9 changed files with 243 additions and 194 deletions
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li: a(href='/') Home |
li: a(href='/ladder') Ladder |
li: a(href='#') Chat Stats |
li: a(href='http://www.twitter.com/#{twitter}'): img(src='/img/twitter.gif', alt='Twitter') |
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caption Top 10 Potato Farmers |
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table.uk-table.uk-table-hover.uk-table-striped |
caption Top 10 Potato Farmers |
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tr |
th Viewer |
th Potatoes |
tbody |
each row in rows |
tr |
td #{row.user} |
td #{row.points} |
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caption Potato Farmer Ladder Rankings |
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th Rank |
th Viewer |
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li: a(href='/') Home |
li: a(href='/ladder') Ladder |
li: a(href='#') Chat Stats |
li: a(href='http://www.twitter.com/#{twitter}'): img(src='/img/twitter.gif', alt='Twitter') |
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caption Potato Farmer Ladder Rankings |
thead |
tr |
th Rank |
th Viewer |
th Potatoes |
tbody |
ul.uk-pagination |
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// Live search of the ladder listings |
$('.uk-search-field').keyup(function() { |
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// slice(a, b): a = (n*(x-1))+1, b = n*x where n = perPage and x=curerntPage (skip +1 at end of a for splice) |
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li: a(href='http://www.twitch.tv/#{title}'): img(src='/img/twitch.png', alt='Stream') |
li: a(href='/') Home |
li: a(href='/ladder') Ladder |
li: a(href='/stats') Chat Stats |
li: a(href='http://www.twitter.com/#{twitter}'): img(src='/img/twitter.gif', alt='Twitter') |
div.uk-width-1-1 |
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block content |
div.uk-width-1-1 |
footer.uk-text-center |
br |
span.tag Visit the potato lord @ |
a(href='http://www.twitch.tv/shaneomad') Shaneomad |
br |
span.copyright Potatr (c) DotaNoobs 2014 |
block postscript |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
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Reference in new issue