse * @return {String} */ exports.attr = function attr(key, val, escaped, terse) { if ('boolean' == typeof val || null == val) { if (val) { return ' ' + (terse ? key : key + '="' + key + '"'); } else { return ''; } } else if (0 == key.indexOf('data') && 'string' != typeof val) { return ' ' + key + "='" + JSON.stringify(val).replace(/'/g, ''') + "'"; } else if (escaped) { return ' ' + key + '="' + exports.escape(val) + '"'; } else { return ' ' + key + '="' + val + '"'; } };
/** * Render the given attributes object. * * @param {Object} obj * @param {Object} escaped * @return {String} */ exports.attrs = function attrs(obj, terse){ var buf = [];
var keys = Object.keys(obj);
if (keys.length) { for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var key = keys[i] , val = obj[key];
if ('class' == key) { if (val = joinClasses(val)) { buf.push(' ' + key + '="' + val + '"'); } } else { buf.push(exports.attr(key, val, false, terse)); } } }
return buf.join(''); };
/** * Escape the given string of `html`. * * @param {String} html * @return {String} * @api private */
exports.escape = function escape(html){ var result = String(html) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); if (result === '' + html) return html; else return result; };
/** * Re-throw the given `err` in context to the * the jade in `filename` at the given `lineno`. * * @param {Error} err * @param {String} filename * @param {String} lineno * @api private */
exports.rethrow = function rethrow(err, filename, lineno, str){ if (!(err instanceof Error)) throw err; if ((typeof window != 'undefined' || !filename) && !str) { err.message += ' on line ' + lineno; throw err; } try { str = str || require('fs').readFileSync(filename, 'utf8') } catch (ex) { rethrow(err, null, lineno) } var context = 3 , lines = str.split('\n') , start = Math.max(lineno - context, 0) , end = Math.min(lines.length, lineno + context);
// Error context
var context = lines.slice(start, end).map(function(line, i){ var curr = i + start + 1; return (curr == lineno ? ' > ' : ' ') + curr + '| ' + line; }).join('\n');
// Alter exception message
err.path = filename; err.message = (filename || 'Jade') + ':' + lineno + '\n' + context + '\n\n' + err.message; throw err; };
},{"fs":27}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
// source: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#void-elements
module.exports = [ 'area' , 'base' , 'br' , 'col' , 'embed' , 'hr' , 'img' , 'input' , 'keygen' , 'link' , 'menuitem' , 'meta' , 'param' , 'source' , 'track' , 'wbr' ];
},{}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict';
/** * Merge `b` into `a`. * * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b * @return {Object} * @api public */
exports.merge = function(a, b) { for (var key in b) a[key] = b[key]; return a; };
},{}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module
module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); }; } else { // old school shim for old browsers
module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor var TempCtor = function () {} TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor } }
},{}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser
var process = module.exports = {};
process.nextTick = (function () { var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.setImmediate; var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener ;
if (canSetImmediate) { return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) }; }
if (canPost) { var queue = []; window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) { var source = ev.source; if ((source === window || source === null) && ev.data === 'process-tick') { ev.stopPropagation(); if (queue.length > 0) { var fn = queue.shift(); fn(); } } }, true);
return function nextTick(fn) { queue.push(fn); window.postMessage('process-tick', '*'); }; }
return function nextTick(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; })();
process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = [];
process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); }
// TODO(shtylman)
process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); };
},{}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ var process=require("__browserify_process");// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// resolves . and .. elements in a path array with directory names there
// must be no slashes, empty elements, or device names (c:\) in the array
// (so also no leading and trailing slashes - it does not distinguish
// relative and absolute paths)
function normalizeArray(parts, allowAboveRoot) { // if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0
var up = 0; for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var last = parts[i]; if (last === '.') { parts.splice(i, 1); } else if (last === '..') { parts.splice(i, 1); up++; } else if (up) { parts.splice(i, 1); up--; } }
// if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s
if (allowAboveRoot) { for (; up--; up) { parts.unshift('..'); } }
return parts; }
// Split a filename into [root, dir, basename, ext], unix version
// 'root' is just a slash, or nothing.
var splitPathRe = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/; var splitPath = function(filename) { return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1); };
// path.resolve([from ...], to)
// posix version
exports.resolve = function() { var resolvedPath = '', resolvedAbsolute = false;
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) { var path = (i >= 0) ? arguments[i] : process.cwd();
// Skip empty and invalid entries
if (typeof path !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.resolve must be strings'); } else if (!path) { continue; }
resolvedPath = path + '/' + resolvedPath; resolvedAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === '/'; }
// At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but
// handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails)
// Normalize the path
resolvedPath = normalizeArray(filter(resolvedPath.split('/'), function(p) { return !!p; }), !resolvedAbsolute).join('/');
return ((resolvedAbsolute ? '/' : '') + resolvedPath) || '.'; };
// path.normalize(path)
// posix version
exports.normalize = function(path) { var isAbsolute = exports.isAbsolute(path), trailingSlash = substr(path, -1) === '/';
// Normalize the path
path = normalizeArray(filter(path.split('/'), function(p) { return !!p; }), !isAbsolute).join('/');
if (!path && !isAbsolute) { path = '.'; } if (path && trailingSlash) { path += '/'; }
return (isAbsolute ? '/' : '') + path; };
// posix version
exports.isAbsolute = function(path) { return path.charAt(0) === '/'; };
// posix version
exports.join = function() { var paths = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return exports.normalize(filter(paths, function(p, index) { if (typeof p !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.join must be strings'); } return p; }).join('/')); };
// path.relative(from, to)
// posix version
exports.relative = function(from, to) { from = exports.resolve(from).substr(1); to = exports.resolve(to).substr(1);
function trim(arr) { var start = 0; for (; start < arr.length; start++) { if (arr[start] !== '') break; }
var end = arr.length - 1; for (; end >= 0; end--) { if (arr[end] !== '') break; }
if (start > end) return []; return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1); }
var fromParts = trim(from.split('/')); var toParts = trim(to.split('/'));
var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length); var samePartsLength = length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) { samePartsLength = i; break; } }
var outputParts = []; for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) { outputParts.push('..'); }
outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength));
return outputParts.join('/'); };
exports.sep = '/'; exports.delimiter = ':';
exports.dirname = function(path) { var result = splitPath(path), root = result[0], dir = result[1];
if (!root && !dir) { // No dirname whatsoever
return '.'; }
if (dir) { // It has a dirname, strip trailing slash
dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1); }
return root + dir; };
exports.basename = function(path, ext) { var f = splitPath(path)[2]; // TODO: make this comparison case-insensitive on windows?
if (ext && f.substr(-1 * ext.length) === ext) { f = f.substr(0, f.length - ext.length); } return f; };
exports.extname = function(path) { return splitPath(path)[3]; };
function filter (xs, f) { if (xs.filter) return xs.filter(f); var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { if (f(xs[i], i, xs)) res.push(xs[i]); } return res; }
// String.prototype.substr - negative index don't work in IE8
var substr = 'ab'.substr(-1) === 'b' ? function (str, start, len) { return str.substr(start, len) } : function (str, start, len) { if (start < 0) start = str.length + start; return str.substr(start, len); } ;
},{"__browserify_process":29}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = function isBuffer(arg) { return arg && typeof arg === 'object' && typeof arg.copy === 'function' && typeof arg.fill === 'function' && typeof arg.readUInt8 === 'function'; } },{}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ var process=require("__browserify_process"),global=typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {};// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g; exports.format = function(f) { if (!isString(f)) { var objects = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { objects.push(inspect(arguments[i])); } return objects.join(' '); }
var i = 1; var args = arguments; var len = args.length; var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) { if (x === '%%') return '%'; if (i >= len) return x; switch (x) { case '%s': return String(args[i++]); case '%d': return Number(args[i++]); case '%j': try { return JSON.stringify(args[i++]); } catch (_) { return '[Circular]'; } default: return x; } }); for (var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]) { if (isNull(x) || !isObject(x)) { str += ' ' + x; } else { str += ' ' + inspect(x); } } return str; };
// Mark that a method should not be used.
// Returns a modified function which warns once by default.
// If --no-deprecation is set, then it is a no-op.
exports.deprecate = function(fn, msg) { // Allow for deprecating things in the process of starting up.
if (isUndefined(global.process)) { return function() { return exports.deprecate(fn, msg).apply(this, arguments); }; }
if (process.noDeprecation === true) { return fn; }
var warned = false; function deprecated() { if (!warned) { if (process.throwDeprecation) { throw new Error(msg); } else if (process.traceDeprecation) { console.trace(msg); } else { console.error(msg); } warned = true; } return fn.apply(this, arguments); }
return deprecated; };
var debugs = {}; var debugEnviron; exports.debuglog = function(set) { if (isUndefined(debugEnviron)) debugEnviron = process.env.NODE_DEBUG || ''; set = set.toUpperCase(); if (!debugs[set]) { if (new RegExp('\\b' + set + '\\b', 'i').test(debugEnviron)) { var pid = process.pid; debugs[set] = function() { var msg = exports.format.apply(exports, arguments); console.error('%s %d: %s', set, pid, msg); }; } else { debugs[set] = function() {}; } } return debugs[set]; };
/** * Echos the value of a value. Trys to print the value out * in the best way possible given the different types. * * @param {Object} obj The object to print out. * @param {Object} opts Optional options object that alters the output. */ /* legacy: obj, showHidden, depth, colors*/ function inspect(obj, opts) { // default options
var ctx = { seen: [], stylize: stylizeNoColor }; // legacy...
if (arguments.length >= 3) ctx.depth = arguments[2]; if (arguments.length >= 4) ctx.colors = arguments[3]; if (isBoolean(opts)) { // legacy...
ctx.showHidden = opts; } else if (opts) { // got an "options" object
exports._extend(ctx, opts); } // set default options
if (isUndefined(ctx.showHidden)) ctx.showHidden = false; if (isUndefined(ctx.depth)) ctx.depth = 2; if (isUndefined(ctx.colors)) ctx.colors = false; if (isUndefined(ctx.customInspect)) ctx.customInspect = true; if (ctx.colors) ctx.stylize = stylizeWithColor; return formatValue(ctx, obj, ctx.depth); } exports.inspect = inspect;
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics
inspect.colors = { 'bold' : [1, 22], 'italic' : [3, 23], 'underline' : [4, 24], 'inverse' : [7, 27], 'white' : [37, 39], 'grey' : [90, 39], 'black' : [30, 39], 'blue' : [34, 39], 'cyan' : [36, 39], 'green' : [32, 39], 'magenta' : [35, 39], 'red' : [31, 39], 'yellow' : [33, 39] };
// Don't use 'blue' not visible on cmd.exe
inspect.styles = { 'special': 'cyan', 'number': 'yellow', 'boolean': 'yellow', 'undefined': 'grey', 'null': 'bold', 'string': 'green', 'date': 'magenta', // "name": intentionally not styling
'regexp': 'red' };
function stylizeWithColor(str, styleType) { var style = inspect.styles[styleType];
if (style) { return '\u001b[' + inspect.colors[style][0] + 'm' + str + '\u001b[' + inspect.colors[style][1] + 'm'; } else { return str; } }
function stylizeNoColor(str, styleType) { return str; }
function arrayToHash(array) { var hash = {};
array.forEach(function(val, idx) { hash[val] = true; });
return hash; }
function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { // Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions.
// Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it
if (ctx.customInspect && value && isFunction(value.inspect) && // Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special
value.inspect !== exports.inspect && // Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check.
!(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) { var ret = value.inspect(recurseTimes, ctx); if (!isString(ret)) { ret = formatValue(ctx, ret, recurseTimes); } return ret; }
// Primitive types cannot have properties
var primitive = formatPrimitive(ctx, value); if (primitive) { return primitive; }
// Look up the keys of the object.
var keys = Object.keys(value); var visibleKeys = arrayToHash(keys);
if (ctx.showHidden) { keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value); }
// IE doesn't make error fields non-enumerable
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/dww52sbt(v=vs.94).aspx
if (isError(value) && (keys.indexOf('message') >= 0 || keys.indexOf('description') >= 0)) { return formatError(value); }
// Some type of object without properties can be shortcutted.
if (keys.length === 0) { if (isFunction(value)) { var name = value.name ? ': ' + value.name : ''; return ctx.stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special'); } if (isRegExp(value)) { return ctx.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value), 'regexp'); } if (isDate(value)) { return ctx.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(value), 'date'); } if (isError(value)) { return formatError(value); } }
var base = '', array = false, braces = ['{', '}'];
// Make Array say that they are Array
if (isArray(value)) { array = true; braces = ['[', ']']; }
// Make functions say that they are functions
if (isFunction(value)) { var n = value.name ? ': ' + value.name : ''; base = ' [Function' + n + ']'; }
// Make RegExps say that they are RegExps
if (isRegExp(value)) { base = ' ' + RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value); }
// Make dates with properties first say the date
if (isDate(value)) { base = ' ' + Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(value); }
// Make error with message first say the error
if (isError(value)) { base = ' ' + formatError(value); }
if (keys.length === 0 && (!array || value.length == 0)) { return braces[0] + base + braces[1]; }
if (recurseTimes < 0) { if (isRegExp(value)) { return ctx.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value), 'regexp'); } else { return ctx.stylize('[Object]', 'special'); } }
var output; if (array) { output = formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys); } else { output = keys.map(function(key) { return formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array); }); }
return reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces); }
function formatPrimitive(ctx, value) { if (isUndefined(value)) return ctx.stylize('undefined', 'undefined'); if (isString(value)) { var simple = '\'' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^"|"$/g, '') .replace(/'/g, "\\'") .replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\''; return ctx.stylize(simple, 'string'); } if (isNumber(value)) return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'number'); if (isBoolean(value)) return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'boolean'); // For some reason typeof null is "object", so special case here.
if (isNull(value)) return ctx.stylize('null', 'null'); }
function formatError(value) { return '[' + Error.prototype.toString.call(value) + ']'; }
function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys) { var output = []; for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; ++i) { if (hasOwnProperty(value, String(i))) { output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, String(i), true)); } else { output.push(''); } } keys.forEach(function(key) { if (!key.match(/^\d+$/)) { output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, true)); } }); return output; }
function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array) { var name, str, desc; desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) || { value: value[key] }; if (desc.get) { if (desc.set) { str = ctx.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special'); } else { str = ctx.stylize('[Getter]', 'special'); } } else { if (desc.set) { str = ctx.stylize('[Setter]', 'special'); } } if (!hasOwnProperty(visibleKeys, key)) { name = '[' + key + ']'; } if (!str) { if (ctx.seen.indexOf(desc.value) < 0) { if (isNull(recurseTimes)) { str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, null); } else { str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes - 1); } if (str.indexOf('\n') > -1) { if (array) { str = str.split('\n').map(function(line) { return ' ' + line; }).join('\n').substr(2); } else { str = '\n' + str.split('\n').map(function(line) { return ' ' + line; }).join('\n'); } } } else { str = ctx.stylize('[Circular]', 'special'); } } if (isUndefined(name)) { if (array && key.match(/^\d+$/)) { return str; } name = JSON.stringify('' + key); if (name.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)) { name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2); name = ctx.stylize(name, 'name'); } else { name = name.replace(/'/g, "\\'") .replace(/\\"/g, '"') .replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"); name = ctx.stylize(name, 'string'); } }
return name + ': ' + str; }
function reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces) { var numLinesEst = 0; var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) { numLinesEst++; if (cur.indexOf('\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++; return prev + cur.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, '').length + 1; }, 0);
if (length > 60) { return braces[0] + (base === '' ? '' : base + '\n ') + ' ' + output.join(',\n ') + ' ' + braces[1]; }
return braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1]; }
// NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof`
// because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`.
function isArray(ar) { return Array.isArray(ar); } exports.isArray = isArray;
function isBoolean(arg) { return typeof arg === 'boolean'; } exports.isBoolean = isBoolean;
function isNull(arg) { return arg === null; } exports.isNull = isNull;
function isNullOrUndefined(arg) { return arg == null; } exports.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined;
function isNumber(arg) { return typeof arg === 'number'; } exports.isNumber = isNumber;
function isString(arg) { return typeof arg === 'string'; } exports.isString = isString;
function isSymbol(arg) { return typeof arg === 'symbol'; } exports.isSymbol = isSymbol;
function isUndefined(arg) { return arg === void 0; } exports.isUndefined = isUndefined;
function isRegExp(re) { return isObject(re) && objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]'; } exports.isRegExp = isRegExp;
function isObject(arg) { return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; } exports.isObject = isObject;
function isDate(d) { return isObject(d) && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]'; } exports.isDate = isDate;
function isError(e) { return isObject(e) && (objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error); } exports.isError = isError;
function isFunction(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function'; } exports.isFunction = isFunction;
function isPrimitive(arg) { return arg === null || typeof arg === 'boolean' || typeof arg === 'number' || typeof arg === 'string' || typeof arg === 'symbol' || // ES6 symbol
typeof arg === 'undefined'; } exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive;
exports.isBuffer = require('./support/isBuffer');
function objectToString(o) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(o); }
function pad(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n.toString(10) : n.toString(10); }
var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
// 26 Feb 16:19:34
function timestamp() { var d = new Date(); var time = [pad(d.getHours()), pad(d.getMinutes()), pad(d.getSeconds())].join(':'); return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' '); }
// log is just a thin wrapper to console.log that prepends a timestamp
exports.log = function() { console.log('%s - %s', timestamp(), exports.format.apply(exports, arguments)); };
/** * Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another. * * The Function.prototype.inherits from lang.js rewritten as a standalone * function (not on Function.prototype). NOTE: If this file is to be loaded * during bootstrapping this function needs to be rewritten using some native * functions as prototype setup using normal JavaScript does not work as * expected during bootstrapping (see mirror.js in r114903). * * @param {function} ctor Constructor function which needs to inherit the * prototype. * @param {function} superCtor Constructor function to inherit prototype from. */ exports.inherits = require('inherits');
exports._extend = function(origin, add) { // Don't do anything if add isn't an object
if (!add || !isObject(add)) return origin;
var keys = Object.keys(add); var i = keys.length; while (i--) { origin[keys[i]] = add[keys[i]]; } return origin; };
function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }
},{"./support/isBuffer":31,"__browserify_process":29,"inherits":28}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ exports = (module.exports = parse); exports.parse = parse; function parse(src, state, options) { options = options || {}; state = state || exports.defaultState(); var start = options.start || 0; var end = options.end || src.length; var index = start; while (index < end) { if (state.roundDepth < 0 || state.curlyDepth < 0 || state.squareDepth < 0) { throw new SyntaxError('Mismatched Bracket: ' + src[index - 1]); } exports.parseChar(src[index++], state); } return state; }
exports.parseMax = parseMax; function parseMax(src, options) { options = options || {}; var start = options.start || 0; var index = start; var state = exports.defaultState(); while (state.roundDepth >= 0 && state.curlyDepth >= 0 && state.squareDepth >= 0) { if (index >= src.length) { throw new Error('The end of the string was reached with no closing bracket found.'); } exports.parseChar(src[index++], state); } var end = index - 1; return { start: start, end: end, src: src.substring(start, end) }; }
exports.parseUntil = parseUntil; function parseUntil(src, delimiter, options) { options = options || {}; var includeLineComment = options.includeLineComment || false; var start = options.start || 0; var index = start; var state = exports.defaultState(); while (state.isString() || state.regexp || state.blockComment || (!includeLineComment && state.lineComment) || !startsWith(src, delimiter, index)) { exports.parseChar(src[index++], state); } var end = index; return { start: start, end: end, src: src.substring(start, end) }; }
exports.parseChar = parseChar; function parseChar(character, state) { if (character.length !== 1) throw new Error('Character must be a string of length 1'); state = state || exports.defaultState(); var wasComment = state.blockComment || state.lineComment; var lastChar = state.history ? state.history[0] : ''; if (state.lineComment) { if (character === '\n') { state.lineComment = false; } } else if (state.blockComment) { if (state.lastChar === '*' && character === '/') { state.blockComment = false; } } else if (state.singleQuote) { if (character === '\'' && !state.escaped) { state.singleQuote = false; } else if (character === '\\' && !state.escaped) { state.escaped = true; } else { state.escaped = false; } } else if (state.doubleQuote) { if (character === '"' && !state.escaped) { state.doubleQuote = false; } else if (character === '\\' && !state.escaped) { state.escaped = true; } else { state.escaped = false; } } else if (state.regexp) { if (character === '/' && !state.escaped) { state.regexp = false; } else if (character === '\\' && !state.escaped) { state.escaped = true; } else { state.escaped = false; } } else if (lastChar === '/' && character === '/') { state.history = state.history.substr(1); state.lineComment = true; } else if (lastChar === '/' && character === '*') { state.history = state.history.substr(1); state.blockComment = true; } else if (character === '/' && isRegexp(state.history)) { state.regexp = true; } else if (character === '\'') { state.singleQuote = true; } else if (character === '"') { state.doubleQuote = true; } else if (character === '(') { state.roundDepth++; } else if (character === ')') { state.roundDepth--; } else if (character === '{') { state.curlyDepth++; } else if (character === '}') { state.curlyDepth--; } else if (character === '[') { state.squareDepth++; } else if (character === ']') { state.squareDepth--; } if (!state.blockComment && !state.lineComment && !wasComment) state.history = character + state.history; return state; }
exports.defaultState = function () { return new State() }; function State() { this.lineComment = false; this.blockComment = false;
this.singleQuote = false; this.doubleQuote = false; this.regexp = false; this.escaped = false;
this.roundDepth = 0; this.curlyDepth = 0; this.squareDepth = 0;
this.history = '' } State.prototype.isString = function () { return this.singleQuote || this.doubleQuote; } State.prototype.isComment = function () { return this.lineComment || this.blockComment; } State.prototype.isNesting = function () { return this.isString() || this.isComment() || this.regexp || this.roundDepth > 0 || this.curlyDepth > 0 || this.squareDepth > 0 }
function startsWith(str, start, i) { return str.substr(i || 0, start.length) === start; }
exports.isPunctuator = isPunctuator function isPunctuator(c) { var code = c.charCodeAt(0)
switch (code) { case 46: // . dot
case 40: // ( open bracket
case 41: // ) close bracket
case 59: // ; semicolon
case 44: // , comma
case 123: // { open curly brace
case 125: // } close curly brace
case 91: // [
case 93: // ]
case 58: // :
case 63: // ?
case 126: // ~
case 37: // %
case 38: // &
case 42: // *:
case 43: // +
case 45: // -
case 47: // /
case 60: // <
case 62: // >
case 94: // ^
case 124: // |
case 33: // !
case 61: // =
return true; default: return false; } } exports.isKeyword = isKeyword function isKeyword(id) { return (id === 'if') || (id === 'in') || (id === 'do') || (id === 'var') || (id === 'for') || (id === 'new') || (id === 'try') || (id === 'let') || (id === 'this') || (id === 'else') || (id === 'case') || (id === 'void') || (id === 'with') || (id === 'enum') || (id === 'while') || (id === 'break') || (id === 'catch') || (id === 'throw') || (id === 'const') || (id === 'yield') || (id === 'class') || (id === 'super') || (id === 'return') || (id === 'typeof') || (id === 'delete') || (id === 'switch') || (id === 'export') || (id === 'import') || (id === 'default') || (id === 'finally') || (id === 'extends') || (id === 'function') || (id === 'continue') || (id === 'debugger') || (id === 'package') || (id === 'private') || (id === 'interface') || (id === 'instanceof') || (id === 'implements') || (id === 'protected') || (id === 'public') || (id === 'static') || (id === 'yield') || (id === 'let'); }
function isRegexp(history) { //could be start of regexp or divide sign
history = history.replace(/^\s*/, '');
//unless its an `if`, `while`, `for` or `with` it's a divide, so we assume it's a divide
if (history[0] === ')') return false; //unless it's a function expression, it's a regexp, so we assume it's a regexp
if (history[0] === '}') return true; //any punctuation means it's a regexp
if (isPunctuator(history[0])) return true; //if the last thing was a keyword then it must be a regexp (e.g. `typeof /foo/`)
if (/^\w+\b/.test(history) && isKeyword(/^\w+\b/.exec(history)[0].split('').reverse().join(''))) return true;
return false; }
},{}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'
var uglify = require('uglify-js')
var lastSRC = '(null)' var lastRes = true
module.exports = isConstant function isConstant(src) { src = '(' + src + ')' if (lastSRC === src) return lastRes lastSRC = src try { return lastRes = (detect(src).length === 0) } catch (ex) { return lastRes = false } } isConstant.isConstant = isConstant
isConstant.toConstant = toConstant function toConstant(src) { if (!isConstant(src)) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(src) + ' is not constant.') return Function('return (' + src + ')')() }
function detect(src) { var ast = uglify.parse(src.toString()) ast.figure_out_scope() var globals = ast.globals .map(function (node, name) { return name }) return globals } },{"uglify-js":45}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ /* * Copyright 2009-2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE.txt or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
*/ exports.SourceMapGenerator = require('./source-map/source-map-generator').SourceMapGenerator; exports.SourceMapConsumer = require('./source-map/source-map-consumer').SourceMapConsumer; exports.SourceNode = require('./source-map/source-node').SourceNode;
},{"./source-map/source-map-consumer":40,"./source-map/source-map-generator":41,"./source-map/source-node":42}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
*/ if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); } define(function (require, exports, module) {
var util = require('./util');
/** * A data structure which is a combination of an array and a set. Adding a new * member is O(1), testing for membership is O(1), and finding the index of an * element is O(1). Removing elements from the set is not supported. Only * strings are supported for membership. */ function ArraySet() { this._array = []; this._set = {}; }
/** * Static method for creating ArraySet instances from an existing array. */ ArraySet.fromArray = function ArraySet_fromArray(aArray, aAllowDuplicates) { var set = new ArraySet(); for (var i = 0, len = aArray.length; i < len; i++) { set.add(aArray[i], aAllowDuplicates); } return set; };
/** * Add the given string to this set. * * @param String aStr */ ArraySet.prototype.add = function ArraySet_add(aStr, aAllowDuplicates) { var isDuplicate = this.has(aStr); var idx = this._array.length; if (!isDuplicate || aAllowDuplicates) { this._array.push(aStr); } if (!isDuplicate) { this._set[util.toSetString(aStr)] = idx; } };
/** * Is the given string a member of this set? * * @param String aStr */ ArraySet.prototype.has = function ArraySet_has(aStr) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._set, util.toSetString(aStr)); };
/** * What is the index of the given string in the array? * * @param String aStr */ ArraySet.prototype.indexOf = function ArraySet_indexOf(aStr) { if (this.has(aStr)) { return this._set[util.toSetString(aStr)]; } throw new Error('"' + aStr + '" is not in the set.'); };
/** * What is the element at the given index? * * @param Number aIdx */ ArraySet.prototype.at = function ArraySet_at(aIdx) { if (aIdx >= 0 && aIdx < this._array.length) { return this._array[aIdx]; } throw new Error('No element indexed by ' + aIdx); };
/** * Returns the array representation of this set (which has the proper indices * indicated by indexOf). Note that this is a copy of the internal array used * for storing the members so that no one can mess with internal state. */ ArraySet.prototype.toArray = function ArraySet_toArray() { return this._array.slice(); };
exports.ArraySet = ArraySet;
},{"./util":43,"amdefine":44}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
* * Based on the Base 64 VLQ implementation in Closure Compiler: * https://code.google.com/p/closure-compiler/source/browse/trunk/src/com/google/debugging/sourcemap/Base64VLQ.java
* * Copyright 2011 The Closure Compiler Authors. All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); } define(function (require, exports, module) {
var base64 = require('./base64');
// A single base 64 digit can contain 6 bits of data. For the base 64 variable
// length quantities we use in the source map spec, the first bit is the sign,
// the next four bits are the actual value, and the 6th bit is the
// continuation bit. The continuation bit tells us whether there are more
// digits in this value following this digit.
// Continuation
// | Sign
// | |
// V V
// 101011
// binary: 100000
// binary: 011111
// binary: 100000
/** * Converts from a two-complement value to a value where the sign bit is * is placed in the least significant bit. For example, as decimals: * 1 becomes 2 (10 binary), -1 becomes 3 (11 binary) * 2 becomes 4 (100 binary), -2 becomes 5 (101 binary) */ function toVLQSigned(aValue) { return aValue < 0 ? ((-aValue) << 1) + 1 : (aValue << 1) + 0; }
/** * Converts to a two-complement value from a value where the sign bit is * is placed in the least significant bit. For example, as decimals: * 2 (10 binary) becomes 1, 3 (11 binary) becomes -1 * 4 (100 binary) becomes 2, 5 (101 binary) becomes -2 */ function fromVLQSigned(aValue) { var isNegative = (aValue & 1) === 1; var shifted = aValue >> 1; return isNegative ? -shifted : shifted; }
/** * Returns the base 64 VLQ encoded value. */ exports.encode = function base64VLQ_encode(aValue) { var encoded = ""; var digit;
var vlq = toVLQSigned(aValue);
do { digit = vlq & VLQ_BASE_MASK; vlq >>>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; if (vlq > 0) { // There are still more digits in this value, so we must make sure the
// continuation bit is marked.
digit |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT; } encoded += base64.encode(digit); } while (vlq > 0);
return encoded; };
/** * Decodes the next base 64 VLQ value from the given string and returns the * value and the rest of the string. */ exports.decode = function base64VLQ_decode(aStr) { var i = 0; var strLen = aStr.length; var result = 0; var shift = 0; var continuation, digit;
do { if (i >= strLen) { throw new Error("Expected more digits in base 64 VLQ value."); } digit = base64.decode(aStr.charAt(i++)); continuation = !!(digit & VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT); digit &= VLQ_BASE_MASK; result = result + (digit << shift); shift += VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; } while (continuation);
return { value: fromVLQSigned(result), rest: aStr.slice(i) }; };
},{"./base64":38,"amdefine":44}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
*/ if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); } define(function (require, exports, module) {
var charToIntMap = {}; var intToCharMap = {};
'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' .split('') .forEach(function (ch, index) { charToIntMap[ch] = index; intToCharMap[index] = ch; });
/** * Encode an integer in the range of 0 to 63 to a single base 64 digit. */ exports.encode = function base64_encode(aNumber) { if (aNumber in intToCharMap) { return intToCharMap[aNumber]; } throw new TypeError("Must be between 0 and 63: " + aNumber); };
/** * Decode a single base 64 digit to an integer. */ exports.decode = function base64_decode(aChar) { if (aChar in charToIntMap) { return charToIntMap[aChar]; } throw new TypeError("Not a valid base 64 digit: " + aChar); };
},{"amdefine":44}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
*/ if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); } define(function (require, exports, module) {
/** * Recursive implementation of binary search. * * @param aLow Indices here and lower do not contain the needle. * @param aHigh Indices here and higher do not contain the needle. * @param aNeedle The element being searched for. * @param aHaystack The non-empty array being searched. * @param aCompare Function which takes two elements and returns -1, 0, or 1. */ function recursiveSearch(aLow, aHigh, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare) { // This function terminates when one of the following is true:
// 1. We find the exact element we are looking for.
// 2. We did not find the exact element, but we can return the next
// closest element that is less than that element.
// 3. We did not find the exact element, and there is no next-closest
// element which is less than the one we are searching for, so we
// return null.
var mid = Math.floor((aHigh - aLow) / 2) + aLow; var cmp = aCompare(aNeedle, aHaystack[mid], true); if (cmp === 0) { // Found the element we are looking for.
return aHaystack[mid]; } else if (cmp > 0) { // aHaystack[mid] is greater than our needle.
if (aHigh - mid > 1) { // The element is in the upper half.
return recursiveSearch(mid, aHigh, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare); } // We did not find an exact match, return the next closest one
// (termination case 2).
return aHaystack[mid]; } else { // aHaystack[mid] is less than our needle.
if (mid - aLow > 1) { // The element is in the lower half.
return recursiveSearch(aLow, mid, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare); } // The exact needle element was not found in this haystack. Determine if
// we are in termination case (2) or (3) and return the appropriate thing.
return aLow < 0 ? null : aHaystack[aLow]; } }
/** * This is an implementation of binary search which will always try and return * the next lowest value checked if there is no exact hit. This is because * mappings between original and generated line/col pairs are single points, * and there is an implicit region between each of them, so a miss just means * that you aren't on the very start of a region. * * @param aNeedle The element you are looking for. * @param aHaystack The array that is being searched. * @param aCompare A function which takes the needle and an element in the * array and returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the needle is less * than, equal to, or greater than the element, respectively. */ exports.search = function search(aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare) { return aHaystack.length > 0 ? recursiveSearch(-1, aHaystack.length, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare) : null; };
},{"amdefine":44}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
*/ if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); } define(function (require, exports, module) {
var util = require('./util'); var binarySearch = require('./binary-search'); var ArraySet = require('./array-set').ArraySet; var base64VLQ = require('./base64-vlq');
/** * A SourceMapConsumer instance represents a parsed source map which we can * query for information about the original file positions by giving it a file * position in the generated source. * * The only parameter is the raw source map (either as a JSON string, or * already parsed to an object). According to the spec, source maps have the * following attributes: * * - version: Which version of the source map spec this map is following. * - sources: An array of URLs to the original source files. * - names: An array of identifiers which can be referrenced by individual mappings. * - sourceRoot: Optional. The URL root from which all sources are relative. * - sourcesContent: Optional. An array of contents of the original source files. * - mappings: A string of base64 VLQs which contain the actual mappings. * - file: The generated file this source map is associated with. * * Here is an example source map, taken from the source map spec[0]: * * { * version : 3, * file: "out.js", * sourceRoot : "", * sources: ["foo.js", "bar.js"], * names: ["src", "maps", "are", "fun"], * mappings: "AA,AB;;ABCDE;" * } * * [0]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/edit?pli=1#
*/ function SourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap) { var sourceMap = aSourceMap; if (typeof aSourceMap === 'string') { sourceMap = JSON.parse(aSourceMap.replace(/^\)\]\}'/, '')); }
var version = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'version'); var sources = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'sources'); // Sass 3.3 leaves out the 'names' array, so we deviate from the spec (which
// requires the array) to play nice here.
var names = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'names', []); var sourceRoot = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'sourceRoot', null); var sourcesContent = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'sourcesContent', null); var mappings = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'mappings'); var file = util.getArg(sourceMap, 'file', null);
// Once again, Sass deviates from the spec and supplies the version as a
// string rather than a number, so we use loose equality checking here.
if (version != this._version) { throw new Error('Unsupported version: ' + version); }
// Pass `true` below to allow duplicate names and sources. While source maps
// are intended to be compressed and deduplicated, the TypeScript compiler
// sometimes generates source maps with duplicates in them. See Github issue
// #72 and bugzil.la/889492.
this._names = ArraySet.fromArray(names, true); this._sources = ArraySet.fromArray(sources, true);
this.sourceRoot = sourceRoot; this.sourcesContent = sourcesContent; this._mappings = mappings; this.file = file; }
/** * Create a SourceMapConsumer from a SourceMapGenerator. * * @param SourceMapGenerator aSourceMap * The source map that will be consumed. * @returns SourceMapConsumer */ SourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap = function SourceMapConsumer_fromSourceMap(aSourceMap) { var smc = Object.create(SourceMapConsumer.prototype);
smc._names = ArraySet.fromArray(aSourceMap._names.toArray(), true); smc._sources = ArraySet.fromArray(aSourceMap._sources.toArray(), true); smc.sourceRoot = aSourceMap._sourceRoot; smc.sourcesContent = aSourceMap._generateSourcesContent(smc._sources.toArray(), smc.sourceRoot); smc.file = aSourceMap._file;
smc.__generatedMappings = aSourceMap._mappings.slice() .sort(util.compareByGeneratedPositions); smc.__originalMappings = aSourceMap._mappings.slice() .sort(util.compareByOriginalPositions);
return smc; };
/** * The version of the source mapping spec that we are consuming. */ SourceMapConsumer.prototype._version = 3;
/** * The list of original sources. */ Object.defineProperty(SourceMapConsumer.prototype, 'sources', { get: function () { return this._sources.toArray().map(function (s) { return this.sourceRoot ? util.join(this.sourceRoot, s) : s; }, this); } });
// `__generatedMappings` and `__originalMappings` are arrays that hold the
// parsed mapping coordinates from the source map's "mappings" attribute. They
// are lazily instantiated, accessed via the `_generatedMappings` and
// `_originalMappings` getters respectively, and we only parse the mappings
// and create these arrays once queried for a source location. We jump through
// these hoops because there can be many thousands of mappings, and parsing
// them is expensive, so we only want to do it if we must.
// Each object in the arrays is of the form:
// {
// generatedLine: The line number in the generated code,
// generatedColumn: The column number in the generated code,
// source: The path to the original source file that generated this
// chunk of code,
// originalLine: The line number in the original source that
// corresponds to this chunk of generated code,
// originalColumn: The column number in the original source that
// corresponds to this chunk of generated code,
// name: The name of the original symbol which generated this chunk of
// code.
// }
// All properties except for `generatedLine` and `generatedColumn` can be
// `null`.
// `_generatedMappings` is ordered by the generated positions.
// `_originalMappings` is ordered by the original positions.
SourceMapConsumer.prototype.__generatedMappings = null; Object.defineProperty(SourceMapConsumer.prototype, '_generatedMappings', { get: function () { if (!this.__generatedMappings) { this.__generatedMappings = []; this.__originalMappings = []; this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot); }
return this.__generatedMappings; } });
SourceMapConsumer.prototype.__originalMappings = null; Object.defineProperty(SourceMapConsumer.prototype, '_originalMappings', { get: function () { if (!this.__originalMappings) { this.__generatedMappings = []; this.__originalMappings = []; this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot); }
return this.__originalMappings; } });
/** * Parse the mappings in a string in to a data structure which we can easily * query (the ordered arrays in the `this.__generatedMappings` and * `this.__originalMappings` properties). */ SourceMapConsumer.prototype._parseMappings = function SourceMapConsumer_parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) { var generatedLine = 1; var previousGeneratedColumn = 0; var previousOriginalLine = 0; var previousOriginalColumn = 0; var previousSource = 0; var previousName = 0; var mappingSeparator = /^[,;]/; var str = aStr; var mapping; var temp;
while (str.length > 0) { if (str.charAt(0) === ';') { generatedLine++; str = str.slice(1); previousGeneratedColumn = 0; } else if (str.charAt(0) === ',') { str = str.slice(1); } else { mapping = {}; mapping.generatedLine = generatedLine;
// Generated column.
temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); mapping.generatedColumn = previousGeneratedColumn + temp.value; previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; str = temp.rest;
if (str.length > 0 && !mappingSeparator.test(str.charAt(0))) { // Original source.
temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); mapping.source = this._sources.at(previousSource + temp.value); previousSource += temp.value; str = temp.rest; if (str.length === 0 || mappingSeparator.test(str.charAt(0))) { throw new Error('Found a source, but no line and column'); }
// Original line.
temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); mapping.originalLine = previousOriginalLine + temp.value; previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine; // Lines are stored 0-based
mapping.originalLine += 1; str = temp.rest; if (str.length === 0 || mappingSeparator.test(str.charAt(0))) { throw new Error('Found a source and line, but no column'); }
// Original column.
temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); mapping.originalColumn = previousOriginalColumn + temp.value; previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn; str = temp.rest;
if (str.length > 0 && !mappingSeparator.test(str.charAt(0))) { // Original name.
temp = base64VLQ.decode(str); mapping.name = this._names.at(previousName + temp.value); previousName += temp.value; str = temp.rest; } }
this.__generatedMappings.push(mapping); if (typeof mapping.originalLine === 'number') { this.__originalMappings.push(mapping); } } }
this.__originalMappings.sort(util.compareByOriginalPositions); };
/** * Find the mapping that best matches the hypothetical "needle" mapping that * we are searching for in the given "haystack" of mappings. */ SourceMapConsumer.prototype._findMapping = function SourceMapConsumer_findMapping(aNeedle, aMappings, aLineName, aColumnName, aComparator) { // To return the position we are searching for, we must first find the
// mapping for the given position and then return the opposite position it
// points to. Because the mappings are sorted, we can use binary search to
// find the best mapping.
if (aNeedle[aLineName] <= 0) { throw new TypeError('Line must be greater than or equal to 1, got ' + aNeedle[aLineName]); } if (aNeedle[aColumnName] < 0) { throw new TypeError('Column must be greater than or equal to 0, got ' + aNeedle[aColumnName]); }
return binarySearch.search(aNeedle, aMappings, aComparator); };
/** * Returns the original source, line, and column information for the generated * source's line and column positions provided. The only argument is an object * with the following properties: * * - line: The line number in the generated source. * - column: The column number in the generated source. * * and an object is returned with the following properties: * * - source: The original source file, or null. * - line: The line number in the original source, or null. * - column: The column number in the original source, or null. * - name: The original identifier, or null. */ SourceMapConsumer.prototype.originalPositionFor = function SourceMapConsumer_originalPositionFor(aArgs) { var needle = { generatedLine: util.getArg(aArgs, 'line'), generatedColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, 'column') };
var mapping = this._findMapping(needle, this._generatedMappings, "generatedLine", "generatedColumn", util.compareByGeneratedPositions);
if (mapping) { var source = util.getArg(mapping, 'source', null); if (source && this.sourceRoot) { source = util.join(this.sourceRoot, source); } return { source: source, line: util.getArg(mapping, 'originalLine', null), column: util.getArg(mapping, 'originalColumn', null), name: util.getArg(mapping, 'name', null) }; }
return { source: null, line: null, column: null, name: null }; };
/** * Returns the original source content. The only argument is the url of the * original source file. Returns null if no original source content is * availible. */ SourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor = function SourceMapConsumer_sourceContentFor(aSource) { if (!this.sourcesContent) { return null; }
if (this.sourceRoot) { aSource = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, aSource); }
if (this._sources.has(aSource)) { return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(aSource)]; }
var url; if (this.sourceRoot && (url = util.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))) { // XXX: file:// URIs and absolute paths lead to unexpected behavior for
// many users. We can help them out when they expect file:// URIs to
// behave like it would if they were running a local HTTP server. See
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=885597.
var fileUriAbsPath = aSource.replace(/^file:\/\//, ""); if (url.scheme == "file" && this._sources.has(fileUriAbsPath)) { return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(fileUriAbsPath)] }
if ((!url.path || url.path == "/") && this._sources.has("/" + aSource)) { return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf("/" + aSource)]; } }
throw new Error('"' + aSource + '" is not in the SourceMap.'); };
/** * Returns the generated line and column information for the original source, * line, and column positions provided. The only argument is an object with * the following properties: * * - source: The filename of the original source. * - line: The line number in the original source. * - column: The column number in the original source. * * and an object is returned with the following properties: * * - line: The line number in the generated source, or null. * - column: The column number in the generated source, or null. */ SourceMapConsumer.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function SourceMapConsumer_generatedPositionFor(aArgs) { var needle = { source: util.getArg(aArgs, 'source'), originalLine: util.getArg(aArgs, 'line'), originalColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, 'column') };
if (this.sourceRoot) { needle.source = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, needle.source); }
var mapping = this._findMapping(needle, this._originalMappings, "originalLine", "originalColumn", util.compareByOriginalPositions);
if (mapping) { return { line: util.getArg(mapping, 'generatedLine', null), column: util.getArg(mapping, 'generatedColumn', null) }; }
return { line: null, column: null }; };
SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER = 1; SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER = 2;
/** * Iterate over each mapping between an original source/line/column and a * generated line/column in this source map. * * @param Function aCallback * The function that is called with each mapping. * @param Object aContext * Optional. If specified, this object will be the value of `this` every * time that `aCallback` is called. * @param aOrder * Either `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER` or * `SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER`. Specifies whether you want to * iterate over the mappings sorted by the generated file's line/column * order or the original's source/line/column order, respectively. Defaults to * `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER`. */ SourceMapConsumer.prototype.eachMapping = function SourceMapConsumer_eachMapping(aCallback, aContext, aOrder) { var context = aContext || null; var order = aOrder || SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER;
var mappings; switch (order) { case SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER: mappings = this._generatedMappings; break; case SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER: mappings = this._originalMappings; break; default: throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration."); }
var sourceRoot = this.sourceRoot; mappings.map(function (mapping) { var source = mapping.source; if (source && sourceRoot) { source = util.join(sourceRoot, source); } return { source: source, generatedLine: mapping.generatedLine, generatedColumn: mapping.generatedColumn, originalLine: mapping.originalLine, originalColumn: mapping.originalColumn, name: mapping.name }; }).forEach(aCallback, context); };
exports.SourceMapConsumer = SourceMapConsumer;
},{"./array-set":36,"./base64-vlq":37,"./binary-search":39,"./util":43,"amdefine":44}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
*/ if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); } define(function (require, exports, module) {
var base64VLQ = require('./base64-vlq'); var util = require('./util'); var ArraySet = require('./array-set').ArraySet;
/** * An instance of the SourceMapGenerator represents a source map which is * being built incrementally. To create a new one, you must pass an object * with the following properties: * * - file: The filename of the generated source. * - sourceRoot: An optional root for all URLs in this source map. */ function SourceMapGenerator(aArgs) { this._file = util.getArg(aArgs, 'file'); this._sourceRoot = util.getArg(aArgs, 'sourceRoot', null); this._sources = new ArraySet(); this._names = new ArraySet(); this._mappings = []; this._sourcesContents = null; }
SourceMapGenerator.prototype._version = 3;
/** * Creates a new SourceMapGenerator based on a SourceMapConsumer * * @param aSourceMapConsumer The SourceMap. */ SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap = function SourceMapGenerator_fromSourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer) { var sourceRoot = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceRoot; var generator = new SourceMapGenerator({ file: aSourceMapConsumer.file, sourceRoot: sourceRoot }); aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function (mapping) { var newMapping = { generated: { line: mapping.generatedLine, column: mapping.generatedColumn } };
if (mapping.source) { newMapping.source = mapping.source; if (sourceRoot) { newMapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, newMapping.source); }
newMapping.original = { line: mapping.originalLine, column: mapping.originalColumn };
if (mapping.name) { newMapping.name = mapping.name; } }
generator.addMapping(newMapping); }); aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function (sourceFile) { var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile); if (content) { generator.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content); } }); return generator; };
/** * Add a single mapping from original source line and column to the generated * source's line and column for this source map being created. The mapping * object should have the following properties: * * - generated: An object with the generated line and column positions. * - original: An object with the original line and column positions. * - source: The original source file (relative to the sourceRoot). * - name: An optional original token name for this mapping. */ SourceMapGenerator.prototype.addMapping = function SourceMapGenerator_addMapping(aArgs) { var generated = util.getArg(aArgs, 'generated'); var original = util.getArg(aArgs, 'original', null); var source = util.getArg(aArgs, 'source', null); var name = util.getArg(aArgs, 'name', null);
this._validateMapping(generated, original, source, name);
if (source && !this._sources.has(source)) { this._sources.add(source); }
if (name && !this._names.has(name)) { this._names.add(name); }
this._mappings.push({ generatedLine: generated.line, generatedColumn: generated.column, originalLine: original != null && original.line, originalColumn: original != null && original.column, source: source, name: name }); };
/** * Set the source content for a source file. */ SourceMapGenerator.prototype.setSourceContent = function SourceMapGenerator_setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) { var source = aSourceFile; if (this._sourceRoot) { source = util.relative(this._sourceRoot, source); }
if (aSourceContent !== null) { // Add the source content to the _sourcesContents map.
// Create a new _sourcesContents map if the property is null.
if (!this._sourcesContents) { this._sourcesContents = {}; } this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)] = aSourceContent; } else { // Remove the source file from the _sourcesContents map.
// If the _sourcesContents map is empty, set the property to null.
delete this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)]; if (Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length === 0) { this._sourcesContents = null; } } };
/** * Applies the mappings of a sub-source-map for a specific source file to the * source map being generated. Each mapping to the supplied source file is * rewritten using the supplied source map. Note: The resolution for the * resulting mappings is the minimium of this map and the supplied map. * * @param aSourceMapConsumer The source map to be applied. * @param aSourceFile Optional. The filename of the source file. * If omitted, SourceMapConsumer's file property will be used. */ SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap = function SourceMapGenerator_applySourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer, aSourceFile) { // If aSourceFile is omitted, we will use the file property of the SourceMap
if (!aSourceFile) { aSourceFile = aSourceMapConsumer.file; } var sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot; // Make "aSourceFile" relative if an absolute Url is passed.
if (sourceRoot) { aSourceFile = util.relative(sourceRoot, aSourceFile); } // Applying the SourceMap can add and remove items from the sources and
// the names array.
var newSources = new ArraySet(); var newNames = new ArraySet();
// Find mappings for the "aSourceFile"
this._mappings.forEach(function (mapping) { if (mapping.source === aSourceFile && mapping.originalLine) { // Check if it can be mapped by the source map, then update the mapping.
var original = aSourceMapConsumer.originalPositionFor({ line: mapping.originalLine, column: mapping.originalColumn }); if (original.source !== null) { // Copy mapping
if (sourceRoot) { mapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, original.source); } else { mapping.source = original.source; } mapping.originalLine = original.line; mapping.originalColumn = original.column; if (original.name !== null && mapping.name !== null) { // Only use the identifier name if it's an identifier
// in both SourceMaps
mapping.name = original.name; } } }
var source = mapping.source; if (source && !newSources.has(source)) { newSources.add(source); }
var name = mapping.name; if (name && !newNames.has(name)) { newNames.add(name); }
}, this); this._sources = newSources; this._names = newNames;
// Copy sourcesContents of applied map.
aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function (sourceFile) { var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile); if (content) { if (sourceRoot) { sourceFile = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile); } this.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content); } }, this); };
/** * A mapping can have one of the three levels of data: * * 1. Just the generated position. * 2. The Generated position, original position, and original source. * 3. Generated and original position, original source, as well as a name * token. * * To maintain consistency, we validate that any new mapping being added falls * in to one of these categories. */ SourceMapGenerator.prototype._validateMapping = function SourceMapGenerator_validateMapping(aGenerated, aOriginal, aSource, aName) { if (aGenerated && 'line' in aGenerated && 'column' in aGenerated && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && !aOriginal && !aSource && !aName) { // Case 1.
return; } else if (aGenerated && 'line' in aGenerated && 'column' in aGenerated && aOriginal && 'line' in aOriginal && 'column' in aOriginal && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && aOriginal.line > 0 && aOriginal.column >= 0 && aSource) { // Cases 2 and 3.
return; } else { throw new Error('Invalid mapping: ' + JSON.stringify({ generated: aGenerated, source: aSource, orginal: aOriginal, name: aName })); } };
/** * Serialize the accumulated mappings in to the stream of base 64 VLQs * specified by the source map format. */ SourceMapGenerator.prototype._serializeMappings = function SourceMapGenerator_serializeMappings() { var previousGeneratedColumn = 0; var previousGeneratedLine = 1; var previousOriginalColumn = 0; var previousOriginalLine = 0; var previousName = 0; var previousSource = 0; var result = ''; var mapping;
// The mappings must be guaranteed to be in sorted order before we start
// serializing them or else the generated line numbers (which are defined
// via the ';' separators) will be all messed up. Note: it might be more
// performant to maintain the sorting as we insert them, rather than as we
// serialize them, but the big O is the same either way.
for (var i = 0, len = this._mappings.length; i < len; i++) { mapping = this._mappings[i];
if (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) { previousGeneratedColumn = 0; while (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) { result += ';'; previousGeneratedLine++; } } else { if (i > 0) { if (!util.compareByGeneratedPositions(mapping, this._mappings[i - 1])) { continue; } result += ','; } }
result += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.generatedColumn - previousGeneratedColumn); previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn;
if (mapping.source) { result += base64VLQ.encode(this._sources.indexOf(mapping.source) - previousSource); previousSource = this._sources.indexOf(mapping.source);
// lines are stored 0-based in SourceMap spec version 3
result += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalLine - 1 - previousOriginalLine); previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine - 1;
result += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalColumn - previousOriginalColumn); previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn;
if (mapping.name) { result += base64VLQ.encode(this._names.indexOf(mapping.name) - previousName); previousName = this._names.indexOf(mapping.name); } } }
return result; };
SourceMapGenerator.prototype._generateSourcesContent = function SourceMapGenerator_generateSourcesContent(aSources, aSourceRoot) { return aSources.map(function (source) { if (!this._sourcesContents) { return null; } if (aSourceRoot) { source = util.relative(aSourceRoot, source); } var key = util.toSetString(source); return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._sourcesContents, key) ? this._sourcesContents[key] : null; }, this); };
/** * Externalize the source map. */ SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toJSON = function SourceMapGenerator_toJSON() { var map = { version: this._version, file: this._file, sources: this._sources.toArray(), names: this._names.toArray(), mappings: this._serializeMappings() }; if (this._sourceRoot) { map.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot; } if (this._sourcesContents) { map.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(map.sources, map.sourceRoot); }
return map; };
/** * Render the source map being generated to a string. */ SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toString = function SourceMapGenerator_toString() { return JSON.stringify(this); };
exports.SourceMapGenerator = SourceMapGenerator;
},{"./array-set":36,"./base64-vlq":37,"./util":43,"amdefine":44}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
*/ if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); } define(function (require, exports, module) {
var SourceMapGenerator = require('./source-map-generator').SourceMapGenerator; var util = require('./util');
/** * SourceNodes provide a way to abstract over interpolating/concatenating * snippets of generated JavaScript source code while maintaining the line and * column information associated with the original source code. * * @param aLine The original line number. * @param aColumn The original column number. * @param aSource The original source's filename. * @param aChunks Optional. An array of strings which are snippets of * generated JS, or other SourceNodes. * @param aName The original identifier. */ function SourceNode(aLine, aColumn, aSource, aChunks, aName) { this.children = []; this.sourceContents = {}; this.line = aLine === undefined ? null : aLine; this.column = aColumn === undefined ? null : aColumn; this.source = aSource === undefined ? null : aSource; this.name = aName === undefined ? null : aName; if (aChunks != null) this.add(aChunks); }
/** * Creates a SourceNode from generated code and a SourceMapConsumer. * * @param aGeneratedCode The generated code * @param aSourceMapConsumer The SourceMap for the generated code */ SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap = function SourceNode_fromStringWithSourceMap(aGeneratedCode, aSourceMapConsumer) { // The SourceNode we want to fill with the generated code
// and the SourceMap
var node = new SourceNode();
// The generated code
// Processed fragments are removed from this array.
var remainingLines = aGeneratedCode.split('\n');
// We need to remember the position of "remainingLines"
var lastGeneratedLine = 1, lastGeneratedColumn = 0;
// The generate SourceNodes we need a code range.
// To extract it current and last mapping is used.
// Here we store the last mapping.
var lastMapping = null;
aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function (mapping) { if (lastMapping === null) { // We add the generated code until the first mapping
// to the SourceNode without any mapping.
// Each line is added as separate string.
while (lastGeneratedLine < mapping.generatedLine) { node.add(remainingLines.shift() + "\n"); lastGeneratedLine++; } if (lastGeneratedColumn < mapping.generatedColumn) { var nextLine = remainingLines[0]; node.add(nextLine.substr(0, mapping.generatedColumn)); remainingLines[0] = nextLine.substr(mapping.generatedColumn); lastGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; } } else { // We add the code from "lastMapping" to "mapping":
// First check if there is a new line in between.
if (lastGeneratedLine < mapping.generatedLine) { var code = ""; // Associate full lines with "lastMapping"
do { code += remainingLines.shift() + "\n"; lastGeneratedLine++; lastGeneratedColumn = 0; } while (lastGeneratedLine < mapping.generatedLine); // When we reached the correct line, we add code until we
// reach the correct column too.
if (lastGeneratedColumn < mapping.generatedColumn) { var nextLine = remainingLines[0]; code += nextLine.substr(0, mapping.generatedColumn); remainingLines[0] = nextLine.substr(mapping.generatedColumn); lastGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; } // Create the SourceNode.
addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, code); } else { // There is no new line in between.
// Associate the code between "lastGeneratedColumn" and
// "mapping.generatedColumn" with "lastMapping"
var nextLine = remainingLines[0]; var code = nextLine.substr(0, mapping.generatedColumn - lastGeneratedColumn); remainingLines[0] = nextLine.substr(mapping.generatedColumn - lastGeneratedColumn); lastGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, code); } } lastMapping = mapping; }, this); // We have processed all mappings.
// Associate the remaining code in the current line with "lastMapping"
// and add the remaining lines without any mapping
addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, remainingLines.join("\n"));
// Copy sourcesContent into SourceNode
aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function (sourceFile) { var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile); if (content) { node.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content); } });
return node;
function addMappingWithCode(mapping, code) { if (mapping === null || mapping.source === undefined) { node.add(code); } else { node.add(new SourceNode(mapping.originalLine, mapping.originalColumn, mapping.source, code, mapping.name)); } } };
/** * Add a chunk of generated JS to this source node. * * @param aChunk A string snippet of generated JS code, another instance of * SourceNode, or an array where each member is one of those things. */ SourceNode.prototype.add = function SourceNode_add(aChunk) { if (Array.isArray(aChunk)) { aChunk.forEach(function (chunk) { this.add(chunk); }, this); } else if (aChunk instanceof SourceNode || typeof aChunk === "string") { if (aChunk) { this.children.push(aChunk); } } else { throw new TypeError( "Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got " + aChunk ); } return this; };
/** * Add a chunk of generated JS to the beginning of this source node. * * @param aChunk A string snippet of generated JS code, another instance of * SourceNode, or an array where each member is one of those things. */ SourceNode.prototype.prepend = function SourceNode_prepend(aChunk) { if (Array.isArray(aChunk)) { for (var i = aChunk.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { this.prepend(aChunk[i]); } } else if (aChunk instanceof SourceNode || typeof aChunk === "string") { this.children.unshift(aChunk); } else { throw new TypeError( "Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got " + aChunk ); } return this; };
/** * Walk over the tree of JS snippets in this node and its children. The * walking function is called once for each snippet of JS and is passed that * snippet and the its original associated source's line/column location. * * @param aFn The traversal function. */ SourceNode.prototype.walk = function SourceNode_walk(aFn) { var chunk; for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { chunk = this.children[i]; if (chunk instanceof SourceNode) { chunk.walk(aFn); } else { if (chunk !== '') { aFn(chunk, { source: this.source, line: this.line, column: this.column, name: this.name }); } } } };
/** * Like `String.prototype.join` except for SourceNodes. Inserts `aStr` between * each of `this.children`. * * @param aSep The separator. */ SourceNode.prototype.join = function SourceNode_join(aSep) { var newChildren; var i; var len = this.children.length; if (len > 0) { newChildren = []; for (i = 0; i < len-1; i++) { newChildren.push(this.children[i]); newChildren.push(aSep); } newChildren.push(this.children[i]); this.children = newChildren; } return this; };
/** * Call String.prototype.replace on the very right-most source snippet. Useful * for trimming whitespace from the end of a source node, etc. * * @param aPattern The pattern to replace. * @param aReplacement The thing to replace the pattern with. */ SourceNode.prototype.replaceRight = function SourceNode_replaceRight(aPattern, aReplacement) { var lastChild = this.children[this.children.length - 1]; if (lastChild instanceof SourceNode) { lastChild.replaceRight(aPattern, aReplacement); } else if (typeof lastChild === 'string') { this.children[this.children.length - 1] = lastChild.replace(aPattern, aReplacement); } else { this.children.push(''.replace(aPattern, aReplacement)); } return this; };
/** * Set the source content for a source file. This will be added to the SourceMapGenerator * in the sourcesContent field. * * @param aSourceFile The filename of the source file * @param aSourceContent The content of the source file */ SourceNode.prototype.setSourceContent = function SourceNode_setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) { this.sourceContents[util.toSetString(aSourceFile)] = aSourceContent; };
/** * Walk over the tree of SourceNodes. The walking function is called for each * source file content and is passed the filename and source content. * * @param aFn The traversal function. */ SourceNode.prototype.walkSourceContents = function SourceNode_walkSourceContents(aFn) { for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.children[i] instanceof SourceNode) { this.children[i].walkSourceContents(aFn); } }
var sources = Object.keys(this.sourceContents); for (var i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) { aFn(util.fromSetString(sources[i]), this.sourceContents[sources[i]]); } };
/** * Return the string representation of this source node. Walks over the tree * and concatenates all the various snippets together to one string. */ SourceNode.prototype.toString = function SourceNode_toString() { var str = ""; this.walk(function (chunk) { str += chunk; }); return str; };
/** * Returns the string representation of this source node along with a source * map. */ SourceNode.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap = function SourceNode_toStringWithSourceMap(aArgs) { var generated = { code: "", line: 1, column: 0 }; var map = new SourceMapGenerator(aArgs); var sourceMappingActive = false; var lastOriginalSource = null; var lastOriginalLine = null; var lastOriginalColumn = null; var lastOriginalName = null; this.walk(function (chunk, original) { generated.code += chunk; if (original.source !== null && original.line !== null && original.column !== null) { if(lastOriginalSource !== original.source || lastOriginalLine !== original.line || lastOriginalColumn !== original.column || lastOriginalName !== original.name) { map.addMapping({ source: original.source, original: { line: original.line, column: original.column }, generated: { line: generated.line, column: generated.column }, name: original.name }); } lastOriginalSource = original.source; lastOriginalLine = original.line; lastOriginalColumn = original.column; lastOriginalName = original.name; sourceMappingActive = true; } else if (sourceMappingActive) { map.addMapping({ generated: { line: generated.line, column: generated.column } }); lastOriginalSource = null; sourceMappingActive = false; } chunk.split('').forEach(function (ch) { if (ch === '\n') { generated.line++; generated.column = 0; } else { generated.column++; } }); }); this.walkSourceContents(function (sourceFile, sourceContent) { map.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent); });
return { code: generated.code, map: map }; };
exports.SourceNode = SourceNode;
},{"./source-map-generator":41,"./util":43,"amdefine":44}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
*/ if (typeof define !== 'function') { var define = require('amdefine')(module, require); } define(function (require, exports, module) {
/** * This is a helper function for getting values from parameter/options * objects. * * @param args The object we are extracting values from * @param name The name of the property we are getting. * @param defaultValue An optional value to return if the property is missing * from the object. If this is not specified and the property is missing, an * error will be thrown. */ function getArg(aArgs, aName, aDefaultValue) { if (aName in aArgs) { return aArgs[aName]; } else if (arguments.length === 3) { return aDefaultValue; } else { throw new Error('"' + aName + '" is a required argument.'); } } exports.getArg = getArg;
var urlRegexp = /([\w+\-.]+):\/\/((\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.]+)?(:(\d+))?(\S+)?/; var dataUrlRegexp = /^data:.+\,.+/;
function urlParse(aUrl) { var match = aUrl.match(urlRegexp); if (!match) { return null; } return { scheme: match[1], auth: match[3], host: match[4], port: match[6], path: match[7] }; } exports.urlParse = urlParse;
function urlGenerate(aParsedUrl) { var url = aParsedUrl.scheme + "://"; if (aParsedUrl.auth) { url += aParsedUrl.auth + "@" } if (aParsedUrl.host) { url += aParsedUrl.host; } if (aParsedUrl.port) { url += ":" + aParsedUrl.port } if (aParsedUrl.path) { url += aParsedUrl.path; } return url; } exports.urlGenerate = urlGenerate;
function join(aRoot, aPath) { var url;
if (aPath.match(urlRegexp) || aPath.match(dataUrlRegexp)) { return aPath; }
if (aPath.charAt(0) === '/' && (url = urlParse(aRoot))) { url.path = aPath; return urlGenerate(url); }
return aRoot.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/' + aPath; } exports.join = join;
/** * Because behavior goes wacky when you set `__proto__` on objects, we * have to prefix all the strings in our set with an arbitrary character. * * See https://github.com/mozilla/source-map/pull/31 and
* https://github.com/mozilla/source-map/issues/30
* * @param String aStr */ function toSetString(aStr) { return '$' + aStr; } exports.toSetString = toSetString;
function fromSetString(aStr) { return aStr.substr(1); } exports.fromSetString = fromSetString;
function relative(aRoot, aPath) { aRoot = aRoot.replace(/\/$/, '');
var url = urlParse(aRoot); if (aPath.charAt(0) == "/" && url && url.path == "/") { return aPath.slice(1); }
return aPath.indexOf(aRoot + '/') === 0 ? aPath.substr(aRoot.length + 1) : aPath; } exports.relative = relative;
function strcmp(aStr1, aStr2) { var s1 = aStr1 || ""; var s2 = aStr2 || ""; return (s1 > s2) - (s1 < s2); }
/** * Comparator between two mappings where the original positions are compared. * * Optionally pass in `true` as `onlyCompareGenerated` to consider two * mappings with the same original source/line/column, but different generated * line and column the same. Useful when searching for a mapping with a * stubbed out mapping. */ function compareByOriginalPositions(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareOriginal) { var cmp;
cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp) { return cmp; }
cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp) { return cmp; }
cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp || onlyCompareOriginal) { return cmp; }
cmp = strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); if (cmp) { return cmp; }
cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp) { return cmp; }
return mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; }; exports.compareByOriginalPositions = compareByOriginalPositions;
/** * Comparator between two mappings where the generated positions are * compared. * * Optionally pass in `true` as `onlyCompareGenerated` to consider two * mappings with the same generated line and column, but different * source/name/original line and column the same. Useful when searching for a * mapping with a stubbed out mapping. */ function compareByGeneratedPositions(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareGenerated) { var cmp;
cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp) { return cmp; }
cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp || onlyCompareGenerated) { return cmp; }
cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp) { return cmp; }
cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp) { return cmp; }
cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp) { return cmp; }
return strcmp(mappingA.name, mappingB.name); }; exports.compareByGeneratedPositions = compareByGeneratedPositions;
},{"amdefine":44}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ var process=require("__browserify_process"),__filename="/../node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/source-map/node_modules/amdefine/amdefine.js";/** vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4 * @license amdefine 0.1.0 Copyright (c) 2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. * Available via the MIT or new BSD license. * see: http://github.com/jrburke/amdefine for details
/*jslint node: true */ /*global module, process */ 'use strict';
/** * Creates a define for node. * @param {Object} module the "module" object that is defined by Node for the * current module. * @param {Function} [requireFn]. Node's require function for the current module. * It only needs to be passed in Node versions before 0.5, when module.require * did not exist. * @returns {Function} a define function that is usable for the current node * module. */ function amdefine(module, requireFn) { 'use strict'; var defineCache = {}, loaderCache = {}, alreadyCalled = false, path = require('path'), makeRequire, stringRequire;
/** * Trims the . and .. from an array of path segments. * It will keep a leading path segment if a .. will become * the first path segment, to help with module name lookups, * which act like paths, but can be remapped. But the end result, * all paths that use this function should look normalized. * NOTE: this method MODIFIES the input array. * @param {Array} ary the array of path segments. */ function trimDots(ary) { var i, part; for (i = 0; ary[i]; i+= 1) { part = ary[i]; if (part === '.') { ary.splice(i, 1); i -= 1; } else if (part === '..') { if (i === 1 && (ary[2] === '..' || ary[0] === '..')) { //End of the line. Keep at least one non-dot
//path segment at the front so it can be mapped
//correctly to disk. Otherwise, there is likely
//no path mapping for a path starting with '..'.
//This can still fail, but catches the most reasonable
//uses of ..
break; } else if (i > 0) { ary.splice(i - 1, 2); i -= 2; } } } }
function normalize(name, baseName) { var baseParts;
//Adjust any relative paths.
if (name && name.charAt(0) === '.') { //If have a base name, try to normalize against it,
//otherwise, assume it is a top-level require that will
//be relative to baseUrl in the end.
if (baseName) { baseParts = baseName.split('/'); baseParts = baseParts.slice(0, baseParts.length - 1); baseParts = baseParts.concat(name.split('/')); trimDots(baseParts); name = baseParts.join('/'); } }
return name; }
/** * Create the normalize() function passed to a loader plugin's * normalize method. */ function makeNormalize(relName) { return function (name) { return normalize(name, relName); }; }
function makeLoad(id) { function load(value) { loaderCache[id] = value; }
load.fromText = function (id, text) { //This one is difficult because the text can/probably uses
//define, and any relative paths and requires should be relative
//to that id was it would be found on disk. But this would require
//bootstrapping a module/require fairly deeply from node core.
//Not sure how best to go about that yet.
throw new Error('amdefine does not implement load.fromText'); };
return load; }
makeRequire = function (systemRequire, exports, module, relId) { function amdRequire(deps, callback) { if (typeof deps === 'string') { //Synchronous, single module require('')
return stringRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, deps, relId); } else { //Array of dependencies with a callback.
//Convert the dependencies to modules.
deps = deps.map(function (depName) { return stringRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, depName, relId); });
//Wait for next tick to call back the require call.
process.nextTick(function () { callback.apply(null, deps); }); } }
amdRequire.toUrl = function (filePath) { if (filePath.indexOf('.') === 0) { return normalize(filePath, path.dirname(module.filename)); } else { return filePath; } };
return amdRequire; };
//Favor explicit value, passed in if the module wants to support Node 0.4.
requireFn = requireFn || function req() { return module.require.apply(module, arguments); };
function runFactory(id, deps, factory) { var r, e, m, result;
if (id) { e = loaderCache[id] = {}; m = { id: id, uri: __filename, exports: e }; r = makeRequire(requireFn, e, m, id); } else { //Only support one define call per file
if (alreadyCalled) { throw new Error('amdefine with no module ID cannot be called more than once per file.'); } alreadyCalled = true;
//Use the real variables from node
//Use module.exports for exports, since
//the exports in here is amdefine exports.
e = module.exports; m = module; r = makeRequire(requireFn, e, m, module.id); }
//If there are dependencies, they are strings, so need
//to convert them to dependency values.
if (deps) { deps = deps.map(function (depName) { return r(depName); }); }
//Call the factory with the right dependencies.
if (typeof factory === 'function') { result = factory.apply(m.exports, deps); } else { result = factory; }
if (result !== undefined) { m.exports = result; if (id) { loaderCache[id] = m.exports; } } }
stringRequire = function (systemRequire, exports, module, id, relId) { //Split the ID by a ! so that
var index = id.indexOf('!'), originalId = id, prefix, plugin;
if (index === -1) { id = normalize(id, relId);
//Straight module lookup. If it is one of the special dependencies,
//deal with it, otherwise, delegate to node.
if (id === 'require') { return makeRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, relId); } else if (id === 'exports') { return exports; } else if (id === 'module') { return module; } else if (loaderCache.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return loaderCache[id]; } else if (defineCache[id]) { runFactory.apply(null, defineCache[id]); return loaderCache[id]; } else { if(systemRequire) { return systemRequire(originalId); } else { throw new Error('No module with ID: ' + id); } } } else { //There is a plugin in play.
prefix = id.substring(0, index); id = id.substring(index + 1, id.length);
plugin = stringRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, prefix, relId);
if (plugin.normalize) { id = plugin.normalize(id, makeNormalize(relId)); } else { //Normalize the ID normally.
id = normalize(id, relId); }
if (loaderCache[id]) { return loaderCache[id]; } else { plugin.load(id, makeRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, relId), makeLoad(id), {});
return loaderCache[id]; } } };
//Create a define function specific to the module asking for amdefine.
function define(id, deps, factory) { if (Array.isArray(id)) { factory = deps; deps = id; id = undefined; } else if (typeof id !== 'string') { factory = id; id = deps = undefined; }
if (deps && !Array.isArray(deps)) { factory = deps; deps = undefined; }
if (!deps) { deps = ['require', 'exports', 'module']; }
//Set up properties for this module. If an ID, then use
//internal cache. If no ID, then use the external variables
//for this node module.
if (id) { //Put the module in deep freeze until there is a
//require call for it.
defineCache[id] = [id, deps, factory]; } else { runFactory(id, deps, factory); } }
//define.require, which has access to all the values in the
//cache. Useful for AMD modules that all have IDs in the file,
//but need to finally export a value to node based on one of those
define.require = function (id) { if (loaderCache[id]) { return loaderCache[id]; }
if (defineCache[id]) { runFactory.apply(null, defineCache[id]); return loaderCache[id]; } };
define.amd = {};
return define; }
module.exports = amdefine;
},{"__browserify_process":29,"path":30}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ var sys = require("util"); var MOZ_SourceMap = require("source-map"); var UglifyJS = exports; /***********************************************************************
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function array_to_hash(a) { var ret = Object.create(null); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) ret[a[i]] = true; return ret; };
function slice(a, start) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(a, start || 0); };
function characters(str) { return str.split(""); };
function member(name, array) { for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) if (array[i] == name) return true; return false; };
function find_if(func, array) { for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; ++i) { if (func(array[i])) return array[i]; } };
function repeat_string(str, i) { if (i <= 0) return ""; if (i == 1) return str; var d = repeat_string(str, i >> 1); d += d; if (i & 1) d += str; return d; };
function DefaultsError(msg, defs) { Error.call(this, msg); this.msg = msg; this.defs = defs; }; DefaultsError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); DefaultsError.prototype.constructor = DefaultsError;
DefaultsError.croak = function(msg, defs) { throw new DefaultsError(msg, defs); };
function defaults(args, defs, croak) { if (args === true) args = {}; var ret = args || {}; if (croak) for (var i in ret) if (ret.hasOwnProperty(i) && !defs.hasOwnProperty(i)) DefaultsError.croak("`" + i + "` is not a supported option", defs); for (var i in defs) if (defs.hasOwnProperty(i)) { ret[i] = (args && args.hasOwnProperty(i)) ? args[i] : defs[i]; } return ret; };
function merge(obj, ext) { for (var i in ext) if (ext.hasOwnProperty(i)) { obj[i] = ext[i]; } return obj; };
function noop() {};
var MAP = (function(){ function MAP(a, f, backwards) { var ret = [], top = [], i; function doit() { var val = f(a[i], i); var is_last = val instanceof Last; if (is_last) val = val.v; if (val instanceof AtTop) { val = val.v; if (val instanceof Splice) { top.push.apply(top, backwards ? val.v.slice().reverse() : val.v); } else { top.push(val); } } else if (val !== skip) { if (val instanceof Splice) { ret.push.apply(ret, backwards ? val.v.slice().reverse() : val.v); } else { ret.push(val); } } return is_last; }; if (a instanceof Array) { if (backwards) { for (i = a.length; --i >= 0;) if (doit()) break; ret.reverse(); top.reverse(); } else { for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) if (doit()) break; } } else { for (i in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(i)) if (doit()) break; } return top.concat(ret); }; MAP.at_top = function(val) { return new AtTop(val) }; MAP.splice = function(val) { return new Splice(val) }; MAP.last = function(val) { return new Last(val) }; var skip = MAP.skip = {}; function AtTop(val) { this.v = val }; function Splice(val) { this.v = val }; function Last(val) { this.v = val }; return MAP; })();
function push_uniq(array, el) { if (array.indexOf(el) < 0) array.push(el); };
function string_template(text, props) { return text.replace(/\{(.+?)\}/g, function(str, p){ return props[p]; }); };
function remove(array, el) { for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) { if (array[i] === el) array.splice(i, 1); } };
function mergeSort(array, cmp) { if (array.length < 2) return array.slice(); function merge(a, b) { var r = [], ai = 0, bi = 0, i = 0; while (ai < a.length && bi < b.length) { cmp(a[ai], b[bi]) <= 0 ? r[i++] = a[ai++] : r[i++] = b[bi++]; } if (ai < a.length) r.push.apply(r, a.slice(ai)); if (bi < b.length) r.push.apply(r, b.slice(bi)); return r; }; function _ms(a) { if (a.length <= 1) return a; var m = Math.floor(a.length / 2), left = a.slice(0, m), right = a.slice(m); left = _ms(left); right = _ms(right); return merge(left, right); }; return _ms(array); };
function set_difference(a, b) { return a.filter(function(el){ return b.indexOf(el) < 0; }); };
function set_intersection(a, b) { return a.filter(function(el){ return b.indexOf(el) >= 0; }); };
// this function is taken from Acorn [1], written by Marijn Haverbeke
// [1] https://github.com/marijnh/acorn
function makePredicate(words) { if (!(words instanceof Array)) words = words.split(" "); var f = "", cats = []; out: for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < cats.length; ++j) if (cats[j][0].length == words[i].length) { cats[j].push(words[i]); continue out; } cats.push([words[i]]); } function compareTo(arr) { if (arr.length == 1) return f += "return str === " + JSON.stringify(arr[0]) + ";"; f += "switch(str){"; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) f += "case " + JSON.stringify(arr[i]) + ":"; f += "return true}return false;"; } // When there are more than three length categories, an outer
// switch first dispatches on the lengths, to save on comparisons.
if (cats.length > 3) { cats.sort(function(a, b) {return b.length - a.length;}); f += "switch(str.length){"; for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; ++i) { var cat = cats[i]; f += "case " + cat[0].length + ":"; compareTo(cat); } f += "}"; // Otherwise, simply generate a flat `switch` statement.
} else { compareTo(words); } return new Function("str", f); };
function all(array, predicate) { for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) if (!predicate(array[i])) return false; return true; };
function Dictionary() { this._values = Object.create(null); this._size = 0; }; Dictionary.prototype = { set: function(key, val) { if (!this.has(key)) ++this._size; this._values["$" + key] = val; return this; }, add: function(key, val) { if (this.has(key)) { this.get(key).push(val); } else { this.set(key, [ val ]); } return this; }, get: function(key) { return this._values["$" + key] }, del: function(key) { if (this.has(key)) { --this._size; delete this._values["$" + key]; } return this; }, has: function(key) { return ("$" + key) in this._values }, each: function(f) { for (var i in this._values) f(this._values[i], i.substr(1)); }, size: function() { return this._size; }, map: function(f) { var ret = []; for (var i in this._values) ret.push(f(this._values[i], i.substr(1))); return ret; } };
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function DEFNODE(type, props, methods, base) { if (arguments.length < 4) base = AST_Node; if (!props) props = []; else props = props.split(/\s+/); var self_props = props; if (base && base.PROPS) props = props.concat(base.PROPS); var code = "return function AST_" + type + "(props){ if (props) { "; for (var i = props.length; --i >= 0;) { code += "this." + props[i] + " = props." + props[i] + ";"; } var proto = base && new base; if (proto && proto.initialize || (methods && methods.initialize)) code += "this.initialize();"; code += "}}"; var ctor = new Function(code)(); if (proto) { ctor.prototype = proto; ctor.BASE = base; } if (base) base.SUBCLASSES.push(ctor); ctor.prototype.CTOR = ctor; ctor.PROPS = props || null; ctor.SELF_PROPS = self_props; ctor.SUBCLASSES = []; if (type) { ctor.prototype.TYPE = ctor.TYPE = type; } if (methods) for (i in methods) if (methods.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (/^\$/.test(i)) { ctor[i.substr(1)] = methods[i]; } else { ctor.prototype[i] = methods[i]; } } ctor.DEFMETHOD = function(name, method) { this.prototype[name] = method; }; return ctor; };
var AST_Token = DEFNODE("Token", "type value line col pos endpos nlb comments_before file", { }, null);
var AST_Node = DEFNODE("Node", "start end", { clone: function() { return new this.CTOR(this); }, $documentation: "Base class of all AST nodes", $propdoc: { start: "[AST_Token] The first token of this node", end: "[AST_Token] The last token of this node" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this); }, walk: function(visitor) { return this._walk(visitor); // not sure the indirection will be any help
} }, null);
AST_Node.warn_function = null; AST_Node.warn = function(txt, props) { if (AST_Node.warn_function) AST_Node.warn_function(string_template(txt, props)); };
/* -----[ statements ]----- */
var AST_Statement = DEFNODE("Statement", null, { $documentation: "Base class of all statements", });
var AST_Debugger = DEFNODE("Debugger", null, { $documentation: "Represents a debugger statement", }, AST_Statement);
var AST_Directive = DEFNODE("Directive", "value scope", { $documentation: "Represents a directive, like \"use strict\";", $propdoc: { value: "[string] The value of this directive as a plain string (it's not an AST_String!)", scope: "[AST_Scope/S] The scope that this directive affects" }, }, AST_Statement);
var AST_SimpleStatement = DEFNODE("SimpleStatement", "body", { $documentation: "A statement consisting of an expression, i.e. a = 1 + 2", $propdoc: { body: "[AST_Node] an expression node (should not be instanceof AST_Statement)" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Statement);
function walk_body(node, visitor) { if (node.body instanceof AST_Statement) { node.body._walk(visitor); } else node.body.forEach(function(stat){ stat._walk(visitor); }); };
var AST_Block = DEFNODE("Block", "body", { $documentation: "A body of statements (usually bracketed)", $propdoc: { body: "[AST_Statement*] an array of statements" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_Statement);
var AST_BlockStatement = DEFNODE("BlockStatement", null, { $documentation: "A block statement", }, AST_Block);
var AST_EmptyStatement = DEFNODE("EmptyStatement", null, { $documentation: "The empty statement (empty block or simply a semicolon)", _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this); } }, AST_Statement);
var AST_StatementWithBody = DEFNODE("StatementWithBody", "body", { $documentation: "Base class for all statements that contain one nested body: `For`, `ForIn`, `Do`, `While`, `With`", $propdoc: { body: "[AST_Statement] the body; this should always be present, even if it's an AST_EmptyStatement" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Statement);
var AST_LabeledStatement = DEFNODE("LabeledStatement", "label", { $documentation: "Statement with a label", $propdoc: { label: "[AST_Label] a label definition" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.label._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
var AST_IterationStatement = DEFNODE("IterationStatement", null, { $documentation: "Internal class. All loops inherit from it." }, AST_StatementWithBody);
var AST_DWLoop = DEFNODE("DWLoop", "condition", { $documentation: "Base class for do/while statements", $propdoc: { condition: "[AST_Node] the loop condition. Should not be instanceof AST_Statement" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.condition._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_IterationStatement);
var AST_Do = DEFNODE("Do", null, { $documentation: "A `do` statement", }, AST_DWLoop);
var AST_While = DEFNODE("While", null, { $documentation: "A `while` statement", }, AST_DWLoop);
var AST_For = DEFNODE("For", "init condition step", { $documentation: "A `for` statement", $propdoc: { init: "[AST_Node?] the `for` initialization code, or null if empty", condition: "[AST_Node?] the `for` termination clause, or null if empty", step: "[AST_Node?] the `for` update clause, or null if empty" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ if (this.init) this.init._walk(visitor); if (this.condition) this.condition._walk(visitor); if (this.step) this.step._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_IterationStatement);
var AST_ForIn = DEFNODE("ForIn", "init name object", { $documentation: "A `for ... in` statement", $propdoc: { init: "[AST_Node] the `for/in` initialization code", name: "[AST_SymbolRef?] the loop variable, only if `init` is AST_Var", object: "[AST_Node] the object that we're looping through" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.init._walk(visitor); this.object._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_IterationStatement);
var AST_With = DEFNODE("With", "expression", { $documentation: "A `with` statement", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] the `with` expression" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
/* -----[ scope and functions ]----- */
var AST_Scope = DEFNODE("Scope", "directives variables functions uses_with uses_eval parent_scope enclosed cname", { $documentation: "Base class for all statements introducing a lexical scope", $propdoc: { directives: "[string*/S] an array of directives declared in this scope", variables: "[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all variables/functions defined in this scope", functions: "[Object/S] like `variables`, but only lists function declarations", uses_with: "[boolean/S] tells whether this scope uses the `with` statement", uses_eval: "[boolean/S] tells whether this scope contains a direct call to the global `eval`", parent_scope: "[AST_Scope?/S] link to the parent scope", enclosed: "[SymbolDef*/S] a list of all symbol definitions that are accessed from this scope or any subscopes", cname: "[integer/S] current index for mangling variables (used internally by the mangler)", }, }, AST_Block);
var AST_Toplevel = DEFNODE("Toplevel", "globals", { $documentation: "The toplevel scope", $propdoc: { globals: "[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all undeclared names", }, wrap_enclose: function(arg_parameter_pairs) { var self = this; var args = []; var parameters = [];
arg_parameter_pairs.forEach(function(pair) { var split = pair.split(":");
args.push(split[0]); parameters.push(split[1]); });
var wrapped_tl = "(function(" + parameters.join(",") + "){ '$ORIG'; })(" + args.join(",") + ")"; wrapped_tl = parse(wrapped_tl); wrapped_tl = wrapped_tl.transform(new TreeTransformer(function before(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Directive && node.value == "$ORIG") { return MAP.splice(self.body); } })); return wrapped_tl; }, wrap_commonjs: function(name, export_all) { var self = this; var to_export = []; if (export_all) { self.figure_out_scope(); self.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_SymbolDeclaration && node.definition().global) { if (!find_if(function(n){ return n.name == node.name }, to_export)) to_export.push(node); } })); } var wrapped_tl = "(function(exports, global){ global['" + name + "'] = exports; '$ORIG'; '$EXPORTS'; }({}, (function(){return this}())))"; wrapped_tl = parse(wrapped_tl); wrapped_tl = wrapped_tl.transform(new TreeTransformer(function before(node){ if (node instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { node = node.body; if (node instanceof AST_String) switch (node.getValue()) { case "$ORIG": return MAP.splice(self.body); case "$EXPORTS": var body = []; to_export.forEach(function(sym){ body.push(new AST_SimpleStatement({ body: new AST_Assign({ left: new AST_Sub({ expression: new AST_SymbolRef({ name: "exports" }), property: new AST_String({ value: sym.name }), }), operator: "=", right: new AST_SymbolRef(sym), }), })); }); return MAP.splice(body); } } })); return wrapped_tl; } }, AST_Scope);
var AST_Lambda = DEFNODE("Lambda", "name argnames uses_arguments", { $documentation: "Base class for functions", $propdoc: { name: "[AST_SymbolDeclaration?] the name of this function", argnames: "[AST_SymbolFunarg*] array of function arguments", uses_arguments: "[boolean/S] tells whether this function accesses the arguments array" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ if (this.name) this.name._walk(visitor); this.argnames.forEach(function(arg){ arg._walk(visitor); }); walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_Scope);
var AST_Accessor = DEFNODE("Accessor", null, { $documentation: "A setter/getter function. The `name` property is always null." }, AST_Lambda);
var AST_Function = DEFNODE("Function", null, { $documentation: "A function expression" }, AST_Lambda);
var AST_Defun = DEFNODE("Defun", null, { $documentation: "A function definition" }, AST_Lambda);
/* -----[ JUMPS ]----- */
var AST_Jump = DEFNODE("Jump", null, { $documentation: "Base class for “jumps” (for now that's `return`, `throw`, `break` and `continue`)" }, AST_Statement);
var AST_Exit = DEFNODE("Exit", "value", { $documentation: "Base class for “exits” (`return` and `throw`)", $propdoc: { value: "[AST_Node?] the value returned or thrown by this statement; could be null for AST_Return" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, this.value && function(){ this.value._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Jump);
var AST_Return = DEFNODE("Return", null, { $documentation: "A `return` statement" }, AST_Exit);
var AST_Throw = DEFNODE("Throw", null, { $documentation: "A `throw` statement" }, AST_Exit);
var AST_LoopControl = DEFNODE("LoopControl", "label", { $documentation: "Base class for loop control statements (`break` and `continue`)", $propdoc: { label: "[AST_LabelRef?] the label, or null if none", }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, this.label && function(){ this.label._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Jump);
var AST_Break = DEFNODE("Break", null, { $documentation: "A `break` statement" }, AST_LoopControl);
var AST_Continue = DEFNODE("Continue", null, { $documentation: "A `continue` statement" }, AST_LoopControl);
/* -----[ IF ]----- */
var AST_If = DEFNODE("If", "condition alternative", { $documentation: "A `if` statement", $propdoc: { condition: "[AST_Node] the `if` condition", alternative: "[AST_Statement?] the `else` part, or null if not present" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.condition._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); if (this.alternative) this.alternative._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
/* -----[ SWITCH ]----- */
var AST_Switch = DEFNODE("Switch", "expression", { $documentation: "A `switch` statement", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] the `switch` “discriminant”" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_Block);
var AST_SwitchBranch = DEFNODE("SwitchBranch", null, { $documentation: "Base class for `switch` branches", }, AST_Block);
var AST_Default = DEFNODE("Default", null, { $documentation: "A `default` switch branch", }, AST_SwitchBranch);
var AST_Case = DEFNODE("Case", "expression", { $documentation: "A `case` switch branch", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] the `case` expression" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_SwitchBranch);
/* -----[ EXCEPTIONS ]----- */
var AST_Try = DEFNODE("Try", "bcatch bfinally", { $documentation: "A `try` statement", $propdoc: { bcatch: "[AST_Catch?] the catch block, or null if not present", bfinally: "[AST_Finally?] the finally block, or null if not present" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ walk_body(this, visitor); if (this.bcatch) this.bcatch._walk(visitor); if (this.bfinally) this.bfinally._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Block);
var AST_Catch = DEFNODE("Catch", "argname", { $documentation: "A `catch` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement", $propdoc: { argname: "[AST_SymbolCatch] symbol for the exception" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.argname._walk(visitor); walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_Block);
var AST_Finally = DEFNODE("Finally", null, { $documentation: "A `finally` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement" }, AST_Block);
/* -----[ VAR/CONST ]----- */
var AST_Definitions = DEFNODE("Definitions", "definitions", { $documentation: "Base class for `var` or `const` nodes (variable declarations/initializations)", $propdoc: { definitions: "[AST_VarDef*] array of variable definitions" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.definitions.forEach(function(def){ def._walk(visitor); }); }); } }, AST_Statement);
var AST_Var = DEFNODE("Var", null, { $documentation: "A `var` statement" }, AST_Definitions);
var AST_Const = DEFNODE("Const", null, { $documentation: "A `const` statement" }, AST_Definitions);
var AST_VarDef = DEFNODE("VarDef", "name value", { $documentation: "A variable declaration; only appears in a AST_Definitions node", $propdoc: { name: "[AST_SymbolVar|AST_SymbolConst] name of the variable", value: "[AST_Node?] initializer, or null of there's no initializer" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.name._walk(visitor); if (this.value) this.value._walk(visitor); }); } });
/* -----[ OTHER ]----- */
var AST_Call = DEFNODE("Call", "expression args", { $documentation: "A function call expression", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] expression to invoke as function", args: "[AST_Node*] array of arguments" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); this.args.forEach(function(arg){ arg._walk(visitor); }); }); } });
var AST_New = DEFNODE("New", null, { $documentation: "An object instantiation. Derives from a function call since it has exactly the same properties" }, AST_Call);
var AST_Seq = DEFNODE("Seq", "car cdr", { $documentation: "A sequence expression (two comma-separated expressions)", $propdoc: { car: "[AST_Node] first element in sequence", cdr: "[AST_Node] second element in sequence" }, $cons: function(x, y) { var seq = new AST_Seq(x); seq.car = x; seq.cdr = y; return seq; }, $from_array: function(array) { if (array.length == 0) return null; if (array.length == 1) return array[0].clone(); var list = null; for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) { list = AST_Seq.cons(array[i], list); } var p = list; while (p) { if (p.cdr && !p.cdr.cdr) { p.cdr = p.cdr.car; break; } p = p.cdr; } return list; }, to_array: function() { var p = this, a = []; while (p) { a.push(p.car); if (p.cdr && !(p.cdr instanceof AST_Seq)) { a.push(p.cdr); break; } p = p.cdr; } return a; }, add: function(node) { var p = this; while (p) { if (!(p.cdr instanceof AST_Seq)) { var cell = AST_Seq.cons(p.cdr, node); return p.cdr = cell; } p = p.cdr; } }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.car._walk(visitor); if (this.cdr) this.cdr._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_PropAccess = DEFNODE("PropAccess", "expression property", { $documentation: "Base class for property access expressions, i.e. `a.foo` or `a[\"foo\"]`", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] the “container” expression", property: "[AST_Node|string] the property to access. For AST_Dot this is always a plain string, while for AST_Sub it's an arbitrary AST_Node" } });
var AST_Dot = DEFNODE("Dot", null, { $documentation: "A dotted property access expression", _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_PropAccess);
var AST_Sub = DEFNODE("Sub", null, { $documentation: "Index-style property access, i.e. `a[\"foo\"]`", _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); this.property._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_PropAccess);
var AST_Unary = DEFNODE("Unary", "operator expression", { $documentation: "Base class for unary expressions", $propdoc: { operator: "[string] the operator", expression: "[AST_Node] expression that this unary operator applies to" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_UnaryPrefix = DEFNODE("UnaryPrefix", null, { $documentation: "Unary prefix expression, i.e. `typeof i` or `++i`" }, AST_Unary);
var AST_UnaryPostfix = DEFNODE("UnaryPostfix", null, { $documentation: "Unary postfix expression, i.e. `i++`" }, AST_Unary);
var AST_Binary = DEFNODE("Binary", "left operator right", { $documentation: "Binary expression, i.e. `a + b`", $propdoc: { left: "[AST_Node] left-hand side expression", operator: "[string] the operator", right: "[AST_Node] right-hand side expression" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.left._walk(visitor); this.right._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_Conditional = DEFNODE("Conditional", "condition consequent alternative", { $documentation: "Conditional expression using the ternary operator, i.e. `a ? b : c`", $propdoc: { condition: "[AST_Node]", consequent: "[AST_Node]", alternative: "[AST_Node]" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.condition._walk(visitor); this.consequent._walk(visitor); this.alternative._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_Assign = DEFNODE("Assign", null, { $documentation: "An assignment expression — `a = b + 5`", }, AST_Binary);
/* -----[ LITERALS ]----- */
var AST_Array = DEFNODE("Array", "elements", { $documentation: "An array literal", $propdoc: { elements: "[AST_Node*] array of elements" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.elements.forEach(function(el){ el._walk(visitor); }); }); } });
var AST_Object = DEFNODE("Object", "properties", { $documentation: "An object literal", $propdoc: { properties: "[AST_ObjectProperty*] array of properties" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.properties.forEach(function(prop){ prop._walk(visitor); }); }); } });
var AST_ObjectProperty = DEFNODE("ObjectProperty", "key value", { $documentation: "Base class for literal object properties", $propdoc: { key: "[string] the property name converted to a string for ObjectKeyVal. For setters and getters this is an arbitrary AST_Node.", value: "[AST_Node] property value. For setters and getters this is an AST_Function." }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.value._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_ObjectKeyVal = DEFNODE("ObjectKeyVal", null, { $documentation: "A key: value object property", }, AST_ObjectProperty);
var AST_ObjectSetter = DEFNODE("ObjectSetter", null, { $documentation: "An object setter property", }, AST_ObjectProperty);
var AST_ObjectGetter = DEFNODE("ObjectGetter", null, { $documentation: "An object getter property", }, AST_ObjectProperty);
var AST_Symbol = DEFNODE("Symbol", "scope name thedef", { $propdoc: { name: "[string] name of this symbol", scope: "[AST_Scope/S] the current scope (not necessarily the definition scope)", thedef: "[SymbolDef/S] the definition of this symbol" }, $documentation: "Base class for all symbols", });
var AST_SymbolAccessor = DEFNODE("SymbolAccessor", null, { $documentation: "The name of a property accessor (setter/getter function)" }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_SymbolDeclaration = DEFNODE("SymbolDeclaration", "init", { $documentation: "A declaration symbol (symbol in var/const, function name or argument, symbol in catch)", $propdoc: { init: "[AST_Node*/S] array of initializers for this declaration." } }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_SymbolVar = DEFNODE("SymbolVar", null, { $documentation: "Symbol defining a variable", }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_SymbolConst = DEFNODE("SymbolConst", null, { $documentation: "A constant declaration" }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_SymbolFunarg = DEFNODE("SymbolFunarg", null, { $documentation: "Symbol naming a function argument", }, AST_SymbolVar);
var AST_SymbolDefun = DEFNODE("SymbolDefun", null, { $documentation: "Symbol defining a function", }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_SymbolLambda = DEFNODE("SymbolLambda", null, { $documentation: "Symbol naming a function expression", }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_SymbolCatch = DEFNODE("SymbolCatch", null, { $documentation: "Symbol naming the exception in catch", }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_Label = DEFNODE("Label", "references", { $documentation: "Symbol naming a label (declaration)", $propdoc: { references: "[AST_LoopControl*] a list of nodes referring to this label" }, initialize: function() { this.references = []; this.thedef = this; } }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_SymbolRef = DEFNODE("SymbolRef", null, { $documentation: "Reference to some symbol (not definition/declaration)", }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_LabelRef = DEFNODE("LabelRef", null, { $documentation: "Reference to a label symbol", }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_This = DEFNODE("This", null, { $documentation: "The `this` symbol", }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_Constant = DEFNODE("Constant", null, { $documentation: "Base class for all constants", getValue: function() { return this.value; } });
var AST_String = DEFNODE("String", "value", { $documentation: "A string literal", $propdoc: { value: "[string] the contents of this string" } }, AST_Constant);
var AST_Number = DEFNODE("Number", "value", { $documentation: "A number literal", $propdoc: { value: "[number] the numeric value" } }, AST_Constant);
var AST_RegExp = DEFNODE("RegExp", "value", { $documentation: "A regexp literal", $propdoc: { value: "[RegExp] the actual regexp" } }, AST_Constant);
var AST_Atom = DEFNODE("Atom", null, { $documentation: "Base class for atoms", }, AST_Constant);
var AST_Null = DEFNODE("Null", null, { $documentation: "The `null` atom", value: null }, AST_Atom);
var AST_NaN = DEFNODE("NaN", null, { $documentation: "The impossible value", value: 0/0 }, AST_Atom);
var AST_Undefined = DEFNODE("Undefined", null, { $documentation: "The `undefined` value", value: (function(){}()) }, AST_Atom);
var AST_Hole = DEFNODE("Hole", null, { $documentation: "A hole in an array", value: (function(){}()) }, AST_Atom);
var AST_Infinity = DEFNODE("Infinity", null, { $documentation: "The `Infinity` value", value: 1/0 }, AST_Atom);
var AST_Boolean = DEFNODE("Boolean", null, { $documentation: "Base class for booleans", }, AST_Atom);
var AST_False = DEFNODE("False", null, { $documentation: "The `false` atom", value: false }, AST_Boolean);
var AST_True = DEFNODE("True", null, { $documentation: "The `true` atom", value: true }, AST_Boolean);
/* -----[ TreeWalker ]----- */
function TreeWalker(callback) { this.visit = callback; this.stack = []; }; TreeWalker.prototype = { _visit: function(node, descend) { this.stack.push(node); var ret = this.visit(node, descend ? function(){ descend.call(node); } : noop); if (!ret && descend) { descend.call(node); } this.stack.pop(); return ret; }, parent: function(n) { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 2 - (n || 0)]; }, push: function (node) { this.stack.push(node); }, pop: function() { return this.stack.pop(); }, self: function() { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; }, find_parent: function(type) { var stack = this.stack; for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) { var x = stack[i]; if (x instanceof type) return x; } }, has_directive: function(type) { return this.find_parent(AST_Scope).has_directive(type); }, in_boolean_context: function() { var stack = this.stack; var i = stack.length, self = stack[--i]; while (i > 0) { var p = stack[--i]; if ((p instanceof AST_If && p.condition === self) || (p instanceof AST_Conditional && p.condition === self) || (p instanceof AST_DWLoop && p.condition === self) || (p instanceof AST_For && p.condition === self) || (p instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix && p.operator == "!" && p.expression === self)) { return true; } if (!(p instanceof AST_Binary && (p.operator == "&&" || p.operator == "||"))) return false; self = p; } }, loopcontrol_target: function(label) { var stack = this.stack; if (label) for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) { var x = stack[i]; if (x instanceof AST_LabeledStatement && x.label.name == label.name) { return x.body; } } else for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) { var x = stack[i]; if (x instanceof AST_Switch || x instanceof AST_IterationStatement) return x; } } };
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> Parser based on parse-js (http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/parse-js/).
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
var KEYWORDS = 'break case catch const continue debugger default delete do else finally for function if in instanceof new return switch throw try typeof var void while with'; var KEYWORDS_ATOM = 'false null true'; var RESERVED_WORDS = 'abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized this throws transient volatile' + " " + KEYWORDS_ATOM + " " + KEYWORDS; var KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = 'return new delete throw else case';
var OPERATOR_CHARS = makePredicate(characters("+-*&%=<>!?|~^"));
var RE_HEX_NUMBER = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i; var RE_OCT_NUMBER = /^0[0-7]+$/; var RE_DEC_NUMBER = /^\d*\.?\d*(?:e[+-]?\d*(?:\d\.?|\.?\d)\d*)?$/i;
var OPERATORS = makePredicate([ "in", "instanceof", "typeof", "new", "void", "delete", "++", "--", "+", "-", "!", "~", "&", "|", "^", "*", "/", "%", ">>", "<<", ">>>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "===", "!=", "!==", "?", "=", "+=", "-=", "/=", "*=", "%=", ">>=", "<<=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&=", "&&", "||" ]);
var WHITESPACE_CHARS = makePredicate(characters(" \u00a0\n\r\t\f\u000b\u200b\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000"));
var PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = makePredicate(characters("[{(,.;:"));
var PUNC_CHARS = makePredicate(characters("[]{}(),;:"));
var REGEXP_MODIFIERS = makePredicate(characters("gmsiy"));
/* -----[ Tokenizer ]----- */
// regexps adapted from http://xregexp.com/plugins/#unicode
var UNICODE = { letter: new RegExp("[\\u0041-\\u005A\\u0061-\\u007A\\u00AA\\u00B5\\u00BA\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02C1\\u02C6-\\u02D1\\u02E0-\\u02E4\\u02EC\\u02EE\\u0370-\\u0374\\u0376\\u0377\\u037A-\\u037D\\u0386\\u0388-\\u038A\\u038C\\u038E-\\u03A1\\u03A3-\\u03F5\\u03F7-\\u0481\\u048A-\\u0523\\u0531-\\u0556\\u0559\\u0561-\\u0587\\u05D0-\\u05EA\\u05F0-\\u05F2\\u0621-\\u064A\\u066E\\u066F\\u0671-\\u06D3\\u06D5\\u06E5\\u06E6\\u06EE\\u06EF\\u06FA-\\u06FC\\u06FF\\u0710\\u0712-\\u072F\\u074D-\\u07A5\\u07B1\\u07CA-\\u07EA\\u07F4\\u07F5\\u07FA\\u0904-\\u0939\\u093D\\u0950\\u0958-\\u0961\\u0971\\u0972\\u097B-\\u097F\\u0985-\\u098C\\u098F\\u0990\\u0993-\\u09A8\\u09AA-\\u09B0\\u09B2\\u09B6-\\u09B9\\u09BD\\u09CE\\u09DC\\u09DD\\u09DF-\\u09E1\\u09F0\\u09F1\\u0A05-\\u0A0A\\u0A0F\\u0A10\\u0A13-\\u0A28\\u0A2A-\\u0A30\\u0A32\\u0A33\\u0A35\\u0A36\\u0A38\\u0A39\\u0A59-\\u0A5C\\u0A5E\\u0A72-\\u0A74\\u0A85-\\u0A8D\\u0A8F-\\u0A91\\u0A93-\\u0AA8\\u0AAA-\\u0AB0\\u0AB2\\u0AB3\\u0AB5-\\u0AB9\\u0ABD\\u0AD0\\u0AE0\\u0AE1\\u0B05-\\u0B0C\\u0B0F\\u0B10\\u0B13-\\u0B28\\u0B2A-\\u0B30\\u0B32\\u0B33\\u0B35-\\u0B39\\u0B3D\\u0B5C\\u0B5D\\u0B5F-\\u0B61\\u0B71\\u0B83\\u0B85-\\u0B8A\\u0B8E-\\u0B90\\u0B92-\\u0B95\\u0B99\\u0B9A\\u0B9C\\u0B9E\\u0B9F\\u0BA3\\u0BA4\\u0BA8-\\u0BAA\\u0BAE-\\u0BB9\\u0BD0\\u0C05-\\u0C0C\\u0C0E-\\u0C10\\u0C12-\\u0C28\\u0C2A-\\u0C33\\u0C35-\\u0C39\\u0C3D\\u0C58\\u0C59\\u0C60\\u0C61\\u0C85-\\u0C8C\\u0C8E-\\u0C90\\u0C92-\\u0CA8\\u0CAA-\\u0CB3\\u0CB5-\\u0CB9\\u0CBD\\u0CDE\\u0CE0\\u0CE1\\u0D05-\\u0D0C\\u0D0E-\\u0D10\\u0D12-\\u0D28\\u0D2A-\\u0D39\\u0D3D\\u0D60\\u0D61\\u0D7A-\\u0D7F\\u0D85-\\u0D96\\u0D9A-\\u0DB1\\u0DB3-\\u0DBB\\u0DBD\\u0DC0-\\u0DC6\\u0E01-\\u0E30\\u0E32\\u0E33\\u0E40-\\u0E46\\u0E81\\u0E82\\u0E84\\u0E87\\u0E88\\u0E8A\\u0E8D\\u0E94-\\u0E97\\u0E99-\\u0E9F\\u0EA1-\\u0EA3\\u0EA5\\u0EA7\\u0EAA\\u0EAB\\u0EAD-\\u0EB0\\u0EB2\\u0EB3\\u0EBD\\u0EC0-\\u0EC4\\u0EC6\\u0EDC\\u0EDD\\u0F00\\u0F40-\\u0F47\\u0F49-\\u0F6C\\u0F88-\\u0F8B\\u1000-\\u102A\\u103F\\u1050-\\u1055\\u105A-\\u105D\\u1061\\u1065\\u1066\\u106E-\\u1070\\u1075-\\u1081\\u108E\\u10A0-\\u10C5\\u10D0-\\u10FA\\u10FC\\u1100-\\u1159\\u115F-\\u11A2\\u11A8-\\u11F9\\u1200-\\u1248\\u124A-\\u124D\\u1250-\\u1256\\u1258\\u125A-\\u125D\\u1260-\\u1288\\u128A-\\u128D\\u1290-\\u12B0\\u12B2-\\u12B5\\u12B8-\\u12BE\\u12C0\\u12C2-\\u12C5\\u12C8-\\u12D6\\u12D8-\\u1310\\u1312-\\u1315\\u1318-\\u135A\\u1380-\\u138F\\u13A0-\\u13F4\\u1401-\\u166C\\u166F-\\u1676\\u1681-\\u169A\\u16A0-\\u16EA\\u1700-\\u170C\\u170E-\\u1711\\u1720-\\u1731\\u1740-\\u1751\\u1760-\\u176C\\u176E-\\u1770\\u1780-\\u17B3\\u17D7\\u17DC\\u1820-\\u1877\\u1880-\\u18A8\\u18AA\\u1900-\\u191C\\u1950-\\u196D\\u1970-\\u1974\\u1980-\\u19A9\\u19C1-\\u19C7\\u1A00-\\u1A16\\u1B05-\\u1B33\\u1B45-\\u1B4B\\u1B83-\\u1BA0\\u1BAE\\u1BAF\\u1C00-\\u1C23\\u1C4D-\\u1C4F\\u1C5A-\\u1C7D\\u1D00-\\u1DBF\\u1E00-\\u1F15\\u1F18-\\u1F1D\\u1F20-\\u1F45\\u1F48-\\u1F4D\\u1F50-\\u1F57\\u1F59\\u1F5B\\u1F5D\\u1F5F-\\u1F7D\\u1F80-\\u1FB4\\u1FB6-\\u1FBC\\u1FBE\\u1FC2-\\u1FC4\\u1FC6-\\u1FCC\\u1FD0-\\u1FD3\\u1FD6-\\u1FDB\\u1FE0-\\u1FEC\\u1FF2-\\u1FF4\\u1FF6-\\u1FFC\\u2071\\u207F\\u2090-\\u2094\\u2102\\u2107\\u210A-\\u2113\\u2115\\u2119-\\u211D\\u2124\\u2126\\u2128\\u212A-\\u212D\\u212F-\\u2139\\u213C-\\u213F\\u2145-\\u2149\\u214E\\u2183\\u2184\\u2C00-\\u2C2E\\u2C30-\\u2C5E\\u2C60-\\u2C6F\\u2C71-\\u2C7D\\u2C80-\\u2CE4\\u2D00-\\u2D25\\u2D30-\\u2D65\\u2D6F\\u2D80-\\u2D96\\u2DA0-\\u2DA6\\u2DA8-\\u2DAE\\u2DB0-\\u2DB6\\u2DB8-\\u2DBE\\u2DC0-\\u2DC6\\u2DC8-\\u2DCE\\u2DD0-\\u2DD6\\u2DD8-\\u2DDE\\u2E2F\\u3005\\u3006\\u3031-\\u3035\\u303B\\u303C\\u3041-\\u3096\\u309D-\\u309F\\u30A1-\\u30FA\\u30FC-\\u30FF\\u3105-\\u312D\\u3131-\\u318E\\u31A0-\\u31B7\\u31F0-\\u31FF\\u3400\\u4DB5\\u4E00\\u9FC3\\uA000-\\uA48C\\uA500-\\uA60C\\uA610-\\uA61F\\uA62A\\uA62B\\uA640-\\uA65F\\uA662-\\uA66E\\uA67F-\\uA697\\uA717-\\uA71F\\uA722-\\uA788\\uA78B\\uA78C\\uA7FB-\\uA801\\uA803-\\uA805\\uA807-\\uA80A\\uA80C-\\uA822\\uA840-\\uA873\\uA882-\\uA8B3\\uA90A-\\uA925\\uA930-\\uA946\\uAA00-\\uAA28\\uAA40-\\uAA42\\uAA44-\\uAA4B\\uAC00\\uD7A3\\uF900-\\uFA2D\\uFA30-\\uFA6A\\uFA70-\\uFAD9\\uFB00-\\uFB06\\uFB13-\\ non_spacing_mark: new RegExp("[\\u0300-\\u036F\\u0483-\\u0487\\u0591-\\u05BD\\u05BF\\u05C1\\u05C2\\u05C4\\u05C5\\u05C7\\u0610-\\u061A\\u064B-\\u065E\\u0670\\u06D6-\\u06DC\\u06DF-\\u06E4\\u06E7\\u06E8\\u06EA-\\u06ED\\u0711\\u0730-\\u074A\\u07A6-\\u07B0\\u07EB-\\u07F3\\u0816-\\u0819\\u081B-\\u0823\\u0825-\\u0827\\u0829-\\u082D\\u0900-\\u0902\\u093C\\u0941-\\u0948\\u094D\\u0951-\\u0955\\u0962\\u0963\\u0981\\u09BC\\u09C1-\\u09C4\\u09CD\\u09E2\\u09E3\\u0A01\\u0A02\\u0A3C\\u0A41\\u0A42\\u0A47\\u0A48\\u0A4B-\\u0A4D\\u0A51\\u0A70\\u0A71\\u0A75\\u0A81\\u0A82\\u0ABC\\u0AC1-\\u0AC5\\u0AC7\\u0AC8\\u0ACD\\u0AE2\\u0AE3\\u0B01\\u0B3C\\u0B3F\\u0B41-\\u0B44\\u0B4D\\u0B56\\u0B62\\u0B63\\u0B82\\u0BC0\\u0BCD\\u0C3E-\\u0C40\\u0C46-\\u0C48\\u0C4A-\\u0C4D\\u0C55\\u0C56\\u0C62\\u0C63\\u0CBC\\u0CBF\\u0CC6\\u0CCC\\u0CCD\\u0CE2\\u0CE3\\u0D41-\\u0D44\\u0D4D\\u0D62\\u0D63\\u0DCA\\u0DD2-\\u0DD4\\u0DD6\\u0E31\\u0E34-\\u0E3A\\u0E47-\\u0E4E\\u0EB1\\u0EB4-\\u0EB9\\u0EBB\\u0EBC\\u0EC8-\\u0ECD\\u0F18\\u0F19\\u0F35\\u0F37\\u0F39\\u0F71-\\u0F7E\\u0F80-\\u0F84\\u0F86\\u0F87\\u0F90-\\u0F97\\u0F99-\\u0FBC\\u0FC6\\u102D-\\u1030\\u1032-\\u1037\\u1039\\u103A\\u103D\\u103E\\u1058\\u1059\\u105E-\\u1060\\u1071-\\u1074\\u1082\\u1085\\u1086\\u108D\\u109D\\u135F\\u1712-\\u1714\\u1732-\\u1734\\u1752\\u1753\\u1772\\u1773\\u17B7-\\u17BD\\u17C6\\u17C9-\\u17D3\\u17DD\\u180B-\\u180D\\u18A9\\u1920-\\u1922\\u1927\\u1928\\u1932\\u1939-\\u193B\\u1A17\\u1A18\\u1A56\\u1A58-\\u1A5E\\u1A60\\u1A62\\u1A65-\\u1A6C\\u1A73-\\u1A7C\\u1A7F\\u1B00-\\u1B03\\u1B34\\u1B36-\\u1B3A\\u1B3C\\u1B42\\u1B6B-\\u1B73\\u1B80\\u1B81\\u1BA2-\\u1BA5\\u1BA8\\u1BA9\\u1C2C-\\u1C33\\u1C36\\u1C37\\u1CD0-\\u1CD2\\u1CD4-\\u1CE0\\u1CE2-\\u1CE8\\u1CED\\u1DC0-\\u1DE6\\u1DFD-\\u1DFF\\u20D0-\\u20DC\\u20E1\\u20E5-\\u20F0\\u2CEF-\\u2CF1\\u2DE0-\\u2DFF\\u302A-\\u302F\\u3099\\u309A\\uA66F\\uA67C\\uA67D\\uA6F0\\uA6F1\\uA802\\uA806\\uA80B\\uA825\\uA826\\uA8C4\\uA8E0-\\uA8F1\\uA926-\\uA92D\\uA947-\\uA951\\uA980-\\uA982\\uA9B3\\uA9B6-\\uA9B9\\uA9BC\\uAA29-\\uAA2E\\uAA31\\uAA32\\uAA35\\uAA36\\uAA43\\uAA4C\\uAAB0\\uAAB2-\\uAAB4\\uAAB7\\uAAB8\\uAABE\\uAABF\\uAAC1\\uABE5\\uABE8\\uABED\\uFB1E\\uFE00-\\uFE0F\\uFE20-\\uFE26]"), space_combining_mark: new RegExp("[\\u0903\\u093E-\\u0940\\u0949-\\u094C\\u094E\\u0982\\u0983\\u09BE-\\u09C0\\u09C7\\u09C8\\u09CB\\u09CC\\u09D7\\u0A03\\u0A3E-\\u0A40\\u0A83\\u0ABE-\\u0AC0\\u0AC9\\u0ACB\\u0ACC\\u0B02\\u0B03\\u0B3E\\u0B40\\u0B47\\u0B48\\u0B4B\\u0B4C\\u0B57\\u0BBE\\u0BBF\\u0BC1\\u0BC2\\u0BC6-\\u0BC8\\u0BCA-\\u0BCC\\u0BD7\\u0C01-\\u0C03\\u0C41-\\u0C44\\u0C82\\u0C83\\u0CBE\\u0CC0-\\u0CC4\\u0CC7\\u0CC8\\u0CCA\\u0CCB\\u0CD5\\u0CD6\\u0D02\\u0D03\\u0D3E-\\u0D40\\u0D46-\\u0D48\\u0D4A-\\u0D4C\\u0D57\\u0D82\\u0D83\\u0DCF-\\u0DD1\\u0DD8-\\u0DDF\\u0DF2\\u0DF3\\u0F3E\\u0F3F\\u0F7F\\u102B\\u102C\\u1031\\u1038\\u103B\\u103C\\u1056\\u1057\\u1062-\\u1064\\u1067-\\u106D\\u1083\\u1084\\u1087-\\u108C\\u108F\\u109A-\\u109C\\u17B6\\u17BE-\\u17C5\\u17C7\\u17C8\\u1923-\\u1926\\u1929-\\u192B\\u1930\\u1931\\u1933-\\u1938\\u19B0-\\u19C0\\u19C8\\u19C9\\u1A19-\\u1A1B\\u1A55\\u1A57\\u1A61\\u1A63\\u1A64\\u1A6D-\\u1A72\\u1B04\\u1B35\\u1B3B\\u1B3D-\\u1B41\\u1B43\\u1B44\\u1B82\\u1BA1\\u1BA6\\u1BA7\\u1BAA\\u1C24-\\u1C2B\\u1C34\\u1C35\\u1CE1\\u1CF2\\uA823\\uA824\\uA827\\uA880\\uA881\\uA8B4-\\uA8C3\\uA952\\uA953\\uA983\\uA9B4\\uA9B5\\uA9BA\\uA9BB\\uA9BD-\\uA9C0\\uAA2F\\uAA30\\uAA33\\uAA34\\uAA4D\\uAA7B\\uABE3\\uABE4\\uABE6\\uABE7\\uABE9\\uABEA\\uABEC]"), connector_punctuation: new RegExp("[\\u005F\\u203F\\u2040\\u2054\\uFE33\\uFE34\\uFE4D-\\uFE4F\\uFF3F]") };
function is_letter(code) { return (code >= 97 && code <= 122) || (code >= 65 && code <= 90) || (code >= 0xaa && UNICODE.letter.test(String.fromCharCode(code))); };
function is_digit(code) { return code >= 48 && code <= 57; //XXX: find out if "UnicodeDigit" means something else than 0..9
function is_alphanumeric_char(code) { return is_digit(code) || is_letter(code); };
function is_unicode_combining_mark(ch) { return UNICODE.non_spacing_mark.test(ch) || UNICODE.space_combining_mark.test(ch); };
function is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch) { return UNICODE.connector_punctuation.test(ch); };
function is_identifier(name) { return !RESERVED_WORDS(name) && /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/i.test(name); };
function is_identifier_start(code) { return code == 36 || code == 95 || is_letter(code); };
function is_identifier_char(ch) { var code = ch.charCodeAt(0); return is_identifier_start(code) || is_digit(code) || code == 8204 // \u200c: zero-width non-joiner <ZWNJ>
|| code == 8205 // \u200d: zero-width joiner <ZWJ> (in my ECMA-262 PDF, this is also 200c)
|| is_unicode_combining_mark(ch) || is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch) ; };
function is_identifier_string(str){ var i = str.length; if (i == 0) return false; if (!is_identifier_start(str.charCodeAt(0))) return false; while (--i >= 0) { if (!is_identifier_char(str.charAt(i))) return false; } return true; };
function parse_js_number(num) { if (RE_HEX_NUMBER.test(num)) { return parseInt(num.substr(2), 16); } else if (RE_OCT_NUMBER.test(num)) { return parseInt(num.substr(1), 8); } else if (RE_DEC_NUMBER.test(num)) { return parseFloat(num); } };
function JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos) { this.message = message; this.line = line; this.col = col; this.pos = pos; this.stack = new Error().stack; };
JS_Parse_Error.prototype.toString = function() { return this.message + " (line: " + this.line + ", col: " + this.col + ", pos: " + this.pos + ")" + "\n\n" + this.stack; };
function js_error(message, filename, line, col, pos) { throw new JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos); };
function is_token(token, type, val) { return token.type == type && (val == null || token.value == val); };
var EX_EOF = {};
function tokenizer($TEXT, filename, html5_comments) {
var S = { text : $TEXT.replace(/\r\n?|[\n\u2028\u2029]/g, "\n").replace(/\uFEFF/g, ''), filename : filename, pos : 0, tokpos : 0, line : 1, tokline : 0, col : 0, tokcol : 0, newline_before : false, regex_allowed : false, comments_before : [] };
function peek() { return S.text.charAt(S.pos); };
function next(signal_eof, in_string) { var ch = S.text.charAt(S.pos++); if (signal_eof && !ch) throw EX_EOF; if (ch == "\n") { S.newline_before = S.newline_before || !in_string; ++S.line; S.col = 0; } else { ++S.col; } return ch; };
function forward(i) { while (i-- > 0) next(); };
function looking_at(str) { return S.text.substr(S.pos, str.length) == str; };
function find(what, signal_eof) { var pos = S.text.indexOf(what, S.pos); if (signal_eof && pos == -1) throw EX_EOF; return pos; };
function start_token() { S.tokline = S.line; S.tokcol = S.col; S.tokpos = S.pos; };
var prev_was_dot = false; function token(type, value, is_comment) { S.regex_allowed = ((type == "operator" && !UNARY_POSTFIX(value)) || (type == "keyword" && KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION(value)) || (type == "punc" && PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION(value))); prev_was_dot = (type == "punc" && value == "."); var ret = { type : type, value : value, line : S.tokline, col : S.tokcol, pos : S.tokpos, endpos : S.pos, nlb : S.newline_before, file : filename }; if (!is_comment) { ret.comments_before = S.comments_before; S.comments_before = []; // make note of any newlines in the comments that came before
for (var i = 0, len = ret.comments_before.length; i < len; i++) { ret.nlb = ret.nlb || ret.comments_before[i].nlb; } } S.newline_before = false; return new AST_Token(ret); };
function skip_whitespace() { while (WHITESPACE_CHARS(peek())) next(); };
function read_while(pred) { var ret = "", ch, i = 0; while ((ch = peek()) && pred(ch, i++)) ret += next(); return ret; };
function parse_error(err) { js_error(err, filename, S.tokline, S.tokcol, S.tokpos); };
function read_num(prefix) { var has_e = false, after_e = false, has_x = false, has_dot = prefix == "."; var num = read_while(function(ch, i){ var code = ch.charCodeAt(0); switch (code) { case 120: case 88: // xX
return has_x ? false : (has_x = true); case 101: case 69: // eE
return has_x ? true : has_e ? false : (has_e = after_e = true); case 45: // -
return after_e || (i == 0 && !prefix); case 43: // +
return after_e; case (after_e = false, 46): // .
return (!has_dot && !has_x && !has_e) ? (has_dot = true) : false; } return is_alphanumeric_char(code); }); if (prefix) num = prefix + num; var valid = parse_js_number(num); if (!isNaN(valid)) { return token("num", valid); } else { parse_error("Invalid syntax: " + num); } };
function read_escaped_char(in_string) { var ch = next(true, in_string); switch (ch.charCodeAt(0)) { case 110 : return "\n"; case 114 : return "\r"; case 116 : return "\t"; case 98 : return "\b"; case 118 : return "\u000b"; // \v
case 102 : return "\f"; case 48 : return "\0"; case 120 : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(2)); // \x
case 117 : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(4)); // \u
case 10 : return ""; // newline
default : return ch; } };
function hex_bytes(n) { var num = 0; for (; n > 0; --n) { var digit = parseInt(next(true), 16); if (isNaN(digit)) parse_error("Invalid hex-character pattern in string"); num = (num << 4) | digit; } return num; };
var read_string = with_eof_error("Unterminated string constant", function(){ var quote = next(), ret = ""; for (;;) { var ch = next(true); if (ch == "\\") { // read OctalEscapeSequence (XXX: deprecated if "strict mode")
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/issues/178
var octal_len = 0, first = null; ch = read_while(function(ch){ if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "7") { if (!first) { first = ch; return ++octal_len; } else if (first <= "3" && octal_len <= 2) return ++octal_len; else if (first >= "4" && octal_len <= 1) return ++octal_len; } return false; }); if (octal_len > 0) ch = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(ch, 8)); else ch = read_escaped_char(true); } else if (ch == quote) break; ret += ch; } return token("string", ret); });
function skip_line_comment(type) { var regex_allowed = S.regex_allowed; var i = find("\n"), ret; if (i == -1) { ret = S.text.substr(S.pos); S.pos = S.text.length; } else { ret = S.text.substring(S.pos, i); S.pos = i; } S.comments_before.push(token(type, ret, true)); S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed; return next_token(); };
var skip_multiline_comment = with_eof_error("Unterminated multiline comment", function(){ var regex_allowed = S.regex_allowed; var i = find("*/", true); var text = S.text.substring(S.pos, i); var a = text.split("\n"), n = a.length; // update stream position
S.pos = i + 2; S.line += n - 1; if (n > 1) S.col = a[n - 1].length; else S.col += a[n - 1].length; S.col += 2; var nlb = S.newline_before = S.newline_before || text.indexOf("\n") >= 0; S.comments_before.push(token("comment2", text, true)); S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed; S.newline_before = nlb; return next_token(); });
function read_name() { var backslash = false, name = "", ch, escaped = false, hex; while ((ch = peek()) != null) { if (!backslash) { if (ch == "\\") escaped = backslash = true, next(); else if (is_identifier_char(ch)) name += next(); else break; } else { if (ch != "u") parse_error("Expecting UnicodeEscapeSequence -- uXXXX"); ch = read_escaped_char(); if (!is_identifier_char(ch)) parse_error("Unicode char: " + ch.charCodeAt(0) + " is not valid in identifier"); name += ch; backslash = false; } } if (KEYWORDS(name) && escaped) { hex = name.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); name = "\\u" + "0000".substr(hex.length) + hex + name.slice(1); } return name; };
var read_regexp = with_eof_error("Unterminated regular expression", function(regexp){ var prev_backslash = false, ch, in_class = false; while ((ch = next(true))) if (prev_backslash) { regexp += "\\" + ch; prev_backslash = false; } else if (ch == "[") { in_class = true; regexp += ch; } else if (ch == "]" && in_class) { in_class = false; regexp += ch; } else if (ch == "/" && !in_class) { break; } else if (ch == "\\") { prev_backslash = true; } else { regexp += ch; } var mods = read_name(); return token("regexp", new RegExp(regexp, mods)); });
function read_operator(prefix) { function grow(op) { if (!peek()) return op; var bigger = op + peek(); if (OPERATORS(bigger)) { next(); return grow(bigger); } else { return op; } }; return token("operator", grow(prefix || next())); };
function handle_slash() { next(); switch (peek()) { case "/": next(); return skip_line_comment("comment1"); case "*": next(); return skip_multiline_comment(); } return S.regex_allowed ? read_regexp("") : read_operator("/"); };
function handle_dot() { next(); return is_digit(peek().charCodeAt(0)) ? read_num(".") : token("punc", "."); };
function read_word() { var word = read_name(); if (prev_was_dot) return token("name", word); return KEYWORDS_ATOM(word) ? token("atom", word) : !KEYWORDS(word) ? token("name", word) : OPERATORS(word) ? token("operator", word) : token("keyword", word); };
function with_eof_error(eof_error, cont) { return function(x) { try { return cont(x); } catch(ex) { if (ex === EX_EOF) parse_error(eof_error); else throw ex; } }; };
function next_token(force_regexp) { if (force_regexp != null) return read_regexp(force_regexp); skip_whitespace(); start_token(); if (html5_comments) { if (looking_at("<!--")) { forward(4); return skip_line_comment("comment3"); } if (looking_at("-->") && S.newline_before) { forward(3); return skip_line_comment("comment4"); } } var ch = peek(); if (!ch) return token("eof"); var code = ch.charCodeAt(0); switch (code) { case 34: case 39: return read_string(); case 46: return handle_dot(); case 47: return handle_slash(); } if (is_digit(code)) return read_num(); if (PUNC_CHARS(ch)) return token("punc", next()); if (OPERATOR_CHARS(ch)) return read_operator(); if (code == 92 || is_identifier_start(code)) return read_word(); parse_error("Unexpected character '" + ch + "'"); };
next_token.context = function(nc) { if (nc) S = nc; return S; };
return next_token;
/* -----[ Parser (constants) ]----- */
var UNARY_PREFIX = makePredicate([ "typeof", "void", "delete", "--", "++", "!", "~", "-", "+" ]);
var UNARY_POSTFIX = makePredicate([ "--", "++" ]);
var ASSIGNMENT = makePredicate([ "=", "+=", "-=", "/=", "*=", "%=", ">>=", "<<=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&=" ]);
var PRECEDENCE = (function(a, ret){ for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { var b = a[i]; for (var j = 0; j < b.length; ++j) { ret[b[j]] = i + 1; } } return ret; })( [ ["||"], ["&&"], ["|"], ["^"], ["&"], ["==", "===", "!=", "!=="], ["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "in", "instanceof"], [">>", "<<", ">>>"], ["+", "-"], ["*", "/", "%"] ], {} );
var STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS = array_to_hash([ "for", "do", "while", "switch" ]);
var ATOMIC_START_TOKEN = array_to_hash([ "atom", "num", "string", "regexp", "name" ]);
/* -----[ Parser ]----- */
function parse($TEXT, options) {
options = defaults(options, { strict : false, filename : null, toplevel : null, expression : false, html5_comments : true, });
var S = { input : (typeof $TEXT == "string" ? tokenizer($TEXT, options.filename, options.html5_comments) : $TEXT), token : null, prev : null, peeked : null, in_function : 0, in_directives : true, in_loop : 0, labels : [] };
S.token = next();
function is(type, value) { return is_token(S.token, type, value); };
function peek() { return S.peeked || (S.peeked = S.input()); };
function next() { S.prev = S.token; if (S.peeked) { S.token = S.peeked; S.peeked = null; } else { S.token = S.input(); } S.in_directives = S.in_directives && ( S.token.type == "string" || is("punc", ";") ); return S.token; };
function prev() { return S.prev; };
function croak(msg, line, col, pos) { var ctx = S.input.context(); js_error(msg, ctx.filename, line != null ? line : ctx.tokline, col != null ? col : ctx.tokcol, pos != null ? pos : ctx.tokpos); };
function token_error(token, msg) { croak(msg, token.line, token.col); };
function unexpected(token) { if (token == null) token = S.token; token_error(token, "Unexpected token: " + token.type + " (" + token.value + ")"); };
function expect_token(type, val) { if (is(type, val)) { return next(); } token_error(S.token, "Unexpected token " + S.token.type + " «" + S.token.value + "»" + ", expected " + type + " «" + val + "»"); };
function expect(punc) { return expect_token("punc", punc); };
function can_insert_semicolon() { return !options.strict && ( S.token.nlb || is("eof") || is("punc", "}") ); };
function semicolon() { if (is("punc", ";")) next(); else if (!can_insert_semicolon()) unexpected(); };
function parenthesised() { expect("("); var exp = expression(true); expect(")"); return exp; };
function embed_tokens(parser) { return function() { var start = S.token; var expr = parser(); var end = prev(); expr.start = start; expr.end = end; return expr; }; };
function handle_regexp() { if (is("operator", "/") || is("operator", "/=")) { S.peeked = null; S.token = S.input(S.token.value.substr(1)); // force regexp
} };
var statement = embed_tokens(function() { var tmp; handle_regexp(); switch (S.token.type) { case "string": var dir = S.in_directives, stat = simple_statement(); // XXXv2: decide how to fix directives
if (dir && stat.body instanceof AST_String && !is("punc", ",")) return new AST_Directive({ value: stat.body.value }); return stat; case "num": case "regexp": case "operator": case "atom": return simple_statement();
case "name": return is_token(peek(), "punc", ":") ? labeled_statement() : simple_statement();
case "punc": switch (S.token.value) { case "{": return new AST_BlockStatement({ start : S.token, body : block_(), end : prev() }); case "[": case "(": return simple_statement(); case ";": next(); return new AST_EmptyStatement(); default: unexpected(); }
case "keyword": switch (tmp = S.token.value, next(), tmp) { case "break": return break_cont(AST_Break);
case "continue": return break_cont(AST_Continue);
case "debugger": semicolon(); return new AST_Debugger();
case "do": return new AST_Do({ body : in_loop(statement), condition : (expect_token("keyword", "while"), tmp = parenthesised(), semicolon(), tmp) });
case "while": return new AST_While({ condition : parenthesised(), body : in_loop(statement) });
case "for": return for_();
case "function": return function_(AST_Defun);
case "if": return if_();
case "return": if (S.in_function == 0) croak("'return' outside of function"); return new AST_Return({ value: ( is("punc", ";") ? (next(), null) : can_insert_semicolon() ? null : (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) ) });
case "switch": return new AST_Switch({ expression : parenthesised(), body : in_loop(switch_body_) });
case "throw": if (S.token.nlb) croak("Illegal newline after 'throw'"); return new AST_Throw({ value: (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) });
case "try": return try_();
case "var": return tmp = var_(), semicolon(), tmp;
case "const": return tmp = const_(), semicolon(), tmp;
case "with": return new AST_With({ expression : parenthesised(), body : statement() });
default: unexpected(); } } });
function labeled_statement() { var label = as_symbol(AST_Label); if (find_if(function(l){ return l.name == label.name }, S.labels)) { // ECMA-262, 12.12: An ECMAScript program is considered
// syntactically incorrect if it contains a
// LabelledStatement that is enclosed by a
// LabelledStatement with the same Identifier as label.
croak("Label " + label.name + " defined twice"); } expect(":"); S.labels.push(label); var stat = statement(); S.labels.pop(); if (!(stat instanceof AST_IterationStatement)) { // check for `continue` that refers to this label.
// those should be reported as syntax errors.
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/287
label.references.forEach(function(ref){ if (ref instanceof AST_Continue) { ref = ref.label.start; croak("Continue label `" + label.name + "` refers to non-IterationStatement.", ref.line, ref.col, ref.pos); } }); } return new AST_LabeledStatement({ body: stat, label: label }); };
function simple_statement(tmp) { return new AST_SimpleStatement({ body: (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) }); };
function break_cont(type) { var label = null, ldef; if (!can_insert_semicolon()) { label = as_symbol(AST_LabelRef, true); } if (label != null) { ldef = find_if(function(l){ return l.name == label.name }, S.labels); if (!ldef) croak("Undefined label " + label.name); label.thedef = ldef; } else if (S.in_loop == 0) croak(type.TYPE + " not inside a loop or switch"); semicolon(); var stat = new type({ label: label }); if (ldef) ldef.references.push(stat); return stat; };
function for_() { expect("("); var init = null; if (!is("punc", ";")) { init = is("keyword", "var") ? (next(), var_(true)) : expression(true, true); if (is("operator", "in")) { if (init instanceof AST_Var && init.definitions.length > 1) croak("Only one variable declaration allowed in for..in loop"); next(); return for_in(init); } } return regular_for(init); };
function regular_for(init) { expect(";"); var test = is("punc", ";") ? null : expression(true); expect(";"); var step = is("punc", ")") ? null : expression(true); expect(")"); return new AST_For({ init : init, condition : test, step : step, body : in_loop(statement) }); };
function for_in(init) { var lhs = init instanceof AST_Var ? init.definitions[0].name : null; var obj = expression(true); expect(")"); return new AST_ForIn({ init : init, name : lhs, object : obj, body : in_loop(statement) }); };
var function_ = function(ctor) { var in_statement = ctor === AST_Defun; var name = is("name") ? as_symbol(in_statement ? AST_SymbolDefun : AST_SymbolLambda) : null; if (in_statement && !name) unexpected(); expect("("); return new ctor({ name: name, argnames: (function(first, a){ while (!is("punc", ")")) { if (first) first = false; else expect(","); a.push(as_symbol(AST_SymbolFunarg)); } next(); return a; })(true, []), body: (function(loop, labels){ ++S.in_function; S.in_directives = true; S.in_loop = 0; S.labels = []; var a = block_(); --S.in_function; S.in_loop = loop; S.labels = labels; return a; })(S.in_loop, S.labels) }); };
function if_() { var cond = parenthesised(), body = statement(), belse = null; if (is("keyword", "else")) { next(); belse = statement(); } return new AST_If({ condition : cond, body : body, alternative : belse }); };
function block_() { expect("{"); var a = []; while (!is("punc", "}")) { if (is("eof")) unexpected(); a.push(statement()); } next(); return a; };
function switch_body_() { expect("{"); var a = [], cur = null, branch = null, tmp; while (!is("punc", "}")) { if (is("eof")) unexpected(); if (is("keyword", "case")) { if (branch) branch.end = prev(); cur = []; branch = new AST_Case({ start : (tmp = S.token, next(), tmp), expression : expression(true), body : cur }); a.push(branch); expect(":"); } else if (is("keyword", "default")) { if (branch) branch.end = prev(); cur = []; branch = new AST_Default({ start : (tmp = S.token, next(), expect(":"), tmp), body : cur }); a.push(branch); } else { if (!cur) unexpected(); cur.push(statement()); } } if (branch) branch.end = prev(); next(); return a; };
function try_() { var body = block_(), bcatch = null, bfinally = null; if (is("keyword", "catch")) { var start = S.token; next(); expect("("); var name = as_symbol(AST_SymbolCatch); expect(")"); bcatch = new AST_Catch({ start : start, argname : name, body : block_(), end : prev() }); } if (is("keyword", "finally")) { var start = S.token; next(); bfinally = new AST_Finally({ start : start, body : block_(), end : prev() }); } if (!bcatch && !bfinally) croak("Missing catch/finally blocks"); return new AST_Try({ body : body, bcatch : bcatch, bfinally : bfinally }); };
function vardefs(no_in, in_const) { var a = []; for (;;) { a.push(new AST_VarDef({ start : S.token, name : as_symbol(in_const ? AST_SymbolConst : AST_SymbolVar), value : is("operator", "=") ? (next(), expression(false, no_in)) : null, end : prev() })); if (!is("punc", ",")) break; next(); } return a; };
var var_ = function(no_in) { return new AST_Var({ start : prev(), definitions : vardefs(no_in, false), end : prev() }); };
var const_ = function() { return new AST_Const({ start : prev(), definitions : vardefs(false, true), end : prev() }); };
var new_ = function() { var start = S.token; expect_token("operator", "new"); var newexp = expr_atom(false), args; if (is("punc", "(")) { next(); args = expr_list(")"); } else { args = []; } return subscripts(new AST_New({ start : start, expression : newexp, args : args, end : prev() }), true); };
function as_atom_node() { var tok = S.token, ret; switch (tok.type) { case "name": case "keyword": ret = _make_symbol(AST_SymbolRef); break; case "num": ret = new AST_Number({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value }); break; case "string": ret = new AST_String({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value }); break; case "regexp": ret = new AST_RegExp({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value }); break; case "atom": switch (tok.value) { case "false": ret = new AST_False({ start: tok, end: tok }); break; case "true": ret = new AST_True({ start: tok, end: tok }); break; case "null": ret = new AST_Null({ start: tok, end: tok }); break; } break; } next(); return ret; };
var expr_atom = function(allow_calls) { if (is("operator", "new")) { return new_(); } var start = S.token; if (is("punc")) { switch (start.value) { case "(": next(); var ex = expression(true); ex.start = start; ex.end = S.token; expect(")"); return subscripts(ex, allow_calls); case "[": return subscripts(array_(), allow_calls); case "{": return subscripts(object_(), allow_calls); } unexpected(); } if (is("keyword", "function")) { next(); var func = function_(AST_Function); func.start = start; func.end = prev(); return subscripts(func, allow_calls); } if (ATOMIC_START_TOKEN[S.token.type]) { return subscripts(as_atom_node(), allow_calls); } unexpected(); };
function expr_list(closing, allow_trailing_comma, allow_empty) { var first = true, a = []; while (!is("punc", closing)) { if (first) first = false; else expect(","); if (allow_trailing_comma && is("punc", closing)) break; if (is("punc", ",") && allow_empty) { a.push(new AST_Hole({ start: S.token, end: S.token })); } else { a.push(expression(false)); } } next(); return a; };
var array_ = embed_tokens(function() { expect("["); return new AST_Array({ elements: expr_list("]", !options.strict, true) }); });
var object_ = embed_tokens(function() { expect("{"); var first = true, a = []; while (!is("punc", "}")) { if (first) first = false; else expect(","); if (!options.strict && is("punc", "}")) // allow trailing comma
break; var start = S.token; var type = start.type; var name = as_property_name(); if (type == "name" && !is("punc", ":")) { if (name == "get") { a.push(new AST_ObjectGetter({ start : start, key : as_atom_node(), value : function_(AST_Accessor), end : prev() })); continue; } if (name == "set") { a.push(new AST_ObjectSetter({ start : start, key : as_atom_node(), value : function_(AST_Accessor), end : prev() })); continue; } } expect(":"); a.push(new AST_ObjectKeyVal({ start : start, key : name, value : expression(false), end : prev() })); } next(); return new AST_Object({ properties: a }); });
function as_property_name() { var tmp = S.token; next(); switch (tmp.type) { case "num": case "string": case "name": case "operator": case "keyword": case "atom": return tmp.value; default: unexpected(); } };
function as_name() { var tmp = S.token; next(); switch (tmp.type) { case "name": case "operator": case "keyword": case "atom": return tmp.value; default: unexpected(); } };
function _make_symbol(type) { var name = S.token.value; return new (name == "this" ? AST_This : type)({ name : String(name), start : S.token, end : S.token }); };
function as_symbol(type, noerror) { if (!is("name")) { if (!noerror) croak("Name expected"); return null; } var sym = _make_symbol(type); next(); return sym; };
var subscripts = function(expr, allow_calls) { var start = expr.start; if (is("punc", ".")) { next(); return subscripts(new AST_Dot({ start : start, expression : expr, property : as_name(), end : prev() }), allow_calls); } if (is("punc", "[")) { next(); var prop = expression(true); expect("]"); return subscripts(new AST_Sub({ start : start, expression : expr, property : prop, end : prev() }), allow_calls); } if (allow_calls && is("punc", "(")) { next(); return subscripts(new AST_Call({ start : start, expression : expr, args : expr_list(")"), end : prev() }), true); } return expr; };
var maybe_unary = function(allow_calls) { var start = S.token; if (is("operator") && UNARY_PREFIX(start.value)) { next(); handle_regexp(); var ex = make_unary(AST_UnaryPrefix, start.value, maybe_unary(allow_calls)); ex.start = start; ex.end = prev(); return ex; } var val = expr_atom(allow_calls); while (is("operator") && UNARY_POSTFIX(S.token.value) && !S.token.nlb) { val = make_unary(AST_UnaryPostfix, S.token.value, val); val.start = start; val.end = S.token; next(); } return val; };
function make_unary(ctor, op, expr) { if ((op == "++" || op == "--") && !is_assignable(expr)) croak("Invalid use of " + op + " operator"); return new ctor({ operator: op, expression: expr }); };
var expr_op = function(left, min_prec, no_in) { var op = is("operator") ? S.token.value : null; if (op == "in" && no_in) op = null; var prec = op != null ? PRECEDENCE[op] : null; if (prec != null && prec > min_prec) { next(); var right = expr_op(maybe_unary(true), prec, no_in); return expr_op(new AST_Binary({ start : left.start, left : left, operator : op, right : right, end : right.end }), min_prec, no_in); } return left; };
function expr_ops(no_in) { return expr_op(maybe_unary(true), 0, no_in); };
var maybe_conditional = function(no_in) { var start = S.token; var expr = expr_ops(no_in); if (is("operator", "?")) { next(); var yes = expression(false); expect(":"); return new AST_Conditional({ start : start, condition : expr, consequent : yes, alternative : expression(false, no_in), end : peek() }); } return expr; };
function is_assignable(expr) { if (!options.strict) return true; if (expr instanceof AST_This) return false; return (expr instanceof AST_PropAccess || expr instanceof AST_Symbol); };
var maybe_assign = function(no_in) { var start = S.token; var left = maybe_conditional(no_in), val = S.token.value; if (is("operator") && ASSIGNMENT(val)) { if (is_assignable(left)) { next(); return new AST_Assign({ start : start, left : left, operator : val, right : maybe_assign(no_in), end : prev() }); } croak("Invalid assignment"); } return left; };
var expression = function(commas, no_in) { var start = S.token; var expr = maybe_assign(no_in); if (commas && is("punc", ",")) { next(); return new AST_Seq({ start : start, car : expr, cdr : expression(true, no_in), end : peek() }); } return expr; };
function in_loop(cont) { ++S.in_loop; var ret = cont(); --S.in_loop; return ret; };
if (options.expression) { return expression(true); }
return (function(){ var start = S.token; var body = []; while (!is("eof")) body.push(statement()); var end = prev(); var toplevel = options.toplevel; if (toplevel) { toplevel.body = toplevel.body.concat(body); toplevel.end = end; } else { toplevel = new AST_Toplevel({ start: start, body: body, end: end }); } return toplevel; })();
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
// Tree transformer helpers.
function TreeTransformer(before, after) { TreeWalker.call(this); this.before = before; this.after = after; } TreeTransformer.prototype = new TreeWalker;
function _(node, descend) { node.DEFMETHOD("transform", function(tw, in_list){ var x, y; tw.push(this); if (tw.before) x = tw.before(this, descend, in_list); if (x === undefined) { if (!tw.after) { x = this; descend(x, tw); } else { tw.stack[tw.stack.length - 1] = x = this.clone(); descend(x, tw); y = tw.after(x, in_list); if (y !== undefined) x = y; } } tw.pop(); return x; }); };
function do_list(list, tw) { return MAP(list, function(node){ return node.transform(tw, true); }); };
_(AST_Node, noop);
_(AST_LabeledStatement, function(self, tw){ self.label = self.label.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_SimpleStatement, function(self, tw){ self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Block, function(self, tw){ self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_DWLoop, function(self, tw){ self.condition = self.condition.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_For, function(self, tw){ if (self.init) self.init = self.init.transform(tw); if (self.condition) self.condition = self.condition.transform(tw); if (self.step) self.step = self.step.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_ForIn, function(self, tw){ self.init = self.init.transform(tw); self.object = self.object.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_With, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Exit, function(self, tw){ if (self.value) self.value = self.value.transform(tw); });
_(AST_LoopControl, function(self, tw){ if (self.label) self.label = self.label.transform(tw); });
_(AST_If, function(self, tw){ self.condition = self.condition.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); if (self.alternative) self.alternative = self.alternative.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Switch, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_Case, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_Try, function(self, tw){ self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); if (self.bcatch) self.bcatch = self.bcatch.transform(tw); if (self.bfinally) self.bfinally = self.bfinally.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Catch, function(self, tw){ self.argname = self.argname.transform(tw); self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_Definitions, function(self, tw){ self.definitions = do_list(self.definitions, tw); });
_(AST_VarDef, function(self, tw){ self.name = self.name.transform(tw); if (self.value) self.value = self.value.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Lambda, function(self, tw){ if (self.name) self.name = self.name.transform(tw); self.argnames = do_list(self.argnames, tw); self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_Call, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.args = do_list(self.args, tw); });
_(AST_Seq, function(self, tw){ self.car = self.car.transform(tw); self.cdr = self.cdr.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Dot, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Sub, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.property = self.property.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Unary, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Binary, function(self, tw){ self.left = self.left.transform(tw); self.right = self.right.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Conditional, function(self, tw){ self.condition = self.condition.transform(tw); self.consequent = self.consequent.transform(tw); self.alternative = self.alternative.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Array, function(self, tw){ self.elements = do_list(self.elements, tw); });
_(AST_Object, function(self, tw){ self.properties = do_list(self.properties, tw); });
_(AST_ObjectProperty, function(self, tw){ self.value = self.value.transform(tw); });
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function SymbolDef(scope, index, orig) { this.name = orig.name; this.orig = [ orig ]; this.scope = scope; this.references = []; this.global = false; this.mangled_name = null; this.undeclared = false; this.constant = false; this.index = index; };
SymbolDef.prototype = { unmangleable: function(options) { return (this.global && !(options && options.toplevel)) || this.undeclared || (!(options && options.eval) && (this.scope.uses_eval || this.scope.uses_with)); }, mangle: function(options) { if (!this.mangled_name && !this.unmangleable(options)) { var s = this.scope; if (!options.screw_ie8 && this.orig[0] instanceof AST_SymbolLambda) s = s.parent_scope; this.mangled_name = s.next_mangled(options, this); } } };
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("figure_out_scope", function(options){ options = defaults(options, { screw_ie8: false });
// pass 1: setup scope chaining and handle definitions
var self = this; var scope = self.parent_scope = null; var defun = null; var nesting = 0; var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (options.screw_ie8 && node instanceof AST_Catch) { var save_scope = scope; scope = new AST_Scope(node); scope.init_scope_vars(nesting); scope.parent_scope = save_scope; descend(); scope = save_scope; return true; } if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { node.init_scope_vars(nesting); var save_scope = node.parent_scope = scope; var save_defun = defun; defun = scope = node; ++nesting; descend(); --nesting; scope = save_scope; defun = save_defun; return true; // don't descend again in TreeWalker
} if (node instanceof AST_Directive) { node.scope = scope; push_uniq(scope.directives, node.value); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_With) { for (var s = scope; s; s = s.parent_scope) s.uses_with = true; return; } if (node instanceof AST_Symbol) { node.scope = scope; } if (node instanceof AST_SymbolLambda) { defun.def_function(node); } else if (node instanceof AST_SymbolDefun) { // Careful here, the scope where this should be defined is
// the parent scope. The reason is that we enter a new
// scope when we encounter the AST_Defun node (which is
// instanceof AST_Scope) but we get to the symbol a bit
// later.
(node.scope = defun.parent_scope).def_function(node); } else if (node instanceof AST_SymbolVar || node instanceof AST_SymbolConst) { var def = defun.def_variable(node); def.constant = node instanceof AST_SymbolConst; def.init = tw.parent().value; } else if (node instanceof AST_SymbolCatch) { (options.screw_ie8 ? scope : defun) .def_variable(node); } }); self.walk(tw);
// pass 2: find back references and eval
var func = null; var globals = self.globals = new Dictionary(); var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node instanceof AST_Lambda) { var prev_func = func; func = node; descend(); func = prev_func; return true; } if (node instanceof AST_SymbolRef) { var name = node.name; var sym = node.scope.find_variable(name); if (!sym) { var g; if (globals.has(name)) { g = globals.get(name); } else { g = new SymbolDef(self, globals.size(), node); g.undeclared = true; g.global = true; globals.set(name, g); } node.thedef = g; if (name == "eval" && tw.parent() instanceof AST_Call) { for (var s = node.scope; s && !s.uses_eval; s = s.parent_scope) s.uses_eval = true; } if (func && name == "arguments") { func.uses_arguments = true; } } else { node.thedef = sym; } node.reference(); return true; } }); self.walk(tw); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("init_scope_vars", function(nesting){ this.directives = []; // contains the directives defined in this scope, i.e. "use strict"
this.variables = new Dictionary(); // map name to AST_SymbolVar (variables defined in this scope; includes functions)
this.functions = new Dictionary(); // map name to AST_SymbolDefun (functions defined in this scope)
this.uses_with = false; // will be set to true if this or some nested scope uses the `with` statement
this.uses_eval = false; // will be set to true if this or nested scope uses the global `eval`
this.parent_scope = null; // the parent scope
this.enclosed = []; // a list of variables from this or outer scope(s) that are referenced from this or inner scopes
this.cname = -1; // the current index for mangling functions/variables
this.nesting = nesting; // the nesting level of this scope (0 means toplevel)
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("strict", function(){ return this.has_directive("use strict"); });
AST_Lambda.DEFMETHOD("init_scope_vars", function(){ AST_Scope.prototype.init_scope_vars.apply(this, arguments); this.uses_arguments = false; });
AST_SymbolRef.DEFMETHOD("reference", function() { var def = this.definition(); def.references.push(this); var s = this.scope; while (s) { push_uniq(s.enclosed, def); if (s === def.scope) break; s = s.parent_scope; } this.frame = this.scope.nesting - def.scope.nesting; });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("find_variable", function(name){ if (name instanceof AST_Symbol) name = name.name; return this.variables.get(name) || (this.parent_scope && this.parent_scope.find_variable(name)); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("has_directive", function(value){ return this.parent_scope && this.parent_scope.has_directive(value) || (this.directives.indexOf(value) >= 0 ? this : null); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("def_function", function(symbol){ this.functions.set(symbol.name, this.def_variable(symbol)); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("def_variable", function(symbol){ var def; if (!this.variables.has(symbol.name)) { def = new SymbolDef(this, this.variables.size(), symbol); this.variables.set(symbol.name, def); def.global = !this.parent_scope; } else { def = this.variables.get(symbol.name); def.orig.push(symbol); } return symbol.thedef = def; });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("next_mangled", function(options){ var ext = this.enclosed; out: while (true) { var m = base54(++this.cname); if (!is_identifier(m)) continue; // skip over "do"
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/242 -- do not
// shadow a name excepted from mangling.
if (options.except.indexOf(m) >= 0) continue;
// we must ensure that the mangled name does not shadow a name
// from some parent scope that is referenced in this or in
// inner scopes.
for (var i = ext.length; --i >= 0;) { var sym = ext[i]; var name = sym.mangled_name || (sym.unmangleable(options) && sym.name); if (m == name) continue out; } return m; } });
AST_Function.DEFMETHOD("next_mangled", function(options, def){ // #179, #326
// in Safari strict mode, something like (function x(x){...}) is a syntax error;
// a function expression's argument cannot shadow the function expression's name
var tricky_def = def.orig[0] instanceof AST_SymbolFunarg && this.name && this.name.definition(); while (true) { var name = AST_Lambda.prototype.next_mangled.call(this, options, def); if (!(tricky_def && tricky_def.mangled_name == name)) return name; } });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("references", function(sym){ if (sym instanceof AST_Symbol) sym = sym.definition(); return this.enclosed.indexOf(sym) < 0 ? null : sym; });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("unmangleable", function(options){ return this.definition().unmangleable(options); });
// property accessors are not mangleable
AST_SymbolAccessor.DEFMETHOD("unmangleable", function(){ return true; });
// labels are always mangleable
AST_Label.DEFMETHOD("unmangleable", function(){ return false; });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("unreferenced", function(){ return this.definition().references.length == 0 && !(this.scope.uses_eval || this.scope.uses_with); });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("undeclared", function(){ return this.definition().undeclared; });
AST_LabelRef.DEFMETHOD("undeclared", function(){ return false; });
AST_Label.DEFMETHOD("undeclared", function(){ return false; });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("definition", function(){ return this.thedef; });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("global", function(){ return this.definition().global; });
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("_default_mangler_options", function(options){ return defaults(options, { except : [], eval : false, sort : false, toplevel : false, screw_ie8 : false }); });
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("mangle_names", function(options){ options = this._default_mangler_options(options); // We only need to mangle declaration nodes. Special logic wired
// into the code generator will display the mangled name if it's
// present (and for AST_SymbolRef-s it'll use the mangled name of
// the AST_SymbolDeclaration that it points to).
var lname = -1; var to_mangle = []; var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node instanceof AST_LabeledStatement) { // lname is incremented when we get to the AST_Label
var save_nesting = lname; descend(); lname = save_nesting; return true; // don't descend again in TreeWalker
} if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { var p = tw.parent(), a = []; node.variables.each(function(symbol){ if (options.except.indexOf(symbol.name) < 0) { a.push(symbol); } }); if (options.sort) a.sort(function(a, b){ return b.references.length - a.references.length; }); to_mangle.push.apply(to_mangle, a); return; } if (node instanceof AST_Label) { var name; do name = base54(++lname); while (!is_identifier(name)); node.mangled_name = name; return true; } }); this.walk(tw); to_mangle.forEach(function(def){ def.mangle(options) }); });
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("compute_char_frequency", function(options){ options = this._default_mangler_options(options); var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Constant) base54.consider(node.print_to_string()); else if (node instanceof AST_Return) base54.consider("return"); else if (node instanceof AST_Throw) base54.consider("throw"); else if (node instanceof AST_Continue) base54.consider("continue"); else if (node instanceof AST_Break) base54.consider("break"); else if (node instanceof AST_Debugger) base54.consider("debugger"); else if (node instanceof AST_Directive) base54.consider(node.value); else if (node instanceof AST_While) base54.consider("while"); else if (node instanceof AST_Do) base54.consider("do while"); else if (node instanceof AST_If) { base54.consider("if"); if (node.alternative) base54.consider("else"); } else if (node instanceof AST_Var) base54.consider("var"); else if (node instanceof AST_Const) base54.consider("const"); else if (node instanceof AST_Lambda) base54.consider("function"); else if (node instanceof AST_For) base54.consider("for"); else if (node instanceof AST_ForIn) base54.consider("for in"); else if (node instanceof AST_Switch) base54.consider("switch"); else if (node instanceof AST_Case) base54.consider("case"); else if (node instanceof AST_Default) base54.consider("default"); else if (node instanceof AST_With) base54.consider("with"); else if (node instanceof AST_ObjectSetter) base54.consider("set" + node.key); else if (node instanceof AST_ObjectGetter) base54.consider("get" + node.key); else if (node instanceof AST_ObjectKeyVal) base54.consider(node.key); else if (node instanceof AST_New) base54.consider("new"); else if (node instanceof AST_This) base54.consider("this"); else if (node instanceof AST_Try) base54.consider("try"); else if (node instanceof AST_Catch) base54.consider("catch"); else if (node instanceof AST_Finally) base54.consider("finally"); else if (node instanceof AST_Symbol && node.unmangleable(options)) base54.consider(node.name); else if (node instanceof AST_Unary || node instanceof AST_Binary) base54.consider(node.operator); else if (node instanceof AST_Dot) base54.consider(node.property); }); this.walk(tw); base54.sort(); });
var base54 = (function() { var string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_0123456789"; var chars, frequency; function reset() { frequency = Object.create(null); chars = string.split("").map(function(ch){ return ch.charCodeAt(0) }); chars.forEach(function(ch){ frequency[ch] = 0 }); } base54.consider = function(str){ for (var i = str.length; --i >= 0;) { var code = str.charCodeAt(i); if (code in frequency) ++frequency[code]; } }; base54.sort = function() { chars = mergeSort(chars, function(a, b){ if (is_digit(a) && !is_digit(b)) return 1; if (is_digit(b) && !is_digit(a)) return -1; return frequency[b] - frequency[a]; }); }; base54.reset = reset; reset(); base54.get = function(){ return chars }; base54.freq = function(){ return frequency }; function base54(num) { var ret = "", base = 54; do { ret += String.fromCharCode(chars[num % base]); num = Math.floor(num / base); base = 64; } while (num > 0); return ret; }; return base54; })();
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("scope_warnings", function(options){ options = defaults(options, { undeclared : false, // this makes a lot of noise
unreferenced : true, assign_to_global : true, func_arguments : true, nested_defuns : true, eval : true }); var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (options.undeclared && node instanceof AST_SymbolRef && node.undeclared()) { // XXX: this also warns about JS standard names,
// i.e. Object, Array, parseInt etc. Should add a list of
// exceptions.
AST_Node.warn("Undeclared symbol: {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name: node.name, file: node.start.file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col }); } if (options.assign_to_global) { var sym = null; if (node instanceof AST_Assign && node.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef) sym = node.left; else if (node instanceof AST_ForIn && node.init instanceof AST_SymbolRef) sym = node.init; if (sym && (sym.undeclared() || (sym.global() && sym.scope !== sym.definition().scope))) { AST_Node.warn("{msg}: {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { msg: sym.undeclared() ? "Accidental global?" : "Assignment to global", name: sym.name, file: sym.start.file, line: sym.start.line, col: sym.start.col }); } } if (options.eval && node instanceof AST_SymbolRef && node.undeclared() && node.name == "eval") { AST_Node.warn("Eval is used [{file}:{line},{col}]", node.start); } if (options.unreferenced && (node instanceof AST_SymbolDeclaration || node instanceof AST_Label) && node.unreferenced()) { AST_Node.warn("{type} {name} is declared but not referenced [{file}:{line},{col}]", { type: node instanceof AST_Label ? "Label" : "Symbol", name: node.name, file: node.start.file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col }); } if (options.func_arguments && node instanceof AST_Lambda && node.uses_arguments) { AST_Node.warn("arguments used in function {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name: node.name ? node.name.name : "anonymous", file: node.start.file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col }); } if (options.nested_defuns && node instanceof AST_Defun && !(tw.parent() instanceof AST_Scope)) { AST_Node.warn("Function {name} declared in nested statement \"{type}\" [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name: node.name.name, type: tw.parent().TYPE, file: node.start.file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col }); } }); this.walk(tw); });
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function OutputStream(options) {
options = defaults(options, { indent_start : 0, indent_level : 4, quote_keys : false, space_colon : true, ascii_only : false, inline_script : false, width : 80, max_line_len : 32000, beautify : false, source_map : null, bracketize : false, semicolons : true, comments : false, preserve_line : false, screw_ie8 : false, preamble : null, }, true);
var indentation = 0; var current_col = 0; var current_line = 1; var current_pos = 0; var OUTPUT = "";
function to_ascii(str, identifier) { return str.replace(/[\u0080-\uffff]/g, function(ch) { var code = ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); if (code.length <= 2 && !identifier) { while (code.length < 2) code = "0" + code; return "\\x" + code; } else { while (code.length < 4) code = "0" + code; return "\\u" + code; } }); };
function make_string(str) { var dq = 0, sq = 0; str = str.replace(/[\\\b\f\n\r\t\x22\x27\u2028\u2029\0]/g, function(s){ switch (s) { case "\\": return "\\\\"; case "\b": return "\\b"; case "\f": return "\\f"; case "\n": return "\\n"; case "\r": return "\\r"; case "\u2028": return "\\u2028"; case "\u2029": return "\\u2029"; case '"': ++dq; return '"'; case "'": ++sq; return "'"; case "\0": return "\\x00"; } return s; }); if (options.ascii_only) str = to_ascii(str); if (dq > sq) return "'" + str.replace(/\x27/g, "\\'") + "'"; else return '"' + str.replace(/\x22/g, '\\"') + '"'; };
function encode_string(str) { var ret = make_string(str); if (options.inline_script) ret = ret.replace(/<\x2fscript([>\/\t\n\f\r ])/gi, "<\\/script$1"); return ret; };
function make_name(name) { name = name.toString(); if (options.ascii_only) name = to_ascii(name, true); return name; };
function make_indent(back) { return repeat_string(" ", options.indent_start + indentation - back * options.indent_level); };
/* -----[ beautification/minification ]----- */
var might_need_space = false; var might_need_semicolon = false; var last = null;
function last_char() { return last.charAt(last.length - 1); };
function maybe_newline() { if (options.max_line_len && current_col > options.max_line_len) print("\n"); };
var requireSemicolonChars = makePredicate("( [ + * / - , .");
function print(str) { str = String(str); var ch = str.charAt(0); if (might_need_semicolon) { if ((!ch || ";}".indexOf(ch) < 0) && !/[;]$/.test(last)) { if (options.semicolons || requireSemicolonChars(ch)) { OUTPUT += ";"; current_col++; current_pos++; } else { OUTPUT += "\n"; current_pos++; current_line++; current_col = 0; } if (!options.beautify) might_need_space = false; } might_need_semicolon = false; maybe_newline(); }
if (!options.beautify && options.preserve_line && stack[stack.length - 1]) { var target_line = stack[stack.length - 1].start.line; while (current_line < target_line) { OUTPUT += "\n"; current_pos++; current_line++; current_col = 0; might_need_space = false; } }
if (might_need_space) { var prev = last_char(); if ((is_identifier_char(prev) && (is_identifier_char(ch) || ch == "\\")) || (/^[\+\-\/]$/.test(ch) && ch == prev)) { OUTPUT += " "; current_col++; current_pos++; } might_need_space = false; } var a = str.split(/\r?\n/), n = a.length - 1; current_line += n; if (n == 0) { current_col += a[n].length; } else { current_col = a[n].length; } current_pos += str.length; last = str; OUTPUT += str; };
var space = options.beautify ? function() { print(" "); } : function() { might_need_space = true; };
var indent = options.beautify ? function(half) { if (options.beautify) { print(make_indent(half ? 0.5 : 0)); } } : noop;
var with_indent = options.beautify ? function(col, cont) { if (col === true) col = next_indent(); var save_indentation = indentation; indentation = col; var ret = cont(); indentation = save_indentation; return ret; } : function(col, cont) { return cont() };
var newline = options.beautify ? function() { print("\n"); } : noop;
var semicolon = options.beautify ? function() { print(";"); } : function() { might_need_semicolon = true; };
function force_semicolon() { might_need_semicolon = false; print(";"); };
function next_indent() { return indentation + options.indent_level; };
function with_block(cont) { var ret; print("{"); newline(); with_indent(next_indent(), function(){ ret = cont(); }); indent(); print("}"); return ret; };
function with_parens(cont) { print("("); //XXX: still nice to have that for argument lists
//var ret = with_indent(current_col, cont);
var ret = cont(); print(")"); return ret; };
function with_square(cont) { print("["); //var ret = with_indent(current_col, cont);
var ret = cont(); print("]"); return ret; };
function comma() { print(","); space(); };
function colon() { print(":"); if (options.space_colon) space(); };
var add_mapping = options.source_map ? function(token, name) { try { if (token) options.source_map.add( token.file || "?", current_line, current_col, token.line, token.col, (!name && token.type == "name") ? token.value : name ); } catch(ex) { AST_Node.warn("Couldn't figure out mapping for {file}:{line},{col} → {cline},{ccol} [{name}]", { file: token.file, line: token.line, col: token.col, cline: current_line, ccol: current_col, name: name || "" }) } } : noop;
function get() { return OUTPUT; };
if (options.preamble) { print(options.preamble.replace(/\r\n?|[\n\u2028\u2029]|\s*$/g, "\n")); }
var stack = []; return { get : get, toString : get, indent : indent, indentation : function() { return indentation }, current_width : function() { return current_col - indentation }, should_break : function() { return options.width && this.current_width() >= options.width }, newline : newline, print : print, space : space, comma : comma, colon : colon, last : function() { return last }, semicolon : semicolon, force_semicolon : force_semicolon, to_ascii : to_ascii, print_name : function(name) { print(make_name(name)) }, print_string : function(str) { print(encode_string(str)) }, next_indent : next_indent, with_indent : with_indent, with_block : with_block, with_parens : with_parens, with_square : with_square, add_mapping : add_mapping, option : function(opt) { return options[opt] }, line : function() { return current_line }, col : function() { return current_col }, pos : function() { return current_pos }, push_node : function(node) { stack.push(node) }, pop_node : function() { return stack.pop() }, stack : function() { return stack }, parent : function(n) { return stack[stack.length - 2 - (n || 0)]; } };
/* -----[ code generators ]----- */
/* -----[ utils ]----- */
function DEFPRINT(nodetype, generator) { nodetype.DEFMETHOD("_codegen", generator); };
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("print", function(stream, force_parens){ var self = this, generator = self._codegen; function doit() { self.add_comments(stream); self.add_source_map(stream); generator(self, stream); } stream.push_node(self); if (force_parens || self.needs_parens(stream)) { stream.with_parens(doit); } else { doit(); } stream.pop_node(); });
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("print_to_string", function(options){ var s = OutputStream(options); this.print(s); return s.get(); });
/* -----[ comments ]----- */
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("add_comments", function(output){ var c = output.option("comments"), self = this; if (c) { var start = self.start; if (start && !start._comments_dumped) { start._comments_dumped = true; var comments = start.comments_before || [];
// XXX: ugly fix for https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/112
// if this node is `return` or `throw`, we cannot allow comments before
// the returned or thrown value.
if (self instanceof AST_Exit && self.value && self.value.start.comments_before && self.value.start.comments_before.length > 0) { comments = comments.concat(self.value.start.comments_before); self.value.start.comments_before = []; }
if (c.test) { comments = comments.filter(function(comment){ return c.test(comment.value); }); } else if (typeof c == "function") { comments = comments.filter(function(comment){ return c(self, comment); }); } comments.forEach(function(c){ if (/comment[134]/.test(c.type)) { output.print("//" + c.value + "\n"); output.indent(); } else if (c.type == "comment2") { output.print("/*" + c.value + "*/"); if (start.nlb) { output.print("\n"); output.indent(); } else { output.space(); } } }); } } });
/* -----[ PARENTHESES ]----- */
function PARENS(nodetype, func) { nodetype.DEFMETHOD("needs_parens", func); };
PARENS(AST_Node, function(){ return false; });
// a function expression needs parens around it when it's provably
// the first token to appear in a statement.
PARENS(AST_Function, function(output){ return first_in_statement(output); });
// same goes for an object literal, because otherwise it would be
// interpreted as a block of code.
PARENS(AST_Object, function(output){ return first_in_statement(output); });
PARENS(AST_Unary, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); return p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this; });
PARENS(AST_Seq, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); return p instanceof AST_Call // (foo, bar)() or foo(1, (2, 3), 4)
|| p instanceof AST_Unary // !(foo, bar, baz)
|| p instanceof AST_Binary // 1 + (2, 3) + 4 ==> 8
|| p instanceof AST_VarDef // var a = (1, 2), b = a + a; ==> b == 4
|| p instanceof AST_Dot // (1, {foo:2}).foo ==> 2
|| p instanceof AST_Array // [ 1, (2, 3), 4 ] ==> [ 1, 3, 4 ]
|| p instanceof AST_ObjectProperty // { foo: (1, 2) }.foo ==> 2
|| p instanceof AST_Conditional /* (false, true) ? (a = 10, b = 20) : (c = 30) * ==> 20 (side effect, set a := 10 and b := 20) */ ; });
PARENS(AST_Binary, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); // (foo && bar)()
if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this) return true; // typeof (foo && bar)
if (p instanceof AST_Unary) return true; // (foo && bar)["prop"], (foo && bar).prop
if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) return true; // this deals with precedence: 3 * (2 + 1)
if (p instanceof AST_Binary) { var po = p.operator, pp = PRECEDENCE[po]; var so = this.operator, sp = PRECEDENCE[so]; if (pp > sp || (pp == sp && this === p.right)) { return true; } } });
PARENS(AST_PropAccess, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_New && p.expression === this) { // i.e. new (foo.bar().baz)
// if there's one call into this subtree, then we need
// parens around it too, otherwise the call will be
// interpreted as passing the arguments to the upper New
// expression.
try { this.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Call) throw p; })); } catch(ex) { if (ex !== p) throw ex; return true; } } });
PARENS(AST_Call, function(output){ var p = output.parent(), p1; if (p instanceof AST_New && p.expression === this) return true;
// workaround for Safari bug.
// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123506
return this.expression instanceof AST_Function && p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this && (p1 = output.parent(1)) instanceof AST_Assign && p1.left === p; });
PARENS(AST_New, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); if (no_constructor_parens(this, output) && (p instanceof AST_PropAccess // (new Date).getTime(), (new Date)["getTime"]()
|| p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this)) // (new foo)(bar)
return true; });
PARENS(AST_Number, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); if (this.getValue() < 0 && p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) return true; });
PARENS(AST_NaN, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) return true; });
function assign_and_conditional_paren_rules(output) { var p = output.parent(); // !(a = false) → true
if (p instanceof AST_Unary) return true; // 1 + (a = 2) + 3 → 6, side effect setting a = 2
if (p instanceof AST_Binary && !(p instanceof AST_Assign)) return true; // (a = func)() —or— new (a = Object)()
if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this) return true; // (a = foo) ? bar : baz
if (p instanceof AST_Conditional && p.condition === this) return true; // (a = foo)["prop"] —or— (a = foo).prop
if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) return true; };
PARENS(AST_Assign, assign_and_conditional_paren_rules); PARENS(AST_Conditional, assign_and_conditional_paren_rules);
/* -----[ PRINTERS ]----- */
DEFPRINT(AST_Directive, function(self, output){ output.print_string(self.value); output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Debugger, function(self, output){ output.print("debugger"); output.semicolon(); });
/* -----[ statements ]----- */
function display_body(body, is_toplevel, output) { var last = body.length - 1; body.forEach(function(stmt, i){ if (!(stmt instanceof AST_EmptyStatement)) { output.indent(); stmt.print(output); if (!(i == last && is_toplevel)) { output.newline(); if (is_toplevel) output.newline(); } } }); };
AST_StatementWithBody.DEFMETHOD("_do_print_body", function(output){ force_statement(this.body, output); });
DEFPRINT(AST_Statement, function(self, output){ self.body.print(output); output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Toplevel, function(self, output){ display_body(self.body, true, output); output.print(""); }); DEFPRINT(AST_LabeledStatement, function(self, output){ self.label.print(output); output.colon(); self.body.print(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_SimpleStatement, function(self, output){ self.body.print(output); output.semicolon(); }); function print_bracketed(body, output) { if (body.length > 0) output.with_block(function(){ display_body(body, false, output); }); else output.print("{}"); }; DEFPRINT(AST_BlockStatement, function(self, output){ print_bracketed(self.body, output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_EmptyStatement, function(self, output){ output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Do, function(self, output){ output.print("do"); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); output.space(); output.print("while"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.condition.print(output); }); output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_While, function(self, output){ output.print("while"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.condition.print(output); }); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_For, function(self, output){ output.print("for"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ if (self.init) { if (self.init instanceof AST_Definitions) { self.init.print(output); } else { parenthesize_for_noin(self.init, output, true); } output.print(";"); output.space(); } else { output.print(";"); } if (self.condition) { self.condition.print(output); output.print(";"); output.space(); } else { output.print(";"); } if (self.step) { self.step.print(output); } }); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_ForIn, function(self, output){ output.print("for"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.init.print(output); output.space(); output.print("in"); output.space(); self.object.print(output); }); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_With, function(self, output){ output.print("with"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.expression.print(output); }); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); });
/* -----[ functions ]----- */ AST_Lambda.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, nokeyword){ var self = this; if (!nokeyword) { output.print("function"); } if (self.name) { output.space(); self.name.print(output); } output.with_parens(function(){ self.argnames.forEach(function(arg, i){ if (i) output.comma(); arg.print(output); }); }); output.space(); print_bracketed(self.body, output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Lambda, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output); });
/* -----[ exits ]----- */ AST_Exit.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind){ output.print(kind); if (this.value) { output.space(); this.value.print(output); } output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Return, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "return"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Throw, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "throw"); });
/* -----[ loop control ]----- */ AST_LoopControl.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind){ output.print(kind); if (this.label) { output.space(); this.label.print(output); } output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Break, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "break"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Continue, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "continue"); });
/* -----[ if ]----- */ function make_then(self, output) { if (output.option("bracketize")) { make_block(self.body, output); return; } // The squeezer replaces "block"-s that contain only a single
// statement with the statement itself; technically, the AST
// is correct, but this can create problems when we output an
// IF having an ELSE clause where the THEN clause ends in an
// IF *without* an ELSE block (then the outer ELSE would refer
// to the inner IF). This function checks for this case and
// adds the block brackets if needed.
if (!self.body) return output.force_semicolon(); if (self.body instanceof AST_Do && !output.option("screw_ie8")) { // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/issues/#issue/57 IE
// croaks with "syntax error" on code like this: if (foo)
// do ... while(cond); else ... we need block brackets
// around do/while
make_block(self.body, output); return; } var b = self.body; while (true) { if (b instanceof AST_If) { if (!b.alternative) { make_block(self.body, output); return; } b = b.alternative; } else if (b instanceof AST_StatementWithBody) { b = b.body; } else break; } force_statement(self.body, output); }; DEFPRINT(AST_If, function(self, output){ output.print("if"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.condition.print(output); }); output.space(); if (self.alternative) { make_then(self, output); output.space(); output.print("else"); output.space(); force_statement(self.alternative, output); } else { self._do_print_body(output); } });
/* -----[ switch ]----- */ DEFPRINT(AST_Switch, function(self, output){ output.print("switch"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.expression.print(output); }); output.space(); if (self.body.length > 0) output.with_block(function(){ self.body.forEach(function(stmt, i){ if (i) output.newline(); output.indent(true); stmt.print(output); }); }); else output.print("{}"); }); AST_SwitchBranch.DEFMETHOD("_do_print_body", function(output){ if (this.body.length > 0) { output.newline(); this.body.forEach(function(stmt){ output.indent(); stmt.print(output); output.newline(); }); } }); DEFPRINT(AST_Default, function(self, output){ output.print("default:"); self._do_print_body(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Case, function(self, output){ output.print("case"); output.space(); self.expression.print(output); output.print(":"); self._do_print_body(output); });
/* -----[ exceptions ]----- */ DEFPRINT(AST_Try, function(self, output){ output.print("try"); output.space(); print_bracketed(self.body, output); if (self.bcatch) { output.space(); self.bcatch.print(output); } if (self.bfinally) { output.space(); self.bfinally.print(output); } }); DEFPRINT(AST_Catch, function(self, output){ output.print("catch"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.argname.print(output); }); output.space(); print_bracketed(self.body, output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Finally, function(self, output){ output.print("finally"); output.space(); print_bracketed(self.body, output); });
/* -----[ var/const ]----- */ AST_Definitions.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind){ output.print(kind); output.space(); this.definitions.forEach(function(def, i){ if (i) output.comma(); def.print(output); }); var p = output.parent(); var in_for = p instanceof AST_For || p instanceof AST_ForIn; var avoid_semicolon = in_for && p.init === this; if (!avoid_semicolon) output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Var, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "var"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Const, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "const"); });
function parenthesize_for_noin(node, output, noin) { if (!noin) node.print(output); else try { // need to take some precautions here:
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/60
node.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Binary && node.operator == "in") throw output; })); node.print(output); } catch(ex) { if (ex !== output) throw ex; node.print(output, true); } };
DEFPRINT(AST_VarDef, function(self, output){ self.name.print(output); if (self.value) { output.space(); output.print("="); output.space(); var p = output.parent(1); var noin = p instanceof AST_For || p instanceof AST_ForIn; parenthesize_for_noin(self.value, output, noin); } });
/* -----[ other expressions ]----- */ DEFPRINT(AST_Call, function(self, output){ self.expression.print(output); if (self instanceof AST_New && no_constructor_parens(self, output)) return; output.with_parens(function(){ self.args.forEach(function(expr, i){ if (i) output.comma(); expr.print(output); }); }); }); DEFPRINT(AST_New, function(self, output){ output.print("new"); output.space(); AST_Call.prototype._codegen(self, output); });
AST_Seq.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output){ this.car.print(output); if (this.cdr) { output.comma(); if (output.should_break()) { output.newline(); output.indent(); } this.cdr.print(output); } }); DEFPRINT(AST_Seq, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output); // var p = output.parent();
// if (p instanceof AST_Statement) {
// output.with_indent(output.next_indent(), function(){
// self._do_print(output);
// });
// } else {
// self._do_print(output);
// }
}); DEFPRINT(AST_Dot, function(self, output){ var expr = self.expression; expr.print(output); if (expr instanceof AST_Number && expr.getValue() >= 0) { if (!/[xa-f.]/i.test(output.last())) { output.print("."); } } output.print("."); // the name after dot would be mapped about here.
output.add_mapping(self.end); output.print_name(self.property); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Sub, function(self, output){ self.expression.print(output); output.print("["); self.property.print(output); output.print("]"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(self, output){ var op = self.operator; output.print(op); if (/^[a-z]/i.test(op)) output.space(); self.expression.print(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_UnaryPostfix, function(self, output){ self.expression.print(output); output.print(self.operator); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Binary, function(self, output){ self.left.print(output); output.space(); output.print(self.operator); if (self.operator == "<" && self.right instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix && self.right.operator == "!" && self.right.expression instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix && self.right.expression.operator == "--") { // space is mandatory to avoid outputting <!--
// http://javascript.spec.whatwg.org/#comment-syntax
output.print(" "); } else { // the space is optional depending on "beautify"
output.space(); } self.right.print(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Conditional, function(self, output){ self.condition.print(output); output.space(); output.print("?"); output.space(); self.consequent.print(output); output.space(); output.colon(); self.alternative.print(output); });
/* -----[ literals ]----- */ DEFPRINT(AST_Array, function(self, output){ output.with_square(function(){ var a = self.elements, len = a.length; if (len > 0) output.space(); a.forEach(function(exp, i){ if (i) output.comma(); exp.print(output); // If the final element is a hole, we need to make sure it
// doesn't look like a trailing comma, by inserting an actual
// trailing comma.
if (i === len - 1 && exp instanceof AST_Hole) output.comma(); }); if (len > 0) output.space(); }); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Object, function(self, output){ if (self.properties.length > 0) output.with_block(function(){ self.properties.forEach(function(prop, i){ if (i) { output.print(","); output.newline(); } output.indent(); prop.print(output); }); output.newline(); }); else output.print("{}"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectKeyVal, function(self, output){ var key = self.key; if (output.option("quote_keys")) { output.print_string(key + ""); } else if ((typeof key == "number" || !output.option("beautify") && +key + "" == key) && parseFloat(key) >= 0) { output.print(make_num(key)); } else if (RESERVED_WORDS(key) ? output.option("screw_ie8") : is_identifier_string(key)) { output.print_name(key); } else { output.print_string(key); } output.colon(); self.value.print(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectSetter, function(self, output){ output.print("set"); output.space(); self.key.print(output); self.value._do_print(output, true); }); DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectGetter, function(self, output){ output.print("get"); output.space(); self.key.print(output); self.value._do_print(output, true); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Symbol, function(self, output){ var def = self.definition(); output.print_name(def ? def.mangled_name || def.name : self.name); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Undefined, function(self, output){ output.print("void 0"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Hole, noop); DEFPRINT(AST_Infinity, function(self, output){ output.print("1/0"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_NaN, function(self, output){ output.print("0/0"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_This, function(self, output){ output.print("this"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Constant, function(self, output){ output.print(self.getValue()); }); DEFPRINT(AST_String, function(self, output){ output.print_string(self.getValue()); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Number, function(self, output){ output.print(make_num(self.getValue())); }); DEFPRINT(AST_RegExp, function(self, output){ var str = self.getValue().toString(); if (output.option("ascii_only")) str = output.to_ascii(str); output.print(str); var p = output.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_Binary && /^in/.test(p.operator) && p.left === self) output.print(" "); });
function force_statement(stat, output) { if (output.option("bracketize")) { if (!stat || stat instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) output.print("{}"); else if (stat instanceof AST_BlockStatement) stat.print(output); else output.with_block(function(){ output.indent(); stat.print(output); output.newline(); }); } else { if (!stat || stat instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) output.force_semicolon(); else stat.print(output); } };
// return true if the node at the top of the stack (that means the
// innermost node in the current output) is lexically the first in
// a statement.
function first_in_statement(output) { var a = output.stack(), i = a.length, node = a[--i], p = a[--i]; while (i > 0) { if (p instanceof AST_Statement && p.body === node) return true; if ((p instanceof AST_Seq && p.car === node ) || (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === node && !(p instanceof AST_New) ) || (p instanceof AST_Dot && p.expression === node ) || (p instanceof AST_Sub && p.expression === node ) || (p instanceof AST_Conditional && p.condition === node ) || (p instanceof AST_Binary && p.left === node ) || (p instanceof AST_UnaryPostfix && p.expression === node )) { node = p; p = a[--i]; } else { return false; } } };
// self should be AST_New. decide if we want to show parens or not.
function no_constructor_parens(self, output) { return self.args.length == 0 && !output.option("beautify"); };
function best_of(a) { var best = a[0], len = best.length; for (var i = 1; i < a.length; ++i) { if (a[i].length < len) { best = a[i]; len = best.length; } } return best; };
function make_num(num) { var str = num.toString(10), a = [ str.replace(/^0\./, ".").replace('e+', 'e') ], m; if (Math.floor(num) === num) { if (num >= 0) { a.push("0x" + num.toString(16).toLowerCase(), // probably pointless
"0" + num.toString(8)); // same.
} else { a.push("-0x" + (-num).toString(16).toLowerCase(), // probably pointless
"-0" + (-num).toString(8)); // same.
} if ((m = /^(.*?)(0+)$/.exec(num))) { a.push(m[1] + "e" + m[2].length); } } else if ((m = /^0?\.(0+)(.*)$/.exec(num))) { a.push(m[2] + "e-" + (m[1].length + m[2].length), str.substr(str.indexOf("."))); } return best_of(a); };
function make_block(stmt, output) { if (stmt instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { stmt.print(output); return; } output.with_block(function(){ output.indent(); stmt.print(output); output.newline(); }); };
/* -----[ source map generators ]----- */
function DEFMAP(nodetype, generator) { nodetype.DEFMETHOD("add_source_map", function(stream){ generator(this, stream); }); };
// We could easily add info for ALL nodes, but it seems to me that
// would be quite wasteful, hence this noop in the base class.
DEFMAP(AST_Node, noop);
function basic_sourcemap_gen(self, output) { output.add_mapping(self.start); };
// XXX: I'm not exactly sure if we need it for all of these nodes,
// or if we should add even more.
DEFMAP(AST_Directive, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Debugger, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Symbol, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Jump, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_StatementWithBody, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_LabeledStatement, noop); // since the label symbol will mark it
DEFMAP(AST_Lambda, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Switch, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_SwitchBranch, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_BlockStatement, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Toplevel, noop); DEFMAP(AST_New, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Try, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Catch, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Finally, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Definitions, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Constant, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_ObjectProperty, function(self, output){ output.add_mapping(self.start, self.key); });
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function Compressor(options, false_by_default) { if (!(this instanceof Compressor)) return new Compressor(options, false_by_default); TreeTransformer.call(this, this.before, this.after); this.options = defaults(options, { sequences : !false_by_default, properties : !false_by_default, dead_code : !false_by_default, drop_debugger : !false_by_default, unsafe : false, unsafe_comps : false, conditionals : !false_by_default, comparisons : !false_by_default, evaluate : !false_by_default, booleans : !false_by_default, loops : !false_by_default, unused : !false_by_default, hoist_funs : !false_by_default, hoist_vars : false, if_return : !false_by_default, join_vars : !false_by_default, cascade : !false_by_default, side_effects : !false_by_default, pure_getters : false, pure_funcs : null, negate_iife : !false_by_default, screw_ie8 : false, drop_console : false,
warnings : true, global_defs : {} }, true); };
Compressor.prototype = new TreeTransformer; merge(Compressor.prototype, { option: function(key) { return this.options[key] }, warn: function() { if (this.options.warnings) AST_Node.warn.apply(AST_Node, arguments); }, before: function(node, descend, in_list) { if (node._squeezed) return node; var was_scope = false; if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { node = node.hoist_declarations(this); was_scope = true; } descend(node, this); node = node.optimize(this); if (was_scope && node instanceof AST_Scope) { node.drop_unused(this); descend(node, this); } node._squeezed = true; return node; } });
function OPT(node, optimizer) { node.DEFMETHOD("optimize", function(compressor){ var self = this; if (self._optimized) return self; var opt = optimizer(self, compressor); opt._optimized = true; if (opt === self) return opt; return opt.transform(compressor); }); };
OPT(AST_Node, function(self, compressor){ return self; });
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("equivalent_to", function(node){ // XXX: this is a rather expensive way to test two node's equivalence:
return this.print_to_string() == node.print_to_string(); });
function make_node(ctor, orig, props) { if (!props) props = {}; if (orig) { if (!props.start) props.start = orig.start; if (!props.end) props.end = orig.end; } return new ctor(props); };
function make_node_from_constant(compressor, val, orig) { // XXX: WIP.
// if (val instanceof AST_Node) return val.transform(new TreeTransformer(null, function(node){
// if (node instanceof AST_SymbolRef) {
// var scope = compressor.find_parent(AST_Scope);
// var def = scope.find_variable(node);
// node.thedef = def;
// return node;
// }
// })).transform(compressor);
if (val instanceof AST_Node) return val.transform(compressor); switch (typeof val) { case "string": return make_node(AST_String, orig, { value: val }).optimize(compressor); case "number": return make_node(isNaN(val) ? AST_NaN : AST_Number, orig, { value: val }).optimize(compressor); case "boolean": return make_node(val ? AST_True : AST_False, orig).optimize(compressor); case "undefined": return make_node(AST_Undefined, orig).optimize(compressor); default: if (val === null) { return make_node(AST_Null, orig).optimize(compressor); } if (val instanceof RegExp) { return make_node(AST_RegExp, orig).optimize(compressor); } throw new Error(string_template("Can't handle constant of type: {type}", { type: typeof val })); } };
function as_statement_array(thing) { if (thing === null) return []; if (thing instanceof AST_BlockStatement) return thing.body; if (thing instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) return []; if (thing instanceof AST_Statement) return [ thing ]; throw new Error("Can't convert thing to statement array"); };
function is_empty(thing) { if (thing === null) return true; if (thing instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) return true; if (thing instanceof AST_BlockStatement) return thing.body.length == 0; return false; };
function loop_body(x) { if (x instanceof AST_Switch) return x; if (x instanceof AST_For || x instanceof AST_ForIn || x instanceof AST_DWLoop) { return (x.body instanceof AST_BlockStatement ? x.body : x); } return x; };
function tighten_body(statements, compressor) { var CHANGED; do { CHANGED = false; statements = eliminate_spurious_blocks(statements); if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { statements = eliminate_dead_code(statements, compressor); } if (compressor.option("if_return")) { statements = handle_if_return(statements, compressor); } if (compressor.option("sequences")) { statements = sequencesize(statements, compressor); } if (compressor.option("join_vars")) { statements = join_consecutive_vars(statements, compressor); } } while (CHANGED);
if (compressor.option("negate_iife")) { negate_iifes(statements, compressor); }
return statements;
function eliminate_spurious_blocks(statements) { var seen_dirs = []; return statements.reduce(function(a, stat){ if (stat instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { CHANGED = true; a.push.apply(a, eliminate_spurious_blocks(stat.body)); } else if (stat instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) { CHANGED = true; } else if (stat instanceof AST_Directive) { if (seen_dirs.indexOf(stat.value) < 0) { a.push(stat); seen_dirs.push(stat.value); } else { CHANGED = true; } } else { a.push(stat); } return a; }, []); };
function handle_if_return(statements, compressor) { var self = compressor.self(); var in_lambda = self instanceof AST_Lambda; var ret = []; loop: for (var i = statements.length; --i >= 0;) { var stat = statements[i]; switch (true) { case (in_lambda && stat instanceof AST_Return && !stat.value && ret.length == 0): CHANGED = true; // note, ret.length is probably always zero
// because we drop unreachable code before this
// step. nevertheless, it's good to check.
continue loop; case stat instanceof AST_If: if (stat.body instanceof AST_Return) { //---
// pretty silly case, but:
// if (foo()) return; return; ==> foo(); return;
if (((in_lambda && ret.length == 0) || (ret[0] instanceof AST_Return && !ret[0].value)) && !stat.body.value && !stat.alternative) { CHANGED = true; var cond = make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, stat.condition, { body: stat.condition }); ret.unshift(cond); continue loop; } //---
// if (foo()) return x; return y; ==> return foo() ? x : y;
if (ret[0] instanceof AST_Return && stat.body.value && ret[0].value && !stat.alternative) { CHANGED = true; stat = stat.clone(); stat.alternative = ret[0]; ret[0] = stat.transform(compressor); continue loop; } //---
// if (foo()) return x; [ return ; ] ==> return foo() ? x : undefined;
if ((ret.length == 0 || ret[0] instanceof AST_Return) && stat.body.value && !stat.alternative && in_lambda) { CHANGED = true; stat = stat.clone(); stat.alternative = ret[0] || make_node(AST_Return, stat, { value: make_node(AST_Undefined, stat) }); ret[0] = stat.transform(compressor); continue loop; } //---
// if (foo()) return; [ else x... ]; y... ==> if (!foo()) { x...; y... }
if (!stat.body.value && in_lambda) { CHANGED = true; stat = stat.clone(); stat.condition = stat.condition.negate(compressor); stat.body = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat, { body: as_statement_array(stat.alternative).concat(ret) }); stat.alternative = null; ret = [ stat.transform(compressor) ]; continue loop; } //---
if (ret.length == 1 && in_lambda && ret[0] instanceof AST_SimpleStatement && (!stat.alternative || stat.alternative instanceof AST_SimpleStatement)) { CHANGED = true; ret.push(make_node(AST_Return, ret[0], { value: make_node(AST_Undefined, ret[0]) }).transform(compressor)); ret = as_statement_array(stat.alternative).concat(ret); ret.unshift(stat); continue loop; } }
var ab = aborts(stat.body); var lct = ab instanceof AST_LoopControl ? compressor.loopcontrol_target(ab.label) : null; if (ab && ((ab instanceof AST_Return && !ab.value && in_lambda) || (ab instanceof AST_Continue && self === loop_body(lct)) || (ab instanceof AST_Break && lct instanceof AST_BlockStatement && self === lct))) { if (ab.label) { remove(ab.label.thedef.references, ab); } CHANGED = true; var body = as_statement_array(stat.body).slice(0, -1); stat = stat.clone(); stat.condition = stat.condition.negate(compressor); stat.body = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat, { body: ret }); stat.alternative = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat, { body: body }); ret = [ stat.transform(compressor) ]; continue loop; }
var ab = aborts(stat.alternative); var lct = ab instanceof AST_LoopControl ? compressor.loopcontrol_target(ab.label) : null; if (ab && ((ab instanceof AST_Return && !ab.value && in_lambda) || (ab instanceof AST_Continue && self === loop_body(lct)) || (ab instanceof AST_Break && lct instanceof AST_BlockStatement && self === lct))) { if (ab.label) { remove(ab.label.thedef.references, ab); } CHANGED = true; stat = stat.clone(); stat.body = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat.body, { body: as_statement_array(stat.body).concat(ret) }); stat.alternative = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat.alternative, { body: as_statement_array(stat.alternative).slice(0, -1) }); ret = [ stat.transform(compressor) ]; continue loop; }
ret.unshift(stat); break; default: ret.unshift(stat); break; } } return ret; };
function eliminate_dead_code(statements, compressor) { var has_quit = false; var orig = statements.length; var self = compressor.self(); statements = statements.reduce(function(a, stat){ if (has_quit) { extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, stat, a); } else { if (stat instanceof AST_LoopControl) { var lct = compressor.loopcontrol_target(stat.label); if ((stat instanceof AST_Break && lct instanceof AST_BlockStatement && loop_body(lct) === self) || (stat instanceof AST_Continue && loop_body(lct) === self)) { if (stat.label) { remove(stat.label.thedef.references, stat); } } else { a.push(stat); } } else { a.push(stat); } if (aborts(stat)) has_quit = true; } return a; }, []); CHANGED = statements.length != orig; return statements; };
function sequencesize(statements, compressor) { if (statements.length < 2) return statements; var seq = [], ret = []; function push_seq() { seq = AST_Seq.from_array(seq); if (seq) ret.push(make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, seq, { body: seq })); seq = []; }; statements.forEach(function(stat){ if (stat instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) seq.push(stat.body); else push_seq(), ret.push(stat); }); push_seq(); ret = sequencesize_2(ret, compressor); CHANGED = ret.length != statements.length; return ret; };
function sequencesize_2(statements, compressor) { function cons_seq(right) { ret.pop(); var left = prev.body; if (left instanceof AST_Seq) { left.add(right); } else { left = AST_Seq.cons(left, right); } return left.transform(compressor); }; var ret = [], prev = null; statements.forEach(function(stat){ if (prev) { if (stat instanceof AST_For) { var opera = {}; try { prev.body.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Binary && node.operator == "in") throw opera; })); if (stat.init && !(stat.init instanceof AST_Definitions)) { stat.init = cons_seq(stat.init); } else if (!stat.init) { stat.init = prev.body; ret.pop(); } } catch(ex) { if (ex !== opera) throw ex; } } else if (stat instanceof AST_If) { stat.condition = cons_seq(stat.condition); } else if (stat instanceof AST_With) { stat.expression = cons_seq(stat.expression); } else if (stat instanceof AST_Exit && stat.value) { stat.value = cons_seq(stat.value); } else if (stat instanceof AST_Exit) { stat.value = cons_seq(make_node(AST_Undefined, stat)); } else if (stat instanceof AST_Switch) { stat.expression = cons_seq(stat.expression); } } ret.push(stat); prev = stat instanceof AST_SimpleStatement ? stat : null; }); return ret; };
function join_consecutive_vars(statements, compressor) { var prev = null; return statements.reduce(function(a, stat){ if (stat instanceof AST_Definitions && prev && prev.TYPE == stat.TYPE) { prev.definitions = prev.definitions.concat(stat.definitions); CHANGED = true; } else if (stat instanceof AST_For && prev instanceof AST_Definitions && (!stat.init || stat.init.TYPE == prev.TYPE)) { CHANGED = true; a.pop(); if (stat.init) { stat.init.definitions = prev.definitions.concat(stat.init.definitions); } else { stat.init = prev; } a.push(stat); prev = stat; } else { prev = stat; a.push(stat); } return a; }, []); };
function negate_iifes(statements, compressor) { statements.forEach(function(stat){ if (stat instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { stat.body = (function transform(thing) { return thing.transform(new TreeTransformer(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Call && node.expression instanceof AST_Function) { return make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, node, { operator: "!", expression: node }); } else if (node instanceof AST_Call) { node.expression = transform(node.expression); } else if (node instanceof AST_Seq) { node.car = transform(node.car); } else if (node instanceof AST_Conditional) { var expr = transform(node.condition); if (expr !== node.condition) { // it has been negated, reverse
node.condition = expr; var tmp = node.consequent; node.consequent = node.alternative; node.alternative = tmp; } } return node; })); })(stat.body); } }); };
function extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, stat, target) { compressor.warn("Dropping unreachable code [{file}:{line},{col}]", stat.start); stat.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Definitions) { compressor.warn("Declarations in unreachable code! [{file}:{line},{col}]", node.start); node.remove_initializers(); target.push(node); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_Defun) { target.push(node); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { return true; } })); };
/* -----[ boolean/negation helpers ]----- */
// methods to determine whether an expression has a boolean result type
(function (def){ var unary_bool = [ "!", "delete" ]; var binary_bool = [ "in", "instanceof", "==", "!=", "===", "!==", "<", "<=", ">=", ">" ]; def(AST_Node, function(){ return false }); def(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(){ return member(this.operator, unary_bool); }); def(AST_Binary, function(){ return member(this.operator, binary_bool) || ( (this.operator == "&&" || this.operator == "||") && this.left.is_boolean() && this.right.is_boolean() ); }); def(AST_Conditional, function(){ return this.consequent.is_boolean() && this.alternative.is_boolean(); }); def(AST_Assign, function(){ return this.operator == "=" && this.right.is_boolean(); }); def(AST_Seq, function(){ return this.cdr.is_boolean(); }); def(AST_True, function(){ return true }); def(AST_False, function(){ return true }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("is_boolean", func); });
// methods to determine if an expression has a string result type
(function (def){ def(AST_Node, function(){ return false }); def(AST_String, function(){ return true }); def(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(){ return this.operator == "typeof"; }); def(AST_Binary, function(compressor){ return this.operator == "+" && (this.left.is_string(compressor) || this.right.is_string(compressor)); }); def(AST_Assign, function(compressor){ return (this.operator == "=" || this.operator == "+=") && this.right.is_string(compressor); }); def(AST_Seq, function(compressor){ return this.cdr.is_string(compressor); }); def(AST_Conditional, function(compressor){ return this.consequent.is_string(compressor) && this.alternative.is_string(compressor); }); def(AST_Call, function(compressor){ return compressor.option("unsafe") && this.expression instanceof AST_SymbolRef && this.expression.name == "String" && this.expression.undeclared(); }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("is_string", func); });
function best_of(ast1, ast2) { return ast1.print_to_string().length > ast2.print_to_string().length ? ast2 : ast1; };
// methods to evaluate a constant expression
(function (def){ // The evaluate method returns an array with one or two
// elements. If the node has been successfully reduced to a
// constant, then the second element tells us the value;
// otherwise the second element is missing. The first element
// of the array is always an AST_Node descendant; if
// evaluation was successful it's a node that represents the
// constant; otherwise it's the original or a replacement node.
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("evaluate", function(compressor){ if (!compressor.option("evaluate")) return [ this ]; try { var val = this._eval(compressor); return [ best_of(make_node_from_constant(compressor, val, this), this), val ]; } catch(ex) { if (ex !== def) throw ex; return [ this ]; } }); def(AST_Statement, function(){ throw new Error(string_template("Cannot evaluate a statement [{file}:{line},{col}]", this.start)); }); def(AST_Function, function(){ // XXX: AST_Function inherits from AST_Scope, which itself
// inherits from AST_Statement; however, an AST_Function
// isn't really a statement. This could byte in other
// places too. :-( Wish JS had multiple inheritance.
throw def; }); function ev(node, compressor) { if (!compressor) throw new Error("Compressor must be passed");
return node._eval(compressor); }; def(AST_Node, function(){ throw def; // not constant
}); def(AST_Constant, function(){ return this.getValue(); }); def(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(compressor){ var e = this.expression; switch (this.operator) { case "!": return !ev(e, compressor); case "typeof": // Function would be evaluated to an array and so typeof would
// incorrectly return 'object'. Hence making is a special case.
if (e instanceof AST_Function) return typeof function(){};
e = ev(e, compressor);
// typeof <RegExp> returns "object" or "function" on different platforms
// so cannot evaluate reliably
if (e instanceof RegExp) throw def;
return typeof e; case "void": return void ev(e, compressor); case "~": return ~ev(e, compressor); case "-": e = ev(e, compressor); if (e === 0) throw def; return -e; case "+": return +ev(e, compressor); } throw def; }); def(AST_Binary, function(c){ var left = this.left, right = this.right; switch (this.operator) { case "&&" : return ev(left, c) && ev(right, c); case "||" : return ev(left, c) || ev(right, c); case "|" : return ev(left, c) | ev(right, c); case "&" : return ev(left, c) & ev(right, c); case "^" : return ev(left, c) ^ ev(right, c); case "+" : return ev(left, c) + ev(right, c); case "*" : return ev(left, c) * ev(right, c); case "/" : return ev(left, c) / ev(right, c); case "%" : return ev(left, c) % ev(right, c); case "-" : return ev(left, c) - ev(right, c); case "<<" : return ev(left, c) << ev(right, c); case ">>" : return ev(left, c) >> ev(right, c); case ">>>" : return ev(left, c) >>> ev(right, c); case "==" : return ev(left, c) == ev(right, c); case "===" : return ev(left, c) === ev(right, c); case "!=" : return ev(left, c) != ev(right, c); case "!==" : return ev(left, c) !== ev(right, c); case "<" : return ev(left, c) < ev(right, c); case "<=" : return ev(left, c) <= ev(right, c); case ">" : return ev(left, c) > ev(right, c); case ">=" : return ev(left, c) >= ev(right, c); case "in" : return ev(left, c) in ev(right, c); case "instanceof" : return ev(left, c) instanceof ev(right, c); } throw def; }); def(AST_Conditional, function(compressor){ return ev(this.condition, compressor) ? ev(this.consequent, compressor) : ev(this.alternative, compressor); }); def(AST_SymbolRef, function(compressor){ var d = this.definition(); if (d && d.constant && d.init) return ev(d.init, compressor); throw def; }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("_eval", func); });
// method to negate an expression
(function(def){ function basic_negation(exp) { return make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, exp, { operator: "!", expression: exp }); }; def(AST_Node, function(){ return basic_negation(this); }); def(AST_Statement, function(){ throw new Error("Cannot negate a statement"); }); def(AST_Function, function(){ return basic_negation(this); }); def(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(){ if (this.operator == "!") return this.expression; return basic_negation(this); }); def(AST_Seq, function(compressor){ var self = this.clone(); self.cdr = self.cdr.negate(compressor); return self; }); def(AST_Conditional, function(compressor){ var self = this.clone(); self.consequent = self.consequent.negate(compressor); self.alternative = self.alternative.negate(compressor); return best_of(basic_negation(this), self); }); def(AST_Binary, function(compressor){ var self = this.clone(), op = this.operator; if (compressor.option("unsafe_comps")) { switch (op) { case "<=" : self.operator = ">" ; return self; case "<" : self.operator = ">=" ; return self; case ">=" : self.operator = "<" ; return self; case ">" : self.operator = "<=" ; return self; } } switch (op) { case "==" : self.operator = "!="; return self; case "!=" : self.operator = "=="; return self; case "===": self.operator = "!=="; return self; case "!==": self.operator = "==="; return self; case "&&": self.operator = "||"; self.left = self.left.negate(compressor); self.right = self.right.negate(compressor); return best_of(basic_negation(this), self); case "||": self.operator = "&&"; self.left = self.left.negate(compressor); self.right = self.right.negate(compressor); return best_of(basic_negation(this), self); } return basic_negation(this); }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("negate", function(compressor){ return func.call(this, compressor); }); });
// determine if expression has side effects
(function(def){ def(AST_Node, function(compressor){ return true });
def(AST_EmptyStatement, function(compressor){ return false }); def(AST_Constant, function(compressor){ return false }); def(AST_This, function(compressor){ return false });
def(AST_Call, function(compressor){ var pure = compressor.option("pure_funcs"); if (!pure) return true; return pure.indexOf(this.expression.print_to_string()) < 0; });
def(AST_Block, function(compressor){ for (var i = this.body.length; --i >= 0;) { if (this.body[i].has_side_effects(compressor)) return true; } return false; });
def(AST_SimpleStatement, function(compressor){ return this.body.has_side_effects(compressor); }); def(AST_Defun, function(compressor){ return true }); def(AST_Function, function(compressor){ return false }); def(AST_Binary, function(compressor){ return this.left.has_side_effects(compressor) || this.right.has_side_effects(compressor); }); def(AST_Assign, function(compressor){ return true }); def(AST_Conditional, function(compressor){ return this.condition.has_side_effects(compressor) || this.consequent.has_side_effects(compressor) || this.alternative.has_side_effects(compressor); }); def(AST_Unary, function(compressor){ return this.operator == "delete" || this.operator == "++" || this.operator == "--" || this.expression.has_side_effects(compressor); }); def(AST_SymbolRef, function(compressor){ return false }); def(AST_Object, function(compressor){ for (var i = this.properties.length; --i >= 0;) if (this.properties[i].has_side_effects(compressor)) return true; return false; }); def(AST_ObjectProperty, function(compressor){ return this.value.has_side_effects(compressor); }); def(AST_Array, function(compressor){ for (var i = this.elements.length; --i >= 0;) if (this.elements[i].has_side_effects(compressor)) return true; return false; }); def(AST_Dot, function(compressor){ if (!compressor.option("pure_getters")) return true; return this.expression.has_side_effects(compressor); }); def(AST_Sub, function(compressor){ if (!compressor.option("pure_getters")) return true; return this.expression.has_side_effects(compressor) || this.property.has_side_effects(compressor); }); def(AST_PropAccess, function(compressor){ return !compressor.option("pure_getters"); }); def(AST_Seq, function(compressor){ return this.car.has_side_effects(compressor) || this.cdr.has_side_effects(compressor); }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("has_side_effects", func); });
// tell me if a statement aborts
function aborts(thing) { return thing && thing.aborts(); }; (function(def){ def(AST_Statement, function(){ return null }); def(AST_Jump, function(){ return this }); function block_aborts(){ var n = this.body.length; return n > 0 && aborts(this.body[n - 1]); }; def(AST_BlockStatement, block_aborts); def(AST_SwitchBranch, block_aborts); def(AST_If, function(){ return this.alternative && aborts(this.body) && aborts(this.alternative); }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("aborts", func); });
/* -----[ optimizers ]----- */
OPT(AST_Directive, function(self, compressor){ if (self.scope.has_directive(self.value) !== self.scope) { return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); } return self; });
OPT(AST_Debugger, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("drop_debugger")) return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); return self; });
OPT(AST_LabeledStatement, function(self, compressor){ if (self.body instanceof AST_Break && compressor.loopcontrol_target(self.body.label) === self.body) { return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); } return self.label.references.length == 0 ? self.body : self; });
OPT(AST_Block, function(self, compressor){ self.body = tighten_body(self.body, compressor); return self; });
OPT(AST_BlockStatement, function(self, compressor){ self.body = tighten_body(self.body, compressor); switch (self.body.length) { case 1: return self.body[0]; case 0: return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); } return self; });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("drop_unused", function(compressor){ var self = this; if (compressor.option("unused") && !(self instanceof AST_Toplevel) && !self.uses_eval ) { var in_use = []; var initializations = new Dictionary(); // pass 1: find out which symbols are directly used in
// this scope (not in nested scopes).
var scope = this; var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node !== self) { if (node instanceof AST_Defun) { initializations.add(node.name.name, node); return true; // don't go in nested scopes
} if (node instanceof AST_Definitions && scope === self) { node.definitions.forEach(function(def){ if (def.value) { initializations.add(def.name.name, def.value); if (def.value.has_side_effects(compressor)) { def.value.walk(tw); } } }); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_SymbolRef) { push_uniq(in_use, node.definition()); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { var save_scope = scope; scope = node; descend(); scope = save_scope; return true; } } }); self.walk(tw); // pass 2: for every used symbol we need to walk its
// initialization code to figure out if it uses other
// symbols (that may not be in_use).
for (var i = 0; i < in_use.length; ++i) { in_use[i].orig.forEach(function(decl){ // undeclared globals will be instanceof AST_SymbolRef
var init = initializations.get(decl.name); if (init) init.forEach(function(init){ var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_SymbolRef) { push_uniq(in_use, node.definition()); } }); init.walk(tw); }); }); } // pass 3: we should drop declarations not in_use
var tt = new TreeTransformer( function before(node, descend, in_list) { if (node instanceof AST_Lambda && !(node instanceof AST_Accessor)) { for (var a = node.argnames, i = a.length; --i >= 0;) { var sym = a[i]; if (sym.unreferenced()) { a.pop(); compressor.warn("Dropping unused function argument {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name : sym.name, file : sym.start.file, line : sym.start.line, col : sym.start.col }); } else break; } } if (node instanceof AST_Defun && node !== self) { if (!member(node.name.definition(), in_use)) { compressor.warn("Dropping unused function {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name : node.name.name, file : node.name.start.file, line : node.name.start.line, col : node.name.start.col }); return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } return node; } if (node instanceof AST_Definitions && !(tt.parent() instanceof AST_ForIn)) { var def = node.definitions.filter(function(def){ if (member(def.name.definition(), in_use)) return true; var w = { name : def.name.name, file : def.name.start.file, line : def.name.start.line, col : def.name.start.col }; if (def.value && def.value.has_side_effects(compressor)) { def._unused_side_effects = true; compressor.warn("Side effects in initialization of unused variable {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", w); return true; } compressor.warn("Dropping unused variable {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", w); return false; }); // place uninitialized names at the start
def = mergeSort(def, function(a, b){ if (!a.value && b.value) return -1; if (!b.value && a.value) return 1; return 0; }); // for unused names whose initialization has
// side effects, we can cascade the init. code
// into the next one, or next statement.
var side_effects = []; for (var i = 0; i < def.length;) { var x = def[i]; if (x._unused_side_effects) { side_effects.push(x.value); def.splice(i, 1); } else { if (side_effects.length > 0) { side_effects.push(x.value); x.value = AST_Seq.from_array(side_effects); side_effects = []; } ++i; } } if (side_effects.length > 0) { side_effects = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, node, { body: [ make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, node, { body: AST_Seq.from_array(side_effects) }) ] }); } else { side_effects = null; } if (def.length == 0 && !side_effects) { return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } if (def.length == 0) { return side_effects; } node.definitions = def; if (side_effects) { side_effects.body.unshift(node); node = side_effects; } return node; } if (node instanceof AST_For) { descend(node, this);
if (node.init instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { // certain combination of unused name + side effect leads to:
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/44
// that's an invalid AST.
// We fix it at this stage by moving the `var` outside the `for`.
var body = node.init.body.slice(0, -1); node.init = node.init.body.slice(-1)[0].body; body.push(node);
return in_list ? MAP.splice(body) : make_node(AST_BlockStatement, node, { body: body }); } } if (node instanceof AST_Scope && node !== self) return node; } ); self.transform(tt); } });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("hoist_declarations", function(compressor){ var hoist_funs = compressor.option("hoist_funs"); var hoist_vars = compressor.option("hoist_vars"); var self = this; if (hoist_funs || hoist_vars) { var dirs = []; var hoisted = []; var vars = new Dictionary(), vars_found = 0, var_decl = 0; // let's count var_decl first, we seem to waste a lot of
// space if we hoist `var` when there's only one.
self.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Scope && node !== self) return true; if (node instanceof AST_Var) { ++var_decl; return true; } })); hoist_vars = hoist_vars && var_decl > 1; var tt = new TreeTransformer( function before(node) { if (node !== self) { if (node instanceof AST_Directive) { dirs.push(node); return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } if (node instanceof AST_Defun && hoist_funs) { hoisted.push(node); return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } if (node instanceof AST_Var && hoist_vars) { node.definitions.forEach(function(def){ vars.set(def.name.name, def); ++vars_found; }); var seq = node.to_assignments(); var p = tt.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_ForIn && p.init === node) { if (seq == null) return node.definitions[0].name; return seq; } if (p instanceof AST_For && p.init === node) { return seq; } if (!seq) return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, node, { body: seq }); } if (node instanceof AST_Scope) return node; // to avoid descending in nested scopes
} } ); self = self.transform(tt); if (vars_found > 0) { // collect only vars which don't show up in self's arguments list
var defs = []; vars.each(function(def, name){ if (self instanceof AST_Lambda && find_if(function(x){ return x.name == def.name.name }, self.argnames)) { vars.del(name); } else { def = def.clone(); def.value = null; defs.push(def); vars.set(name, def); } }); if (defs.length > 0) { // try to merge in assignments
for (var i = 0; i < self.body.length;) { if (self.body[i] instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { var expr = self.body[i].body, sym, assign; if (expr instanceof AST_Assign && expr.operator == "=" && (sym = expr.left) instanceof AST_Symbol && vars.has(sym.name)) { var def = vars.get(sym.name); if (def.value) break; def.value = expr.right; remove(defs, def); defs.push(def); self.body.splice(i, 1); continue; } if (expr instanceof AST_Seq && (assign = expr.car) instanceof AST_Assign && assign.operator == "=" && (sym = assign.left) instanceof AST_Symbol && vars.has(sym.name)) { var def = vars.get(sym.name); if (def.value) break; def.value = assign.right; remove(defs, def); defs.push(def); self.body[i].body = expr.cdr; continue; } } if (self.body[i] instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) { self.body.splice(i, 1); continue; } if (self.body[i] instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { var tmp = [ i, 1 ].concat(self.body[i].body); self.body.splice.apply(self.body, tmp); continue; } break; } defs = make_node(AST_Var, self, { definitions: defs }); hoisted.push(defs); }; } self.body = dirs.concat(hoisted, self.body); } return self; });
OPT(AST_SimpleStatement, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("side_effects")) { if (!self.body.has_side_effects(compressor)) { compressor.warn("Dropping side-effect-free statement [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); } } return self; });
OPT(AST_DWLoop, function(self, compressor){ var cond = self.condition.evaluate(compressor); self.condition = cond[0]; if (!compressor.option("loops")) return self; if (cond.length > 1) { if (cond[1]) { return make_node(AST_For, self, { body: self.body }); } else if (self instanceof AST_While) { if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { var a = []; extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, self.body, a); return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: a }); } } } return self; });
function if_break_in_loop(self, compressor) { function drop_it(rest) { rest = as_statement_array(rest); if (self.body instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { self.body = self.body.clone(); self.body.body = rest.concat(self.body.body.slice(1)); self.body = self.body.transform(compressor); } else { self.body = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self.body, { body: rest }).transform(compressor); } if_break_in_loop(self, compressor); } var first = self.body instanceof AST_BlockStatement ? self.body.body[0] : self.body; if (first instanceof AST_If) { if (first.body instanceof AST_Break && compressor.loopcontrol_target(first.body.label) === self) { if (self.condition) { self.condition = make_node(AST_Binary, self.condition, { left: self.condition, operator: "&&", right: first.condition.negate(compressor), }); } else { self.condition = first.condition.negate(compressor); } drop_it(first.alternative); } else if (first.alternative instanceof AST_Break && compressor.loopcontrol_target(first.alternative.label) === self) { if (self.condition) { self.condition = make_node(AST_Binary, self.condition, { left: self.condition, operator: "&&", right: first.condition, }); } else { self.condition = first.condition; } drop_it(first.body); } } };
OPT(AST_While, function(self, compressor) { if (!compressor.option("loops")) return self; self = AST_DWLoop.prototype.optimize.call(self, compressor); if (self instanceof AST_While) { if_break_in_loop(self, compressor); self = make_node(AST_For, self, self).transform(compressor); } return self; });
OPT(AST_For, function(self, compressor){ var cond = self.condition; if (cond) { cond = cond.evaluate(compressor); self.condition = cond[0]; } if (!compressor.option("loops")) return self; if (cond) { if (cond.length > 1 && !cond[1]) { if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { var a = []; if (self.init instanceof AST_Statement) { a.push(self.init); } else if (self.init) { a.push(make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self.init, { body: self.init })); } extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, self.body, a); return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: a }); } } } if_break_in_loop(self, compressor); return self; });
OPT(AST_If, function(self, compressor){ if (!compressor.option("conditionals")) return self; // if condition can be statically determined, warn and drop
// one of the blocks. note, statically determined implies
// “has no side effects”; also it doesn't work for cases like
// `x && true`, though it probably should.
var cond = self.condition.evaluate(compressor); self.condition = cond[0]; if (cond.length > 1) { if (cond[1]) { compressor.warn("Condition always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.condition.start); if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { var a = []; if (self.alternative) { extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, self.alternative, a); } a.push(self.body); return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: a }).transform(compressor); } } else { compressor.warn("Condition always false [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.condition.start); if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { var a = []; extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, self.body, a); if (self.alternative) a.push(self.alternative); return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: a }).transform(compressor); } } } if (is_empty(self.alternative)) self.alternative = null; var negated = self.condition.negate(compressor); var negated_is_best = best_of(self.condition, negated) === negated; if (self.alternative && negated_is_best) { negated_is_best = false; // because we already do the switch here.
self.condition = negated; var tmp = self.body; self.body = self.alternative || make_node(AST_EmptyStatement); self.alternative = tmp; } if (is_empty(self.body) && is_empty(self.alternative)) { return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self.condition, { body: self.condition }).transform(compressor); } if (self.body instanceof AST_SimpleStatement && self.alternative instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: make_node(AST_Conditional, self, { condition : self.condition, consequent : self.body.body, alternative : self.alternative.body }) }).transform(compressor); } if (is_empty(self.alternative) && self.body instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { if (negated_is_best) return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator : "||", left : negated, right : self.body.body }) }).transform(compressor); return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator : "&&", left : self.condition, right : self.body.body }) }).transform(compressor); } if (self.body instanceof AST_EmptyStatement && self.alternative && self.alternative instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator : "||", left : self.condition, right : self.alternative.body }) }).transform(compressor); } if (self.body instanceof AST_Exit && self.alternative instanceof AST_Exit && self.body.TYPE == self.alternative.TYPE) { return make_node(self.body.CTOR, self, { value: make_node(AST_Conditional, self, { condition : self.condition, consequent : self.body.value || make_node(AST_Undefined, self.body).optimize(compressor), alternative : self.alternative.value || make_node(AST_Undefined, self.alternative).optimize(compressor) }) }).transform(compressor); } if (self.body instanceof AST_If && !self.body.alternative && !self.alternative) { self.condition = make_node(AST_Binary, self.condition, { operator: "&&", left: self.condition, right: self.body.condition }).transform(compressor); self.body = self.body.body; } if (aborts(self.body)) { if (self.alternative) { var alt = self.alternative; self.alternative = null; return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: [ self, alt ] }).transform(compressor); } } if (aborts(self.alternative)) { var body = self.body; self.body = self.alternative; self.condition = negated_is_best ? negated : self.condition.negate(compressor); self.alternative = null; return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: [ self, body ] }).transform(compressor); } return self; });
OPT(AST_Switch, function(self, compressor){ if (self.body.length == 0 && compressor.option("conditionals")) { return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: self.expression }).transform(compressor); } for(;;) { var last_branch = self.body[self.body.length - 1]; if (last_branch) { var stat = last_branch.body[last_branch.body.length - 1]; // last statement
if (stat instanceof AST_Break && loop_body(compressor.loopcontrol_target(stat.label)) === self) last_branch.body.pop(); if (last_branch instanceof AST_Default && last_branch.body.length == 0) { self.body.pop(); continue; } } break; } var exp = self.expression.evaluate(compressor); out: if (exp.length == 2) try { // constant expression
self.expression = exp[0]; if (!compressor.option("dead_code")) break out; var value = exp[1]; var in_if = false; var in_block = false; var started = false; var stopped = false; var ruined = false; var tt = new TreeTransformer(function(node, descend, in_list){ if (node instanceof AST_Lambda || node instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { // no need to descend these node types
return node; } else if (node instanceof AST_Switch && node === self) { node = node.clone(); descend(node, this); return ruined ? node : make_node(AST_BlockStatement, node, { body: node.body.reduce(function(a, branch){ return a.concat(branch.body); }, []) }).transform(compressor); } else if (node instanceof AST_If || node instanceof AST_Try) { var save = in_if; in_if = !in_block; descend(node, this); in_if = save; return node; } else if (node instanceof AST_StatementWithBody || node instanceof AST_Switch) { var save = in_block; in_block = true; descend(node, this); in_block = save; return node; } else if (node instanceof AST_Break && this.loopcontrol_target(node.label) === self) { if (in_if) { ruined = true; return node; } if (in_block) return node; stopped = true; return in_list ? MAP.skip : make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } else if (node instanceof AST_SwitchBranch && this.parent() === self) { if (stopped) return MAP.skip; if (node instanceof AST_Case) { var exp = node.expression.evaluate(compressor); if (exp.length < 2) { // got a case with non-constant expression, baling out
throw self; } if (exp[1] === value || started) { started = true; if (aborts(node)) stopped = true; descend(node, this); return node; } return MAP.skip; } descend(node, this); return node; } }); tt.stack = compressor.stack.slice(); // so that's able to see parent nodes
self = self.transform(tt); } catch(ex) { if (ex !== self) throw ex; } return self; });
OPT(AST_Case, function(self, compressor){ self.body = tighten_body(self.body, compressor); return self; });
OPT(AST_Try, function(self, compressor){ self.body = tighten_body(self.body, compressor); return self; });
AST_Definitions.DEFMETHOD("remove_initializers", function(){ this.definitions.forEach(function(def){ def.value = null }); });
AST_Definitions.DEFMETHOD("to_assignments", function(){ var assignments = this.definitions.reduce(function(a, def){ if (def.value) { var name = make_node(AST_SymbolRef, def.name, def.name); a.push(make_node(AST_Assign, def, { operator : "=", left : name, right : def.value })); } return a; }, []); if (assignments.length == 0) return null; return AST_Seq.from_array(assignments); });
OPT(AST_Definitions, function(self, compressor){ if (self.definitions.length == 0) return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); return self; });
OPT(AST_Function, function(self, compressor){ self = AST_Lambda.prototype.optimize.call(self, compressor); if (compressor.option("unused")) { if (self.name && self.name.unreferenced()) { self.name = null; } } return self; });
OPT(AST_Call, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("unsafe")) { var exp = self.expression; if (exp instanceof AST_SymbolRef && exp.undeclared()) { switch (exp.name) { case "Array": if (self.args.length != 1) { return make_node(AST_Array, self, { elements: self.args }).transform(compressor); } break; case "Object": if (self.args.length == 0) { return make_node(AST_Object, self, { properties: [] }); } break; case "String": if (self.args.length == 0) return make_node(AST_String, self, { value: "" }); if (self.args.length <= 1) return make_node(AST_Binary, self, { left: self.args[0], operator: "+", right: make_node(AST_String, self, { value: "" }) }).transform(compressor); break; case "Number": if (self.args.length == 0) return make_node(AST_Number, self, { value: 0 }); if (self.args.length == 1) return make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, self, { expression: self.args[0], operator: "+" }).transform(compressor); case "Boolean": if (self.args.length == 0) return make_node(AST_False, self); if (self.args.length == 1) return make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, self, { expression: make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, null, { expression: self.args[0], operator: "!" }), operator: "!" }).transform(compressor); break; case "Function": if (all(self.args, function(x){ return x instanceof AST_String })) { // quite a corner-case, but we can handle it:
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/203
// if the code argument is a constant, then we can minify it.
try { var code = "(function(" + self.args.slice(0, -1).map(function(arg){ return arg.value; }).join(",") + "){" + self.args[self.args.length - 1].value + "})()"; var ast = parse(code); ast.figure_out_scope({ screw_ie8: compressor.option("screw_ie8") }); var comp = new Compressor(compressor.options); ast = ast.transform(comp); ast.figure_out_scope({ screw_ie8: compressor.option("screw_ie8") }); ast.mangle_names(); var fun; try { ast.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Lambda) { fun = node; throw ast; } })); } catch(ex) { if (ex !== ast) throw ex; }; var args = fun.argnames.map(function(arg, i){ return make_node(AST_String, self.args[i], { value: arg.print_to_string() }); }); var code = OutputStream(); AST_BlockStatement.prototype._codegen.call(fun, fun, code); code = code.toString().replace(/^\{|\}$/g, ""); args.push(make_node(AST_String, self.args[self.args.length - 1], { value: code })); self.args = args; return self; } catch(ex) { if (ex instanceof JS_Parse_Error) { compressor.warn("Error parsing code passed to new Function [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.args[self.args.length - 1].start); compressor.warn(ex.toString()); } else { console.log(ex); throw ex; } } } break; } } else if (exp instanceof AST_Dot && exp.property == "toString" && self.args.length == 0) { return make_node(AST_Binary, self, { left: make_node(AST_String, self, { value: "" }), operator: "+", right: exp.expression }).transform(compressor); } else if (exp instanceof AST_Dot && exp.expression instanceof AST_Array && exp.property == "join") EXIT: { var separator = self.args.length == 0 ? "," : self.args[0].evaluate(compressor)[1]; if (separator == null) break EXIT; // not a constant
var elements = exp.expression.elements.reduce(function(a, el){ el = el.evaluate(compressor); if (a.length == 0 || el.length == 1) { a.push(el); } else { var last = a[a.length - 1]; if (last.length == 2) { // it's a constant
var val = "" + last[1] + separator + el[1]; a[a.length - 1] = [ make_node_from_constant(compressor, val, last[0]), val ]; } else { a.push(el); } } return a; }, []); if (elements.length == 0) return make_node(AST_String, self, { value: "" }); if (elements.length == 1) return elements[0][0]; if (separator == "") { var first; if (elements[0][0] instanceof AST_String || elements[1][0] instanceof AST_String) { first = elements.shift()[0]; } else { first = make_node(AST_String, self, { value: "" }); } return elements.reduce(function(prev, el){ return make_node(AST_Binary, el[0], { operator : "+", left : prev, right : el[0], }); }, first).transform(compressor); } // need this awkward cloning to not affect original element
// best_of will decide which one to get through.
var node = self.clone(); node.expression = node.expression.clone(); node.expression.expression = node.expression.expression.clone(); node.expression.expression.elements = elements.map(function(el){ return el[0]; }); return best_of(self, node); } } if (compressor.option("side_effects")) { if (self.expression instanceof AST_Function && self.args.length == 0 && !AST_Block.prototype.has_side_effects.call(self.expression, compressor)) { return make_node(AST_Undefined, self).transform(compressor); } } if (compressor.option("drop_console")) { if (self.expression instanceof AST_PropAccess && self.expression.expression instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.expression.expression.name == "console" && self.expression.expression.undeclared()) { return make_node(AST_Undefined, self).transform(compressor); } } return self.evaluate(compressor)[0]; });
OPT(AST_New, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("unsafe")) { var exp = self.expression; if (exp instanceof AST_SymbolRef && exp.undeclared()) { switch (exp.name) { case "Object": case "RegExp": case "Function": case "Error": case "Array": return make_node(AST_Call, self, self).transform(compressor); } } } return self; });
OPT(AST_Seq, function(self, compressor){ if (!compressor.option("side_effects")) return self; if (!self.car.has_side_effects(compressor)) { // we shouldn't compress (1,eval)(something) to
// eval(something) because that changes the meaning of
// eval (becomes lexical instead of global).
var p; if (!(self.cdr instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.cdr.name == "eval" && self.cdr.undeclared() && (p = compressor.parent()) instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === self)) { return self.cdr; } } if (compressor.option("cascade")) { if (self.car instanceof AST_Assign && !self.car.left.has_side_effects(compressor)) { if (self.car.left.equivalent_to(self.cdr)) { return self.car; } if (self.cdr instanceof AST_Call && self.cdr.expression.equivalent_to(self.car.left)) { self.cdr.expression = self.car; return self.cdr; } } if (!self.car.has_side_effects(compressor) && !self.cdr.has_side_effects(compressor) && self.car.equivalent_to(self.cdr)) { return self.car; } } return self; });
AST_Unary.DEFMETHOD("lift_sequences", function(compressor){ if (compressor.option("sequences")) { if (this.expression instanceof AST_Seq) { var seq = this.expression; var x = seq.to_array(); this.expression = x.pop(); x.push(this); seq = AST_Seq.from_array(x).transform(compressor); return seq; } } return this; });
OPT(AST_UnaryPostfix, function(self, compressor){ return self.lift_sequences(compressor); });
OPT(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(self, compressor){ self = self.lift_sequences(compressor); var e = self.expression; if (compressor.option("booleans") && compressor.in_boolean_context()) { switch (self.operator) { case "!": if (e instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix && e.operator == "!") { // !!foo ==> foo, if we're in boolean context
return e.expression; } break; case "typeof": // typeof always returns a non-empty string, thus it's
// always true in booleans
compressor.warn("Boolean expression always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_True, self); } if (e instanceof AST_Binary && self.operator == "!") { self = best_of(self, e.negate(compressor)); } } return self.evaluate(compressor)[0]; });
function has_side_effects_or_prop_access(node, compressor) { var save_pure_getters = compressor.option("pure_getters"); compressor.options.pure_getters = false; var ret = node.has_side_effects(compressor); compressor.options.pure_getters = save_pure_getters; return ret; }
AST_Binary.DEFMETHOD("lift_sequences", function(compressor){ if (compressor.option("sequences")) { if (this.left instanceof AST_Seq) { var seq = this.left; var x = seq.to_array(); this.left = x.pop(); x.push(this); seq = AST_Seq.from_array(x).transform(compressor); return seq; } if (this.right instanceof AST_Seq && this instanceof AST_Assign && !has_side_effects_or_prop_access(this.left, compressor)) { var seq = this.right; var x = seq.to_array(); this.right = x.pop(); x.push(this); seq = AST_Seq.from_array(x).transform(compressor); return seq; } } return this; });
var commutativeOperators = makePredicate("== === != !== * & | ^");
OPT(AST_Binary, function(self, compressor){ var reverse = compressor.has_directive("use asm") ? noop : function(op, force) { if (force || !(self.left.has_side_effects(compressor) || self.right.has_side_effects(compressor))) { if (op) self.operator = op; var tmp = self.left; self.left = self.right; self.right = tmp; } }; if (commutativeOperators(self.operator)) { if (self.right instanceof AST_Constant && !(self.left instanceof AST_Constant)) { // if right is a constant, whatever side effects the
// left side might have could not influence the
// result. hence, force switch.
if (!(self.left instanceof AST_Binary && PRECEDENCE[self.left.operator] >= PRECEDENCE[self.operator])) { reverse(null, true); } } if (/^[!=]==?$/.test(self.operator)) { if (self.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.right instanceof AST_Conditional) { if (self.right.consequent instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.right.consequent.definition() === self.left.definition()) { if (/^==/.test(self.operator)) return self.right.condition; if (/^!=/.test(self.operator)) return self.right.condition.negate(compressor); } if (self.right.alternative instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.right.alternative.definition() === self.left.definition()) { if (/^==/.test(self.operator)) return self.right.condition.negate(compressor); if (/^!=/.test(self.operator)) return self.right.condition; } } if (self.right instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.left instanceof AST_Conditional) { if (self.left.consequent instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.left.consequent.definition() === self.right.definition()) { if (/^==/.test(self.operator)) return self.left.condition; if (/^!=/.test(self.operator)) return self.left.condition.negate(compressor); } if (self.left.alternative instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.left.alternative.definition() === self.right.definition()) { if (/^==/.test(self.operator)) return self.left.condition.negate(compressor); if (/^!=/.test(self.operator)) return self.left.condition; } } } } self = self.lift_sequences(compressor); if (compressor.option("comparisons")) switch (self.operator) { case "===": case "!==": if ((self.left.is_string(compressor) && self.right.is_string(compressor)) || (self.left.is_boolean() && self.right.is_boolean())) { self.operator = self.operator.substr(0, 2); } // XXX: intentionally falling down to the next case
case "==": case "!=": if (self.left instanceof AST_String && self.left.value == "undefined" && self.right instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix && self.right.operator == "typeof" && compressor.option("unsafe")) { if (!(self.right.expression instanceof AST_SymbolRef) || !self.right.expression.undeclared()) { self.right = self.right.expression; self.left = make_node(AST_Undefined, self.left).optimize(compressor); if (self.operator.length == 2) self.operator += "="; } } break; } if (compressor.option("booleans") && compressor.in_boolean_context()) switch (self.operator) { case "&&": var ll = self.left.evaluate(compressor); var rr = self.right.evaluate(compressor); if ((ll.length > 1 && !ll[1]) || (rr.length > 1 && !rr[1])) { compressor.warn("Boolean && always false [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_False, self); } if (ll.length > 1 && ll[1]) { return rr[0]; } if (rr.length > 1 && rr[1]) { return ll[0]; } break; case "||": var ll = self.left.evaluate(compressor); var rr = self.right.evaluate(compressor); if ((ll.length > 1 && ll[1]) || (rr.length > 1 && rr[1])) { compressor.warn("Boolean || always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_True, self); } if (ll.length > 1 && !ll[1]) { return rr[0]; } if (rr.length > 1 && !rr[1]) { return ll[0]; } break; case "+": var ll = self.left.evaluate(compressor); var rr = self.right.evaluate(compressor); if ((ll.length > 1 && ll[0] instanceof AST_String && ll[1]) || (rr.length > 1 && rr[0] instanceof AST_String && rr[1])) { compressor.warn("+ in boolean context always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_True, self); } break; } if (compressor.option("comparisons")) { if (!(compressor.parent() instanceof AST_Binary) || compressor.parent() instanceof AST_Assign) { var negated = make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, self, { operator: "!", expression: self.negate(compressor) }); self = best_of(self, negated); } switch (self.operator) { case "<": reverse(">"); break; case "<=": reverse(">="); break; } } if (self.operator == "+" && self.right instanceof AST_String && self.right.getValue() === "" && self.left instanceof AST_Binary && self.left.operator == "+" && self.left.is_string(compressor)) { return self.left; } if (compressor.option("evaluate")) { if (self.operator == "+") { if (self.left instanceof AST_Constant && self.right instanceof AST_Binary && self.right.operator == "+" && self.right.left instanceof AST_Constant && self.right.is_string(compressor)) { self = make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator: "+", left: make_node(AST_String, null, { value: "" + self.left.getValue() + self.right.left.getValue(), start: self.left.start, end: self.right.left.end }), right: self.right.right }); } if (self.right instanceof AST_Constant && self.left instanceof AST_Binary && self.left.operator == "+" && self.left.right instanceof AST_Constant && self.left.is_string(compressor)) { self = make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator: "+", left: self.left.left, right: make_node(AST_String, null, { value: "" + self.left.right.getValue() + self.right.getValue(), start: self.left.right.start, end: self.right.end }) }); } if (self.left instanceof AST_Binary && self.left.operator == "+" && self.left.is_string(compressor) && self.left.right instanceof AST_Constant && self.right instanceof AST_Binary && self.right.operator == "+" && self.right.left instanceof AST_Constant && self.right.is_string(compressor)) { self = make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator: "+", left: make_node(AST_Binary, self.left, { operator: "+", left: self.left.left, right: make_node(AST_String, null, { value: "" + self.left.right.getValue() + self.right.left.getValue(), start: self.left.right.start, end: self.right.left.end }) }), right: self.right.right }); } } } // x * (y * z) ==> x * y * z
if (self.right instanceof AST_Binary && self.right.operator == self.operator && (self.operator == "*" || self.operator == "&&" || self.operator == "||")) { self.left = make_node(AST_Binary, self.left, { operator : self.operator, left : self.left, right : self.right.left }); self.right = self.right.right; return self.transform(compressor); } return self.evaluate(compressor)[0]; });
OPT(AST_SymbolRef, function(self, compressor){ if (self.undeclared()) { var defines = compressor.option("global_defs"); if (defines && defines.hasOwnProperty(self.name)) { return make_node_from_constant(compressor, defines[self.name], self); } switch (self.name) { case "undefined": return make_node(AST_Undefined, self); case "NaN": return make_node(AST_NaN, self); case "Infinity": return make_node(AST_Infinity, self); } } return self; });
OPT(AST_Undefined, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("unsafe")) { var scope = compressor.find_parent(AST_Scope); var undef = scope.find_variable("undefined"); if (undef) { var ref = make_node(AST_SymbolRef, self, { name : "undefined", scope : scope, thedef : undef }); ref.reference(); return ref; } } return self; });
var ASSIGN_OPS = [ '+', '-', '/', '*', '%', '>>', '<<', '>>>', '|', '^', '&' ]; OPT(AST_Assign, function(self, compressor){ self = self.lift_sequences(compressor); if (self.operator == "=" && self.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.right instanceof AST_Binary && self.right.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.right.left.name == self.left.name && member(self.right.operator, ASSIGN_OPS)) { self.operator = self.right.operator + "="; self.right = self.right.right; } return self; });
OPT(AST_Conditional, function(self, compressor){ if (!compressor.option("conditionals")) return self; if (self.condition instanceof AST_Seq) { var car = self.condition.car; self.condition = self.condition.cdr; return AST_Seq.cons(car, self); } var cond = self.condition.evaluate(compressor); if (cond.length > 1) { if (cond[1]) { compressor.warn("Condition always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return self.consequent; } else { compressor.warn("Condition always false [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return self.alternative; } } var negated = cond[0].negate(compressor); if (best_of(cond[0], negated) === negated) { self = make_node(AST_Conditional, self, { condition: negated, consequent: self.alternative, alternative: self.consequent }); } var consequent = self.consequent; var alternative = self.alternative; if (consequent instanceof AST_Assign && alternative instanceof AST_Assign && consequent.operator == alternative.operator && consequent.left.equivalent_to(alternative.left) ) { /* * Stuff like this: * if (foo) exp = something; else exp = something_else; * ==> * exp = foo ? something : something_else; */ self = make_node(AST_Assign, self, { operator: consequent.operator, left: consequent.left, right: make_node(AST_Conditional, self, { condition: self.condition, consequent: consequent.right, alternative: alternative.right }) }); } return self; });
OPT(AST_Boolean, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("booleans")) { var p = compressor.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_Binary && (p.operator == "==" || p.operator == "!=")) { compressor.warn("Non-strict equality against boolean: {operator} {value} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { operator : p.operator, value : self.value, file : p.start.file, line : p.start.line, col : p.start.col, }); return make_node(AST_Number, self, { value: +self.value }); } return make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, self, { operator: "!", expression: make_node(AST_Number, self, { value: 1 - self.value }) }); } return self; });
OPT(AST_Sub, function(self, compressor){ var prop = self.property; if (prop instanceof AST_String && compressor.option("properties")) { prop = prop.getValue(); if (RESERVED_WORDS(prop) ? compressor.option("screw_ie8") : is_identifier_string(prop)) { return make_node(AST_Dot, self, { expression : self.expression, property : prop }); } } return self; });
function literals_in_boolean_context(self, compressor) { if (compressor.option("booleans") && compressor.in_boolean_context()) { return make_node(AST_True, self); } return self; }; OPT(AST_Array, literals_in_boolean_context); OPT(AST_Object, literals_in_boolean_context); OPT(AST_RegExp, literals_in_boolean_context);
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
// a small wrapper around fitzgen's source-map library
function SourceMap(options) { options = defaults(options, { file : null, root : null, orig : null,
orig_line_diff : 0, dest_line_diff : 0, }); var generator = new MOZ_SourceMap.SourceMapGenerator({ file : options.file, sourceRoot : options.root }); var orig_map = options.orig && new MOZ_SourceMap.SourceMapConsumer(options.orig); function add(source, gen_line, gen_col, orig_line, orig_col, name) { if (orig_map) { var info = orig_map.originalPositionFor({ line: orig_line, column: orig_col }); source = info.source; orig_line = info.line; orig_col = info.column; name = info.name; } generator.addMapping({ generated : { line: gen_line + options.dest_line_diff, column: gen_col }, original : { line: orig_line + options.orig_line_diff, column: orig_col }, source : source, name : name }); }; return { add : add, get : function() { return generator }, toString : function() { return generator.toString() } }; };
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
var MOZ_TO_ME = { TryStatement : function(M) { return new AST_Try({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), body : from_moz(M.block).body, bcatch : from_moz(M.handlers[0]), bfinally : M.finalizer ? new AST_Finally(from_moz(M.finalizer)) : null }); }, CatchClause : function(M) { return new AST_Catch({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), argname : from_moz(M.param), body : from_moz(M.body).body }); }, ObjectExpression : function(M) { return new AST_Object({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), properties : M.properties.map(function(prop){ var key = prop.key; var name = key.type == "Identifier" ? key.name : key.value; var args = { start : my_start_token(key), end : my_end_token(prop.value), key : name, value : from_moz(prop.value) }; switch (prop.kind) { case "init": return new AST_ObjectKeyVal(args); case "set": args.value.name = from_moz(key); return new AST_ObjectSetter(args); case "get": args.value.name = from_moz(key); return new AST_ObjectGetter(args); } }) }); }, SequenceExpression : function(M) { return AST_Seq.from_array(M.expressions.map(from_moz)); }, MemberExpression : function(M) { return new (M.computed ? AST_Sub : AST_Dot)({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), property : M.computed ? from_moz(M.property) : M.property.name, expression : from_moz(M.object) }); }, SwitchCase : function(M) { return new (M.test ? AST_Case : AST_Default)({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), expression : from_moz(M.test), body : M.consequent.map(from_moz) }); }, Literal : function(M) { var val = M.value, args = { start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M) }; if (val === null) return new AST_Null(args); switch (typeof val) { case "string": args.value = val; return new AST_String(args); case "number": args.value = val; return new AST_Number(args); case "boolean": return new (val ? AST_True : AST_False)(args); default: args.value = val; return new AST_RegExp(args); } }, UnaryExpression: From_Moz_Unary, UpdateExpression: From_Moz_Unary, Identifier: function(M) { var p = FROM_MOZ_STACK[FROM_MOZ_STACK.length - 2]; return new (M.name == "this" ? AST_This : p.type == "LabeledStatement" ? AST_Label : p.type == "VariableDeclarator" && p.id === M ? (p.kind == "const" ? AST_SymbolConst : AST_SymbolVar) : p.type == "FunctionExpression" ? (p.id === M ? AST_SymbolLambda : AST_SymbolFunarg) : p.type == "FunctionDeclaration" ? (p.id === M ? AST_SymbolDefun : AST_SymbolFunarg) : p.type == "CatchClause" ? AST_SymbolCatch : p.type == "BreakStatement" || p.type == "ContinueStatement" ? AST_LabelRef : AST_SymbolRef)({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), name : M.name }); } };
function From_Moz_Unary(M) { var prefix = "prefix" in M ? M.prefix : M.type == "UnaryExpression" ? true : false; return new (prefix ? AST_UnaryPrefix : AST_UnaryPostfix)({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), operator : M.operator, expression : from_moz(M.argument) }); };
var ME_TO_MOZ = {};
map("Node", AST_Node); map("Program", AST_Toplevel, "body@body"); map("Function", AST_Function, "id>name, params@argnames, body%body"); map("EmptyStatement", AST_EmptyStatement); map("BlockStatement", AST_BlockStatement, "body@body"); map("ExpressionStatement", AST_SimpleStatement, "expression>body"); map("IfStatement", AST_If, "test>condition, consequent>body, alternate>alternative"); map("LabeledStatement", AST_LabeledStatement, "label>label, body>body"); map("BreakStatement", AST_Break, "label>label"); map("ContinueStatement", AST_Continue, "label>label"); map("WithStatement", AST_With, "object>expression, body>body"); map("SwitchStatement", AST_Switch, "discriminant>expression, cases@body"); map("ReturnStatement", AST_Return, "argument>value"); map("ThrowStatement", AST_Throw, "argument>value"); map("WhileStatement", AST_While, "test>condition, body>body"); map("DoWhileStatement", AST_Do, "test>condition, body>body"); map("ForStatement", AST_For, "init>init, test>condition, update>step, body>body"); map("ForInStatement", AST_ForIn, "left>init, right>object, body>body"); map("DebuggerStatement", AST_Debugger); map("FunctionDeclaration", AST_Defun, "id>name, params@argnames, body%body"); map("VariableDeclaration", AST_Var, "declarations@definitions"); map("VariableDeclarator", AST_VarDef, "id>name, init>value");
map("ThisExpression", AST_This); map("ArrayExpression", AST_Array, "elements@elements"); map("FunctionExpression", AST_Function, "id>name, params@argnames, body%body"); map("BinaryExpression", AST_Binary, "operator=operator, left>left, right>right"); map("AssignmentExpression", AST_Assign, "operator=operator, left>left, right>right"); map("LogicalExpression", AST_Binary, "operator=operator, left>left, right>right"); map("ConditionalExpression", AST_Conditional, "test>condition, consequent>consequent, alternate>alternative"); map("NewExpression", AST_New, "callee>expression, arguments@args"); map("CallExpression", AST_Call, "callee>expression, arguments@args");
/* -----[ tools ]----- */
function my_start_token(moznode) { return new AST_Token({ file : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.source, line : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.start.line, col : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.start.column, pos : moznode.start, endpos : moznode.start }); };
function my_end_token(moznode) { return new AST_Token({ file : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.source, line : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.end.line, col : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.end.column, pos : moznode.end, endpos : moznode.end }); };
function map(moztype, mytype, propmap) { var moz_to_me = "function From_Moz_" + moztype + "(M){\n"; moz_to_me += "return new mytype({\n" + "start: my_start_token(M),\n" + "end: my_end_token(M)";
if (propmap) propmap.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach(function(prop){ var m = /([a-z0-9$_]+)(=|@|>|%)([a-z0-9$_]+)/i.exec(prop); if (!m) throw new Error("Can't understand property map: " + prop); var moz = "M." + m[1], how = m[2], my = m[3]; moz_to_me += ",\n" + my + ": "; if (how == "@") { moz_to_me += moz + ".map(from_moz)"; } else if (how == ">") { moz_to_me += "from_moz(" + moz + ")"; } else if (how == "=") { moz_to_me += moz; } else if (how == "%") { moz_to_me += "from_moz(" + moz + ").body"; } else throw new Error("Can't understand operator in propmap: " + prop); }); moz_to_me += "\n})}";
// moz_to_me = parse(moz_to_me).print_to_string({ beautify: true });
// console.log(moz_to_me);
moz_to_me = new Function("mytype", "my_start_token", "my_end_token", "from_moz", "return(" + moz_to_me + ")")( mytype, my_start_token, my_end_token, from_moz ); return MOZ_TO_ME[moztype] = moz_to_me; };
var FROM_MOZ_STACK = null;
function from_moz(node) { FROM_MOZ_STACK.push(node); var ret = node != null ? MOZ_TO_ME[node.type](node) : null; FROM_MOZ_STACK.pop(); return ret; };
AST_Node.from_mozilla_ast = function(node){ var save_stack = FROM_MOZ_STACK; FROM_MOZ_STACK = []; var ast = from_moz(node); FROM_MOZ_STACK = save_stack; return ast; };
exports.sys = sys; exports.MOZ_SourceMap = MOZ_SourceMap; exports.UglifyJS = UglifyJS; exports.array_to_hash = array_to_hash; exports.slice = slice; exports.characters = characters; exports.member = member; exports.find_if = find_if; exports.repeat_string = repeat_string; exports.DefaultsError = DefaultsError; exports.defaults = defaults; exports.merge = merge; exports.noop = noop; exports.MAP = MAP; exports.push_uniq = push_uniq; exports.string_template = string_template; exports.remove = remove; exports.mergeSort = mergeSort; exports.set_difference = set_difference; exports.set_intersection = set_intersection; exports.makePredicate = makePredicate; exports.all = all; exports.Dictionary = Dictionary; exports.DEFNODE = DEFNODE; exports.AST_Token = AST_Token; exports.AST_Node = AST_Node; exports.AST_Statement = AST_Statement; exports.AST_Debugger = AST_Debugger; exports.AST_Directive = AST_Directive; exports.AST_SimpleStatement = AST_SimpleStatement; exports.walk_body = walk_body; exports.AST_Block = AST_Block; exports.AST_BlockStatement = AST_BlockStatement; exports.AST_EmptyStatement = AST_EmptyStatement; exports.AST_StatementWithBody = AST_StatementWithBody; exports.AST_LabeledStatement = AST_LabeledStatement; exports.AST_IterationStatement = AST_IterationStatement; exports.AST_DWLoop = AST_DWLoop; exports.AST_Do = AST_Do; exports.AST_While = AST_While; exports.AST_For = AST_For; exports.AST_ForIn = AST_ForIn; exports.AST_With = AST_With; exports.AST_Scope = AST_Scope; exports.AST_Toplevel = AST_Toplevel; exports.AST_Lambda = AST_Lambda; exports.AST_Accessor = AST_Accessor; exports.AST_Function = AST_Function; exports.AST_Defun = AST_Defun; exports.AST_Jump = AST_Jump; exports.AST_Exit = AST_Exit; exports.AST_Return = AST_Return; exports.AST_Throw = AST_Throw; exports.AST_LoopControl = AST_LoopControl; exports.AST_Break = AST_Break; exports.AST_Continue = AST_Continue; exports.AST_If = AST_If; exports.AST_Switch = AST_Switch; exports.AST_SwitchBranch = AST_SwitchBranch; exports.AST_Default = AST_Default; exports.AST_Case = AST_Case; exports.AST_Try = AST_Try; exports.AST_Catch = AST_Catch; exports.AST_Finally = AST_Finally; exports.AST_Definitions = AST_Definitions; exports.AST_Var = AST_Var; exports.AST_Const = AST_Const; exports.AST_VarDef = AST_VarDef; exports.AST_Call = AST_Call; exports.AST_New = AST_New; exports.AST_Seq = AST_Seq; exports.AST_PropAccess = AST_PropAccess; exports.AST_Dot = AST_Dot; exports.AST_Sub = AST_Sub; exports.AST_Unary = AST_Unary; exports.AST_UnaryPrefix = AST_UnaryPrefix; exports.AST_UnaryPostfix = AST_UnaryPostfix; exports.AST_Binary = AST_Binary; exports.AST_Conditional = AST_Conditional; exports.AST_Assign = AST_Assign; exports.AST_Array = AST_Array; exports.AST_Object = AST_Object; exports.AST_ObjectProperty = AST_ObjectProperty; exports.AST_ObjectKeyVal = AST_ObjectKeyVal; exports.AST_ObjectSetter = AST_ObjectSetter; exports.AST_ObjectGetter = AST_ObjectGetter; exports.AST_Symbol = AST_Symbol; exports.AST_SymbolAccessor = AST_SymbolAccessor; exports.AST_SymbolDeclaration = AST_SymbolDeclaration; exports.AST_SymbolVar = AST_SymbolVar; exports.AST_SymbolConst = AST_SymbolConst; exports.AST_SymbolFunarg = AST_SymbolFunarg; exports.AST_SymbolDefun = AST_SymbolDefun; exports.AST_SymbolLambda = AST_SymbolLambda; exports.AST_SymbolCatch = AST_SymbolCatch; exports.AST_Label = AST_Label; exports.AST_SymbolRef = AST_SymbolRef; exports.AST_LabelRef = AST_LabelRef; exports.AST_This = AST_This; exports.AST_Constant = AST_Constant; exports.AST_String = AST_String; exports.AST_Number = AST_Number; exports.AST_RegExp = AST_RegExp; exports.AST_Atom = AST_Atom; exports.AST_Null = AST_Null; exports.AST_NaN = AST_NaN; exports.AST_Undefined = AST_Undefined; exports.AST_Hole = AST_Hole; exports.AST_Infinity = AST_Infinity; exports.AST_Boolean = AST_Boolean; exports.AST_False = AST_False; exports.AST_True = AST_True; exports.TreeWalker = TreeWalker; exports.KEYWORDS = KEYWORDS; exports.KEYWORDS_ATOM = KEYWORDS_ATOM; exports.RESERVED_WORDS = RESERVED_WORDS; exports.KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION; exports.OPERATOR_CHARS = OPERATOR_CHARS; exports.RE_HEX_NUMBER = RE_HEX_NUMBER; exports.RE_OCT_NUMBER = RE_OCT_NUMBER; exports.RE_DEC_NUMBER = RE_DEC_NUMBER; exports.OPERATORS = OPERATORS; exports.WHITESPACE_CHARS = WHITESPACE_CHARS; exports.PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION; exports.PUNC_CHARS = PUNC_CHARS; exports.REGEXP_MODIFIERS = REGEXP_MODIFIERS; exports.UNICODE = UNICODE; exports.is_letter = is_letter; exports.is_digit = is_digit; exports.is_alphanumeric_char = is_alphanumeric_char; exports.is_unicode_combining_mark = is_unicode_combining_mark; exports.is_unicode_connector_punctuation = is_unicode_connector_punctuation; exports.is_identifier = is_identifier; exports.is_identifier_start = is_identifier_start; exports.is_identifier_char = is_identifier_char; exports.is_identifier_string = is_identifier_string; exports.parse_js_number = parse_js_number; exports.JS_Parse_Error = JS_Parse_Error; exports.js_error = js_error; exports.is_token = is_token; exports.EX_EOF = EX_EOF; exports.tokenizer = tokenizer; exports.UNARY_PREFIX = UNARY_PREFIX; exports.UNARY_POSTFIX = UNARY_POSTFIX; exports.ASSIGNMENT = ASSIGNMENT; exports.PRECEDENCE = PRECEDENCE; exports.STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS = STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS; exports.ATOMIC_START_TOKEN = ATOMIC_START_TOKEN; exports.parse = parse; exports.TreeTransformer = TreeTransformer; exports.SymbolDef = SymbolDef; exports.base54 = base54; exports.OutputStream = OutputStream; exports.Compressor = Compressor; exports.SourceMap = SourceMap;
exports.AST_Node.warn_function = function (txt) { if (typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.warn === "function") console.warn(txt) }
exports.minify = function (files, options) { options = UglifyJS.defaults(options, { outSourceMap : null, sourceRoot : null, inSourceMap : null, fromString : false, warnings : false, mangle : {}, output : null, compress : {} }); if (typeof files == "string") files = [ files ];
// 1. parse
var toplevel = null; files.forEach(function(file){ var code = options.fromString ? file : fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"); toplevel = UglifyJS.parse(code, { filename: options.fromString ? "?" : file, toplevel: toplevel }); });
// 2. compress
if (options.compress) { var compress = { warnings: options.warnings }; UglifyJS.merge(compress, options.compress); toplevel.figure_out_scope(); var sq = UglifyJS.Compressor(compress); toplevel = toplevel.transform(sq); }
// 3. mangle
if (options.mangle) { toplevel.figure_out_scope(); toplevel.compute_char_frequency(); toplevel.mangle_names(options.mangle); }
// 4. output
var inMap = options.inSourceMap; var output = {}; if (typeof options.inSourceMap == "string") { inMap = fs.readFileSync(options.inSourceMap, "utf8"); } if (options.outSourceMap) { output.source_map = UglifyJS.SourceMap({ file: options.outSourceMap, orig: inMap, root: options.sourceRoot }); } if (options.output) { UglifyJS.merge(output, options.output); } var stream = UglifyJS.OutputStream(output); toplevel.print(stream); return { code : stream + "", map : output.source_map + "" }; };
exports.describe_ast = function () { var out = UglifyJS.OutputStream({ beautify: true }); function doitem(ctor) { out.print("AST_" + ctor.TYPE); var props = ctor.SELF_PROPS.filter(function(prop){ return !/^\$/.test(prop); }); if (props.length > 0) { out.space(); out.with_parens(function(){ props.forEach(function(prop, i){ if (i) out.space(); out.print(prop); }); }); } if (ctor.documentation) { out.space(); out.print_string(ctor.documentation); } if (ctor.SUBCLASSES.length > 0) { out.space(); out.with_block(function(){ ctor.SUBCLASSES.forEach(function(ctor, i){ out.indent(); doitem(ctor); out.newline(); }); }); } }; doitem(UglifyJS.AST_Node); return out + ""; }; },{"source-map":35,"util":32}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ var uglify = require('uglify-js') var globalVars = require('./vars')
module.exports = addWith
function addWith(obj, src, exclude, environments) { environments = environments || ['reservedVars', 'ecmaIdentifiers', 'nonstandard', 'node'] exclude = exclude || [] exclude = exclude.concat(detect(obj)) var vars = detect('(function () {' + src + '}())')//allows the `return` keyword
.filter(function (v) { for (var i = 0; i < environments.length; i++) { if (v in globalVars[environments[i]]) { return false; } } return exclude.indexOf(v) === -1 })
if (vars.length === 0) return src
var declareLocal = '' var local = 'locals' if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9$_]+$/.test(obj)) { local = obj } else { while (vars.indexOf(local) != -1 || exclude.indexOf(local) != -1) { local += '_' } declareLocal = local + ' = (' + obj + '),' } return 'var ' + declareLocal + vars .map(function (v) { return v + ' = ' + local + '.' + v }).join(',') + ';' + src }
function detect(src) { var ast = uglify.parse(src.toString()) ast.figure_out_scope() var globals = ast.globals .map(function (node, name) { return name }) return globals; } },{"./vars":58,"uglify-js":57}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][35][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"./source-map/source-map-consumer":52,"./source-map/source-map-generator":53,"./source-map/source-node":54}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][36][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"./util":55,"amdefine":56}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][37][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"./base64":50,"amdefine":56}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][38][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"amdefine":56}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][39][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"amdefine":56}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][40][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"./array-set":48,"./base64-vlq":49,"./binary-search":51,"./util":55,"amdefine":56}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][41][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"./array-set":48,"./base64-vlq":49,"./util":55,"amdefine":56}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][42][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"./source-map-generator":53,"./util":55,"amdefine":56}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][43][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"amdefine":56}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ var process=require("__browserify_process"),__filename="/../node_modules/with/node_modules/uglify-js/node_modules/source-map/node_modules/amdefine/amdefine.js";/** vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4 * @license amdefine 0.1.0 Copyright (c) 2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. * Available via the MIT or new BSD license. * see: http://github.com/jrburke/amdefine for details
/*jslint node: true */ /*global module, process */ 'use strict';
/** * Creates a define for node. * @param {Object} module the "module" object that is defined by Node for the * current module. * @param {Function} [requireFn]. Node's require function for the current module. * It only needs to be passed in Node versions before 0.5, when module.require * did not exist. * @returns {Function} a define function that is usable for the current node * module. */ function amdefine(module, requireFn) { 'use strict'; var defineCache = {}, loaderCache = {}, alreadyCalled = false, path = require('path'), makeRequire, stringRequire;
/** * Trims the . and .. from an array of path segments. * It will keep a leading path segment if a .. will become * the first path segment, to help with module name lookups, * which act like paths, but can be remapped. But the end result, * all paths that use this function should look normalized. * NOTE: this method MODIFIES the input array. * @param {Array} ary the array of path segments. */ function trimDots(ary) { var i, part; for (i = 0; ary[i]; i+= 1) { part = ary[i]; if (part === '.') { ary.splice(i, 1); i -= 1; } else if (part === '..') { if (i === 1 && (ary[2] === '..' || ary[0] === '..')) { //End of the line. Keep at least one non-dot
//path segment at the front so it can be mapped
//correctly to disk. Otherwise, there is likely
//no path mapping for a path starting with '..'.
//This can still fail, but catches the most reasonable
//uses of ..
break; } else if (i > 0) { ary.splice(i - 1, 2); i -= 2; } } } }
function normalize(name, baseName) { var baseParts;
//Adjust any relative paths.
if (name && name.charAt(0) === '.') { //If have a base name, try to normalize against it,
//otherwise, assume it is a top-level require that will
//be relative to baseUrl in the end.
if (baseName) { baseParts = baseName.split('/'); baseParts = baseParts.slice(0, baseParts.length - 1); baseParts = baseParts.concat(name.split('/')); trimDots(baseParts); name = baseParts.join('/'); } }
return name; }
/** * Create the normalize() function passed to a loader plugin's * normalize method. */ function makeNormalize(relName) { return function (name) { return normalize(name, relName); }; }
function makeLoad(id) { function load(value) { loaderCache[id] = value; }
load.fromText = function (id, text) { //This one is difficult because the text can/probably uses
//define, and any relative paths and requires should be relative
//to that id was it would be found on disk. But this would require
//bootstrapping a module/require fairly deeply from node core.
//Not sure how best to go about that yet.
throw new Error('amdefine does not implement load.fromText'); };
return load; }
makeRequire = function (systemRequire, exports, module, relId) { function amdRequire(deps, callback) { if (typeof deps === 'string') { //Synchronous, single module require('')
return stringRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, deps, relId); } else { //Array of dependencies with a callback.
//Convert the dependencies to modules.
deps = deps.map(function (depName) { return stringRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, depName, relId); });
//Wait for next tick to call back the require call.
process.nextTick(function () { callback.apply(null, deps); }); } }
amdRequire.toUrl = function (filePath) { if (filePath.indexOf('.') === 0) { return normalize(filePath, path.dirname(module.filename)); } else { return filePath; } };
return amdRequire; };
//Favor explicit value, passed in if the module wants to support Node 0.4.
requireFn = requireFn || function req() { return module.require.apply(module, arguments); };
function runFactory(id, deps, factory) { var r, e, m, result;
if (id) { e = loaderCache[id] = {}; m = { id: id, uri: __filename, exports: e }; r = makeRequire(requireFn, e, m, id); } else { //Only support one define call per file
if (alreadyCalled) { throw new Error('amdefine with no module ID cannot be called more than once per file.'); } alreadyCalled = true;
//Use the real variables from node
//Use module.exports for exports, since
//the exports in here is amdefine exports.
e = module.exports; m = module; r = makeRequire(requireFn, e, m, module.id); }
//If there are dependencies, they are strings, so need
//to convert them to dependency values.
if (deps) { deps = deps.map(function (depName) { return r(depName); }); }
//Call the factory with the right dependencies.
if (typeof factory === 'function') { result = factory.apply(m.exports, deps); } else { result = factory; }
if (result !== undefined) { m.exports = result; if (id) { loaderCache[id] = m.exports; } } }
stringRequire = function (systemRequire, exports, module, id, relId) { //Split the ID by a ! so that
var index = id.indexOf('!'), originalId = id, prefix, plugin;
if (index === -1) { id = normalize(id, relId);
//Straight module lookup. If it is one of the special dependencies,
//deal with it, otherwise, delegate to node.
if (id === 'require') { return makeRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, relId); } else if (id === 'exports') { return exports; } else if (id === 'module') { return module; } else if (loaderCache.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return loaderCache[id]; } else if (defineCache[id]) { runFactory.apply(null, defineCache[id]); return loaderCache[id]; } else { if(systemRequire) { return systemRequire(originalId); } else { throw new Error('No module with ID: ' + id); } } } else { //There is a plugin in play.
prefix = id.substring(0, index); id = id.substring(index + 1, id.length);
plugin = stringRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, prefix, relId);
if (plugin.normalize) { id = plugin.normalize(id, makeNormalize(relId)); } else { //Normalize the ID normally.
id = normalize(id, relId); }
if (loaderCache[id]) { return loaderCache[id]; } else { plugin.load(id, makeRequire(systemRequire, exports, module, relId), makeLoad(id), {});
return loaderCache[id]; } } };
//Create a define function specific to the module asking for amdefine.
function define(id, deps, factory) { if (Array.isArray(id)) { factory = deps; deps = id; id = undefined; } else if (typeof id !== 'string') { factory = id; id = deps = undefined; }
if (deps && !Array.isArray(deps)) { factory = deps; deps = undefined; }
if (!deps) { deps = ['require', 'exports', 'module']; }
//Set up properties for this module. If an ID, then use
//internal cache. If no ID, then use the external variables
//for this node module.
if (id) { //Put the module in deep freeze until there is a
//require call for it.
defineCache[id] = [id, deps, factory]; } else { runFactory(id, deps, factory); } }
//define.require, which has access to all the values in the
//cache. Useful for AMD modules that all have IDs in the file,
//but need to finally export a value to node based on one of those
define.require = function (id) { if (loaderCache[id]) { return loaderCache[id]; }
if (defineCache[id]) { runFactory.apply(null, defineCache[id]); return loaderCache[id]; } };
define.amd = {};
return define; }
module.exports = amdefine;
},{"__browserify_process":29,"path":30}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ var sys = require("util"); var MOZ_SourceMap = require("source-map"); var UglifyJS = exports; /***********************************************************************
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function array_to_hash(a) { var ret = Object.create(null); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) ret[a[i]] = true; return ret; };
function slice(a, start) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(a, start || 0); };
function characters(str) { return str.split(""); };
function member(name, array) { for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) if (array[i] == name) return true; return false; };
function find_if(func, array) { for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; ++i) { if (func(array[i])) return array[i]; } };
function repeat_string(str, i) { if (i <= 0) return ""; if (i == 1) return str; var d = repeat_string(str, i >> 1); d += d; if (i & 1) d += str; return d; };
function DefaultsError(msg, defs) { this.msg = msg; this.defs = defs; };
function defaults(args, defs, croak) { if (args === true) args = {}; var ret = args || {}; if (croak) for (var i in ret) if (ret.hasOwnProperty(i) && !defs.hasOwnProperty(i)) throw new DefaultsError("`" + i + "` is not a supported option", defs); for (var i in defs) if (defs.hasOwnProperty(i)) { ret[i] = (args && args.hasOwnProperty(i)) ? args[i] : defs[i]; } return ret; };
function merge(obj, ext) { for (var i in ext) if (ext.hasOwnProperty(i)) { obj[i] = ext[i]; } return obj; };
function noop() {};
var MAP = (function(){ function MAP(a, f, backwards) { var ret = [], top = [], i; function doit() { var val = f(a[i], i); var is_last = val instanceof Last; if (is_last) val = val.v; if (val instanceof AtTop) { val = val.v; if (val instanceof Splice) { top.push.apply(top, backwards ? val.v.slice().reverse() : val.v); } else { top.push(val); } } else if (val !== skip) { if (val instanceof Splice) { ret.push.apply(ret, backwards ? val.v.slice().reverse() : val.v); } else { ret.push(val); } } return is_last; }; if (a instanceof Array) { if (backwards) { for (i = a.length; --i >= 0;) if (doit()) break; ret.reverse(); top.reverse(); } else { for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) if (doit()) break; } } else { for (i in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(i)) if (doit()) break; } return top.concat(ret); }; MAP.at_top = function(val) { return new AtTop(val) }; MAP.splice = function(val) { return new Splice(val) }; MAP.last = function(val) { return new Last(val) }; var skip = MAP.skip = {}; function AtTop(val) { this.v = val }; function Splice(val) { this.v = val }; function Last(val) { this.v = val }; return MAP; })();
function push_uniq(array, el) { if (array.indexOf(el) < 0) array.push(el); };
function string_template(text, props) { return text.replace(/\{(.+?)\}/g, function(str, p){ return props[p]; }); };
function remove(array, el) { for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) { if (array[i] === el) array.splice(i, 1); } };
function mergeSort(array, cmp) { if (array.length < 2) return array.slice(); function merge(a, b) { var r = [], ai = 0, bi = 0, i = 0; while (ai < a.length && bi < b.length) { cmp(a[ai], b[bi]) <= 0 ? r[i++] = a[ai++] : r[i++] = b[bi++]; } if (ai < a.length) r.push.apply(r, a.slice(ai)); if (bi < b.length) r.push.apply(r, b.slice(bi)); return r; }; function _ms(a) { if (a.length <= 1) return a; var m = Math.floor(a.length / 2), left = a.slice(0, m), right = a.slice(m); left = _ms(left); right = _ms(right); return merge(left, right); }; return _ms(array); };
function set_difference(a, b) { return a.filter(function(el){ return b.indexOf(el) < 0; }); };
function set_intersection(a, b) { return a.filter(function(el){ return b.indexOf(el) >= 0; }); };
// this function is taken from Acorn [1], written by Marijn Haverbeke
// [1] https://github.com/marijnh/acorn
function makePredicate(words) { if (!(words instanceof Array)) words = words.split(" "); var f = "", cats = []; out: for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < cats.length; ++j) if (cats[j][0].length == words[i].length) { cats[j].push(words[i]); continue out; } cats.push([words[i]]); } function compareTo(arr) { if (arr.length == 1) return f += "return str === " + JSON.stringify(arr[0]) + ";"; f += "switch(str){"; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) f += "case " + JSON.stringify(arr[i]) + ":"; f += "return true}return false;"; } // When there are more than three length categories, an outer
// switch first dispatches on the lengths, to save on comparisons.
if (cats.length > 3) { cats.sort(function(a, b) {return b.length - a.length;}); f += "switch(str.length){"; for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; ++i) { var cat = cats[i]; f += "case " + cat[0].length + ":"; compareTo(cat); } f += "}"; // Otherwise, simply generate a flat `switch` statement.
} else { compareTo(words); } return new Function("str", f); };
function all(array, predicate) { for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) if (!predicate(array[i])) return false; return true; };
function Dictionary() { this._values = Object.create(null); this._size = 0; }; Dictionary.prototype = { set: function(key, val) { if (!this.has(key)) ++this._size; this._values["$" + key] = val; return this; }, add: function(key, val) { if (this.has(key)) { this.get(key).push(val); } else { this.set(key, [ val ]); } return this; }, get: function(key) { return this._values["$" + key] }, del: function(key) { if (this.has(key)) { --this._size; delete this._values["$" + key]; } return this; }, has: function(key) { return ("$" + key) in this._values }, each: function(f) { for (var i in this._values) f(this._values[i], i.substr(1)); }, size: function() { return this._size; }, map: function(f) { var ret = []; for (var i in this._values) ret.push(f(this._values[i], i.substr(1))); return ret; } };
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function DEFNODE(type, props, methods, base) { if (arguments.length < 4) base = AST_Node; if (!props) props = []; else props = props.split(/\s+/); var self_props = props; if (base && base.PROPS) props = props.concat(base.PROPS); var code = "return function AST_" + type + "(props){ if (props) { "; for (var i = props.length; --i >= 0;) { code += "this." + props[i] + " = props." + props[i] + ";"; } var proto = base && new base; if (proto && proto.initialize || (methods && methods.initialize)) code += "this.initialize();"; code += "}}"; var ctor = new Function(code)(); if (proto) { ctor.prototype = proto; ctor.BASE = base; } if (base) base.SUBCLASSES.push(ctor); ctor.prototype.CTOR = ctor; ctor.PROPS = props || null; ctor.SELF_PROPS = self_props; ctor.SUBCLASSES = []; if (type) { ctor.prototype.TYPE = ctor.TYPE = type; } if (methods) for (i in methods) if (methods.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (/^\$/.test(i)) { ctor[i.substr(1)] = methods[i]; } else { ctor.prototype[i] = methods[i]; } } ctor.DEFMETHOD = function(name, method) { this.prototype[name] = method; }; return ctor; };
var AST_Token = DEFNODE("Token", "type value line col pos endpos nlb comments_before file", { }, null);
var AST_Node = DEFNODE("Node", "start end", { clone: function() { return new this.CTOR(this); }, $documentation: "Base class of all AST nodes", $propdoc: { start: "[AST_Token] The first token of this node", end: "[AST_Token] The last token of this node" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this); }, walk: function(visitor) { return this._walk(visitor); // not sure the indirection will be any help
} }, null);
AST_Node.warn_function = null; AST_Node.warn = function(txt, props) { if (AST_Node.warn_function) AST_Node.warn_function(string_template(txt, props)); };
/* -----[ statements ]----- */
var AST_Statement = DEFNODE("Statement", null, { $documentation: "Base class of all statements", });
var AST_Debugger = DEFNODE("Debugger", null, { $documentation: "Represents a debugger statement", }, AST_Statement);
var AST_Directive = DEFNODE("Directive", "value scope", { $documentation: "Represents a directive, like \"use strict\";", $propdoc: { value: "[string] The value of this directive as a plain string (it's not an AST_String!)", scope: "[AST_Scope/S] The scope that this directive affects" }, }, AST_Statement);
var AST_SimpleStatement = DEFNODE("SimpleStatement", "body", { $documentation: "A statement consisting of an expression, i.e. a = 1 + 2", $propdoc: { body: "[AST_Node] an expression node (should not be instanceof AST_Statement)" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Statement);
function walk_body(node, visitor) { if (node.body instanceof AST_Statement) { node.body._walk(visitor); } else node.body.forEach(function(stat){ stat._walk(visitor); }); };
var AST_Block = DEFNODE("Block", "body", { $documentation: "A body of statements (usually bracketed)", $propdoc: { body: "[AST_Statement*] an array of statements" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_Statement);
var AST_BlockStatement = DEFNODE("BlockStatement", null, { $documentation: "A block statement", }, AST_Block);
var AST_EmptyStatement = DEFNODE("EmptyStatement", null, { $documentation: "The empty statement (empty block or simply a semicolon)", _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this); } }, AST_Statement);
var AST_StatementWithBody = DEFNODE("StatementWithBody", "body", { $documentation: "Base class for all statements that contain one nested body: `For`, `ForIn`, `Do`, `While`, `With`", $propdoc: { body: "[AST_Statement] the body; this should always be present, even if it's an AST_EmptyStatement" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Statement);
var AST_LabeledStatement = DEFNODE("LabeledStatement", "label", { $documentation: "Statement with a label", $propdoc: { label: "[AST_Label] a label definition" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.label._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
var AST_DWLoop = DEFNODE("DWLoop", "condition", { $documentation: "Base class for do/while statements", $propdoc: { condition: "[AST_Node] the loop condition. Should not be instanceof AST_Statement" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.condition._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
var AST_Do = DEFNODE("Do", null, { $documentation: "A `do` statement", }, AST_DWLoop);
var AST_While = DEFNODE("While", null, { $documentation: "A `while` statement", }, AST_DWLoop);
var AST_For = DEFNODE("For", "init condition step", { $documentation: "A `for` statement", $propdoc: { init: "[AST_Node?] the `for` initialization code, or null if empty", condition: "[AST_Node?] the `for` termination clause, or null if empty", step: "[AST_Node?] the `for` update clause, or null if empty" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ if (this.init) this.init._walk(visitor); if (this.condition) this.condition._walk(visitor); if (this.step) this.step._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
var AST_ForIn = DEFNODE("ForIn", "init name object", { $documentation: "A `for ... in` statement", $propdoc: { init: "[AST_Node] the `for/in` initialization code", name: "[AST_SymbolRef?] the loop variable, only if `init` is AST_Var", object: "[AST_Node] the object that we're looping through" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.init._walk(visitor); this.object._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
var AST_With = DEFNODE("With", "expression", { $documentation: "A `with` statement", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] the `with` expression" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
/* -----[ scope and functions ]----- */
var AST_Scope = DEFNODE("Scope", "directives variables functions uses_with uses_eval parent_scope enclosed cname", { $documentation: "Base class for all statements introducing a lexical scope", $propdoc: { directives: "[string*/S] an array of directives declared in this scope", variables: "[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all variables/functions defined in this scope", functions: "[Object/S] like `variables`, but only lists function declarations", uses_with: "[boolean/S] tells whether this scope uses the `with` statement", uses_eval: "[boolean/S] tells whether this scope contains a direct call to the global `eval`", parent_scope: "[AST_Scope?/S] link to the parent scope", enclosed: "[SymbolDef*/S] a list of all symbol definitions that are accessed from this scope or any subscopes", cname: "[integer/S] current index for mangling variables (used internally by the mangler)", }, }, AST_Block);
var AST_Toplevel = DEFNODE("Toplevel", "globals", { $documentation: "The toplevel scope", $propdoc: { globals: "[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all undeclared names", }, wrap_enclose: function(arg_parameter_pairs) { var self = this; var args = []; var parameters = [];
arg_parameter_pairs.forEach(function(pair) { var split = pair.split(":");
args.push(split[0]); parameters.push(split[1]); });
var wrapped_tl = "(function(" + parameters.join(",") + "){ '$ORIG'; })(" + args.join(",") + ")"; wrapped_tl = parse(wrapped_tl); wrapped_tl = wrapped_tl.transform(new TreeTransformer(function before(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Directive && node.value == "$ORIG") { return MAP.splice(self.body); } })); return wrapped_tl; }, wrap_commonjs: function(name, export_all) { var self = this; var to_export = []; if (export_all) { self.figure_out_scope(); self.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_SymbolDeclaration && node.definition().global) { if (!find_if(function(n){ return n.name == node.name }, to_export)) to_export.push(node); } })); } var wrapped_tl = "(function(exports, global){ global['" + name + "'] = exports; '$ORIG'; '$EXPORTS'; }({}, (function(){return this}())))"; wrapped_tl = parse(wrapped_tl); wrapped_tl = wrapped_tl.transform(new TreeTransformer(function before(node){ if (node instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { node = node.body; if (node instanceof AST_String) switch (node.getValue()) { case "$ORIG": return MAP.splice(self.body); case "$EXPORTS": var body = []; to_export.forEach(function(sym){ body.push(new AST_SimpleStatement({ body: new AST_Assign({ left: new AST_Sub({ expression: new AST_SymbolRef({ name: "exports" }), property: new AST_String({ value: sym.name }), }), operator: "=", right: new AST_SymbolRef(sym), }), })); }); return MAP.splice(body); } } })); return wrapped_tl; } }, AST_Scope);
var AST_Lambda = DEFNODE("Lambda", "name argnames uses_arguments", { $documentation: "Base class for functions", $propdoc: { name: "[AST_SymbolDeclaration?] the name of this function", argnames: "[AST_SymbolFunarg*] array of function arguments", uses_arguments: "[boolean/S] tells whether this function accesses the arguments array" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ if (this.name) this.name._walk(visitor); this.argnames.forEach(function(arg){ arg._walk(visitor); }); walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_Scope);
var AST_Accessor = DEFNODE("Accessor", null, { $documentation: "A setter/getter function" }, AST_Lambda);
var AST_Function = DEFNODE("Function", null, { $documentation: "A function expression" }, AST_Lambda);
var AST_Defun = DEFNODE("Defun", null, { $documentation: "A function definition" }, AST_Lambda);
/* -----[ JUMPS ]----- */
var AST_Jump = DEFNODE("Jump", null, { $documentation: "Base class for “jumps” (for now that's `return`, `throw`, `break` and `continue`)" }, AST_Statement);
var AST_Exit = DEFNODE("Exit", "value", { $documentation: "Base class for “exits” (`return` and `throw`)", $propdoc: { value: "[AST_Node?] the value returned or thrown by this statement; could be null for AST_Return" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, this.value && function(){ this.value._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Jump);
var AST_Return = DEFNODE("Return", null, { $documentation: "A `return` statement" }, AST_Exit);
var AST_Throw = DEFNODE("Throw", null, { $documentation: "A `throw` statement" }, AST_Exit);
var AST_LoopControl = DEFNODE("LoopControl", "label", { $documentation: "Base class for loop control statements (`break` and `continue`)", $propdoc: { label: "[AST_LabelRef?] the label, or null if none", }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, this.label && function(){ this.label._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Jump);
var AST_Break = DEFNODE("Break", null, { $documentation: "A `break` statement" }, AST_LoopControl);
var AST_Continue = DEFNODE("Continue", null, { $documentation: "A `continue` statement" }, AST_LoopControl);
/* -----[ IF ]----- */
var AST_If = DEFNODE("If", "condition alternative", { $documentation: "A `if` statement", $propdoc: { condition: "[AST_Node] the `if` condition", alternative: "[AST_Statement?] the `else` part, or null if not present" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.condition._walk(visitor); this.body._walk(visitor); if (this.alternative) this.alternative._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_StatementWithBody);
/* -----[ SWITCH ]----- */
var AST_Switch = DEFNODE("Switch", "expression", { $documentation: "A `switch` statement", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] the `switch` “discriminant”" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_Block);
var AST_SwitchBranch = DEFNODE("SwitchBranch", null, { $documentation: "Base class for `switch` branches", }, AST_Block);
var AST_Default = DEFNODE("Default", null, { $documentation: "A `default` switch branch", }, AST_SwitchBranch);
var AST_Case = DEFNODE("Case", "expression", { $documentation: "A `case` switch branch", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] the `case` expression" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_SwitchBranch);
/* -----[ EXCEPTIONS ]----- */
var AST_Try = DEFNODE("Try", "bcatch bfinally", { $documentation: "A `try` statement", $propdoc: { bcatch: "[AST_Catch?] the catch block, or null if not present", bfinally: "[AST_Finally?] the finally block, or null if not present" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ walk_body(this, visitor); if (this.bcatch) this.bcatch._walk(visitor); if (this.bfinally) this.bfinally._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_Block);
// XXX: this is wrong according to ECMA-262 (12.4). the catch block
// should introduce another scope, as the argname should be visible
// only inside the catch block. However, doing it this way because of
// IE which simply introduces the name in the surrounding scope. If
// we ever want to fix this then AST_Catch should inherit from
// AST_Scope.
var AST_Catch = DEFNODE("Catch", "argname", { $documentation: "A `catch` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement", $propdoc: { argname: "[AST_SymbolCatch] symbol for the exception" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.argname._walk(visitor); walk_body(this, visitor); }); } }, AST_Block);
var AST_Finally = DEFNODE("Finally", null, { $documentation: "A `finally` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement" }, AST_Block);
/* -----[ VAR/CONST ]----- */
var AST_Definitions = DEFNODE("Definitions", "definitions", { $documentation: "Base class for `var` or `const` nodes (variable declarations/initializations)", $propdoc: { definitions: "[AST_VarDef*] array of variable definitions" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.definitions.forEach(function(def){ def._walk(visitor); }); }); } }, AST_Statement);
var AST_Var = DEFNODE("Var", null, { $documentation: "A `var` statement" }, AST_Definitions);
var AST_Const = DEFNODE("Const", null, { $documentation: "A `const` statement" }, AST_Definitions);
var AST_VarDef = DEFNODE("VarDef", "name value", { $documentation: "A variable declaration; only appears in a AST_Definitions node", $propdoc: { name: "[AST_SymbolVar|AST_SymbolConst] name of the variable", value: "[AST_Node?] initializer, or null of there's no initializer" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.name._walk(visitor); if (this.value) this.value._walk(visitor); }); } });
/* -----[ OTHER ]----- */
var AST_Call = DEFNODE("Call", "expression args", { $documentation: "A function call expression", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] expression to invoke as function", args: "[AST_Node*] array of arguments" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); this.args.forEach(function(arg){ arg._walk(visitor); }); }); } });
var AST_New = DEFNODE("New", null, { $documentation: "An object instantiation. Derives from a function call since it has exactly the same properties" }, AST_Call);
var AST_Seq = DEFNODE("Seq", "car cdr", { $documentation: "A sequence expression (two comma-separated expressions)", $propdoc: { car: "[AST_Node] first element in sequence", cdr: "[AST_Node] second element in sequence" }, $cons: function(x, y) { var seq = new AST_Seq(x); seq.car = x; seq.cdr = y; return seq; }, $from_array: function(array) { if (array.length == 0) return null; if (array.length == 1) return array[0].clone(); var list = null; for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) { list = AST_Seq.cons(array[i], list); } var p = list; while (p) { if (p.cdr && !p.cdr.cdr) { p.cdr = p.cdr.car; break; } p = p.cdr; } return list; }, to_array: function() { var p = this, a = []; while (p) { a.push(p.car); if (p.cdr && !(p.cdr instanceof AST_Seq)) { a.push(p.cdr); break; } p = p.cdr; } return a; }, add: function(node) { var p = this; while (p) { if (!(p.cdr instanceof AST_Seq)) { var cell = AST_Seq.cons(p.cdr, node); return p.cdr = cell; } p = p.cdr; } }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.car._walk(visitor); if (this.cdr) this.cdr._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_PropAccess = DEFNODE("PropAccess", "expression property", { $documentation: "Base class for property access expressions, i.e. `a.foo` or `a[\"foo\"]`", $propdoc: { expression: "[AST_Node] the “container” expression", property: "[AST_Node|string] the property to access. For AST_Dot this is always a plain string, while for AST_Sub it's an arbitrary AST_Node" } });
var AST_Dot = DEFNODE("Dot", null, { $documentation: "A dotted property access expression", _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_PropAccess);
var AST_Sub = DEFNODE("Sub", null, { $documentation: "Index-style property access, i.e. `a[\"foo\"]`", _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); this.property._walk(visitor); }); } }, AST_PropAccess);
var AST_Unary = DEFNODE("Unary", "operator expression", { $documentation: "Base class for unary expressions", $propdoc: { operator: "[string] the operator", expression: "[AST_Node] expression that this unary operator applies to" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.expression._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_UnaryPrefix = DEFNODE("UnaryPrefix", null, { $documentation: "Unary prefix expression, i.e. `typeof i` or `++i`" }, AST_Unary);
var AST_UnaryPostfix = DEFNODE("UnaryPostfix", null, { $documentation: "Unary postfix expression, i.e. `i++`" }, AST_Unary);
var AST_Binary = DEFNODE("Binary", "left operator right", { $documentation: "Binary expression, i.e. `a + b`", $propdoc: { left: "[AST_Node] left-hand side expression", operator: "[string] the operator", right: "[AST_Node] right-hand side expression" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.left._walk(visitor); this.right._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_Conditional = DEFNODE("Conditional", "condition consequent alternative", { $documentation: "Conditional expression using the ternary operator, i.e. `a ? b : c`", $propdoc: { condition: "[AST_Node]", consequent: "[AST_Node]", alternative: "[AST_Node]" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.condition._walk(visitor); this.consequent._walk(visitor); this.alternative._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_Assign = DEFNODE("Assign", null, { $documentation: "An assignment expression — `a = b + 5`", }, AST_Binary);
/* -----[ LITERALS ]----- */
var AST_Array = DEFNODE("Array", "elements", { $documentation: "An array literal", $propdoc: { elements: "[AST_Node*] array of elements" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.elements.forEach(function(el){ el._walk(visitor); }); }); } });
var AST_Object = DEFNODE("Object", "properties", { $documentation: "An object literal", $propdoc: { properties: "[AST_ObjectProperty*] array of properties" }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.properties.forEach(function(prop){ prop._walk(visitor); }); }); } });
var AST_ObjectProperty = DEFNODE("ObjectProperty", "key value", { $documentation: "Base class for literal object properties", $propdoc: { key: "[string] the property name; it's always a plain string in our AST, no matter if it was a string, number or identifier in original code", value: "[AST_Node] property value. For setters and getters this is an AST_Function." }, _walk: function(visitor) { return visitor._visit(this, function(){ this.value._walk(visitor); }); } });
var AST_ObjectKeyVal = DEFNODE("ObjectKeyVal", null, { $documentation: "A key: value object property", }, AST_ObjectProperty);
var AST_ObjectSetter = DEFNODE("ObjectSetter", null, { $documentation: "An object setter property", }, AST_ObjectProperty);
var AST_ObjectGetter = DEFNODE("ObjectGetter", null, { $documentation: "An object getter property", }, AST_ObjectProperty);
var AST_Symbol = DEFNODE("Symbol", "scope name thedef", { $propdoc: { name: "[string] name of this symbol", scope: "[AST_Scope/S] the current scope (not necessarily the definition scope)", thedef: "[SymbolDef/S] the definition of this symbol" }, $documentation: "Base class for all symbols", });
var AST_SymbolAccessor = DEFNODE("SymbolAccessor", null, { $documentation: "The name of a property accessor (setter/getter function)" }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_SymbolDeclaration = DEFNODE("SymbolDeclaration", "init", { $documentation: "A declaration symbol (symbol in var/const, function name or argument, symbol in catch)", $propdoc: { init: "[AST_Node*/S] array of initializers for this declaration." } }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_SymbolVar = DEFNODE("SymbolVar", null, { $documentation: "Symbol defining a variable", }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_SymbolConst = DEFNODE("SymbolConst", null, { $documentation: "A constant declaration" }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_SymbolFunarg = DEFNODE("SymbolFunarg", null, { $documentation: "Symbol naming a function argument", }, AST_SymbolVar);
var AST_SymbolDefun = DEFNODE("SymbolDefun", null, { $documentation: "Symbol defining a function", }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_SymbolLambda = DEFNODE("SymbolLambda", null, { $documentation: "Symbol naming a function expression", }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_SymbolCatch = DEFNODE("SymbolCatch", null, { $documentation: "Symbol naming the exception in catch", }, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
var AST_Label = DEFNODE("Label", "references", { $documentation: "Symbol naming a label (declaration)", $propdoc: { references: "[AST_LabelRef*] a list of nodes referring to this label" } }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_SymbolRef = DEFNODE("SymbolRef", null, { $documentation: "Reference to some symbol (not definition/declaration)", }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_LabelRef = DEFNODE("LabelRef", null, { $documentation: "Reference to a label symbol", }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_This = DEFNODE("This", null, { $documentation: "The `this` symbol", }, AST_Symbol);
var AST_Constant = DEFNODE("Constant", null, { $documentation: "Base class for all constants", getValue: function() { return this.value; } });
var AST_String = DEFNODE("String", "value", { $documentation: "A string literal", $propdoc: { value: "[string] the contents of this string" } }, AST_Constant);
var AST_Number = DEFNODE("Number", "value", { $documentation: "A number literal", $propdoc: { value: "[number] the numeric value" } }, AST_Constant);
var AST_RegExp = DEFNODE("RegExp", "value", { $documentation: "A regexp literal", $propdoc: { value: "[RegExp] the actual regexp" } }, AST_Constant);
var AST_Atom = DEFNODE("Atom", null, { $documentation: "Base class for atoms", }, AST_Constant);
var AST_Null = DEFNODE("Null", null, { $documentation: "The `null` atom", value: null }, AST_Atom);
var AST_NaN = DEFNODE("NaN", null, { $documentation: "The impossible value", value: 0/0 }, AST_Atom);
var AST_Undefined = DEFNODE("Undefined", null, { $documentation: "The `undefined` value", value: (function(){}()) }, AST_Atom);
var AST_Hole = DEFNODE("Hole", null, { $documentation: "A hole in an array", value: (function(){}()) }, AST_Atom);
var AST_Infinity = DEFNODE("Infinity", null, { $documentation: "The `Infinity` value", value: 1/0 }, AST_Atom);
var AST_Boolean = DEFNODE("Boolean", null, { $documentation: "Base class for booleans", }, AST_Atom);
var AST_False = DEFNODE("False", null, { $documentation: "The `false` atom", value: false }, AST_Boolean);
var AST_True = DEFNODE("True", null, { $documentation: "The `true` atom", value: true }, AST_Boolean);
/* -----[ TreeWalker ]----- */
function TreeWalker(callback) { this.visit = callback; this.stack = []; }; TreeWalker.prototype = { _visit: function(node, descend) { this.stack.push(node); var ret = this.visit(node, descend ? function(){ descend.call(node); } : noop); if (!ret && descend) { descend.call(node); } this.stack.pop(); return ret; }, parent: function(n) { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 2 - (n || 0)]; }, push: function (node) { this.stack.push(node); }, pop: function() { return this.stack.pop(); }, self: function() { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; }, find_parent: function(type) { var stack = this.stack; for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) { var x = stack[i]; if (x instanceof type) return x; } }, has_directive: function(type) { return this.find_parent(AST_Scope).has_directive(type); }, in_boolean_context: function() { var stack = this.stack; var i = stack.length, self = stack[--i]; while (i > 0) { var p = stack[--i]; if ((p instanceof AST_If && p.condition === self) || (p instanceof AST_Conditional && p.condition === self) || (p instanceof AST_DWLoop && p.condition === self) || (p instanceof AST_For && p.condition === self) || (p instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix && p.operator == "!" && p.expression === self)) { return true; } if (!(p instanceof AST_Binary && (p.operator == "&&" || p.operator == "||"))) return false; self = p; } }, loopcontrol_target: function(label) { var stack = this.stack; if (label) { for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) { var x = stack[i]; if (x instanceof AST_LabeledStatement && x.label.name == label.name) { return x.body; } } } else { for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) { var x = stack[i]; if (x instanceof AST_Switch || x instanceof AST_For || x instanceof AST_ForIn || x instanceof AST_DWLoop) return x; } } } };
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> Parser based on parse-js (http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/parse-js/).
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
var KEYWORDS = 'break case catch const continue debugger default delete do else finally for function if in instanceof new return switch throw try typeof var void while with'; var KEYWORDS_ATOM = 'false null true'; var RESERVED_WORDS = 'abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized this throws transient volatile' + " " + KEYWORDS_ATOM + " " + KEYWORDS; var KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = 'return new delete throw else case';
var OPERATOR_CHARS = makePredicate(characters("+-*&%=<>!?|~^"));
var RE_HEX_NUMBER = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i; var RE_OCT_NUMBER = /^0[0-7]+$/; var RE_DEC_NUMBER = /^\d*\.?\d*(?:e[+-]?\d*(?:\d\.?|\.?\d)\d*)?$/i;
var OPERATORS = makePredicate([ "in", "instanceof", "typeof", "new", "void", "delete", "++", "--", "+", "-", "!", "~", "&", "|", "^", "*", "/", "%", ">>", "<<", ">>>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "===", "!=", "!==", "?", "=", "+=", "-=", "/=", "*=", "%=", ">>=", "<<=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&=", "&&", "||" ]);
var WHITESPACE_CHARS = makePredicate(characters(" \u00a0\n\r\t\f\u000b\u200b\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000"));
var PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = makePredicate(characters("[{(,.;:"));
var PUNC_CHARS = makePredicate(characters("[]{}(),;:"));
var REGEXP_MODIFIERS = makePredicate(characters("gmsiy"));
/* -----[ Tokenizer ]----- */
// regexps adapted from http://xregexp.com/plugins/#unicode
var UNICODE = { letter: new RegExp("[\\u0041-\\u005A\\u0061-\\u007A\\u00AA\\u00B5\\u00BA\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02C1\\u02C6-\\u02D1\\u02E0-\\u02E4\\u02EC\\u02EE\\u0370-\\u0374\\u0376\\u0377\\u037A-\\u037D\\u0386\\u0388-\\u038A\\u038C\\u038E-\\u03A1\\u03A3-\\u03F5\\u03F7-\\u0481\\u048A-\\u0523\\u0531-\\u0556\\u0559\\u0561-\\u0587\\u05D0-\\u05EA\\u05F0-\\u05F2\\u0621-\\u064A\\u066E\\u066F\\u0671-\\u06D3\\u06D5\\u06E5\\u06E6\\u06EE\\u06EF\\u06FA-\\u06FC\\u06FF\\u0710\\u0712-\\u072F\\u074D-\\u07A5\\u07B1\\u07CA-\\u07EA\\u07F4\\u07F5\\u07FA\\u0904-\\u0939\\u093D\\u0950\\u0958-\\u0961\\u0971\\u0972\\u097B-\\u097F\\u0985-\\u098C\\u098F\\u0990\\u0993-\\u09A8\\u09AA-\\u09B0\\u09B2\\u09B6-\\u09B9\\u09BD\\u09CE\\u09DC\\u09DD\\u09DF-\\u09E1\\u09F0\\u09F1\\u0A05-\\u0A0A\\u0A0F\\u0A10\\u0A13-\\u0A28\\u0A2A-\\u0A30\\u0A32\\u0A33\\u0A35\\u0A36\\u0A38\\u0A39\\u0A59-\\u0A5C\\u0A5E\\u0A72-\\u0A74\\u0A85-\\u0A8D\\u0A8F-\\u0A91\\u0A93-\\u0AA8\\u0AAA-\\u0AB0\\u0AB2\\u0AB3\\u0AB5-\\u0AB9\\u0ABD\\u0AD0\\u0AE0\\u0AE1\\u0B05-\\u0B0C\\u0B0F\\u0B10\\u0B13-\\u0B28\\u0B2A-\\u0B30\\u0B32\\u0B33\\u0B35-\\u0B39\\u0B3D\\u0B5C\\u0B5D\\u0B5F-\\u0B61\\u0B71\\u0B83\\u0B85-\\u0B8A\\u0B8E-\\u0B90\\u0B92-\\u0B95\\u0B99\\u0B9A\\u0B9C\\u0B9E\\u0B9F\\u0BA3\\u0BA4\\u0BA8-\\u0BAA\\u0BAE-\\u0BB9\\u0BD0\\u0C05-\\u0C0C\\u0C0E-\\u0C10\\u0C12-\\u0C28\\u0C2A-\\u0C33\\u0C35-\\u0C39\\u0C3D\\u0C58\\u0C59\\u0C60\\u0C61\\u0C85-\\u0C8C\\u0C8E-\\u0C90\\u0C92-\\u0CA8\\u0CAA-\\u0CB3\\u0CB5-\\u0CB9\\u0CBD\\u0CDE\\u0CE0\\u0CE1\\u0D05-\\u0D0C\\u0D0E-\\u0D10\\u0D12-\\u0D28\\u0D2A-\\u0D39\\u0D3D\\u0D60\\u0D61\\u0D7A-\\u0D7F\\u0D85-\\u0D96\\u0D9A-\\u0DB1\\u0DB3-\\u0DBB\\u0DBD\\u0DC0-\\u0DC6\\u0E01-\\u0E30\\u0E32\\u0E33\\u0E40-\\u0E46\\u0E81\\u0E82\\u0E84\\u0E87\\u0E88\\u0E8A\\u0E8D\\u0E94-\\u0E97\\u0E99-\\u0E9F\\u0EA1-\\u0EA3\\u0EA5\\u0EA7\\u0EAA\\u0EAB\\u0EAD-\\u0EB0\\u0EB2\\u0EB3\\u0EBD\\u0EC0-\\u0EC4\\u0EC6\\u0EDC\\u0EDD\\u0F00\\u0F40-\\u0F47\\u0F49-\\u0F6C\\u0F88-\\u0F8B\\u1000-\\u102A\\u103F\\u1050-\\u1055\\u105A-\\u105D\\u1061\\u1065\\u1066\\u106E-\\u1070\\u1075-\\u1081\\u108E\\u10A0-\\u10C5\\u10D0-\\u10FA\\u10FC\\u1100-\\u1159\\u115F-\\u11A2\\u11A8-\\u11F9\\u1200-\\u1248\\u124A-\\u124D\\u1250-\\u1256\\u1258\\u125A-\\u125D\\u1260-\\u1288\\u128A-\\u128D\\u1290-\\u12B0\\u12B2-\\u12B5\\u12B8-\\u12BE\\u12C0\\u12C2-\\u12C5\\u12C8-\\u12D6\\u12D8-\\u1310\\u1312-\\u1315\\u1318-\\u135A\\u1380-\\u138F\\u13A0-\\u13F4\\u1401-\\u166C\\u166F-\\u1676\\u1681-\\u169A\\u16A0-\\u16EA\\u1700-\\u170C\\u170E-\\u1711\\u1720-\\u1731\\u1740-\\u1751\\u1760-\\u176C\\u176E-\\u1770\\u1780-\\u17B3\\u17D7\\u17DC\\u1820-\\u1877\\u1880-\\u18A8\\u18AA\\u1900-\\u191C\\u1950-\\u196D\\u1970-\\u1974\\u1980-\\u19A9\\u19C1-\\u19C7\\u1A00-\\u1A16\\u1B05-\\u1B33\\u1B45-\\u1B4B\\u1B83-\\u1BA0\\u1BAE\\u1BAF\\u1C00-\\u1C23\\u1C4D-\\u1C4F\\u1C5A-\\u1C7D\\u1D00-\\u1DBF\\u1E00-\\u1F15\\u1F18-\\u1F1D\\u1F20-\\u1F45\\u1F48-\\u1F4D\\u1F50-\\u1F57\\u1F59\\u1F5B\\u1F5D\\u1F5F-\\u1F7D\\u1F80-\\u1FB4\\u1FB6-\\u1FBC\\u1FBE\\u1FC2-\\u1FC4\\u1FC6-\\u1FCC\\u1FD0-\\u1FD3\\u1FD6-\\u1FDB\\u1FE0-\\u1FEC\\u1FF2-\\u1FF4\\u1FF6-\\u1FFC\\u2071\\u207F\\u2090-\\u2094\\u2102\\u2107\\u210A-\\u2113\\u2115\\u2119-\\u211D\\u2124\\u2126\\u2128\\u212A-\\u212D\\u212F-\\u2139\\u213C-\\u213F\\u2145-\\u2149\\u214E\\u2183\\u2184\\u2C00-\\u2C2E\\u2C30-\\u2C5E\\u2C60-\\u2C6F\\u2C71-\\u2C7D\\u2C80-\\u2CE4\\u2D00-\\u2D25\\u2D30-\\u2D65\\u2D6F\\u2D80-\\u2D96\\u2DA0-\\u2DA6\\u2DA8-\\u2DAE\\u2DB0-\\u2DB6\\u2DB8-\\u2DBE\\u2DC0-\\u2DC6\\u2DC8-\\u2DCE\\u2DD0-\\u2DD6\\u2DD8-\\u2DDE\\u2E2F\\u3005\\u3006\\u3031-\\u3035\\u303B\\u303C\\u3041-\\u3096\\u309D-\\u309F\\u30A1-\\u30FA\\u30FC-\\u30FF\\u3105-\\u312D\\u3131-\\u318E\\u31A0-\\u31B7\\u31F0-\\u31FF\\u3400\\u4DB5\\u4E00\\u9FC3\\uA000-\\uA48C\\uA500-\\uA60C\\uA610-\\uA61F\\uA62A\\uA62B\\uA640-\\uA65F\\uA662-\\uA66E\\uA67F-\\uA697\\uA717-\\uA71F\\uA722-\\uA788\\uA78B\\uA78C\\uA7FB-\\uA801\\uA803-\\uA805\\uA807-\\uA80A\\uA80C-\\uA822\\uA840-\\uA873\\uA882-\\uA8B3\\uA90A-\\uA925\\uA930-\\uA946\\uAA00-\\uAA28\\uAA40-\\uAA42\\uAA44-\\uAA4B\\uAC00\\uD7A3\\uF900-\\uFA2D\\uFA30-\\uFA6A\\uFA70-\\uFAD9\\uFB00-\\uFB06\\uFB13-\\ non_spacing_mark: new RegExp("[\\u0300-\\u036F\\u0483-\\u0487\\u0591-\\u05BD\\u05BF\\u05C1\\u05C2\\u05C4\\u05C5\\u05C7\\u0610-\\u061A\\u064B-\\u065E\\u0670\\u06D6-\\u06DC\\u06DF-\\u06E4\\u06E7\\u06E8\\u06EA-\\u06ED\\u0711\\u0730-\\u074A\\u07A6-\\u07B0\\u07EB-\\u07F3\\u0816-\\u0819\\u081B-\\u0823\\u0825-\\u0827\\u0829-\\u082D\\u0900-\\u0902\\u093C\\u0941-\\u0948\\u094D\\u0951-\\u0955\\u0962\\u0963\\u0981\\u09BC\\u09C1-\\u09C4\\u09CD\\u09E2\\u09E3\\u0A01\\u0A02\\u0A3C\\u0A41\\u0A42\\u0A47\\u0A48\\u0A4B-\\u0A4D\\u0A51\\u0A70\\u0A71\\u0A75\\u0A81\\u0A82\\u0ABC\\u0AC1-\\u0AC5\\u0AC7\\u0AC8\\u0ACD\\u0AE2\\u0AE3\\u0B01\\u0B3C\\u0B3F\\u0B41-\\u0B44\\u0B4D\\u0B56\\u0B62\\u0B63\\u0B82\\u0BC0\\u0BCD\\u0C3E-\\u0C40\\u0C46-\\u0C48\\u0C4A-\\u0C4D\\u0C55\\u0C56\\u0C62\\u0C63\\u0CBC\\u0CBF\\u0CC6\\u0CCC\\u0CCD\\u0CE2\\u0CE3\\u0D41-\\u0D44\\u0D4D\\u0D62\\u0D63\\u0DCA\\u0DD2-\\u0DD4\\u0DD6\\u0E31\\u0E34-\\u0E3A\\u0E47-\\u0E4E\\u0EB1\\u0EB4-\\u0EB9\\u0EBB\\u0EBC\\u0EC8-\\u0ECD\\u0F18\\u0F19\\u0F35\\u0F37\\u0F39\\u0F71-\\u0F7E\\u0F80-\\u0F84\\u0F86\\u0F87\\u0F90-\\u0F97\\u0F99-\\u0FBC\\u0FC6\\u102D-\\u1030\\u1032-\\u1037\\u1039\\u103A\\u103D\\u103E\\u1058\\u1059\\u105E-\\u1060\\u1071-\\u1074\\u1082\\u1085\\u1086\\u108D\\u109D\\u135F\\u1712-\\u1714\\u1732-\\u1734\\u1752\\u1753\\u1772\\u1773\\u17B7-\\u17BD\\u17C6\\u17C9-\\u17D3\\u17DD\\u180B-\\u180D\\u18A9\\u1920-\\u1922\\u1927\\u1928\\u1932\\u1939-\\u193B\\u1A17\\u1A18\\u1A56\\u1A58-\\u1A5E\\u1A60\\u1A62\\u1A65-\\u1A6C\\u1A73-\\u1A7C\\u1A7F\\u1B00-\\u1B03\\u1B34\\u1B36-\\u1B3A\\u1B3C\\u1B42\\u1B6B-\\u1B73\\u1B80\\u1B81\\u1BA2-\\u1BA5\\u1BA8\\u1BA9\\u1C2C-\\u1C33\\u1C36\\u1C37\\u1CD0-\\u1CD2\\u1CD4-\\u1CE0\\u1CE2-\\u1CE8\\u1CED\\u1DC0-\\u1DE6\\u1DFD-\\u1DFF\\u20D0-\\u20DC\\u20E1\\u20E5-\\u20F0\\u2CEF-\\u2CF1\\u2DE0-\\u2DFF\\u302A-\\u302F\\u3099\\u309A\\uA66F\\uA67C\\uA67D\\uA6F0\\uA6F1\\uA802\\uA806\\uA80B\\uA825\\uA826\\uA8C4\\uA8E0-\\uA8F1\\uA926-\\uA92D\\uA947-\\uA951\\uA980-\\uA982\\uA9B3\\uA9B6-\\uA9B9\\uA9BC\\uAA29-\\uAA2E\\uAA31\\uAA32\\uAA35\\uAA36\\uAA43\\uAA4C\\uAAB0\\uAAB2-\\uAAB4\\uAAB7\\uAAB8\\uAABE\\uAABF\\uAAC1\\uABE5\\uABE8\\uABED\\uFB1E\\uFE00-\\uFE0F\\uFE20-\\uFE26]"), space_combining_mark: new RegExp("[\\u0903\\u093E-\\u0940\\u0949-\\u094C\\u094E\\u0982\\u0983\\u09BE-\\u09C0\\u09C7\\u09C8\\u09CB\\u09CC\\u09D7\\u0A03\\u0A3E-\\u0A40\\u0A83\\u0ABE-\\u0AC0\\u0AC9\\u0ACB\\u0ACC\\u0B02\\u0B03\\u0B3E\\u0B40\\u0B47\\u0B48\\u0B4B\\u0B4C\\u0B57\\u0BBE\\u0BBF\\u0BC1\\u0BC2\\u0BC6-\\u0BC8\\u0BCA-\\u0BCC\\u0BD7\\u0C01-\\u0C03\\u0C41-\\u0C44\\u0C82\\u0C83\\u0CBE\\u0CC0-\\u0CC4\\u0CC7\\u0CC8\\u0CCA\\u0CCB\\u0CD5\\u0CD6\\u0D02\\u0D03\\u0D3E-\\u0D40\\u0D46-\\u0D48\\u0D4A-\\u0D4C\\u0D57\\u0D82\\u0D83\\u0DCF-\\u0DD1\\u0DD8-\\u0DDF\\u0DF2\\u0DF3\\u0F3E\\u0F3F\\u0F7F\\u102B\\u102C\\u1031\\u1038\\u103B\\u103C\\u1056\\u1057\\u1062-\\u1064\\u1067-\\u106D\\u1083\\u1084\\u1087-\\u108C\\u108F\\u109A-\\u109C\\u17B6\\u17BE-\\u17C5\\u17C7\\u17C8\\u1923-\\u1926\\u1929-\\u192B\\u1930\\u1931\\u1933-\\u1938\\u19B0-\\u19C0\\u19C8\\u19C9\\u1A19-\\u1A1B\\u1A55\\u1A57\\u1A61\\u1A63\\u1A64\\u1A6D-\\u1A72\\u1B04\\u1B35\\u1B3B\\u1B3D-\\u1B41\\u1B43\\u1B44\\u1B82\\u1BA1\\u1BA6\\u1BA7\\u1BAA\\u1C24-\\u1C2B\\u1C34\\u1C35\\u1CE1\\u1CF2\\uA823\\uA824\\uA827\\uA880\\uA881\\uA8B4-\\uA8C3\\uA952\\uA953\\uA983\\uA9B4\\uA9B5\\uA9BA\\uA9BB\\uA9BD-\\uA9C0\\uAA2F\\uAA30\\uAA33\\uAA34\\uAA4D\\uAA7B\\uABE3\\uABE4\\uABE6\\uABE7\\uABE9\\uABEA\\uABEC]"), connector_punctuation: new RegExp("[\\u005F\\u203F\\u2040\\u2054\\uFE33\\uFE34\\uFE4D-\\uFE4F\\uFF3F]") };
function is_letter(code) { return (code >= 97 && code <= 122) || (code >= 65 && code <= 90) || (code >= 0xaa && UNICODE.letter.test(String.fromCharCode(code))); };
function is_digit(code) { return code >= 48 && code <= 57; //XXX: find out if "UnicodeDigit" means something else than 0..9
function is_alphanumeric_char(code) { return is_digit(code) || is_letter(code); };
function is_unicode_combining_mark(ch) { return UNICODE.non_spacing_mark.test(ch) || UNICODE.space_combining_mark.test(ch); };
function is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch) { return UNICODE.connector_punctuation.test(ch); };
function is_identifier(name) { return !RESERVED_WORDS(name) && /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/i.test(name); };
function is_identifier_start(code) { return code == 36 || code == 95 || is_letter(code); };
function is_identifier_char(ch) { var code = ch.charCodeAt(0); return is_identifier_start(code) || is_digit(code) || code == 8204 // \u200c: zero-width non-joiner <ZWNJ>
|| code == 8205 // \u200d: zero-width joiner <ZWJ> (in my ECMA-262 PDF, this is also 200c)
|| is_unicode_combining_mark(ch) || is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch) ; };
function is_identifier_string(str){ var i = str.length; if (i == 0) return false; if (is_digit(str.charCodeAt(0))) return false; while (--i >= 0) { if (!is_identifier_char(str.charAt(i))) return false; } return true; };
function parse_js_number(num) { if (RE_HEX_NUMBER.test(num)) { return parseInt(num.substr(2), 16); } else if (RE_OCT_NUMBER.test(num)) { return parseInt(num.substr(1), 8); } else if (RE_DEC_NUMBER.test(num)) { return parseFloat(num); } };
function JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos) { this.message = message; this.line = line; this.col = col; this.pos = pos; this.stack = new Error().stack; };
JS_Parse_Error.prototype.toString = function() { return this.message + " (line: " + this.line + ", col: " + this.col + ", pos: " + this.pos + ")" + "\n\n" + this.stack; };
function js_error(message, filename, line, col, pos) { throw new JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos); };
function is_token(token, type, val) { return token.type == type && (val == null || token.value == val); };
var EX_EOF = {};
function tokenizer($TEXT, filename) {
var S = { text : $TEXT.replace(/\r\n?|[\n\u2028\u2029]/g, "\n").replace(/\uFEFF/g, ''), filename : filename, pos : 0, tokpos : 0, line : 1, tokline : 0, col : 0, tokcol : 0, newline_before : false, regex_allowed : false, comments_before : [] };
function peek() { return S.text.charAt(S.pos); };
function next(signal_eof, in_string) { var ch = S.text.charAt(S.pos++); if (signal_eof && !ch) throw EX_EOF; if (ch == "\n") { S.newline_before = S.newline_before || !in_string; ++S.line; S.col = 0; } else { ++S.col; } return ch; };
function find(what, signal_eof) { var pos = S.text.indexOf(what, S.pos); if (signal_eof && pos == -1) throw EX_EOF; return pos; };
function start_token() { S.tokline = S.line; S.tokcol = S.col; S.tokpos = S.pos; };
function token(type, value, is_comment) { S.regex_allowed = ((type == "operator" && !UNARY_POSTFIX(value)) || (type == "keyword" && KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION(value)) || (type == "punc" && PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION(value))); var ret = { type : type, value : value, line : S.tokline, col : S.tokcol, pos : S.tokpos, endpos : S.pos, nlb : S.newline_before, file : filename }; if (!is_comment) { ret.comments_before = S.comments_before; S.comments_before = []; // make note of any newlines in the comments that came before
for (var i = 0, len = ret.comments_before.length; i < len; i++) { ret.nlb = ret.nlb || ret.comments_before[i].nlb; } } S.newline_before = false; return new AST_Token(ret); };
function skip_whitespace() { while (WHITESPACE_CHARS(peek())) next(); };
function read_while(pred) { var ret = "", ch, i = 0; while ((ch = peek()) && pred(ch, i++)) ret += next(); return ret; };
function parse_error(err) { js_error(err, filename, S.tokline, S.tokcol, S.tokpos); };
function read_num(prefix) { var has_e = false, after_e = false, has_x = false, has_dot = prefix == "."; var num = read_while(function(ch, i){ var code = ch.charCodeAt(0); switch (code) { case 120: case 88: // xX
return has_x ? false : (has_x = true); case 101: case 69: // eE
return has_x ? true : has_e ? false : (has_e = after_e = true); case 45: // -
return after_e || (i == 0 && !prefix); case 43: // +
return after_e; case (after_e = false, 46): // .
return (!has_dot && !has_x && !has_e) ? (has_dot = true) : false; } return is_alphanumeric_char(code); }); if (prefix) num = prefix + num; var valid = parse_js_number(num); if (!isNaN(valid)) { return token("num", valid); } else { parse_error("Invalid syntax: " + num); } };
function read_escaped_char(in_string) { var ch = next(true, in_string); switch (ch.charCodeAt(0)) { case 110 : return "\n"; case 114 : return "\r"; case 116 : return "\t"; case 98 : return "\b"; case 118 : return "\u000b"; // \v
case 102 : return "\f"; case 48 : return "\0"; case 120 : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(2)); // \x
case 117 : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(4)); // \u
case 10 : return ""; // newline
default : return ch; } };
function hex_bytes(n) { var num = 0; for (; n > 0; --n) { var digit = parseInt(next(true), 16); if (isNaN(digit)) parse_error("Invalid hex-character pattern in string"); num = (num << 4) | digit; } return num; };
var read_string = with_eof_error("Unterminated string constant", function(){ var quote = next(), ret = ""; for (;;) { var ch = next(true); if (ch == "\\") { // read OctalEscapeSequence (XXX: deprecated if "strict mode")
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/issues/178
var octal_len = 0, first = null; ch = read_while(function(ch){ if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "7") { if (!first) { first = ch; return ++octal_len; } else if (first <= "3" && octal_len <= 2) return ++octal_len; else if (first >= "4" && octal_len <= 1) return ++octal_len; } return false; }); if (octal_len > 0) ch = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(ch, 8)); else ch = read_escaped_char(true); } else if (ch == quote) break; ret += ch; } return token("string", ret); });
function read_line_comment() { next(); var i = find("\n"), ret; if (i == -1) { ret = S.text.substr(S.pos); S.pos = S.text.length; } else { ret = S.text.substring(S.pos, i); S.pos = i; } return token("comment1", ret, true); };
var read_multiline_comment = with_eof_error("Unterminated multiline comment", function(){ next(); var i = find("*/", true); var text = S.text.substring(S.pos, i); var a = text.split("\n"), n = a.length; // update stream position
S.pos = i + 2; S.line += n - 1; if (n > 1) S.col = a[n - 1].length; else S.col += a[n - 1].length; S.col += 2; S.newline_before = S.newline_before || text.indexOf("\n") >= 0; return token("comment2", text, true); });
function read_name() { var backslash = false, name = "", ch, escaped = false, hex; while ((ch = peek()) != null) { if (!backslash) { if (ch == "\\") escaped = backslash = true, next(); else if (is_identifier_char(ch)) name += next(); else break; } else { if (ch != "u") parse_error("Expecting UnicodeEscapeSequence -- uXXXX"); ch = read_escaped_char(); if (!is_identifier_char(ch)) parse_error("Unicode char: " + ch.charCodeAt(0) + " is not valid in identifier"); name += ch; backslash = false; } } if (KEYWORDS(name) && escaped) { hex = name.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); name = "\\u" + "0000".substr(hex.length) + hex + name.slice(1); } return name; };
var read_regexp = with_eof_error("Unterminated regular expression", function(regexp){ var prev_backslash = false, ch, in_class = false; while ((ch = next(true))) if (prev_backslash) { regexp += "\\" + ch; prev_backslash = false; } else if (ch == "[") { in_class = true; regexp += ch; } else if (ch == "]" && in_class) { in_class = false; regexp += ch; } else if (ch == "/" && !in_class) { break; } else if (ch == "\\") { prev_backslash = true; } else { regexp += ch; } var mods = read_name(); return token("regexp", new RegExp(regexp, mods)); });
function read_operator(prefix) { function grow(op) { if (!peek()) return op; var bigger = op + peek(); if (OPERATORS(bigger)) { next(); return grow(bigger); } else { return op; } }; return token("operator", grow(prefix || next())); };
function handle_slash() { next(); var regex_allowed = S.regex_allowed; switch (peek()) { case "/": S.comments_before.push(read_line_comment()); S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed; return next_token(); case "*": S.comments_before.push(read_multiline_comment()); S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed; return next_token(); } return S.regex_allowed ? read_regexp("") : read_operator("/"); };
function handle_dot() { next(); return is_digit(peek().charCodeAt(0)) ? read_num(".") : token("punc", "."); };
function read_word() { var word = read_name(); return KEYWORDS_ATOM(word) ? token("atom", word) : !KEYWORDS(word) ? token("name", word) : OPERATORS(word) ? token("operator", word) : token("keyword", word); };
function with_eof_error(eof_error, cont) { return function(x) { try { return cont(x); } catch(ex) { if (ex === EX_EOF) parse_error(eof_error); else throw ex; } }; };
function next_token(force_regexp) { if (force_regexp != null) return read_regexp(force_regexp); skip_whitespace(); start_token(); var ch = peek(); if (!ch) return token("eof"); var code = ch.charCodeAt(0); switch (code) { case 34: case 39: return read_string(); case 46: return handle_dot(); case 47: return handle_slash(); } if (is_digit(code)) return read_num(); if (PUNC_CHARS(ch)) return token("punc", next()); if (OPERATOR_CHARS(ch)) return read_operator(); if (code == 92 || is_identifier_start(code)) return read_word(); parse_error("Unexpected character '" + ch + "'"); };
next_token.context = function(nc) { if (nc) S = nc; return S; };
return next_token;
/* -----[ Parser (constants) ]----- */
var UNARY_PREFIX = makePredicate([ "typeof", "void", "delete", "--", "++", "!", "~", "-", "+" ]);
var UNARY_POSTFIX = makePredicate([ "--", "++" ]);
var ASSIGNMENT = makePredicate([ "=", "+=", "-=", "/=", "*=", "%=", ">>=", "<<=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&=" ]);
var PRECEDENCE = (function(a, ret){ for (var i = 0, n = 1; i < a.length; ++i, ++n) { var b = a[i]; for (var j = 0; j < b.length; ++j) { ret[b[j]] = n; } } return ret; })( [ ["||"], ["&&"], ["|"], ["^"], ["&"], ["==", "===", "!=", "!=="], ["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "in", "instanceof"], [">>", "<<", ">>>"], ["+", "-"], ["*", "/", "%"] ], {} );
var STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS = array_to_hash([ "for", "do", "while", "switch" ]);
var ATOMIC_START_TOKEN = array_to_hash([ "atom", "num", "string", "regexp", "name" ]);
/* -----[ Parser ]----- */
function parse($TEXT, options) {
options = defaults(options, { strict : false, filename : null, toplevel : null, expression : false });
var S = { input : typeof $TEXT == "string" ? tokenizer($TEXT, options.filename) : $TEXT, token : null, prev : null, peeked : null, in_function : 0, in_directives : true, in_loop : 0, labels : [] };
S.token = next();
function is(type, value) { return is_token(S.token, type, value); };
function peek() { return S.peeked || (S.peeked = S.input()); };
function next() { S.prev = S.token; if (S.peeked) { S.token = S.peeked; S.peeked = null; } else { S.token = S.input(); } S.in_directives = S.in_directives && ( S.token.type == "string" || is("punc", ";") ); return S.token; };
function prev() { return S.prev; };
function croak(msg, line, col, pos) { var ctx = S.input.context(); js_error(msg, ctx.filename, line != null ? line : ctx.tokline, col != null ? col : ctx.tokcol, pos != null ? pos : ctx.tokpos); };
function token_error(token, msg) { croak(msg, token.line, token.col); };
function unexpected(token) { if (token == null) token = S.token; token_error(token, "Unexpected token: " + token.type + " (" + token.value + ")"); };
function expect_token(type, val) { if (is(type, val)) { return next(); } token_error(S.token, "Unexpected token " + S.token.type + " «" + S.token.value + "»" + ", expected " + type + " «" + val + "»"); };
function expect(punc) { return expect_token("punc", punc); };
function can_insert_semicolon() { return !options.strict && ( S.token.nlb || is("eof") || is("punc", "}") ); };
function semicolon() { if (is("punc", ";")) next(); else if (!can_insert_semicolon()) unexpected(); };
function parenthesised() { expect("("); var exp = expression(true); expect(")"); return exp; };
function embed_tokens(parser) { return function() { var start = S.token; var expr = parser(); var end = prev(); expr.start = start; expr.end = end; return expr; }; };
var statement = embed_tokens(function() { var tmp; if (is("operator", "/") || is("operator", "/=")) { S.peeked = null; S.token = S.input(S.token.value.substr(1)); // force regexp
} switch (S.token.type) { case "string": var dir = S.in_directives, stat = simple_statement(); // XXXv2: decide how to fix directives
if (dir && stat.body instanceof AST_String && !is("punc", ",")) return new AST_Directive({ value: stat.body.value }); return stat; case "num": case "regexp": case "operator": case "atom": return simple_statement();
case "name": return is_token(peek(), "punc", ":") ? labeled_statement() : simple_statement();
case "punc": switch (S.token.value) { case "{": return new AST_BlockStatement({ start : S.token, body : block_(), end : prev() }); case "[": case "(": return simple_statement(); case ";": next(); return new AST_EmptyStatement(); default: unexpected(); }
case "keyword": switch (tmp = S.token.value, next(), tmp) { case "break": return break_cont(AST_Break);
case "continue": return break_cont(AST_Continue);
case "debugger": semicolon(); return new AST_Debugger();
case "do": return new AST_Do({ body : in_loop(statement), condition : (expect_token("keyword", "while"), tmp = parenthesised(), semicolon(), tmp) });
case "while": return new AST_While({ condition : parenthesised(), body : in_loop(statement) });
case "for": return for_();
case "function": return function_(true);
case "if": return if_();
case "return": if (S.in_function == 0) croak("'return' outside of function"); return new AST_Return({ value: ( is("punc", ";") ? (next(), null) : can_insert_semicolon() ? null : (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) ) });
case "switch": return new AST_Switch({ expression : parenthesised(), body : in_loop(switch_body_) });
case "throw": if (S.token.nlb) croak("Illegal newline after 'throw'"); return new AST_Throw({ value: (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) });
case "try": return try_();
case "var": return tmp = var_(), semicolon(), tmp;
case "const": return tmp = const_(), semicolon(), tmp;
case "with": return new AST_With({ expression : parenthesised(), body : statement() });
default: unexpected(); } } });
function labeled_statement() { var label = as_symbol(AST_Label); if (find_if(function(l){ return l.name == label.name }, S.labels)) { // ECMA-262, 12.12: An ECMAScript program is considered
// syntactically incorrect if it contains a
// LabelledStatement that is enclosed by a
// LabelledStatement with the same Identifier as label.
croak("Label " + label.name + " defined twice"); } expect(":"); S.labels.push(label); var stat = statement(); S.labels.pop(); return new AST_LabeledStatement({ body: stat, label: label }); };
function simple_statement(tmp) { return new AST_SimpleStatement({ body: (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) }); };
function break_cont(type) { var label = null; if (!can_insert_semicolon()) { label = as_symbol(AST_LabelRef, true); } if (label != null) { if (!find_if(function(l){ return l.name == label.name }, S.labels)) croak("Undefined label " + label.name); } else if (S.in_loop == 0) croak(type.TYPE + " not inside a loop or switch"); semicolon(); return new type({ label: label }); };
function for_() { expect("("); var init = null; if (!is("punc", ";")) { init = is("keyword", "var") ? (next(), var_(true)) : expression(true, true); if (is("operator", "in")) { if (init instanceof AST_Var && init.definitions.length > 1) croak("Only one variable declaration allowed in for..in loop"); next(); return for_in(init); } } return regular_for(init); };
function regular_for(init) { expect(";"); var test = is("punc", ";") ? null : expression(true); expect(";"); var step = is("punc", ")") ? null : expression(true); expect(")"); return new AST_For({ init : init, condition : test, step : step, body : in_loop(statement) }); };
function for_in(init) { var lhs = init instanceof AST_Var ? init.definitions[0].name : null; var obj = expression(true); expect(")"); return new AST_ForIn({ init : init, name : lhs, object : obj, body : in_loop(statement) }); };
var function_ = function(in_statement, ctor) { var is_accessor = ctor === AST_Accessor; var name = (is("name") ? as_symbol(in_statement ? AST_SymbolDefun : is_accessor ? AST_SymbolAccessor : AST_SymbolLambda) : is_accessor && (is("string") || is("num")) ? as_atom_node() : null); if (in_statement && !name) unexpected(); expect("("); if (!ctor) ctor = in_statement ? AST_Defun : AST_Function; return new ctor({ name: name, argnames: (function(first, a){ while (!is("punc", ")")) { if (first) first = false; else expect(","); a.push(as_symbol(AST_SymbolFunarg)); } next(); return a; })(true, []), body: (function(loop, labels){ ++S.in_function; S.in_directives = true; S.in_loop = 0; S.labels = []; var a = block_(); --S.in_function; S.in_loop = loop; S.labels = labels; return a; })(S.in_loop, S.labels) }); };
function if_() { var cond = parenthesised(), body = statement(), belse = null; if (is("keyword", "else")) { next(); belse = statement(); } return new AST_If({ condition : cond, body : body, alternative : belse }); };
function block_() { expect("{"); var a = []; while (!is("punc", "}")) { if (is("eof")) unexpected(); a.push(statement()); } next(); return a; };
function switch_body_() { expect("{"); var a = [], cur = null, branch = null, tmp; while (!is("punc", "}")) { if (is("eof")) unexpected(); if (is("keyword", "case")) { if (branch) branch.end = prev(); cur = []; branch = new AST_Case({ start : (tmp = S.token, next(), tmp), expression : expression(true), body : cur }); a.push(branch); expect(":"); } else if (is("keyword", "default")) { if (branch) branch.end = prev(); cur = []; branch = new AST_Default({ start : (tmp = S.token, next(), expect(":"), tmp), body : cur }); a.push(branch); } else { if (!cur) unexpected(); cur.push(statement()); } } if (branch) branch.end = prev(); next(); return a; };
function try_() { var body = block_(), bcatch = null, bfinally = null; if (is("keyword", "catch")) { var start = S.token; next(); expect("("); var name = as_symbol(AST_SymbolCatch); expect(")"); bcatch = new AST_Catch({ start : start, argname : name, body : block_(), end : prev() }); } if (is("keyword", "finally")) { var start = S.token; next(); bfinally = new AST_Finally({ start : start, body : block_(), end : prev() }); } if (!bcatch && !bfinally) croak("Missing catch/finally blocks"); return new AST_Try({ body : body, bcatch : bcatch, bfinally : bfinally }); };
function vardefs(no_in, in_const) { var a = []; for (;;) { a.push(new AST_VarDef({ start : S.token, name : as_symbol(in_const ? AST_SymbolConst : AST_SymbolVar), value : is("operator", "=") ? (next(), expression(false, no_in)) : null, end : prev() })); if (!is("punc", ",")) break; next(); } return a; };
var var_ = function(no_in) { return new AST_Var({ start : prev(), definitions : vardefs(no_in, false), end : prev() }); };
var const_ = function() { return new AST_Const({ start : prev(), definitions : vardefs(false, true), end : prev() }); };
var new_ = function() { var start = S.token; expect_token("operator", "new"); var newexp = expr_atom(false), args; if (is("punc", "(")) { next(); args = expr_list(")"); } else { args = []; } return subscripts(new AST_New({ start : start, expression : newexp, args : args, end : prev() }), true); };
function as_atom_node() { var tok = S.token, ret; switch (tok.type) { case "name": return as_symbol(AST_SymbolRef); case "num": ret = new AST_Number({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value }); break; case "string": ret = new AST_String({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value }); break; case "regexp": ret = new AST_RegExp({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value }); break; case "atom": switch (tok.value) { case "false": ret = new AST_False({ start: tok, end: tok }); break; case "true": ret = new AST_True({ start: tok, end: tok }); break; case "null": ret = new AST_Null({ start: tok, end: tok }); break; } break; } next(); return ret; };
var expr_atom = function(allow_calls) { if (is("operator", "new")) { return new_(); } var start = S.token; if (is("punc")) { switch (start.value) { case "(": next(); var ex = expression(true); ex.start = start; ex.end = S.token; expect(")"); return subscripts(ex, allow_calls); case "[": return subscripts(array_(), allow_calls); case "{": return subscripts(object_(), allow_calls); } unexpected(); } if (is("keyword", "function")) { next(); var func = function_(false); func.start = start; func.end = prev(); return subscripts(func, allow_calls); } if (ATOMIC_START_TOKEN[S.token.type]) { return subscripts(as_atom_node(), allow_calls); } unexpected(); };
function expr_list(closing, allow_trailing_comma, allow_empty) { var first = true, a = []; while (!is("punc", closing)) { if (first) first = false; else expect(","); if (allow_trailing_comma && is("punc", closing)) break; if (is("punc", ",") && allow_empty) { a.push(new AST_Hole({ start: S.token, end: S.token })); } else { a.push(expression(false)); } } next(); return a; };
var array_ = embed_tokens(function() { expect("["); return new AST_Array({ elements: expr_list("]", !options.strict, true) }); });
var object_ = embed_tokens(function() { expect("{"); var first = true, a = []; while (!is("punc", "}")) { if (first) first = false; else expect(","); if (!options.strict && is("punc", "}")) // allow trailing comma
break; var start = S.token; var type = start.type; var name = as_property_name(); if (type == "name" && !is("punc", ":")) { if (name == "get") { a.push(new AST_ObjectGetter({ start : start, key : name, value : function_(false, AST_Accessor), end : prev() })); continue; } if (name == "set") { a.push(new AST_ObjectSetter({ start : start, key : name, value : function_(false, AST_Accessor), end : prev() })); continue; } } expect(":"); a.push(new AST_ObjectKeyVal({ start : start, key : name, value : expression(false), end : prev() })); } next(); return new AST_Object({ properties: a }); });
function as_property_name() { var tmp = S.token; next(); switch (tmp.type) { case "num": case "string": case "name": case "operator": case "keyword": case "atom": return tmp.value; default: unexpected(); } };
function as_name() { var tmp = S.token; next(); switch (tmp.type) { case "name": case "operator": case "keyword": case "atom": return tmp.value; default: unexpected(); } };
function as_symbol(type, noerror) { if (!is("name")) { if (!noerror) croak("Name expected"); return null; } var name = S.token.value; var sym = new (name == "this" ? AST_This : type)({ name : String(S.token.value), start : S.token, end : S.token }); next(); return sym; };
var subscripts = function(expr, allow_calls) { var start = expr.start; if (is("punc", ".")) { next(); return subscripts(new AST_Dot({ start : start, expression : expr, property : as_name(), end : prev() }), allow_calls); } if (is("punc", "[")) { next(); var prop = expression(true); expect("]"); return subscripts(new AST_Sub({ start : start, expression : expr, property : prop, end : prev() }), allow_calls); } if (allow_calls && is("punc", "(")) { next(); return subscripts(new AST_Call({ start : start, expression : expr, args : expr_list(")"), end : prev() }), true); } return expr; };
var maybe_unary = function(allow_calls) { var start = S.token; if (is("operator") && UNARY_PREFIX(start.value)) { next(); var ex = make_unary(AST_UnaryPrefix, start.value, maybe_unary(allow_calls)); ex.start = start; ex.end = prev(); return ex; } var val = expr_atom(allow_calls); while (is("operator") && UNARY_POSTFIX(S.token.value) && !S.token.nlb) { val = make_unary(AST_UnaryPostfix, S.token.value, val); val.start = start; val.end = S.token; next(); } return val; };
function make_unary(ctor, op, expr) { if ((op == "++" || op == "--") && !is_assignable(expr)) croak("Invalid use of " + op + " operator"); return new ctor({ operator: op, expression: expr }); };
var expr_op = function(left, min_prec, no_in) { var op = is("operator") ? S.token.value : null; if (op == "in" && no_in) op = null; var prec = op != null ? PRECEDENCE[op] : null; if (prec != null && prec > min_prec) { next(); var right = expr_op(maybe_unary(true), prec, no_in); return expr_op(new AST_Binary({ start : left.start, left : left, operator : op, right : right, end : right.end }), min_prec, no_in); } return left; };
function expr_ops(no_in) { return expr_op(maybe_unary(true), 0, no_in); };
var maybe_conditional = function(no_in) { var start = S.token; var expr = expr_ops(no_in); if (is("operator", "?")) { next(); var yes = expression(false); expect(":"); return new AST_Conditional({ start : start, condition : expr, consequent : yes, alternative : expression(false, no_in), end : peek() }); } return expr; };
function is_assignable(expr) { if (!options.strict) return true; if (expr instanceof AST_This) return false; return (expr instanceof AST_PropAccess || expr instanceof AST_Symbol); };
var maybe_assign = function(no_in) { var start = S.token; var left = maybe_conditional(no_in), val = S.token.value; if (is("operator") && ASSIGNMENT(val)) { if (is_assignable(left)) { next(); return new AST_Assign({ start : start, left : left, operator : val, right : maybe_assign(no_in), end : prev() }); } croak("Invalid assignment"); } return left; };
var expression = function(commas, no_in) { var start = S.token; var expr = maybe_assign(no_in); if (commas && is("punc", ",")) { next(); return new AST_Seq({ start : start, car : expr, cdr : expression(true, no_in), end : peek() }); } return expr; };
function in_loop(cont) { ++S.in_loop; var ret = cont(); --S.in_loop; return ret; };
if (options.expression) { return expression(true); }
return (function(){ var start = S.token; var body = []; while (!is("eof")) body.push(statement()); var end = prev(); var toplevel = options.toplevel; if (toplevel) { toplevel.body = toplevel.body.concat(body); toplevel.end = end; } else { toplevel = new AST_Toplevel({ start: start, body: body, end: end }); } return toplevel; })();
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
// Tree transformer helpers.
function TreeTransformer(before, after) { TreeWalker.call(this); this.before = before; this.after = after; } TreeTransformer.prototype = new TreeWalker;
function _(node, descend) { node.DEFMETHOD("transform", function(tw, in_list){ var x, y; tw.push(this); if (tw.before) x = tw.before(this, descend, in_list); if (x === undefined) { if (!tw.after) { x = this; descend(x, tw); } else { tw.stack[tw.stack.length - 1] = x = this.clone(); descend(x, tw); y = tw.after(x, in_list); if (y !== undefined) x = y; } } tw.pop(); return x; }); };
function do_list(list, tw) { return MAP(list, function(node){ return node.transform(tw, true); }); };
_(AST_Node, noop);
_(AST_LabeledStatement, function(self, tw){ self.label = self.label.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_SimpleStatement, function(self, tw){ self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Block, function(self, tw){ self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_DWLoop, function(self, tw){ self.condition = self.condition.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_For, function(self, tw){ if (self.init) self.init = self.init.transform(tw); if (self.condition) self.condition = self.condition.transform(tw); if (self.step) self.step = self.step.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_ForIn, function(self, tw){ self.init = self.init.transform(tw); self.object = self.object.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_With, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Exit, function(self, tw){ if (self.value) self.value = self.value.transform(tw); });
_(AST_LoopControl, function(self, tw){ if (self.label) self.label = self.label.transform(tw); });
_(AST_If, function(self, tw){ self.condition = self.condition.transform(tw); self.body = self.body.transform(tw); if (self.alternative) self.alternative = self.alternative.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Switch, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_Case, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_Try, function(self, tw){ self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); if (self.bcatch) self.bcatch = self.bcatch.transform(tw); if (self.bfinally) self.bfinally = self.bfinally.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Catch, function(self, tw){ self.argname = self.argname.transform(tw); self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_Definitions, function(self, tw){ self.definitions = do_list(self.definitions, tw); });
_(AST_VarDef, function(self, tw){ self.name = self.name.transform(tw); if (self.value) self.value = self.value.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Lambda, function(self, tw){ if (self.name) self.name = self.name.transform(tw); self.argnames = do_list(self.argnames, tw); self.body = do_list(self.body, tw); });
_(AST_Call, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.args = do_list(self.args, tw); });
_(AST_Seq, function(self, tw){ self.car = self.car.transform(tw); self.cdr = self.cdr.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Dot, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Sub, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); self.property = self.property.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Unary, function(self, tw){ self.expression = self.expression.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Binary, function(self, tw){ self.left = self.left.transform(tw); self.right = self.right.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Conditional, function(self, tw){ self.condition = self.condition.transform(tw); self.consequent = self.consequent.transform(tw); self.alternative = self.alternative.transform(tw); });
_(AST_Array, function(self, tw){ self.elements = do_list(self.elements, tw); });
_(AST_Object, function(self, tw){ self.properties = do_list(self.properties, tw); });
_(AST_ObjectProperty, function(self, tw){ self.value = self.value.transform(tw); });
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function SymbolDef(scope, index, orig) { this.name = orig.name; this.orig = [ orig ]; this.scope = scope; this.references = []; this.global = false; this.mangled_name = null; this.undeclared = false; this.constant = false; this.index = index; };
SymbolDef.prototype = { unmangleable: function(options) { return (this.global && !(options && options.toplevel)) || this.undeclared || (!(options && options.eval) && (this.scope.uses_eval || this.scope.uses_with)); }, mangle: function(options) { if (!this.mangled_name && !this.unmangleable(options)) { var s = this.scope; if (this.orig[0] instanceof AST_SymbolLambda && !options.screw_ie8) s = s.parent_scope; this.mangled_name = s.next_mangled(options); } } };
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("figure_out_scope", function(){ // This does what ast_add_scope did in UglifyJS v1.
// Part of it could be done at parse time, but it would complicate
// the parser (and it's already kinda complex). It's also worth
// having it separated because we might need to call it multiple
// times on the same tree.
// pass 1: setup scope chaining and handle definitions
var self = this; var scope = self.parent_scope = null; var labels = new Dictionary(); var nesting = 0; var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { node.init_scope_vars(nesting); var save_scope = node.parent_scope = scope; var save_labels = labels; ++nesting; scope = node; labels = new Dictionary(); descend(); labels = save_labels; scope = save_scope; --nesting; return true; // don't descend again in TreeWalker
} if (node instanceof AST_Directive) { node.scope = scope; push_uniq(scope.directives, node.value); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_With) { for (var s = scope; s; s = s.parent_scope) s.uses_with = true; return; } if (node instanceof AST_LabeledStatement) { var l = node.label; if (labels.has(l.name)) throw new Error(string_template("Label {name} defined twice", l)); labels.set(l.name, l); descend(); labels.del(l.name); return true; // no descend again
} if (node instanceof AST_Symbol) { node.scope = scope; } if (node instanceof AST_Label) { node.thedef = node; node.init_scope_vars(); } if (node instanceof AST_SymbolLambda) { scope.def_function(node); } else if (node instanceof AST_SymbolDefun) { // Careful here, the scope where this should be defined is
// the parent scope. The reason is that we enter a new
// scope when we encounter the AST_Defun node (which is
// instanceof AST_Scope) but we get to the symbol a bit
// later.
(node.scope = scope.parent_scope).def_function(node); } else if (node instanceof AST_SymbolVar || node instanceof AST_SymbolConst) { var def = scope.def_variable(node); def.constant = node instanceof AST_SymbolConst; def.init = tw.parent().value; } else if (node instanceof AST_SymbolCatch) { // XXX: this is wrong according to ECMA-262 (12.4). the
// `catch` argument name should be visible only inside the
// catch block. For a quick fix AST_Catch should inherit
// from AST_Scope. Keeping it this way because of IE,
// which doesn't obey the standard. (it introduces the
// identifier in the enclosing scope)
scope.def_variable(node); } if (node instanceof AST_LabelRef) { var sym = labels.get(node.name); if (!sym) throw new Error(string_template("Undefined label {name} [{line},{col}]", { name: node.name, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col })); node.thedef = sym; } }); self.walk(tw);
// pass 2: find back references and eval
var func = null; var globals = self.globals = new Dictionary(); var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node instanceof AST_Lambda) { var prev_func = func; func = node; descend(); func = prev_func; return true; } if (node instanceof AST_LabelRef) { node.reference(); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_SymbolRef) { var name = node.name; var sym = node.scope.find_variable(name); if (!sym) { var g; if (globals.has(name)) { g = globals.get(name); } else { g = new SymbolDef(self, globals.size(), node); g.undeclared = true; g.global = true; globals.set(name, g); } node.thedef = g; if (name == "eval" && tw.parent() instanceof AST_Call) { for (var s = node.scope; s && !s.uses_eval; s = s.parent_scope) s.uses_eval = true; } if (name == "arguments") { func.uses_arguments = true; } } else { node.thedef = sym; } node.reference(); return true; } }); self.walk(tw); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("init_scope_vars", function(nesting){ this.directives = []; // contains the directives defined in this scope, i.e. "use strict"
this.variables = new Dictionary(); // map name to AST_SymbolVar (variables defined in this scope; includes functions)
this.functions = new Dictionary(); // map name to AST_SymbolDefun (functions defined in this scope)
this.uses_with = false; // will be set to true if this or some nested scope uses the `with` statement
this.uses_eval = false; // will be set to true if this or nested scope uses the global `eval`
this.parent_scope = null; // the parent scope
this.enclosed = []; // a list of variables from this or outer scope(s) that are referenced from this or inner scopes
this.cname = -1; // the current index for mangling functions/variables
this.nesting = nesting; // the nesting level of this scope (0 means toplevel)
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("strict", function(){ return this.has_directive("use strict"); });
AST_Lambda.DEFMETHOD("init_scope_vars", function(){ AST_Scope.prototype.init_scope_vars.apply(this, arguments); this.uses_arguments = false; });
AST_SymbolRef.DEFMETHOD("reference", function() { var def = this.definition(); def.references.push(this); var s = this.scope; while (s) { push_uniq(s.enclosed, def); if (s === def.scope) break; s = s.parent_scope; } this.frame = this.scope.nesting - def.scope.nesting; });
AST_Label.DEFMETHOD("init_scope_vars", function(){ this.references = []; });
AST_LabelRef.DEFMETHOD("reference", function(){ this.thedef.references.push(this); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("find_variable", function(name){ if (name instanceof AST_Symbol) name = name.name; return this.variables.get(name) || (this.parent_scope && this.parent_scope.find_variable(name)); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("has_directive", function(value){ return this.parent_scope && this.parent_scope.has_directive(value) || (this.directives.indexOf(value) >= 0 ? this : null); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("def_function", function(symbol){ this.functions.set(symbol.name, this.def_variable(symbol)); });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("def_variable", function(symbol){ var def; if (!this.variables.has(symbol.name)) { def = new SymbolDef(this, this.variables.size(), symbol); this.variables.set(symbol.name, def); def.global = !this.parent_scope; } else { def = this.variables.get(symbol.name); def.orig.push(symbol); } return symbol.thedef = def; });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("next_mangled", function(options){ var ext = this.enclosed; out: while (true) { var m = base54(++this.cname); if (!is_identifier(m)) continue; // skip over "do"
// we must ensure that the mangled name does not shadow a name
// from some parent scope that is referenced in this or in
// inner scopes.
for (var i = ext.length; --i >= 0;) { var sym = ext[i]; var name = sym.mangled_name || (sym.unmangleable(options) && sym.name); if (m == name) continue out; } return m; } });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("references", function(sym){ if (sym instanceof AST_Symbol) sym = sym.definition(); return this.enclosed.indexOf(sym) < 0 ? null : sym; });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("unmangleable", function(options){ return this.definition().unmangleable(options); });
// property accessors are not mangleable
AST_SymbolAccessor.DEFMETHOD("unmangleable", function(){ return true; });
// labels are always mangleable
AST_Label.DEFMETHOD("unmangleable", function(){ return false; });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("unreferenced", function(){ return this.definition().references.length == 0 && !(this.scope.uses_eval || this.scope.uses_with); });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("undeclared", function(){ return this.definition().undeclared; });
AST_LabelRef.DEFMETHOD("undeclared", function(){ return false; });
AST_Label.DEFMETHOD("undeclared", function(){ return false; });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("definition", function(){ return this.thedef; });
AST_Symbol.DEFMETHOD("global", function(){ return this.definition().global; });
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("_default_mangler_options", function(options){ return defaults(options, { except : [], eval : false, sort : false, toplevel : false, screw_ie8 : false }); });
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("mangle_names", function(options){ options = this._default_mangler_options(options); // We only need to mangle declaration nodes. Special logic wired
// into the code generator will display the mangled name if it's
// present (and for AST_SymbolRef-s it'll use the mangled name of
// the AST_SymbolDeclaration that it points to).
var lname = -1; var to_mangle = []; var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node instanceof AST_LabeledStatement) { // lname is incremented when we get to the AST_Label
var save_nesting = lname; descend(); lname = save_nesting; return true; // don't descend again in TreeWalker
} if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { var p = tw.parent(), a = []; node.variables.each(function(symbol){ if (options.except.indexOf(symbol.name) < 0) { a.push(symbol); } }); if (options.sort) a.sort(function(a, b){ return b.references.length - a.references.length; }); to_mangle.push.apply(to_mangle, a); return; } if (node instanceof AST_Label) { var name; do name = base54(++lname); while (!is_identifier(name)); node.mangled_name = name; return true; } }); this.walk(tw); to_mangle.forEach(function(def){ def.mangle(options) }); });
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("compute_char_frequency", function(options){ options = this._default_mangler_options(options); var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Constant) base54.consider(node.print_to_string()); else if (node instanceof AST_Return) base54.consider("return"); else if (node instanceof AST_Throw) base54.consider("throw"); else if (node instanceof AST_Continue) base54.consider("continue"); else if (node instanceof AST_Break) base54.consider("break"); else if (node instanceof AST_Debugger) base54.consider("debugger"); else if (node instanceof AST_Directive) base54.consider(node.value); else if (node instanceof AST_While) base54.consider("while"); else if (node instanceof AST_Do) base54.consider("do while"); else if (node instanceof AST_If) { base54.consider("if"); if (node.alternative) base54.consider("else"); } else if (node instanceof AST_Var) base54.consider("var"); else if (node instanceof AST_Const) base54.consider("const"); else if (node instanceof AST_Lambda) base54.consider("function"); else if (node instanceof AST_For) base54.consider("for"); else if (node instanceof AST_ForIn) base54.consider("for in"); else if (node instanceof AST_Switch) base54.consider("switch"); else if (node instanceof AST_Case) base54.consider("case"); else if (node instanceof AST_Default) base54.consider("default"); else if (node instanceof AST_With) base54.consider("with"); else if (node instanceof AST_ObjectSetter) base54.consider("set" + node.key); else if (node instanceof AST_ObjectGetter) base54.consider("get" + node.key); else if (node instanceof AST_ObjectKeyVal) base54.consider(node.key); else if (node instanceof AST_New) base54.consider("new"); else if (node instanceof AST_This) base54.consider("this"); else if (node instanceof AST_Try) base54.consider("try"); else if (node instanceof AST_Catch) base54.consider("catch"); else if (node instanceof AST_Finally) base54.consider("finally"); else if (node instanceof AST_Symbol && node.unmangleable(options)) base54.consider(node.name); else if (node instanceof AST_Unary || node instanceof AST_Binary) base54.consider(node.operator); else if (node instanceof AST_Dot) base54.consider(node.property); }); this.walk(tw); base54.sort(); });
var base54 = (function() { var string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_0123456789"; var chars, frequency; function reset() { frequency = Object.create(null); chars = string.split("").map(function(ch){ return ch.charCodeAt(0) }); chars.forEach(function(ch){ frequency[ch] = 0 }); } base54.consider = function(str){ for (var i = str.length; --i >= 0;) { var code = str.charCodeAt(i); if (code in frequency) ++frequency[code]; } }; base54.sort = function() { chars = mergeSort(chars, function(a, b){ if (is_digit(a) && !is_digit(b)) return 1; if (is_digit(b) && !is_digit(a)) return -1; return frequency[b] - frequency[a]; }); }; base54.reset = reset; reset(); base54.get = function(){ return chars }; base54.freq = function(){ return frequency }; function base54(num) { var ret = "", base = 54; do { ret += String.fromCharCode(chars[num % base]); num = Math.floor(num / base); base = 64; } while (num > 0); return ret; }; return base54; })();
AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("scope_warnings", function(options){ options = defaults(options, { undeclared : false, // this makes a lot of noise
unreferenced : true, assign_to_global : true, func_arguments : true, nested_defuns : true, eval : true }); var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (options.undeclared && node instanceof AST_SymbolRef && node.undeclared()) { // XXX: this also warns about JS standard names,
// i.e. Object, Array, parseInt etc. Should add a list of
// exceptions.
AST_Node.warn("Undeclared symbol: {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name: node.name, file: node.start.file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col }); } if (options.assign_to_global) { var sym = null; if (node instanceof AST_Assign && node.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef) sym = node.left; else if (node instanceof AST_ForIn && node.init instanceof AST_SymbolRef) sym = node.init; if (sym && (sym.undeclared() || (sym.global() && sym.scope !== sym.definition().scope))) { AST_Node.warn("{msg}: {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { msg: sym.undeclared() ? "Accidental global?" : "Assignment to global", name: sym.name, file: sym.start.file, line: sym.start.line, col: sym.start.col }); } } if (options.eval && node instanceof AST_SymbolRef && node.undeclared() && node.name == "eval") { AST_Node.warn("Eval is used [{file}:{line},{col}]", node.start); } if (options.unreferenced && (node instanceof AST_SymbolDeclaration || node instanceof AST_Label) && node.unreferenced()) { AST_Node.warn("{type} {name} is declared but not referenced [{file}:{line},{col}]", { type: node instanceof AST_Label ? "Label" : "Symbol", name: node.name, file: node.start.file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col }); } if (options.func_arguments && node instanceof AST_Lambda && node.uses_arguments) { AST_Node.warn("arguments used in function {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name: node.name ? node.name.name : "anonymous", file: node.start.file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col }); } if (options.nested_defuns && node instanceof AST_Defun && !(tw.parent() instanceof AST_Scope)) { AST_Node.warn("Function {name} declared in nested statement \"{type}\" [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name: node.name.name, type: tw.parent().TYPE, file: node.start.file, line: node.start.line, col: node.start.col }); } }); this.walk(tw); });
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function OutputStream(options) {
options = defaults(options, { indent_start : 0, indent_level : 4, quote_keys : false, space_colon : true, ascii_only : false, inline_script : false, width : 80, max_line_len : 32000, beautify : false, source_map : null, bracketize : false, semicolons : true, comments : false, preserve_line : false, screw_ie8 : false, }, true);
var indentation = 0; var current_col = 0; var current_line = 1; var current_pos = 0; var OUTPUT = "";
function to_ascii(str, identifier) { return str.replace(/[\u0080-\uffff]/g, function(ch) { var code = ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); if (code.length <= 2 && !identifier) { while (code.length < 2) code = "0" + code; return "\\x" + code; } else { while (code.length < 4) code = "0" + code; return "\\u" + code; } }); };
function make_string(str) { var dq = 0, sq = 0; str = str.replace(/[\\\b\f\n\r\t\x22\x27\u2028\u2029\0]/g, function(s){ switch (s) { case "\\": return "\\\\"; case "\b": return "\\b"; case "\f": return "\\f"; case "\n": return "\\n"; case "\r": return "\\r"; case "\u2028": return "\\u2028"; case "\u2029": return "\\u2029"; case '"': ++dq; return '"'; case "'": ++sq; return "'"; case "\0": return "\\x00"; } return s; }); if (options.ascii_only) str = to_ascii(str); if (dq > sq) return "'" + str.replace(/\x27/g, "\\'") + "'"; else return '"' + str.replace(/\x22/g, '\\"') + '"'; };
function encode_string(str) { var ret = make_string(str); if (options.inline_script) ret = ret.replace(/<\x2fscript([>\/\t\n\f\r ])/gi, "<\\/script$1"); return ret; };
function make_name(name) { name = name.toString(); if (options.ascii_only) name = to_ascii(name, true); return name; };
function make_indent(back) { return repeat_string(" ", options.indent_start + indentation - back * options.indent_level); };
/* -----[ beautification/minification ]----- */
var might_need_space = false; var might_need_semicolon = false; var last = null;
function last_char() { return last.charAt(last.length - 1); };
function maybe_newline() { if (options.max_line_len && current_col > options.max_line_len) print("\n"); };
var requireSemicolonChars = makePredicate("( [ + * / - , .");
function print(str) { str = String(str); var ch = str.charAt(0); if (might_need_semicolon) { if ((!ch || ";}".indexOf(ch) < 0) && !/[;]$/.test(last)) { if (options.semicolons || requireSemicolonChars(ch)) { OUTPUT += ";"; current_col++; current_pos++; } else { OUTPUT += "\n"; current_pos++; current_line++; current_col = 0; } if (!options.beautify) might_need_space = false; } might_need_semicolon = false; maybe_newline(); }
if (!options.beautify && options.preserve_line && stack[stack.length - 1]) { var target_line = stack[stack.length - 1].start.line; while (current_line < target_line) { OUTPUT += "\n"; current_pos++; current_line++; current_col = 0; might_need_space = false; } }
if (might_need_space) { var prev = last_char(); if ((is_identifier_char(prev) && (is_identifier_char(ch) || ch == "\\")) || (/^[\+\-\/]$/.test(ch) && ch == prev)) { OUTPUT += " "; current_col++; current_pos++; } might_need_space = false; } var a = str.split(/\r?\n/), n = a.length - 1; current_line += n; if (n == 0) { current_col += a[n].length; } else { current_col = a[n].length; } current_pos += str.length; last = str; OUTPUT += str; };
var space = options.beautify ? function() { print(" "); } : function() { might_need_space = true; };
var indent = options.beautify ? function(half) { if (options.beautify) { print(make_indent(half ? 0.5 : 0)); } } : noop;
var with_indent = options.beautify ? function(col, cont) { if (col === true) col = next_indent(); var save_indentation = indentation; indentation = col; var ret = cont(); indentation = save_indentation; return ret; } : function(col, cont) { return cont() };
var newline = options.beautify ? function() { print("\n"); } : noop;
var semicolon = options.beautify ? function() { print(";"); } : function() { might_need_semicolon = true; };
function force_semicolon() { might_need_semicolon = false; print(";"); };
function next_indent() { return indentation + options.indent_level; };
function with_block(cont) { var ret; print("{"); newline(); with_indent(next_indent(), function(){ ret = cont(); }); indent(); print("}"); return ret; };
function with_parens(cont) { print("("); //XXX: still nice to have that for argument lists
//var ret = with_indent(current_col, cont);
var ret = cont(); print(")"); return ret; };
function with_square(cont) { print("["); //var ret = with_indent(current_col, cont);
var ret = cont(); print("]"); return ret; };
function comma() { print(","); space(); };
function colon() { print(":"); if (options.space_colon) space(); };
var add_mapping = options.source_map ? function(token, name) { try { if (token) options.source_map.add( token.file || "?", current_line, current_col, token.line, token.col, (!name && token.type == "name") ? token.value : name ); } catch(ex) { AST_Node.warn("Couldn't figure out mapping for {file}:{line},{col} → {cline},{ccol} [{name}]", { file: token.file, line: token.line, col: token.col, cline: current_line, ccol: current_col, name: name || "" }) } } : noop;
function get() { return OUTPUT; };
var stack = []; return { get : get, toString : get, indent : indent, indentation : function() { return indentation }, current_width : function() { return current_col - indentation }, should_break : function() { return options.width && this.current_width() >= options.width }, newline : newline, print : print, space : space, comma : comma, colon : colon, last : function() { return last }, semicolon : semicolon, force_semicolon : force_semicolon, to_ascii : to_ascii, print_name : function(name) { print(make_name(name)) }, print_string : function(str) { print(encode_string(str)) }, next_indent : next_indent, with_indent : with_indent, with_block : with_block, with_parens : with_parens, with_square : with_square, add_mapping : add_mapping, option : function(opt) { return options[opt] }, line : function() { return current_line }, col : function() { return current_col }, pos : function() { return current_pos }, push_node : function(node) { stack.push(node) }, pop_node : function() { return stack.pop() }, stack : function() { return stack }, parent : function(n) { return stack[stack.length - 2 - (n || 0)]; } };
/* -----[ code generators ]----- */
/* -----[ utils ]----- */
function DEFPRINT(nodetype, generator) { nodetype.DEFMETHOD("_codegen", generator); };
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("print", function(stream, force_parens){ var self = this, generator = self._codegen; function doit() { self.add_comments(stream); self.add_source_map(stream); generator(self, stream); } stream.push_node(self); if (force_parens || self.needs_parens(stream)) { stream.with_parens(doit); } else { doit(); } stream.pop_node(); });
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("print_to_string", function(options){ var s = OutputStream(options); this.print(s); return s.get(); });
/* -----[ comments ]----- */
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("add_comments", function(output){ var c = output.option("comments"), self = this; if (c) { var start = self.start; if (start && !start._comments_dumped) { start._comments_dumped = true; var comments = start.comments_before;
// XXX: ugly fix for https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/112
// if this node is `return` or `throw`, we cannot allow comments before
// the returned or thrown value.
if (self instanceof AST_Exit && self.value && self.value.start.comments_before.length > 0) { comments = (comments || []).concat(self.value.start.comments_before); self.value.start.comments_before = []; }
if (c.test) { comments = comments.filter(function(comment){ return c.test(comment.value); }); } else if (typeof c == "function") { comments = comments.filter(function(comment){ return c(self, comment); }); } comments.forEach(function(c){ if (c.type == "comment1") { output.print("//" + c.value + "\n"); output.indent(); } else if (c.type == "comment2") { output.print("/*" + c.value + "*/"); if (start.nlb) { output.print("\n"); output.indent(); } else { output.space(); } } }); } } });
/* -----[ PARENTHESES ]----- */
function PARENS(nodetype, func) { nodetype.DEFMETHOD("needs_parens", func); };
PARENS(AST_Node, function(){ return false; });
// a function expression needs parens around it when it's provably
// the first token to appear in a statement.
PARENS(AST_Function, function(output){ return first_in_statement(output); });
// same goes for an object literal, because otherwise it would be
// interpreted as a block of code.
PARENS(AST_Object, function(output){ return first_in_statement(output); });
PARENS(AST_Unary, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); return p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this; });
PARENS(AST_Seq, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); return p instanceof AST_Call // (foo, bar)() or foo(1, (2, 3), 4)
|| p instanceof AST_Unary // !(foo, bar, baz)
|| p instanceof AST_Binary // 1 + (2, 3) + 4 ==> 8
|| p instanceof AST_VarDef // var a = (1, 2), b = a + a; ==> b == 4
|| p instanceof AST_Dot // (1, {foo:2}).foo ==> 2
|| p instanceof AST_Array // [ 1, (2, 3), 4 ] ==> [ 1, 3, 4 ]
|| p instanceof AST_ObjectProperty // { foo: (1, 2) }.foo ==> 2
|| p instanceof AST_Conditional /* (false, true) ? (a = 10, b = 20) : (c = 30) * ==> 20 (side effect, set a := 10 and b := 20) */ ; });
PARENS(AST_Binary, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); // (foo && bar)()
if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this) return true; // typeof (foo && bar)
if (p instanceof AST_Unary) return true; // (foo && bar)["prop"], (foo && bar).prop
if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) return true; // this deals with precedence: 3 * (2 + 1)
if (p instanceof AST_Binary) { var po = p.operator, pp = PRECEDENCE[po]; var so = this.operator, sp = PRECEDENCE[so]; if (pp > sp || (pp == sp && this === p.right && !(so == po && (so == "*" || so == "&&" || so == "||")))) { return true; } } });
PARENS(AST_PropAccess, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_New && p.expression === this) { // i.e. new (foo.bar().baz)
// if there's one call into this subtree, then we need
// parens around it too, otherwise the call will be
// interpreted as passing the arguments to the upper New
// expression.
try { this.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Call) throw p; })); } catch(ex) { if (ex !== p) throw ex; return true; } } });
PARENS(AST_Call, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); return p instanceof AST_New && p.expression === this; });
PARENS(AST_New, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); if (no_constructor_parens(this, output) && (p instanceof AST_PropAccess // (new Date).getTime(), (new Date)["getTime"]()
|| p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this)) // (new foo)(bar)
return true; });
PARENS(AST_Number, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); if (this.getValue() < 0 && p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) return true; });
PARENS(AST_NaN, function(output){ var p = output.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) return true; });
function assign_and_conditional_paren_rules(output) { var p = output.parent(); // !(a = false) → true
if (p instanceof AST_Unary) return true; // 1 + (a = 2) + 3 → 6, side effect setting a = 2
if (p instanceof AST_Binary && !(p instanceof AST_Assign)) return true; // (a = func)() —or— new (a = Object)()
if (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === this) return true; // (a = foo) ? bar : baz
if (p instanceof AST_Conditional && p.condition === this) return true; // (a = foo)["prop"] —or— (a = foo).prop
if (p instanceof AST_PropAccess && p.expression === this) return true; };
PARENS(AST_Assign, assign_and_conditional_paren_rules); PARENS(AST_Conditional, assign_and_conditional_paren_rules);
/* -----[ PRINTERS ]----- */
DEFPRINT(AST_Directive, function(self, output){ output.print_string(self.value); output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Debugger, function(self, output){ output.print("debugger"); output.semicolon(); });
/* -----[ statements ]----- */
function display_body(body, is_toplevel, output) { var last = body.length - 1; body.forEach(function(stmt, i){ if (!(stmt instanceof AST_EmptyStatement)) { output.indent(); stmt.print(output); if (!(i == last && is_toplevel)) { output.newline(); if (is_toplevel) output.newline(); } } }); };
AST_StatementWithBody.DEFMETHOD("_do_print_body", function(output){ force_statement(this.body, output); });
DEFPRINT(AST_Statement, function(self, output){ self.body.print(output); output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Toplevel, function(self, output){ display_body(self.body, true, output); output.print(""); }); DEFPRINT(AST_LabeledStatement, function(self, output){ self.label.print(output); output.colon(); self.body.print(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_SimpleStatement, function(self, output){ self.body.print(output); output.semicolon(); }); function print_bracketed(body, output) { if (body.length > 0) output.with_block(function(){ display_body(body, false, output); }); else output.print("{}"); }; DEFPRINT(AST_BlockStatement, function(self, output){ print_bracketed(self.body, output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_EmptyStatement, function(self, output){ output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Do, function(self, output){ output.print("do"); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); output.space(); output.print("while"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.condition.print(output); }); output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_While, function(self, output){ output.print("while"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.condition.print(output); }); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_For, function(self, output){ output.print("for"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ if (self.init) { if (self.init instanceof AST_Definitions) { self.init.print(output); } else { parenthesize_for_noin(self.init, output, true); } output.print(";"); output.space(); } else { output.print(";"); } if (self.condition) { self.condition.print(output); output.print(";"); output.space(); } else { output.print(";"); } if (self.step) { self.step.print(output); } }); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_ForIn, function(self, output){ output.print("for"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.init.print(output); output.space(); output.print("in"); output.space(); self.object.print(output); }); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_With, function(self, output){ output.print("with"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.expression.print(output); }); output.space(); self._do_print_body(output); });
/* -----[ functions ]----- */ AST_Lambda.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, nokeyword){ var self = this; if (!nokeyword) { output.print("function"); } if (self.name) { output.space(); self.name.print(output); } output.with_parens(function(){ self.argnames.forEach(function(arg, i){ if (i) output.comma(); arg.print(output); }); }); output.space(); print_bracketed(self.body, output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Lambda, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output); });
/* -----[ exits ]----- */ AST_Exit.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind){ output.print(kind); if (this.value) { output.space(); this.value.print(output); } output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Return, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "return"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Throw, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "throw"); });
/* -----[ loop control ]----- */ AST_LoopControl.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind){ output.print(kind); if (this.label) { output.space(); this.label.print(output); } output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Break, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "break"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Continue, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "continue"); });
/* -----[ if ]----- */ function make_then(self, output) { if (output.option("bracketize")) { make_block(self.body, output); return; } // The squeezer replaces "block"-s that contain only a single
// statement with the statement itself; technically, the AST
// is correct, but this can create problems when we output an
// IF having an ELSE clause where the THEN clause ends in an
// IF *without* an ELSE block (then the outer ELSE would refer
// to the inner IF). This function checks for this case and
// adds the block brackets if needed.
if (!self.body) return output.force_semicolon(); if (self.body instanceof AST_Do && !output.option("screw_ie8")) { // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/issues/#issue/57 IE
// croaks with "syntax error" on code like this: if (foo)
// do ... while(cond); else ... we need block brackets
// around do/while
make_block(self.body, output); return; } var b = self.body; while (true) { if (b instanceof AST_If) { if (!b.alternative) { make_block(self.body, output); return; } b = b.alternative; } else if (b instanceof AST_StatementWithBody) { b = b.body; } else break; } force_statement(self.body, output); }; DEFPRINT(AST_If, function(self, output){ output.print("if"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.condition.print(output); }); output.space(); if (self.alternative) { make_then(self, output); output.space(); output.print("else"); output.space(); force_statement(self.alternative, output); } else { self._do_print_body(output); } });
/* -----[ switch ]----- */ DEFPRINT(AST_Switch, function(self, output){ output.print("switch"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.expression.print(output); }); output.space(); if (self.body.length > 0) output.with_block(function(){ self.body.forEach(function(stmt, i){ if (i) output.newline(); output.indent(true); stmt.print(output); }); }); else output.print("{}"); }); AST_SwitchBranch.DEFMETHOD("_do_print_body", function(output){ if (this.body.length > 0) { output.newline(); this.body.forEach(function(stmt){ output.indent(); stmt.print(output); output.newline(); }); } }); DEFPRINT(AST_Default, function(self, output){ output.print("default:"); self._do_print_body(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Case, function(self, output){ output.print("case"); output.space(); self.expression.print(output); output.print(":"); self._do_print_body(output); });
/* -----[ exceptions ]----- */ DEFPRINT(AST_Try, function(self, output){ output.print("try"); output.space(); print_bracketed(self.body, output); if (self.bcatch) { output.space(); self.bcatch.print(output); } if (self.bfinally) { output.space(); self.bfinally.print(output); } }); DEFPRINT(AST_Catch, function(self, output){ output.print("catch"); output.space(); output.with_parens(function(){ self.argname.print(output); }); output.space(); print_bracketed(self.body, output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Finally, function(self, output){ output.print("finally"); output.space(); print_bracketed(self.body, output); });
/* -----[ var/const ]----- */ AST_Definitions.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output, kind){ output.print(kind); output.space(); this.definitions.forEach(function(def, i){ if (i) output.comma(); def.print(output); }); var p = output.parent(); var in_for = p instanceof AST_For || p instanceof AST_ForIn; var avoid_semicolon = in_for && p.init === this; if (!avoid_semicolon) output.semicolon(); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Var, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "var"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Const, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output, "const"); });
function parenthesize_for_noin(node, output, noin) { if (!noin) node.print(output); else try { // need to take some precautions here:
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/60
node.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Binary && node.operator == "in") throw output; })); node.print(output); } catch(ex) { if (ex !== output) throw ex; node.print(output, true); } };
DEFPRINT(AST_VarDef, function(self, output){ self.name.print(output); if (self.value) { output.space(); output.print("="); output.space(); var p = output.parent(1); var noin = p instanceof AST_For || p instanceof AST_ForIn; parenthesize_for_noin(self.value, output, noin); } });
/* -----[ other expressions ]----- */ DEFPRINT(AST_Call, function(self, output){ self.expression.print(output); if (self instanceof AST_New && no_constructor_parens(self, output)) return; output.with_parens(function(){ self.args.forEach(function(expr, i){ if (i) output.comma(); expr.print(output); }); }); }); DEFPRINT(AST_New, function(self, output){ output.print("new"); output.space(); AST_Call.prototype._codegen(self, output); });
AST_Seq.DEFMETHOD("_do_print", function(output){ this.car.print(output); if (this.cdr) { output.comma(); if (output.should_break()) { output.newline(); output.indent(); } this.cdr.print(output); } }); DEFPRINT(AST_Seq, function(self, output){ self._do_print(output); // var p = output.parent();
// if (p instanceof AST_Statement) {
// output.with_indent(output.next_indent(), function(){
// self._do_print(output);
// });
// } else {
// self._do_print(output);
// }
}); DEFPRINT(AST_Dot, function(self, output){ var expr = self.expression; expr.print(output); if (expr instanceof AST_Number && expr.getValue() >= 0) { if (!/[xa-f.]/i.test(output.last())) { output.print("."); } } output.print("."); // the name after dot would be mapped about here.
output.add_mapping(self.end); output.print_name(self.property); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Sub, function(self, output){ self.expression.print(output); output.print("["); self.property.print(output); output.print("]"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(self, output){ var op = self.operator; output.print(op); if (/^[a-z]/i.test(op)) output.space(); self.expression.print(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_UnaryPostfix, function(self, output){ self.expression.print(output); output.print(self.operator); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Binary, function(self, output){ self.left.print(output); output.space(); output.print(self.operator); output.space(); self.right.print(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Conditional, function(self, output){ self.condition.print(output); output.space(); output.print("?"); output.space(); self.consequent.print(output); output.space(); output.colon(); self.alternative.print(output); });
/* -----[ literals ]----- */ DEFPRINT(AST_Array, function(self, output){ output.with_square(function(){ var a = self.elements, len = a.length; if (len > 0) output.space(); a.forEach(function(exp, i){ if (i) output.comma(); exp.print(output); // If the final element is a hole, we need to make sure it
// doesn't look like a trailing comma, by inserting an actual
// trailing comma.
if (i === len - 1 && exp instanceof AST_Hole) output.comma(); }); if (len > 0) output.space(); }); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Object, function(self, output){ if (self.properties.length > 0) output.with_block(function(){ self.properties.forEach(function(prop, i){ if (i) { output.print(","); output.newline(); } output.indent(); prop.print(output); }); output.newline(); }); else output.print("{}"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectKeyVal, function(self, output){ var key = self.key; if (output.option("quote_keys")) { output.print_string(key + ""); } else if ((typeof key == "number" || !output.option("beautify") && +key + "" == key) && parseFloat(key) >= 0) { output.print(make_num(key)); } else if (RESERVED_WORDS(key) ? output.option("screw_ie8") : is_identifier_string(key)) { output.print_name(key); } else { output.print_string(key); } output.colon(); self.value.print(output); }); DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectSetter, function(self, output){ output.print("set"); self.value._do_print(output, true); }); DEFPRINT(AST_ObjectGetter, function(self, output){ output.print("get"); self.value._do_print(output, true); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Symbol, function(self, output){ var def = self.definition(); output.print_name(def ? def.mangled_name || def.name : self.name); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Undefined, function(self, output){ output.print("void 0"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Hole, noop); DEFPRINT(AST_Infinity, function(self, output){ output.print("1/0"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_NaN, function(self, output){ output.print("0/0"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_This, function(self, output){ output.print("this"); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Constant, function(self, output){ output.print(self.getValue()); }); DEFPRINT(AST_String, function(self, output){ output.print_string(self.getValue()); }); DEFPRINT(AST_Number, function(self, output){ output.print(make_num(self.getValue())); }); DEFPRINT(AST_RegExp, function(self, output){ var str = self.getValue().toString(); if (output.option("ascii_only")) str = output.to_ascii(str); output.print(str); var p = output.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_Binary && /^in/.test(p.operator) && p.left === self) output.print(" "); });
function force_statement(stat, output) { if (output.option("bracketize")) { if (!stat || stat instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) output.print("{}"); else if (stat instanceof AST_BlockStatement) stat.print(output); else output.with_block(function(){ output.indent(); stat.print(output); output.newline(); }); } else { if (!stat || stat instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) output.force_semicolon(); else stat.print(output); } };
// return true if the node at the top of the stack (that means the
// innermost node in the current output) is lexically the first in
// a statement.
function first_in_statement(output) { var a = output.stack(), i = a.length, node = a[--i], p = a[--i]; while (i > 0) { if (p instanceof AST_Statement && p.body === node) return true; if ((p instanceof AST_Seq && p.car === node ) || (p instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === node && !(p instanceof AST_New) ) || (p instanceof AST_Dot && p.expression === node ) || (p instanceof AST_Sub && p.expression === node ) || (p instanceof AST_Conditional && p.condition === node ) || (p instanceof AST_Binary && p.left === node ) || (p instanceof AST_UnaryPostfix && p.expression === node )) { node = p; p = a[--i]; } else { return false; } } };
// self should be AST_New. decide if we want to show parens or not.
function no_constructor_parens(self, output) { return self.args.length == 0 && !output.option("beautify"); };
function best_of(a) { var best = a[0], len = best.length; for (var i = 1; i < a.length; ++i) { if (a[i].length < len) { best = a[i]; len = best.length; } } return best; };
function make_num(num) { var str = num.toString(10), a = [ str.replace(/^0\./, ".").replace('e+', 'e') ], m; if (Math.floor(num) === num) { if (num >= 0) { a.push("0x" + num.toString(16).toLowerCase(), // probably pointless
"0" + num.toString(8)); // same.
} else { a.push("-0x" + (-num).toString(16).toLowerCase(), // probably pointless
"-0" + (-num).toString(8)); // same.
} if ((m = /^(.*?)(0+)$/.exec(num))) { a.push(m[1] + "e" + m[2].length); } } else if ((m = /^0?\.(0+)(.*)$/.exec(num))) { a.push(m[2] + "e-" + (m[1].length + m[2].length), str.substr(str.indexOf("."))); } return best_of(a); };
function make_block(stmt, output) { if (stmt instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { stmt.print(output); return; } output.with_block(function(){ output.indent(); stmt.print(output); output.newline(); }); };
/* -----[ source map generators ]----- */
function DEFMAP(nodetype, generator) { nodetype.DEFMETHOD("add_source_map", function(stream){ generator(this, stream); }); };
// We could easily add info for ALL nodes, but it seems to me that
// would be quite wasteful, hence this noop in the base class.
DEFMAP(AST_Node, noop);
function basic_sourcemap_gen(self, output) { output.add_mapping(self.start); };
// XXX: I'm not exactly sure if we need it for all of these nodes,
// or if we should add even more.
DEFMAP(AST_Directive, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Debugger, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Symbol, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Jump, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_StatementWithBody, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_LabeledStatement, noop); // since the label symbol will mark it
DEFMAP(AST_Lambda, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Switch, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_SwitchBranch, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_BlockStatement, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Toplevel, noop); DEFMAP(AST_New, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Try, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Catch, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Finally, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Definitions, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_Constant, basic_sourcemap_gen); DEFMAP(AST_ObjectProperty, function(self, output){ output.add_mapping(self.start, self.key); });
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
function Compressor(options, false_by_default) { if (!(this instanceof Compressor)) return new Compressor(options, false_by_default); TreeTransformer.call(this, this.before, this.after); this.options = defaults(options, { sequences : !false_by_default, properties : !false_by_default, dead_code : !false_by_default, drop_debugger : !false_by_default, unsafe : false, unsafe_comps : false, conditionals : !false_by_default, comparisons : !false_by_default, evaluate : !false_by_default, booleans : !false_by_default, loops : !false_by_default, unused : !false_by_default, hoist_funs : !false_by_default, hoist_vars : false, if_return : !false_by_default, join_vars : !false_by_default, cascade : !false_by_default, side_effects : !false_by_default, negate_iife : !false_by_default, screw_ie8 : false,
warnings : true, global_defs : {} }, true); };
Compressor.prototype = new TreeTransformer; merge(Compressor.prototype, { option: function(key) { return this.options[key] }, warn: function() { if (this.options.warnings) AST_Node.warn.apply(AST_Node, arguments); }, before: function(node, descend, in_list) { if (node._squeezed) return node; if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { node.drop_unused(this); node = node.hoist_declarations(this); } descend(node, this); node = node.optimize(this); if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { // dead code removal might leave further unused declarations.
// this'll usually save very few bytes, but the performance
// hit seems negligible so I'll just drop it here.
// no point to repeat warnings.
var save_warnings = this.options.warnings; this.options.warnings = false; node.drop_unused(this); this.options.warnings = save_warnings; } node._squeezed = true; return node; } });
function OPT(node, optimizer) { node.DEFMETHOD("optimize", function(compressor){ var self = this; if (self._optimized) return self; var opt = optimizer(self, compressor); opt._optimized = true; if (opt === self) return opt; return opt.transform(compressor); }); };
OPT(AST_Node, function(self, compressor){ return self; });
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("equivalent_to", function(node){ // XXX: this is a rather expensive way to test two node's equivalence:
return this.print_to_string() == node.print_to_string(); });
function make_node(ctor, orig, props) { if (!props) props = {}; if (orig) { if (!props.start) props.start = orig.start; if (!props.end) props.end = orig.end; } return new ctor(props); };
function make_node_from_constant(compressor, val, orig) { // XXX: WIP.
// if (val instanceof AST_Node) return val.transform(new TreeTransformer(null, function(node){
// if (node instanceof AST_SymbolRef) {
// var scope = compressor.find_parent(AST_Scope);
// var def = scope.find_variable(node);
// node.thedef = def;
// return node;
// }
// })).transform(compressor);
if (val instanceof AST_Node) return val.transform(compressor); switch (typeof val) { case "string": return make_node(AST_String, orig, { value: val }).optimize(compressor); case "number": return make_node(isNaN(val) ? AST_NaN : AST_Number, orig, { value: val }).optimize(compressor); case "boolean": return make_node(val ? AST_True : AST_False, orig).optimize(compressor); case "undefined": return make_node(AST_Undefined, orig).optimize(compressor); default: if (val === null) { return make_node(AST_Null, orig).optimize(compressor); } if (val instanceof RegExp) { return make_node(AST_RegExp, orig).optimize(compressor); } throw new Error(string_template("Can't handle constant of type: {type}", { type: typeof val })); } };
function as_statement_array(thing) { if (thing === null) return []; if (thing instanceof AST_BlockStatement) return thing.body; if (thing instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) return []; if (thing instanceof AST_Statement) return [ thing ]; throw new Error("Can't convert thing to statement array"); };
function is_empty(thing) { if (thing === null) return true; if (thing instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) return true; if (thing instanceof AST_BlockStatement) return thing.body.length == 0; return false; };
function loop_body(x) { if (x instanceof AST_Switch) return x; if (x instanceof AST_For || x instanceof AST_ForIn || x instanceof AST_DWLoop) { return (x.body instanceof AST_BlockStatement ? x.body : x); } return x; };
function tighten_body(statements, compressor) { var CHANGED; do { CHANGED = false; statements = eliminate_spurious_blocks(statements); if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { statements = eliminate_dead_code(statements, compressor); } if (compressor.option("if_return")) { statements = handle_if_return(statements, compressor); } if (compressor.option("sequences")) { statements = sequencesize(statements, compressor); } if (compressor.option("join_vars")) { statements = join_consecutive_vars(statements, compressor); } } while (CHANGED);
if (compressor.option("negate_iife")) { negate_iifes(statements, compressor); }
return statements;
function eliminate_spurious_blocks(statements) { var seen_dirs = []; return statements.reduce(function(a, stat){ if (stat instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { CHANGED = true; a.push.apply(a, eliminate_spurious_blocks(stat.body)); } else if (stat instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) { CHANGED = true; } else if (stat instanceof AST_Directive) { if (seen_dirs.indexOf(stat.value) < 0) { a.push(stat); seen_dirs.push(stat.value); } else { CHANGED = true; } } else { a.push(stat); } return a; }, []); };
function handle_if_return(statements, compressor) { var self = compressor.self(); var in_lambda = self instanceof AST_Lambda; var ret = []; loop: for (var i = statements.length; --i >= 0;) { var stat = statements[i]; switch (true) { case (in_lambda && stat instanceof AST_Return && !stat.value && ret.length == 0): CHANGED = true; // note, ret.length is probably always zero
// because we drop unreachable code before this
// step. nevertheless, it's good to check.
continue loop; case stat instanceof AST_If: if (stat.body instanceof AST_Return) { //---
// pretty silly case, but:
// if (foo()) return; return; ==> foo(); return;
if (((in_lambda && ret.length == 0) || (ret[0] instanceof AST_Return && !ret[0].value)) && !stat.body.value && !stat.alternative) { CHANGED = true; var cond = make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, stat.condition, { body: stat.condition }); ret.unshift(cond); continue loop; } //---
// if (foo()) return x; return y; ==> return foo() ? x : y;
if (ret[0] instanceof AST_Return && stat.body.value && ret[0].value && !stat.alternative) { CHANGED = true; stat = stat.clone(); stat.alternative = ret[0]; ret[0] = stat.transform(compressor); continue loop; } //---
// if (foo()) return x; [ return ; ] ==> return foo() ? x : undefined;
if ((ret.length == 0 || ret[0] instanceof AST_Return) && stat.body.value && !stat.alternative && in_lambda) { CHANGED = true; stat = stat.clone(); stat.alternative = ret[0] || make_node(AST_Return, stat, { value: make_node(AST_Undefined, stat) }); ret[0] = stat.transform(compressor); continue loop; } //---
// if (foo()) return; [ else x... ]; y... ==> if (!foo()) { x...; y... }
if (!stat.body.value && in_lambda) { CHANGED = true; stat = stat.clone(); stat.condition = stat.condition.negate(compressor); stat.body = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat, { body: as_statement_array(stat.alternative).concat(ret) }); stat.alternative = null; ret = [ stat.transform(compressor) ]; continue loop; } //---
if (ret.length == 1 && in_lambda && ret[0] instanceof AST_SimpleStatement && (!stat.alternative || stat.alternative instanceof AST_SimpleStatement)) { CHANGED = true; ret.push(make_node(AST_Return, ret[0], { value: make_node(AST_Undefined, ret[0]) }).transform(compressor)); ret = as_statement_array(stat.alternative).concat(ret); ret.unshift(stat); continue loop; } }
var ab = aborts(stat.body); var lct = ab instanceof AST_LoopControl ? compressor.loopcontrol_target(ab.label) : null; if (ab && ((ab instanceof AST_Return && !ab.value && in_lambda) || (ab instanceof AST_Continue && self === loop_body(lct)) || (ab instanceof AST_Break && lct instanceof AST_BlockStatement && self === lct))) { if (ab.label) { remove(ab.label.thedef.references, ab.label); } CHANGED = true; var body = as_statement_array(stat.body).slice(0, -1); stat = stat.clone(); stat.condition = stat.condition.negate(compressor); stat.body = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat, { body: ret }); stat.alternative = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat, { body: body }); ret = [ stat.transform(compressor) ]; continue loop; }
var ab = aborts(stat.alternative); var lct = ab instanceof AST_LoopControl ? compressor.loopcontrol_target(ab.label) : null; if (ab && ((ab instanceof AST_Return && !ab.value && in_lambda) || (ab instanceof AST_Continue && self === loop_body(lct)) || (ab instanceof AST_Break && lct instanceof AST_BlockStatement && self === lct))) { if (ab.label) { remove(ab.label.thedef.references, ab.label); } CHANGED = true; stat = stat.clone(); stat.body = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat.body, { body: as_statement_array(stat.body).concat(ret) }); stat.alternative = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, stat.alternative, { body: as_statement_array(stat.alternative).slice(0, -1) }); ret = [ stat.transform(compressor) ]; continue loop; }
ret.unshift(stat); break; default: ret.unshift(stat); break; } } return ret; };
function eliminate_dead_code(statements, compressor) { var has_quit = false; var orig = statements.length; var self = compressor.self(); statements = statements.reduce(function(a, stat){ if (has_quit) { extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, stat, a); } else { if (stat instanceof AST_LoopControl) { var lct = compressor.loopcontrol_target(stat.label); if ((stat instanceof AST_Break && lct instanceof AST_BlockStatement && loop_body(lct) === self) || (stat instanceof AST_Continue && loop_body(lct) === self)) { if (stat.label) { remove(stat.label.thedef.references, stat.label); } } else { a.push(stat); } } else { a.push(stat); } if (aborts(stat)) has_quit = true; } return a; }, []); CHANGED = statements.length != orig; return statements; };
function sequencesize(statements, compressor) { if (statements.length < 2) return statements; var seq = [], ret = []; function push_seq() { seq = AST_Seq.from_array(seq); if (seq) ret.push(make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, seq, { body: seq })); seq = []; }; statements.forEach(function(stat){ if (stat instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) seq.push(stat.body); else push_seq(), ret.push(stat); }); push_seq(); ret = sequencesize_2(ret, compressor); CHANGED = ret.length != statements.length; return ret; };
function sequencesize_2(statements, compressor) { function cons_seq(right) { ret.pop(); var left = prev.body; if (left instanceof AST_Seq) { left.add(right); } else { left = AST_Seq.cons(left, right); } return left.transform(compressor); }; var ret = [], prev = null; statements.forEach(function(stat){ if (prev) { if (stat instanceof AST_For) { var opera = {}; try { prev.body.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Binary && node.operator == "in") throw opera; })); if (stat.init && !(stat.init instanceof AST_Definitions)) { stat.init = cons_seq(stat.init); } else if (!stat.init) { stat.init = prev.body; ret.pop(); } } catch(ex) { if (ex !== opera) throw ex; } } else if (stat instanceof AST_If) { stat.condition = cons_seq(stat.condition); } else if (stat instanceof AST_With) { stat.expression = cons_seq(stat.expression); } else if (stat instanceof AST_Exit && stat.value) { stat.value = cons_seq(stat.value); } else if (stat instanceof AST_Exit) { stat.value = cons_seq(make_node(AST_Undefined, stat)); } else if (stat instanceof AST_Switch) { stat.expression = cons_seq(stat.expression); } } ret.push(stat); prev = stat instanceof AST_SimpleStatement ? stat : null; }); return ret; };
function join_consecutive_vars(statements, compressor) { var prev = null; return statements.reduce(function(a, stat){ if (stat instanceof AST_Definitions && prev && prev.TYPE == stat.TYPE) { prev.definitions = prev.definitions.concat(stat.definitions); CHANGED = true; } else if (stat instanceof AST_For && prev instanceof AST_Definitions && (!stat.init || stat.init.TYPE == prev.TYPE)) { CHANGED = true; a.pop(); if (stat.init) { stat.init.definitions = prev.definitions.concat(stat.init.definitions); } else { stat.init = prev; } a.push(stat); prev = stat; } else { prev = stat; a.push(stat); } return a; }, []); };
function negate_iifes(statements, compressor) { statements.forEach(function(stat){ if (stat instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { stat.body = (function transform(thing) { return thing.transform(new TreeTransformer(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Call && node.expression instanceof AST_Function) { return make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, node, { operator: "!", expression: node }); } else if (node instanceof AST_Call) { node.expression = transform(node.expression); } else if (node instanceof AST_Seq) { node.car = transform(node.car); } else if (node instanceof AST_Conditional) { var expr = transform(node.condition); if (expr !== node.condition) { // it has been negated, reverse
node.condition = expr; var tmp = node.consequent; node.consequent = node.alternative; node.alternative = tmp; } } return node; })); })(stat.body); } }); };
function extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, stat, target) { compressor.warn("Dropping unreachable code [{file}:{line},{col}]", stat.start); stat.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Definitions) { compressor.warn("Declarations in unreachable code! [{file}:{line},{col}]", node.start); node.remove_initializers(); target.push(node); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_Defun) { target.push(node); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { return true; } })); };
/* -----[ boolean/negation helpers ]----- */
// methods to determine whether an expression has a boolean result type
(function (def){ var unary_bool = [ "!", "delete" ]; var binary_bool = [ "in", "instanceof", "==", "!=", "===", "!==", "<", "<=", ">=", ">" ]; def(AST_Node, function(){ return false }); def(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(){ return member(this.operator, unary_bool); }); def(AST_Binary, function(){ return member(this.operator, binary_bool) || ( (this.operator == "&&" || this.operator == "||") && this.left.is_boolean() && this.right.is_boolean() ); }); def(AST_Conditional, function(){ return this.consequent.is_boolean() && this.alternative.is_boolean(); }); def(AST_Assign, function(){ return this.operator == "=" && this.right.is_boolean(); }); def(AST_Seq, function(){ return this.cdr.is_boolean(); }); def(AST_True, function(){ return true }); def(AST_False, function(){ return true }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("is_boolean", func); });
// methods to determine if an expression has a string result type
(function (def){ def(AST_Node, function(){ return false }); def(AST_String, function(){ return true }); def(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(){ return this.operator == "typeof"; }); def(AST_Binary, function(compressor){ return this.operator == "+" && (this.left.is_string(compressor) || this.right.is_string(compressor)); }); def(AST_Assign, function(compressor){ return (this.operator == "=" || this.operator == "+=") && this.right.is_string(compressor); }); def(AST_Seq, function(compressor){ return this.cdr.is_string(compressor); }); def(AST_Conditional, function(compressor){ return this.consequent.is_string(compressor) && this.alternative.is_string(compressor); }); def(AST_Call, function(compressor){ return compressor.option("unsafe") && this.expression instanceof AST_SymbolRef && this.expression.name == "String" && this.expression.undeclared(); }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("is_string", func); });
function best_of(ast1, ast2) { return ast1.print_to_string().length > ast2.print_to_string().length ? ast2 : ast1; };
// methods to evaluate a constant expression
(function (def){ // The evaluate method returns an array with one or two
// elements. If the node has been successfully reduced to a
// constant, then the second element tells us the value;
// otherwise the second element is missing. The first element
// of the array is always an AST_Node descendant; when
// evaluation was successful it's a node that represents the
// constant; otherwise it's the original node.
AST_Node.DEFMETHOD("evaluate", function(compressor){ if (!compressor.option("evaluate")) return [ this ]; try { var val = this._eval(), ast = make_node_from_constant(compressor, val, this); return [ best_of(ast, this), val ]; } catch(ex) { if (ex !== def) throw ex; return [ this ]; } }); def(AST_Statement, function(){ throw new Error(string_template("Cannot evaluate a statement [{file}:{line},{col}]", this.start)); }); def(AST_Function, function(){ // XXX: AST_Function inherits from AST_Scope, which itself
// inherits from AST_Statement; however, an AST_Function
// isn't really a statement. This could byte in other
// places too. :-( Wish JS had multiple inheritance.
throw def; }); function ev(node) { return node._eval(); }; def(AST_Node, function(){ throw def; // not constant
}); def(AST_Constant, function(){ return this.getValue(); }); def(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(){ var e = this.expression; switch (this.operator) { case "!": return !ev(e); case "typeof": // Function would be evaluated to an array and so typeof would
// incorrectly return 'object'. Hence making is a special case.
if (e instanceof AST_Function) return typeof function(){};
e = ev(e);
// typeof <RegExp> returns "object" or "function" on different platforms
// so cannot evaluate reliably
if (e instanceof RegExp) throw def;
return typeof e; case "void": return void ev(e); case "~": return ~ev(e); case "-": e = ev(e); if (e === 0) throw def; return -e; case "+": return +ev(e); } throw def; }); def(AST_Binary, function(){ var left = this.left, right = this.right; switch (this.operator) { case "&&" : return ev(left) && ev(right); case "||" : return ev(left) || ev(right); case "|" : return ev(left) | ev(right); case "&" : return ev(left) & ev(right); case "^" : return ev(left) ^ ev(right); case "+" : return ev(left) + ev(right); case "*" : return ev(left) * ev(right); case "/" : return ev(left) / ev(right); case "%" : return ev(left) % ev(right); case "-" : return ev(left) - ev(right); case "<<" : return ev(left) << ev(right); case ">>" : return ev(left) >> ev(right); case ">>>" : return ev(left) >>> ev(right); case "==" : return ev(left) == ev(right); case "===" : return ev(left) === ev(right); case "!=" : return ev(left) != ev(right); case "!==" : return ev(left) !== ev(right); case "<" : return ev(left) < ev(right); case "<=" : return ev(left) <= ev(right); case ">" : return ev(left) > ev(right); case ">=" : return ev(left) >= ev(right); case "in" : return ev(left) in ev(right); case "instanceof" : return ev(left) instanceof ev(right); } throw def; }); def(AST_Conditional, function(){ return ev(this.condition) ? ev(this.consequent) : ev(this.alternative); }); def(AST_SymbolRef, function(){ var d = this.definition(); if (d && d.constant && d.init) return ev(d.init); throw def; }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("_eval", func); });
// method to negate an expression
(function(def){ function basic_negation(exp) { return make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, exp, { operator: "!", expression: exp }); }; def(AST_Node, function(){ return basic_negation(this); }); def(AST_Statement, function(){ throw new Error("Cannot negate a statement"); }); def(AST_Function, function(){ return basic_negation(this); }); def(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(){ if (this.operator == "!") return this.expression; return basic_negation(this); }); def(AST_Seq, function(compressor){ var self = this.clone(); self.cdr = self.cdr.negate(compressor); return self; }); def(AST_Conditional, function(compressor){ var self = this.clone(); self.consequent = self.consequent.negate(compressor); self.alternative = self.alternative.negate(compressor); return best_of(basic_negation(this), self); }); def(AST_Binary, function(compressor){ var self = this.clone(), op = this.operator; if (compressor.option("unsafe_comps")) { switch (op) { case "<=" : self.operator = ">" ; return self; case "<" : self.operator = ">=" ; return self; case ">=" : self.operator = "<" ; return self; case ">" : self.operator = "<=" ; return self; } } switch (op) { case "==" : self.operator = "!="; return self; case "!=" : self.operator = "=="; return self; case "===": self.operator = "!=="; return self; case "!==": self.operator = "==="; return self; case "&&": self.operator = "||"; self.left = self.left.negate(compressor); self.right = self.right.negate(compressor); return best_of(basic_negation(this), self); case "||": self.operator = "&&"; self.left = self.left.negate(compressor); self.right = self.right.negate(compressor); return best_of(basic_negation(this), self); } return basic_negation(this); }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("negate", function(compressor){ return func.call(this, compressor); }); });
// determine if expression has side effects
(function(def){ def(AST_Node, function(){ return true });
def(AST_EmptyStatement, function(){ return false }); def(AST_Constant, function(){ return false }); def(AST_This, function(){ return false });
def(AST_Block, function(){ for (var i = this.body.length; --i >= 0;) { if (this.body[i].has_side_effects()) return true; } return false; });
def(AST_SimpleStatement, function(){ return this.body.has_side_effects(); }); def(AST_Defun, function(){ return true }); def(AST_Function, function(){ return false }); def(AST_Binary, function(){ return this.left.has_side_effects() || this.right.has_side_effects(); }); def(AST_Assign, function(){ return true }); def(AST_Conditional, function(){ return this.condition.has_side_effects() || this.consequent.has_side_effects() || this.alternative.has_side_effects(); }); def(AST_Unary, function(){ return this.operator == "delete" || this.operator == "++" || this.operator == "--" || this.expression.has_side_effects(); }); def(AST_SymbolRef, function(){ return false }); def(AST_Object, function(){ for (var i = this.properties.length; --i >= 0;) if (this.properties[i].has_side_effects()) return true; return false; }); def(AST_ObjectProperty, function(){ return this.value.has_side_effects(); }); def(AST_Array, function(){ for (var i = this.elements.length; --i >= 0;) if (this.elements[i].has_side_effects()) return true; return false; }); // def(AST_Dot, function(){
// return this.expression.has_side_effects();
// });
// def(AST_Sub, function(){
// return this.expression.has_side_effects()
// || this.property.has_side_effects();
// });
def(AST_PropAccess, function(){ return true; }); def(AST_Seq, function(){ return this.car.has_side_effects() || this.cdr.has_side_effects(); }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("has_side_effects", func); });
// tell me if a statement aborts
function aborts(thing) { return thing && thing.aborts(); }; (function(def){ def(AST_Statement, function(){ return null }); def(AST_Jump, function(){ return this }); function block_aborts(){ var n = this.body.length; return n > 0 && aborts(this.body[n - 1]); }; def(AST_BlockStatement, block_aborts); def(AST_SwitchBranch, block_aborts); def(AST_If, function(){ return this.alternative && aborts(this.body) && aborts(this.alternative); }); })(function(node, func){ node.DEFMETHOD("aborts", func); });
/* -----[ optimizers ]----- */
OPT(AST_Directive, function(self, compressor){ if (self.scope.has_directive(self.value) !== self.scope) { return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); } return self; });
OPT(AST_Debugger, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("drop_debugger")) return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); return self; });
OPT(AST_LabeledStatement, function(self, compressor){ if (self.body instanceof AST_Break && compressor.loopcontrol_target(self.body.label) === self.body) { return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); } return self.label.references.length == 0 ? self.body : self; });
OPT(AST_Block, function(self, compressor){ self.body = tighten_body(self.body, compressor); return self; });
OPT(AST_BlockStatement, function(self, compressor){ self.body = tighten_body(self.body, compressor); switch (self.body.length) { case 1: return self.body[0]; case 0: return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); } return self; });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("drop_unused", function(compressor){ var self = this; if (compressor.option("unused") && !(self instanceof AST_Toplevel) && !self.uses_eval ) { var in_use = []; var initializations = new Dictionary(); // pass 1: find out which symbols are directly used in
// this scope (not in nested scopes).
var scope = this; var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node, descend){ if (node !== self) { if (node instanceof AST_Defun) { initializations.add(node.name.name, node); return true; // don't go in nested scopes
} if (node instanceof AST_Definitions && scope === self) { node.definitions.forEach(function(def){ if (def.value) { initializations.add(def.name.name, def.value); if (def.value.has_side_effects()) { def.value.walk(tw); } } }); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_SymbolRef) { push_uniq(in_use, node.definition()); return true; } if (node instanceof AST_Scope) { var save_scope = scope; scope = node; descend(); scope = save_scope; return true; } } }); self.walk(tw); // pass 2: for every used symbol we need to walk its
// initialization code to figure out if it uses other
// symbols (that may not be in_use).
for (var i = 0; i < in_use.length; ++i) { in_use[i].orig.forEach(function(decl){ // undeclared globals will be instanceof AST_SymbolRef
var init = initializations.get(decl.name); if (init) init.forEach(function(init){ var tw = new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_SymbolRef) { push_uniq(in_use, node.definition()); } }); init.walk(tw); }); }); } // pass 3: we should drop declarations not in_use
var tt = new TreeTransformer( function before(node, descend, in_list) { if (node instanceof AST_Lambda && !(node instanceof AST_Accessor)) { for (var a = node.argnames, i = a.length; --i >= 0;) { var sym = a[i]; if (sym.unreferenced()) { a.pop(); compressor.warn("Dropping unused function argument {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name : sym.name, file : sym.start.file, line : sym.start.line, col : sym.start.col }); } else break; } } if (node instanceof AST_Defun && node !== self) { if (!member(node.name.definition(), in_use)) { compressor.warn("Dropping unused function {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { name : node.name.name, file : node.name.start.file, line : node.name.start.line, col : node.name.start.col }); return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } return node; } if (node instanceof AST_Definitions && !(tt.parent() instanceof AST_ForIn)) { var def = node.definitions.filter(function(def){ if (member(def.name.definition(), in_use)) return true; var w = { name : def.name.name, file : def.name.start.file, line : def.name.start.line, col : def.name.start.col }; if (def.value && def.value.has_side_effects()) { def._unused_side_effects = true; compressor.warn("Side effects in initialization of unused variable {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", w); return true; } compressor.warn("Dropping unused variable {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]", w); return false; }); // place uninitialized names at the start
def = mergeSort(def, function(a, b){ if (!a.value && b.value) return -1; if (!b.value && a.value) return 1; return 0; }); // for unused names whose initialization has
// side effects, we can cascade the init. code
// into the next one, or next statement.
var side_effects = []; for (var i = 0; i < def.length;) { var x = def[i]; if (x._unused_side_effects) { side_effects.push(x.value); def.splice(i, 1); } else { if (side_effects.length > 0) { side_effects.push(x.value); x.value = AST_Seq.from_array(side_effects); side_effects = []; } ++i; } } if (side_effects.length > 0) { side_effects = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, node, { body: [ make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, node, { body: AST_Seq.from_array(side_effects) }) ] }); } else { side_effects = null; } if (def.length == 0 && !side_effects) { return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } if (def.length == 0) { return side_effects; } node.definitions = def; if (side_effects) { side_effects.body.unshift(node); node = side_effects; } return node; } if (node instanceof AST_For && node.init instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { descend(node, this); // certain combination of unused name + side effect leads to:
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/44
// that's an invalid AST.
// We fix it at this stage by moving the `var` outside the `for`.
var body = node.init.body.slice(0, -1); node.init = node.init.body.slice(-1)[0].body; body.push(node); return in_list ? MAP.splice(body) : make_node(AST_BlockStatement, node, { body: body }); } if (node instanceof AST_Scope && node !== self) return node; } ); self.transform(tt); } });
AST_Scope.DEFMETHOD("hoist_declarations", function(compressor){ var hoist_funs = compressor.option("hoist_funs"); var hoist_vars = compressor.option("hoist_vars"); var self = this; if (hoist_funs || hoist_vars) { var dirs = []; var hoisted = []; var vars = new Dictionary(), vars_found = 0, var_decl = 0; // let's count var_decl first, we seem to waste a lot of
// space if we hoist `var` when there's only one.
self.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){ if (node instanceof AST_Scope && node !== self) return true; if (node instanceof AST_Var) { ++var_decl; return true; } })); hoist_vars = hoist_vars && var_decl > 1; var tt = new TreeTransformer( function before(node) { if (node !== self) { if (node instanceof AST_Directive) { dirs.push(node); return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } if (node instanceof AST_Defun && hoist_funs) { hoisted.push(node); return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } if (node instanceof AST_Var && hoist_vars) { node.definitions.forEach(function(def){ vars.set(def.name.name, def); ++vars_found; }); var seq = node.to_assignments(); var p = tt.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_ForIn && p.init === node) { if (seq == null) return node.definitions[0].name; return seq; } if (p instanceof AST_For && p.init === node) { return seq; } if (!seq) return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, node, { body: seq }); } if (node instanceof AST_Scope) return node; // to avoid descending in nested scopes
} } ); self = self.transform(tt); if (vars_found > 0) { // collect only vars which don't show up in self's arguments list
var defs = []; vars.each(function(def, name){ if (self instanceof AST_Lambda && find_if(function(x){ return x.name == def.name.name }, self.argnames)) { vars.del(name); } else { def = def.clone(); def.value = null; defs.push(def); vars.set(name, def); } }); if (defs.length > 0) { // try to merge in assignments
for (var i = 0; i < self.body.length;) { if (self.body[i] instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { var expr = self.body[i].body, sym, assign; if (expr instanceof AST_Assign && expr.operator == "=" && (sym = expr.left) instanceof AST_Symbol && vars.has(sym.name)) { var def = vars.get(sym.name); if (def.value) break; def.value = expr.right; remove(defs, def); defs.push(def); self.body.splice(i, 1); continue; } if (expr instanceof AST_Seq && (assign = expr.car) instanceof AST_Assign && assign.operator == "=" && (sym = assign.left) instanceof AST_Symbol && vars.has(sym.name)) { var def = vars.get(sym.name); if (def.value) break; def.value = assign.right; remove(defs, def); defs.push(def); self.body[i].body = expr.cdr; continue; } } if (self.body[i] instanceof AST_EmptyStatement) { self.body.splice(i, 1); continue; } if (self.body[i] instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { var tmp = [ i, 1 ].concat(self.body[i].body); self.body.splice.apply(self.body, tmp); continue; } break; } defs = make_node(AST_Var, self, { definitions: defs }); hoisted.push(defs); }; } self.body = dirs.concat(hoisted, self.body); } return self; });
OPT(AST_SimpleStatement, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("side_effects")) { if (!self.body.has_side_effects()) { compressor.warn("Dropping side-effect-free statement [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); } } return self; });
OPT(AST_DWLoop, function(self, compressor){ var cond = self.condition.evaluate(compressor); self.condition = cond[0]; if (!compressor.option("loops")) return self; if (cond.length > 1) { if (cond[1]) { return make_node(AST_For, self, { body: self.body }); } else if (self instanceof AST_While) { if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { var a = []; extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, self.body, a); return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: a }); } } } return self; });
function if_break_in_loop(self, compressor) { function drop_it(rest) { rest = as_statement_array(rest); if (self.body instanceof AST_BlockStatement) { self.body = self.body.clone(); self.body.body = rest.concat(self.body.body.slice(1)); self.body = self.body.transform(compressor); } else { self.body = make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self.body, { body: rest }).transform(compressor); } if_break_in_loop(self, compressor); } var first = self.body instanceof AST_BlockStatement ? self.body.body[0] : self.body; if (first instanceof AST_If) { if (first.body instanceof AST_Break && compressor.loopcontrol_target(first.body.label) === self) { if (self.condition) { self.condition = make_node(AST_Binary, self.condition, { left: self.condition, operator: "&&", right: first.condition.negate(compressor), }); } else { self.condition = first.condition.negate(compressor); } drop_it(first.alternative); } else if (first.alternative instanceof AST_Break && compressor.loopcontrol_target(first.alternative.label) === self) { if (self.condition) { self.condition = make_node(AST_Binary, self.condition, { left: self.condition, operator: "&&", right: first.condition, }); } else { self.condition = first.condition; } drop_it(first.body); } } };
OPT(AST_While, function(self, compressor) { if (!compressor.option("loops")) return self; self = AST_DWLoop.prototype.optimize.call(self, compressor); if (self instanceof AST_While) { if_break_in_loop(self, compressor); self = make_node(AST_For, self, self).transform(compressor); } return self; });
OPT(AST_For, function(self, compressor){ var cond = self.condition; if (cond) { cond = cond.evaluate(compressor); self.condition = cond[0]; } if (!compressor.option("loops")) return self; if (cond) { if (cond.length > 1 && !cond[1]) { if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { var a = []; if (self.init instanceof AST_Statement) { a.push(self.init); } else if (self.init) { a.push(make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self.init, { body: self.init })); } extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, self.body, a); return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: a }); } } } if_break_in_loop(self, compressor); return self; });
OPT(AST_If, function(self, compressor){ if (!compressor.option("conditionals")) return self; // if condition can be statically determined, warn and drop
// one of the blocks. note, statically determined implies
// “has no side effects”; also it doesn't work for cases like
// `x && true`, though it probably should.
var cond = self.condition.evaluate(compressor); self.condition = cond[0]; if (cond.length > 1) { if (cond[1]) { compressor.warn("Condition always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.condition.start); if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { var a = []; if (self.alternative) { extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, self.alternative, a); } a.push(self.body); return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: a }).transform(compressor); } } else { compressor.warn("Condition always false [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.condition.start); if (compressor.option("dead_code")) { var a = []; extract_declarations_from_unreachable_code(compressor, self.body, a); if (self.alternative) a.push(self.alternative); return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: a }).transform(compressor); } } } if (is_empty(self.alternative)) self.alternative = null; var negated = self.condition.negate(compressor); var negated_is_best = best_of(self.condition, negated) === negated; if (self.alternative && negated_is_best) { negated_is_best = false; // because we already do the switch here.
self.condition = negated; var tmp = self.body; self.body = self.alternative || make_node(AST_EmptyStatement); self.alternative = tmp; } if (is_empty(self.body) && is_empty(self.alternative)) { return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self.condition, { body: self.condition }).transform(compressor); } if (self.body instanceof AST_SimpleStatement && self.alternative instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: make_node(AST_Conditional, self, { condition : self.condition, consequent : self.body.body, alternative : self.alternative.body }) }).transform(compressor); } if (is_empty(self.alternative) && self.body instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { if (negated_is_best) return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator : "||", left : negated, right : self.body.body }) }).transform(compressor); return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator : "&&", left : self.condition, right : self.body.body }) }).transform(compressor); } if (self.body instanceof AST_EmptyStatement && self.alternative && self.alternative instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: make_node(AST_Binary, self, { operator : "||", left : self.condition, right : self.alternative.body }) }).transform(compressor); } if (self.body instanceof AST_Exit && self.alternative instanceof AST_Exit && self.body.TYPE == self.alternative.TYPE) { return make_node(self.body.CTOR, self, { value: make_node(AST_Conditional, self, { condition : self.condition, consequent : self.body.value || make_node(AST_Undefined, self.body).optimize(compressor), alternative : self.alternative.value || make_node(AST_Undefined, self.alternative).optimize(compressor) }) }).transform(compressor); } if (self.body instanceof AST_If && !self.body.alternative && !self.alternative) { self.condition = make_node(AST_Binary, self.condition, { operator: "&&", left: self.condition, right: self.body.condition }).transform(compressor); self.body = self.body.body; } if (aborts(self.body)) { if (self.alternative) { var alt = self.alternative; self.alternative = null; return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: [ self, alt ] }).transform(compressor); } } if (aborts(self.alternative)) { var body = self.body; self.body = self.alternative; self.condition = negated_is_best ? negated : self.condition.negate(compressor); self.alternative = null; return make_node(AST_BlockStatement, self, { body: [ self, body ] }).transform(compressor); } return self; });
OPT(AST_Switch, function(self, compressor){ if (self.body.length == 0 && compressor.option("conditionals")) { return make_node(AST_SimpleStatement, self, { body: self.expression }).transform(compressor); } for(;;) { var last_branch = self.body[self.body.length - 1]; if (last_branch) { var stat = last_branch.body[last_branch.body.length - 1]; // last statement
if (stat instanceof AST_Break && loop_body(compressor.loopcontrol_target(stat.label)) === self) last_branch.body.pop(); if (last_branch instanceof AST_Default && last_branch.body.length == 0) { self.body.pop(); continue; } } break; } var exp = self.expression.evaluate(compressor); out: if (exp.length == 2) try { // constant expression
self.expression = exp[0]; if (!compressor.option("dead_code")) break out; var value = exp[1]; var in_if = false; var in_block = false; var started = false; var stopped = false; var ruined = false; var tt = new TreeTransformer(function(node, descend, in_list){ if (node instanceof AST_Lambda || node instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) { // no need to descend these node types
return node; } else if (node instanceof AST_Switch && node === self) { node = node.clone(); descend(node, this); return ruined ? node : make_node(AST_BlockStatement, node, { body: node.body.reduce(function(a, branch){ return a.concat(branch.body); }, []) }).transform(compressor); } else if (node instanceof AST_If || node instanceof AST_Try) { var save = in_if; in_if = !in_block; descend(node, this); in_if = save; return node; } else if (node instanceof AST_StatementWithBody || node instanceof AST_Switch) { var save = in_block; in_block = true; descend(node, this); in_block = save; return node; } else if (node instanceof AST_Break && this.loopcontrol_target(node.label) === self) { if (in_if) { ruined = true; return node; } if (in_block) return node; stopped = true; return in_list ? MAP.skip : make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, node); } else if (node instanceof AST_SwitchBranch && this.parent() === self) { if (stopped) return MAP.skip; if (node instanceof AST_Case) { var exp = node.expression.evaluate(compressor); if (exp.length < 2) { // got a case with non-constant expression, baling out
throw self; } if (exp[1] === value || started) { started = true; if (aborts(node)) stopped = true; descend(node, this); return node; } return MAP.skip; } descend(node, this); return node; } }); tt.stack = compressor.stack.slice(); // so that's able to see parent nodes
self = self.transform(tt); } catch(ex) { if (ex !== self) throw ex; } return self; });
OPT(AST_Case, function(self, compressor){ self.body = tighten_body(self.body, compressor); return self; });
OPT(AST_Try, function(self, compressor){ self.body = tighten_body(self.body, compressor); return self; });
AST_Definitions.DEFMETHOD("remove_initializers", function(){ this.definitions.forEach(function(def){ def.value = null }); });
AST_Definitions.DEFMETHOD("to_assignments", function(){ var assignments = this.definitions.reduce(function(a, def){ if (def.value) { var name = make_node(AST_SymbolRef, def.name, def.name); a.push(make_node(AST_Assign, def, { operator : "=", left : name, right : def.value })); } return a; }, []); if (assignments.length == 0) return null; return AST_Seq.from_array(assignments); });
OPT(AST_Definitions, function(self, compressor){ if (self.definitions.length == 0) return make_node(AST_EmptyStatement, self); return self; });
OPT(AST_Function, function(self, compressor){ self = AST_Lambda.prototype.optimize.call(self, compressor); if (compressor.option("unused")) { if (self.name && self.name.unreferenced()) { self.name = null; } } return self; });
OPT(AST_Call, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("unsafe")) { var exp = self.expression; if (exp instanceof AST_SymbolRef && exp.undeclared()) { switch (exp.name) { case "Array": if (self.args.length != 1) { return make_node(AST_Array, self, { elements: self.args }); } break; case "Object": if (self.args.length == 0) { return make_node(AST_Object, self, { properties: [] }); } break; case "String": if (self.args.length == 0) return make_node(AST_String, self, { value: "" }); return make_node(AST_Binary, self, { left: self.args[0], operator: "+", right: make_node(AST_String, self, { value: "" }) }); case "Function": if (all(self.args, function(x){ return x instanceof AST_String })) { // quite a corner-case, but we can handle it:
// https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/203
// if the code argument is a constant, then we can minify it.
try { var code = "(function(" + self.args.slice(0, -1).map(function(arg){ return arg.value; }).join(",") + "){" + self.args[self.args.length - 1].value + "})()"; var ast = parse(code); ast.figure_out_scope(); var comp = new Compressor(compressor.options); ast = ast.transform(comp); ast.figure_out_scope(); ast.mangle_names(); var fun = ast.body[0].body.expression; var args = fun.argnames.map(function(arg, i){ return make_node(AST_String, self.args[i], { value: arg.print_to_string() }); }); var code = OutputStream(); AST_BlockStatement.prototype._codegen.call(fun, fun, code); code = code.toString().replace(/^\{|\}$/g, ""); args.push(make_node(AST_String, self.args[self.args.length - 1], { value: code })); self.args = args; return self; } catch(ex) { if (ex instanceof JS_Parse_Error) { compressor.warn("Error parsing code passed to new Function [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.args[self.args.length - 1].start); compressor.warn(ex.toString()); } else { console.log(ex); } } } break; } } else if (exp instanceof AST_Dot && exp.property == "toString" && self.args.length == 0) { return make_node(AST_Binary, self, { left: make_node(AST_String, self, { value: "" }), operator: "+", right: exp.expression }).transform(compressor); } } if (compressor.option("side_effects")) { if (self.expression instanceof AST_Function && self.args.length == 0 && !AST_Block.prototype.has_side_effects.call(self.expression)) { return make_node(AST_Undefined, self).transform(compressor); } } return self; });
OPT(AST_New, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("unsafe")) { var exp = self.expression; if (exp instanceof AST_SymbolRef && exp.undeclared()) { switch (exp.name) { case "Object": case "RegExp": case "Function": case "Error": case "Array": return make_node(AST_Call, self, self).transform(compressor); } } } return self; });
OPT(AST_Seq, function(self, compressor){ if (!compressor.option("side_effects")) return self; if (!self.car.has_side_effects()) { // we shouldn't compress (1,eval)(something) to
// eval(something) because that changes the meaning of
// eval (becomes lexical instead of global).
var p; if (!(self.cdr instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.cdr.name == "eval" && self.cdr.undeclared() && (p = compressor.parent()) instanceof AST_Call && p.expression === self)) { return self.cdr; } } if (compressor.option("cascade")) { if (self.car instanceof AST_Assign && !self.car.left.has_side_effects() && self.car.left.equivalent_to(self.cdr)) { return self.car; } if (!self.car.has_side_effects() && !self.cdr.has_side_effects() && self.car.equivalent_to(self.cdr)) { return self.car; } } return self; });
AST_Unary.DEFMETHOD("lift_sequences", function(compressor){ if (compressor.option("sequences")) { if (this.expression instanceof AST_Seq) { var seq = this.expression; var x = seq.to_array(); this.expression = x.pop(); x.push(this); seq = AST_Seq.from_array(x).transform(compressor); return seq; } } return this; });
OPT(AST_UnaryPostfix, function(self, compressor){ return self.lift_sequences(compressor); });
OPT(AST_UnaryPrefix, function(self, compressor){ self = self.lift_sequences(compressor); var e = self.expression; if (compressor.option("booleans") && compressor.in_boolean_context()) { switch (self.operator) { case "!": if (e instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix && e.operator == "!") { // !!foo ==> foo, if we're in boolean context
return e.expression; } break; case "typeof": // typeof always returns a non-empty string, thus it's
// always true in booleans
compressor.warn("Boolean expression always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_True, self); } if (e instanceof AST_Binary && self.operator == "!") { self = best_of(self, e.negate(compressor)); } } return self.evaluate(compressor)[0]; });
AST_Binary.DEFMETHOD("lift_sequences", function(compressor){ if (compressor.option("sequences")) { if (this.left instanceof AST_Seq) { var seq = this.left; var x = seq.to_array(); this.left = x.pop(); x.push(this); seq = AST_Seq.from_array(x).transform(compressor); return seq; } if (this.right instanceof AST_Seq && !(this.operator == "||" || this.operator == "&&") && !this.left.has_side_effects()) { var seq = this.right; var x = seq.to_array(); this.right = x.pop(); x.push(this); seq = AST_Seq.from_array(x).transform(compressor); return seq; } } return this; });
var commutativeOperators = makePredicate("== === != !== * & | ^");
OPT(AST_Binary, function(self, compressor){ var reverse = compressor.has_directive("use asm") ? noop : function(op, force) { if (force || !(self.left.has_side_effects() || self.right.has_side_effects())) { if (op) self.operator = op; var tmp = self.left; self.left = self.right; self.right = tmp; } }; if (commutativeOperators(self.operator)) { if (self.right instanceof AST_Constant && !(self.left instanceof AST_Constant)) { // if right is a constant, whatever side effects the
// left side might have could not influence the
// result. hence, force switch.
reverse(null, true); } } self = self.lift_sequences(compressor); if (compressor.option("comparisons")) switch (self.operator) { case "===": case "!==": if ((self.left.is_string(compressor) && self.right.is_string(compressor)) || (self.left.is_boolean() && self.right.is_boolean())) { self.operator = self.operator.substr(0, 2); } // XXX: intentionally falling down to the next case
case "==": case "!=": if (self.left instanceof AST_String && self.left.value == "undefined" && self.right instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix && self.right.operator == "typeof" && compressor.option("unsafe")) { if (!(self.right.expression instanceof AST_SymbolRef) || !self.right.expression.undeclared()) { self.right = self.right.expression; self.left = make_node(AST_Undefined, self.left).optimize(compressor); if (self.operator.length == 2) self.operator += "="; } } break; } if (compressor.option("booleans") && compressor.in_boolean_context()) switch (self.operator) { case "&&": var ll = self.left.evaluate(compressor); var rr = self.right.evaluate(compressor); if ((ll.length > 1 && !ll[1]) || (rr.length > 1 && !rr[1])) { compressor.warn("Boolean && always false [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_False, self); } if (ll.length > 1 && ll[1]) { return rr[0]; } if (rr.length > 1 && rr[1]) { return ll[0]; } break; case "||": var ll = self.left.evaluate(compressor); var rr = self.right.evaluate(compressor); if ((ll.length > 1 && ll[1]) || (rr.length > 1 && rr[1])) { compressor.warn("Boolean || always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_True, self); } if (ll.length > 1 && !ll[1]) { return rr[0]; } if (rr.length > 1 && !rr[1]) { return ll[0]; } break; case "+": var ll = self.left.evaluate(compressor); var rr = self.right.evaluate(compressor); if ((ll.length > 1 && ll[0] instanceof AST_String && ll[1]) || (rr.length > 1 && rr[0] instanceof AST_String && rr[1])) { compressor.warn("+ in boolean context always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return make_node(AST_True, self); } break; } var exp = self.evaluate(compressor); if (exp.length > 1) { if (best_of(exp[0], self) !== self) return exp[0]; } if (compressor.option("comparisons")) { if (!(compressor.parent() instanceof AST_Binary) || compressor.parent() instanceof AST_Assign) { var negated = make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, self, { operator: "!", expression: self.negate(compressor) }); self = best_of(self, negated); } switch (self.operator) { case "<": reverse(">"); break; case "<=": reverse(">="); break; } } if (self.operator == "+" && self.right instanceof AST_String && self.right.getValue() === "" && self.left instanceof AST_Binary && self.left.operator == "+" && self.left.is_string(compressor)) { return self.left; } return self; });
OPT(AST_SymbolRef, function(self, compressor){ if (self.undeclared()) { var defines = compressor.option("global_defs"); if (defines && defines.hasOwnProperty(self.name)) { return make_node_from_constant(compressor, defines[self.name], self); } switch (self.name) { case "undefined": return make_node(AST_Undefined, self); case "NaN": return make_node(AST_NaN, self); case "Infinity": return make_node(AST_Infinity, self); } } return self; });
OPT(AST_Undefined, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("unsafe")) { var scope = compressor.find_parent(AST_Scope); var undef = scope.find_variable("undefined"); if (undef) { var ref = make_node(AST_SymbolRef, self, { name : "undefined", scope : scope, thedef : undef }); ref.reference(); return ref; } } return self; });
var ASSIGN_OPS = [ '+', '-', '/', '*', '%', '>>', '<<', '>>>', '|', '^', '&' ]; OPT(AST_Assign, function(self, compressor){ self = self.lift_sequences(compressor); if (self.operator == "=" && self.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.right instanceof AST_Binary && self.right.left instanceof AST_SymbolRef && self.right.left.name == self.left.name && member(self.right.operator, ASSIGN_OPS)) { self.operator = self.right.operator + "="; self.right = self.right.right; } return self; });
OPT(AST_Conditional, function(self, compressor){ if (!compressor.option("conditionals")) return self; if (self.condition instanceof AST_Seq) { var car = self.condition.car; self.condition = self.condition.cdr; return AST_Seq.cons(car, self); } var cond = self.condition.evaluate(compressor); if (cond.length > 1) { if (cond[1]) { compressor.warn("Condition always true [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return self.consequent; } else { compressor.warn("Condition always false [{file}:{line},{col}]", self.start); return self.alternative; } } var negated = cond[0].negate(compressor); if (best_of(cond[0], negated) === negated) { self = make_node(AST_Conditional, self, { condition: negated, consequent: self.alternative, alternative: self.consequent }); } var consequent = self.consequent; var alternative = self.alternative; if (consequent instanceof AST_Assign && alternative instanceof AST_Assign && consequent.operator == alternative.operator && consequent.left.equivalent_to(alternative.left) ) { /* * Stuff like this: * if (foo) exp = something; else exp = something_else; * ==> * exp = foo ? something : something_else; */ self = make_node(AST_Assign, self, { operator: consequent.operator, left: consequent.left, right: make_node(AST_Conditional, self, { condition: self.condition, consequent: consequent.right, alternative: alternative.right }) }); } return self; });
OPT(AST_Boolean, function(self, compressor){ if (compressor.option("booleans")) { var p = compressor.parent(); if (p instanceof AST_Binary && (p.operator == "==" || p.operator == "!=")) { compressor.warn("Non-strict equality against boolean: {operator} {value} [{file}:{line},{col}]", { operator : p.operator, value : self.value, file : p.start.file, line : p.start.line, col : p.start.col, }); return make_node(AST_Number, self, { value: +self.value }); } return make_node(AST_UnaryPrefix, self, { operator: "!", expression: make_node(AST_Number, self, { value: 1 - self.value }) }); } return self; });
OPT(AST_Sub, function(self, compressor){ var prop = self.property; if (prop instanceof AST_String && compressor.option("properties")) { prop = prop.getValue(); if (RESERVED_WORDS(prop) ? compressor.option("screw_ie8") : is_identifier_string(prop)) { return make_node(AST_Dot, self, { expression : self.expression, property : prop }); } } return self; });
function literals_in_boolean_context(self, compressor) { if (compressor.option("booleans") && compressor.in_boolean_context()) { return make_node(AST_True, self); } return self; }; OPT(AST_Array, literals_in_boolean_context); OPT(AST_Object, literals_in_boolean_context); OPT(AST_RegExp, literals_in_boolean_context);
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
// a small wrapper around fitzgen's source-map library
function SourceMap(options) { options = defaults(options, { file : null, root : null, orig : null, }); var generator = new MOZ_SourceMap.SourceMapGenerator({ file : options.file, sourceRoot : options.root }); var orig_map = options.orig && new MOZ_SourceMap.SourceMapConsumer(options.orig); function add(source, gen_line, gen_col, orig_line, orig_col, name) { if (orig_map) { var info = orig_map.originalPositionFor({ line: orig_line, column: orig_col }); source = info.source; orig_line = info.line; orig_col = info.column; name = info.name; } generator.addMapping({ generated : { line: gen_line, column: gen_col }, original : { line: orig_line, column: orig_col }, source : source, name : name }); }; return { add : add, get : function() { return generator }, toString : function() { return generator.toString() } }; };
A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor. https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
Author: Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com> http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
Distributed under the BSD license:
Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
"use strict";
var MOZ_TO_ME = { TryStatement : function(M) { return new AST_Try({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), body : from_moz(M.block).body, bcatch : from_moz(M.handlers[0]), bfinally : M.finalizer ? new AST_Finally(from_moz(M.finalizer)) : null }); }, CatchClause : function(M) { return new AST_Catch({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), argname : from_moz(M.param), body : from_moz(M.body).body }); }, ObjectExpression : function(M) { return new AST_Object({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), properties : M.properties.map(function(prop){ var key = prop.key; var name = key.type == "Identifier" ? key.name : key.value; var args = { start : my_start_token(key), end : my_end_token(prop.value), key : name, value : from_moz(prop.value) }; switch (prop.kind) { case "init": return new AST_ObjectKeyVal(args); case "set": args.value.name = from_moz(key); return new AST_ObjectSetter(args); case "get": args.value.name = from_moz(key); return new AST_ObjectGetter(args); } }) }); }, SequenceExpression : function(M) { return AST_Seq.from_array(M.expressions.map(from_moz)); }, MemberExpression : function(M) { return new (M.computed ? AST_Sub : AST_Dot)({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), property : M.computed ? from_moz(M.property) : M.property.name, expression : from_moz(M.object) }); }, SwitchCase : function(M) { return new (M.test ? AST_Case : AST_Default)({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), expression : from_moz(M.test), body : M.consequent.map(from_moz) }); }, Literal : function(M) { var val = M.value, args = { start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M) }; if (val === null) return new AST_Null(args); switch (typeof val) { case "string": args.value = val; return new AST_String(args); case "number": args.value = val; return new AST_Number(args); case "boolean": return new (val ? AST_True : AST_False)(args); default: args.value = val; return new AST_RegExp(args); } }, UnaryExpression: From_Moz_Unary, UpdateExpression: From_Moz_Unary, Identifier: function(M) { var p = FROM_MOZ_STACK[FROM_MOZ_STACK.length - 2]; return new (M.name == "this" ? AST_This : p.type == "LabeledStatement" ? AST_Label : p.type == "VariableDeclarator" && p.id === M ? (p.kind == "const" ? AST_SymbolConst : AST_SymbolVar) : p.type == "FunctionExpression" ? (p.id === M ? AST_SymbolLambda : AST_SymbolFunarg) : p.type == "FunctionDeclaration" ? (p.id === M ? AST_SymbolDefun : AST_SymbolFunarg) : p.type == "CatchClause" ? AST_SymbolCatch : p.type == "BreakStatement" || p.type == "ContinueStatement" ? AST_LabelRef : AST_SymbolRef)({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), name : M.name }); } };
function From_Moz_Unary(M) { var prefix = "prefix" in M ? M.prefix : M.type == "UnaryExpression" ? true : false; return new (prefix ? AST_UnaryPrefix : AST_UnaryPostfix)({ start : my_start_token(M), end : my_end_token(M), operator : M.operator, expression : from_moz(M.argument) }); };
var ME_TO_MOZ = {};
map("Node", AST_Node); map("Program", AST_Toplevel, "body@body"); map("Function", AST_Function, "id>name, params@argnames, body%body"); map("EmptyStatement", AST_EmptyStatement); map("BlockStatement", AST_BlockStatement, "body@body"); map("ExpressionStatement", AST_SimpleStatement, "expression>body"); map("IfStatement", AST_If, "test>condition, consequent>body, alternate>alternative"); map("LabeledStatement", AST_LabeledStatement, "label>label, body>body"); map("BreakStatement", AST_Break, "label>label"); map("ContinueStatement", AST_Continue, "label>label"); map("WithStatement", AST_With, "object>expression, body>body"); map("SwitchStatement", AST_Switch, "discriminant>expression, cases@body"); map("ReturnStatement", AST_Return, "argument>value"); map("ThrowStatement", AST_Throw, "argument>value"); map("WhileStatement", AST_While, "test>condition, body>body"); map("DoWhileStatement", AST_Do, "test>condition, body>body"); map("ForStatement", AST_For, "init>init, test>condition, update>step, body>body"); map("ForInStatement", AST_ForIn, "left>init, right>object, body>body"); map("DebuggerStatement", AST_Debugger); map("FunctionDeclaration", AST_Defun, "id>name, params@argnames, body%body"); map("VariableDeclaration", AST_Var, "declarations@definitions"); map("VariableDeclarator", AST_VarDef, "id>name, init>value");
map("ThisExpression", AST_This); map("ArrayExpression", AST_Array, "elements@elements"); map("FunctionExpression", AST_Function, "id>name, params@argnames, body%body"); map("BinaryExpression", AST_Binary, "operator=operator, left>left, right>right"); map("AssignmentExpression", AST_Assign, "operator=operator, left>left, right>right"); map("LogicalExpression", AST_Binary, "operator=operator, left>left, right>right"); map("ConditionalExpression", AST_Conditional, "test>condition, consequent>consequent, alternate>alternative"); map("NewExpression", AST_New, "callee>expression, arguments@args"); map("CallExpression", AST_Call, "callee>expression, arguments@args");
/* -----[ tools ]----- */
function my_start_token(moznode) { return new AST_Token({ file : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.source, line : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.start.line, col : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.start.column, pos : moznode.start, endpos : moznode.start }); };
function my_end_token(moznode) { return new AST_Token({ file : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.source, line : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.end.line, col : moznode.loc && moznode.loc.end.column, pos : moznode.end, endpos : moznode.end }); };
function map(moztype, mytype, propmap) { var moz_to_me = "function From_Moz_" + moztype + "(M){\n"; moz_to_me += "return new mytype({\n" + "start: my_start_token(M),\n" + "end: my_end_token(M)";
if (propmap) propmap.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach(function(prop){ var m = /([a-z0-9$_]+)(=|@|>|%)([a-z0-9$_]+)/i.exec(prop); if (!m) throw new Error("Can't understand property map: " + prop); var moz = "M." + m[1], how = m[2], my = m[3]; moz_to_me += ",\n" + my + ": "; if (how == "@") { moz_to_me += moz + ".map(from_moz)"; } else if (how == ">") { moz_to_me += "from_moz(" + moz + ")"; } else if (how == "=") { moz_to_me += moz; } else if (how == "%") { moz_to_me += "from_moz(" + moz + ").body"; } else throw new Error("Can't understand operator in propmap: " + prop); }); moz_to_me += "\n})}";
// moz_to_me = parse(moz_to_me).print_to_string({ beautify: true });
// console.log(moz_to_me);
moz_to_me = new Function("mytype", "my_start_token", "my_end_token", "from_moz", "return(" + moz_to_me + ")")( mytype, my_start_token, my_end_token, from_moz ); return MOZ_TO_ME[moztype] = moz_to_me; };
var FROM_MOZ_STACK = null;
function from_moz(node) { FROM_MOZ_STACK.push(node); var ret = node != null ? MOZ_TO_ME[node.type](node) : null; FROM_MOZ_STACK.pop(); return ret; };
AST_Node.from_mozilla_ast = function(node){ var save_stack = FROM_MOZ_STACK; FROM_MOZ_STACK = []; var ast = from_moz(node); FROM_MOZ_STACK = save_stack; return ast; };
exports.sys = sys; exports.MOZ_SourceMap = MOZ_SourceMap; exports.UglifyJS = UglifyJS; exports.array_to_hash = array_to_hash; exports.slice = slice; exports.characters = characters; exports.member = member; exports.find_if = find_if; exports.repeat_string = repeat_string; exports.DefaultsError = DefaultsError; exports.defaults = defaults; exports.merge = merge; exports.noop = noop; exports.MAP = MAP; exports.push_uniq = push_uniq; exports.string_template = string_template; exports.remove = remove; exports.mergeSort = mergeSort; exports.set_difference = set_difference; exports.set_intersection = set_intersection; exports.makePredicate = makePredicate; exports.all = all; exports.Dictionary = Dictionary; exports.DEFNODE = DEFNODE; exports.AST_Token = AST_Token; exports.AST_Node = AST_Node; exports.AST_Statement = AST_Statement; exports.AST_Debugger = AST_Debugger; exports.AST_Directive = AST_Directive; exports.AST_SimpleStatement = AST_SimpleStatement; exports.walk_body = walk_body; exports.AST_Block = AST_Block; exports.AST_BlockStatement = AST_BlockStatement; exports.AST_EmptyStatement = AST_EmptyStatement; exports.AST_StatementWithBody = AST_StatementWithBody; exports.AST_LabeledStatement = AST_LabeledStatement; exports.AST_DWLoop = AST_DWLoop; exports.AST_Do = AST_Do; exports.AST_While = AST_While; exports.AST_For = AST_For; exports.AST_ForIn = AST_ForIn; exports.AST_With = AST_With; exports.AST_Scope = AST_Scope; exports.AST_Toplevel = AST_Toplevel; exports.AST_Lambda = AST_Lambda; exports.AST_Accessor = AST_Accessor; exports.AST_Function = AST_Function; exports.AST_Defun = AST_Defun; exports.AST_Jump = AST_Jump; exports.AST_Exit = AST_Exit; exports.AST_Return = AST_Return; exports.AST_Throw = AST_Throw; exports.AST_LoopControl = AST_LoopControl; exports.AST_Break = AST_Break; exports.AST_Continue = AST_Continue; exports.AST_If = AST_If; exports.AST_Switch = AST_Switch; exports.AST_SwitchBranch = AST_SwitchBranch; exports.AST_Default = AST_Default; exports.AST_Case = AST_Case; exports.AST_Try = AST_Try; exports.AST_Catch = AST_Catch; exports.AST_Finally = AST_Finally; exports.AST_Definitions = AST_Definitions; exports.AST_Var = AST_Var; exports.AST_Const = AST_Const; exports.AST_VarDef = AST_VarDef; exports.AST_Call = AST_Call; exports.AST_New = AST_New; exports.AST_Seq = AST_Seq; exports.AST_PropAccess = AST_PropAccess; exports.AST_Dot = AST_Dot; exports.AST_Sub = AST_Sub; exports.AST_Unary = AST_Unary; exports.AST_UnaryPrefix = AST_UnaryPrefix; exports.AST_UnaryPostfix = AST_UnaryPostfix; exports.AST_Binary = AST_Binary; exports.AST_Conditional = AST_Conditional; exports.AST_Assign = AST_Assign; exports.AST_Array = AST_Array; exports.AST_Object = AST_Object; exports.AST_ObjectProperty = AST_ObjectProperty; exports.AST_ObjectKeyVal = AST_ObjectKeyVal; exports.AST_ObjectSetter = AST_ObjectSetter; exports.AST_ObjectGetter = AST_ObjectGetter; exports.AST_Symbol = AST_Symbol; exports.AST_SymbolAccessor = AST_SymbolAccessor; exports.AST_SymbolDeclaration = AST_SymbolDeclaration; exports.AST_SymbolVar = AST_SymbolVar; exports.AST_SymbolConst = AST_SymbolConst; exports.AST_SymbolFunarg = AST_SymbolFunarg; exports.AST_SymbolDefun = AST_SymbolDefun; exports.AST_SymbolLambda = AST_SymbolLambda; exports.AST_SymbolCatch = AST_SymbolCatch; exports.AST_Label = AST_Label; exports.AST_SymbolRef = AST_SymbolRef; exports.AST_LabelRef = AST_LabelRef; exports.AST_This = AST_This; exports.AST_Constant = AST_Constant; exports.AST_String = AST_String; exports.AST_Number = AST_Number; exports.AST_RegExp = AST_RegExp; exports.AST_Atom = AST_Atom; exports.AST_Null = AST_Null; exports.AST_NaN = AST_NaN; exports.AST_Undefined = AST_Undefined; exports.AST_Hole = AST_Hole; exports.AST_Infinity = AST_Infinity; exports.AST_Boolean = AST_Boolean; exports.AST_False = AST_False; exports.AST_True = AST_True; exports.TreeWalker = TreeWalker; exports.KEYWORDS = KEYWORDS; exports.KEYWORDS_ATOM = KEYWORDS_ATOM; exports.RESERVED_WORDS = RESERVED_WORDS; exports.KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION; exports.OPERATOR_CHARS = OPERATOR_CHARS; exports.RE_HEX_NUMBER = RE_HEX_NUMBER; exports.RE_OCT_NUMBER = RE_OCT_NUMBER; exports.RE_DEC_NUMBER = RE_DEC_NUMBER; exports.OPERATORS = OPERATORS; exports.WHITESPACE_CHARS = WHITESPACE_CHARS; exports.PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION; exports.PUNC_CHARS = PUNC_CHARS; exports.REGEXP_MODIFIERS = REGEXP_MODIFIERS; exports.UNICODE = UNICODE; exports.is_letter = is_letter; exports.is_digit = is_digit; exports.is_alphanumeric_char = is_alphanumeric_char; exports.is_unicode_combining_mark = is_unicode_combining_mark; exports.is_unicode_connector_punctuation = is_unicode_connector_punctuation; exports.is_identifier = is_identifier; exports.is_identifier_start = is_identifier_start; exports.is_identifier_char = is_identifier_char; exports.is_identifier_string = is_identifier_string; exports.parse_js_number = parse_js_number; exports.JS_Parse_Error = JS_Parse_Error; exports.js_error = js_error; exports.is_token = is_token; exports.EX_EOF = EX_EOF; exports.tokenizer = tokenizer; exports.UNARY_PREFIX = UNARY_PREFIX; exports.UNARY_POSTFIX = UNARY_POSTFIX; exports.ASSIGNMENT = ASSIGNMENT; exports.PRECEDENCE = PRECEDENCE; exports.STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS = STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS; exports.ATOMIC_START_TOKEN = ATOMIC_START_TOKEN; exports.parse = parse; exports.TreeTransformer = TreeTransformer; exports.SymbolDef = SymbolDef; exports.base54 = base54; exports.OutputStream = OutputStream; exports.Compressor = Compressor; exports.SourceMap = SourceMap;
exports.AST_Node.warn_function = function (txt) { if (typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.warn === "function") console.warn(txt) }
exports.minify = function (files, options) { options = UglifyJS.defaults(options, { outSourceMap : null, sourceRoot : null, inSourceMap : null, fromString : false, warnings : false, mangle : {}, output : null, compress : {} }); if (typeof files == "string") files = [ files ];
// 1. parse
var toplevel = null; files.forEach(function(file){ var code = options.fromString ? file : fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"); toplevel = UglifyJS.parse(code, { filename: options.fromString ? "?" : file, toplevel: toplevel }); });
// 2. compress
if (options.compress) { var compress = { warnings: options.warnings }; UglifyJS.merge(compress, options.compress); toplevel.figure_out_scope(); var sq = UglifyJS.Compressor(compress); toplevel = toplevel.transform(sq); }
// 3. mangle
if (options.mangle) { toplevel.figure_out_scope(); toplevel.compute_char_frequency(); toplevel.mangle_names(options.mangle); }
// 4. output
var inMap = options.inSourceMap; var output = {}; if (typeof options.inSourceMap == "string") { inMap = fs.readFileSync(options.inSourceMap, "utf8"); } if (options.outSourceMap) { output.source_map = UglifyJS.SourceMap({ file: options.outSourceMap, orig: inMap, root: options.sourceRoot }); } if (options.output) { UglifyJS.merge(output, options.output); } var stream = UglifyJS.OutputStream(output); toplevel.print(stream); return { code : stream + "", map : output.source_map + "" }; };
exports.describe_ast = function () { var out = UglifyJS.OutputStream({ beautify: true }); function doitem(ctor) { out.print("AST_" + ctor.TYPE); var props = ctor.SELF_PROPS.filter(function(prop){ return !/^\$/.test(prop); }); if (props.length > 0) { out.space(); out.with_parens(function(){ props.forEach(function(prop, i){ if (i) out.space(); out.print(prop); }); }); } if (ctor.documentation) { out.space(); out.print_string(ctor.documentation); } if (ctor.SUBCLASSES.length > 0) { out.space(); out.with_block(function(){ ctor.SUBCLASSES.forEach(function(ctor, i){ out.indent(); doitem(ctor); out.newline(); }); }); } }; doitem(UglifyJS.AST_Node); return out + ""; }; },{"source-map":47,"util":32}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ // jshint -W001
"use strict";
// Identifiers provided by the ECMAScript standard.
exports.reservedVars = { arguments : false, NaN : false };
exports.ecmaIdentifiers = { Array : false, Boolean : false, Date : false, decodeURI : false, decodeURIComponent : false, encodeURI : false, encodeURIComponent : false, Error : false, "eval" : false, EvalError : false, Function : false, hasOwnProperty : false, isFinite : false, isNaN : false, JSON : false, Math : false, Map : false, Number : false, Object : false, parseInt : false, parseFloat : false, RangeError : false, ReferenceError : false, RegExp : false, Set : false, String : false, SyntaxError : false, TypeError : false, URIError : false, WeakMap : false };
// Global variables commonly provided by a web browser environment.
exports.browser = { Audio : false, Blob : false, addEventListener : false, applicationCache : false, atob : false, blur : false, btoa : false, clearInterval : false, clearTimeout : false, close : false, closed : false, CustomEvent : false, DOMParser : false, defaultStatus : false, document : false, Element : false, ElementTimeControl : false, event : false, FileReader : false, FormData : false, focus : false, frames : false, getComputedStyle : false, HTMLElement : false, HTMLAnchorElement : false, HTMLBaseElement : false, HTMLBlockquoteElement: false, HTMLBodyElement : false, HTMLBRElement : false, HTMLButtonElement : false, HTMLCanvasElement : false, HTMLDirectoryElement : false, HTMLDivElement : false, HTMLDListElement : false, HTMLFieldSetElement : false, HTMLFontElement : false, HTMLFormElement : false, HTMLFrameElement : false, HTMLFrameSetElement : false, HTMLHeadElement : false, HTMLHeadingElement : false, HTMLHRElement : false, HTMLHtmlElement : false, HTMLIFrameElement : false, HTMLImageElement : false, HTMLInputElement : false, HTMLIsIndexElement : false, HTMLLabelElement : false, HTMLLayerElement : false, HTMLLegendElement : false, HTMLLIElement : false, HTMLLinkElement : false, HTMLMapElement : false, HTMLMenuElement : false, HTMLMetaElement : false, HTMLModElement : false, HTMLObjectElement : false, HTMLOListElement : false, HTMLOptGroupElement : false, HTMLOptionElement : false, HTMLParagraphElement : false, HTMLParamElement : false, HTMLPreElement : false, HTMLQuoteElement : false, HTMLScriptElement : false, HTMLSelectElement : false, HTMLStyleElement : false, HTMLTableCaptionElement: false, HTMLTableCellElement : false, HTMLTableColElement : false, HTMLTableElement : false, HTMLTableRowElement : false, HTMLTableSectionElement: false, HTMLTextAreaElement : false, HTMLTitleElement : false, HTMLUListElement : false, HTMLVideoElement : false, history : false, Image : false, length : false, localStorage : false, location : false, MessageChannel : false, MessageEvent : false, MessagePort : false, MouseEvent : false, moveBy : false, moveTo : false, MutationObserver : false, name : false, Node : false, NodeFilter : false, navigator : false, onbeforeunload : true, onblur : true, onerror : true, onfocus : true, onload : true, onresize : true, onunload : true, open : false, openDatabase : false, opener : false, Option : false, parent : false, print : false, removeEventListener : false, resizeBy : false, resizeTo : false, screen : false, scroll : false, scrollBy : false, scrollTo : false, sessionStorage : false, setInterval : false, setTimeout : false, SharedWorker : false, status : false, SVGAElement : false, SVGAltGlyphDefElement: false, SVGAltGlyphElement : false, SVGAltGlyphItemElement: false, SVGAngle : false, SVGAnimateColorElement: false, SVGAnimateElement : false, SVGAnimateMotionElement: false, SVGAnimateTransformElement: false, SVGAnimatedAngle : false, SVGAnimatedBoolean : false, SVGAnimatedEnumeration: false, SVGAnimatedInteger : false, SVGAnimatedLength : false, SVGAnimatedLengthList: false, SVGAnimatedNumber : false, SVGAnimatedNumberList: false, SVGAnimatedPathData : false, SVGAnimatedPoints : false, SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio: false, SVGAnimatedRect : false, SVGAnimatedString : false, SVGAnimatedTransformList: false, SVGAnimationElement : false, SVGCSSRule : false, SVGCircleElement : false, SVGClipPathElement : false, SVGColor : false, SVGColorProfileElement: false, SVGColorProfileRule : false, SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement: false, SVGCursorElement : false, SVGDefsElement : false, SVGDescElement : false, SVGDocument : false, SVGElement : false, SVGElementInstance : false, SVGElementInstanceList: false, SVGEllipseElement : false, SVGExternalResourcesRequired: false, SVGFEBlendElement : false, SVGFEColorMatrixElement: false, SVGFEComponentTransferElement: false, SVGFECompositeElement: false, SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement: false, SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement: false, SVGFEDisplacementMapElement: false, SVGFEDistantLightElement: false, SVGFEFloodElement : false, SVGFEFuncAElement : false, SVGFEFuncBElement : false, SVGFEFuncGElement : false, SVGFEFuncRElement : false, SVGFEGaussianBlurElement: false, SVGFEImageElement : false, SVGFEMergeElement : false, SVGFEMergeNodeElement: false, SVGFEMorphologyElement: false, SVGFEOffsetElement : false, SVGFEPointLightElement: false, SVGFESpecularLightingElement: false, SVGFESpotLightElement: false, SVGFETileElement : false, SVGFETurbulenceElement: false, SVGFilterElement : false, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes: false, SVGFitToViewBox : false, SVGFontElement : false, SVGFontFaceElement : false, SVGFontFaceFormatElement: false, SVGFontFaceNameElement: false, SVGFontFaceSrcElement: false, SVGFontFaceUriElement: false, SVGForeignObjectElement: false, SVGGElement : false, SVGGlyphElement : false, SVGGlyphRefElement : false, SVGGradientElement : false, SVGHKernElement : false, SVGICCColor : false, SVGImageElement : false, SVGLangSpace : false, SVGLength : false, SVGLengthList : false, SVGLineElement : false, SVGLinearGradientElement: false, SVGLocatable : false, SVGMPathElement : false, SVGMarkerElement : false, SVGMaskElement : false, SVGMatrix : false, SVGMetadataElement : false, SVGMissingGlyphElement: false, SVGNumber : false, SVGNumberList : false, SVGPaint : false, SVGPathElement : false, SVGPathSeg : false, SVGPathSegArcAbs : false, SVGPathSegArcRel : false, SVGPathSegClosePath : false, SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs: false, SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel: false, SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs: false, SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel: false, SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs: false, SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel: false, SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs: false, SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel: false, SVGPathSegLinetoAbs : false, SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs: false, SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel: false, SVGPathSegLinetoRel : false, SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs: false, SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel: false, SVGPathSegList : false, SVGPathSegMovetoAbs : false, SVGPathSegMovetoRel : false, SVGPatternElement : false, SVGPoint : false, SVGPointList : false, SVGPolygonElement : false, SVGPolylineElement : false, SVGPreserveAspectRatio: false, SVGRadialGradientElement: false, SVGRect : false, SVGRectElement : false, SVGRenderingIntent : false, SVGSVGElement : false, SVGScriptElement : false, SVGSetElement : false, SVGStopElement : false, SVGStringList : false, SVGStylable : false, SVGStyleElement : false, SVGSwitchElement : false, SVGSymbolElement : false, SVGTRefElement : false, SVGTSpanElement : false, SVGTests : false, SVGTextContentElement: false, SVGTextElement : false, SVGTextPathElement : false, SVGTextPositioningElement: false, SVGTitleElement : false, SVGTransform : false, SVGTransformList : false, SVGTransformable : false, SVGURIReference : false, SVGUnitTypes : false, SVGUseElement : false, SVGVKernElement : false, SVGViewElement : false, SVGViewSpec : false, SVGZoomAndPan : false, TimeEvent : false, top : false, WebSocket : false, window : false, Worker : false, XMLHttpRequest : false, XMLSerializer : false, XPathEvaluator : false, XPathException : false, XPathExpression : false, XPathNamespace : false, XPathNSResolver : false, XPathResult : false };
exports.devel = { alert : false, confirm: false, console: false, Debug : false, opera : false, prompt : false };
exports.worker = { importScripts: true, postMessage : true, self : true };
// Widely adopted global names that are not part of ECMAScript standard
exports.nonstandard = { escape : false, unescape: false };
// Globals provided by popular JavaScript environments.
exports.couch = { "require" : false, respond : false, getRow : false, emit : false, send : false, start : false, sum : false, log : false, exports : false, module : false, provides : false };
exports.node = { __filename : false, __dirname : false, Buffer : false, console : false, exports : true, // In Node it is ok to exports = module.exports = foo();
GLOBAL : false, global : false, module : false, process : false, require : false, setTimeout : false, clearTimeout : false, setInterval : false, clearInterval : false, setImmediate : false, // v0.9.1+
clearImmediate: false // v0.9.1+
exports.phantom = { phantom : true, require : true, WebPage : true, console : true, // in examples, but undocumented
exports : true // v1.7+
exports.rhino = { defineClass : false, deserialize : false, gc : false, help : false, importPackage: false, "java" : false, load : false, loadClass : false, print : false, quit : false, readFile : false, readUrl : false, runCommand : false, seal : false, serialize : false, spawn : false, sync : false, toint32 : false, version : false };
exports.shelljs = { target : false, echo : false, exit : false, cd : false, pwd : false, ls : false, find : false, cp : false, rm : false, mv : false, mkdir : false, test : false, cat : false, sed : false, grep : false, which : false, dirs : false, pushd : false, popd : false, env : false, exec : false, chmod : false, config : false, error : false, tempdir : false };
exports.typed = { ArrayBuffer : false, ArrayBufferView : false, DataView : false, Float32Array : false, Float64Array : false, Int16Array : false, Int32Array : false, Int8Array : false, Uint16Array : false, Uint32Array : false, Uint8Array : false, Uint8ClampedArray : false };
exports.wsh = { ActiveXObject : true, Enumerator : true, GetObject : true, ScriptEngine : true, ScriptEngineBuildVersion : true, ScriptEngineMajorVersion : true, ScriptEngineMinorVersion : true, VBArray : true, WSH : true, WScript : true, XDomainRequest : true };
// Globals provided by popular JavaScript libraries.
exports.dojo = { dojo : false, dijit : false, dojox : false, define : false, "require": false };
exports.jquery = { "$" : false, jQuery : false };
exports.mootools = { "$" : false, "$$" : false, Asset : false, Browser : false, Chain : false, Class : false, Color : false, Cookie : false, Core : false, Document : false, DomReady : false, DOMEvent : false, DOMReady : false, Drag : false, Element : false, Elements : false, Event : false, Events : false, Fx : false, Group : false, Hash : false, HtmlTable : false, Iframe : false, IframeShim : false, InputValidator: false, instanceOf : false, Keyboard : false, Locale : false, Mask : false, MooTools : false, Native : false, Options : false, OverText : false, Request : false, Scroller : false, Slick : false, Slider : false, Sortables : false, Spinner : false, Swiff : false, Tips : false, Type : false, typeOf : false, URI : false, Window : false };
exports.prototypejs = { "$" : false, "$$" : false, "$A" : false, "$F" : false, "$H" : false, "$R" : false, "$break" : false, "$continue" : false, "$w" : false, Abstract : false, Ajax : false, Class : false, Enumerable : false, Element : false, Event : false, Field : false, Form : false, Hash : false, Insertion : false, ObjectRange : false, PeriodicalExecuter: false, Position : false, Prototype : false, Selector : false, Template : false, Toggle : false, Try : false, Autocompleter : false, Builder : false, Control : false, Draggable : false, Draggables : false, Droppables : false, Effect : false, Sortable : false, SortableObserver : false, Sound : false, Scriptaculous : false };
exports.yui = { YUI : false, Y : false, YUI_config: false };
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