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  1. import requests
  2. from math import floor, ceil
  3. from random import randint, choice, shuffle
  4. from .models import (
  5. CharacterClass,
  6. EquipmentArmour,
  7. EquipmentRangedWeapon,
  8. EquipmentMeleeWeapon,
  9. CharacterNPC
  10. )
  11. def number_encountered():
  12. return (randint(1, 4) + 2)
  13. def npc_class(excluded_buckets):
  14. if excluded_buckets:
  15. classes = [c for cls in CharacterClass.query.filter(CharacterClass.bucket.notin_(excluded_buckets)).all() for c in ([cls] * cls.frequency_modifier)]
  16. else:
  17. classes = [c for cls in CharacterClass.query.all() for c in ([cls] * cls.frequency_modifier)]
  18. return choice(classes)
  19. def npc_alignment():
  20. roll = randint(1, 6)
  21. if roll == 1 or roll == 2:
  22. return 'Lawful'
  23. elif roll == 3 or roll == 4 or roll == 5:
  24. return 'Neutral'
  25. elif roll == 6:
  26. return 'Chaotic'
  27. def npc_baselevel(base_level):
  28. roll = randint(1, 6)
  29. mod = 0
  30. if roll == 1:
  31. mod = -2
  32. elif roll == 2:
  33. mod = -1
  34. elif roll == 3 or roll == 4:
  35. mod = 0
  36. elif roll == 5:
  37. mod = 1
  38. elif roll == 6:
  39. mod = 2
  40. base_level += mod
  41. if base_level < 1:
  42. base_level = 1
  43. return base_level
  44. def npc_abilities():
  45. ability_list = ['strength', 'intelligence', 'wisdom', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'charisma']
  46. abilities = [(randint(1, 6) + randint(1, 6) + randint(1, 6)) for x in range(0,6)]
  47. return zip(ability_list, abilities)
  48. def attribute_mod(atr):
  49. mod = 0
  50. if atr <= 3: mod = -3
  51. if atr >= 4 and atr <= 5: mod = -2
  52. if atr >= 6 and atr <= 8: mod = -1
  53. if atr >= 9 and atr <= 12: mod = 0
  54. if atr >= 13 and atr <= 15: mod = 1
  55. if atr >= 16 and atr <= 17: mod = 2
  56. if atr >= 18: mod = 3
  57. return mod
  58. def select_melee_weapon(guild, data):
  59. weapons = []
  60. for x in range(0, guild.melee_heavy):
  61. weapons.extend(data['melee']['heavy'])
  62. for x in range(0, guild.melee_medium):
  63. weapons.extend(data['melee']['medium'])
  64. for x in range(0, guild.melee_light):
  65. weapons.extend(data['melee']['light'])
  66. selection = randint(0, len(weapons) - 1)
  67. return weapons[selection]
  68. def select_ranged_weapon(guild, data):
  69. weapons = []
  70. for x in range(0, guild.ranged_light):
  71. weapons.extend(data['ranged']['light'])
  72. for x in range(0, guild.ranged_heavy):
  73. weapons.extend(data['ranged']['heavy'])
  74. if not weapons:
  75. return None
  76. selection = randint(0, len(weapons) - 1)
  77. return weapons[selection]
  78. def calc_hp(conmod, hit_die_size, level):
  79. hp = 0
  80. hitdice = [randint(1, hit_die_size) for x in range(0, level)]
  81. for die in hitdice:
  82. die += conmod
  83. if die < 1:
  84. die = 1
  85. hp += die
  86. return hp
  87. def calc_armour(armour_mod, armours):
  88. armourval = randint(0, len(armours) - 1) + armour_mod
  89. if armourval < 0:
  90. armourval = 0
  91. if armourval > len(armours) - 1:
  92. armourval = len(armours) - 1
  93. return armours[armourval]
  94. def generate_npc(base_level, data):
  95. npc = CharacterNPC()
  96. npc.guild = npc_class(['Demi-Human'])
  97. npc.level = npc_baselevel(base_level)
  98. npc.alignment = npc_alignment()
  99. abilities = npc_abilities()
  100. npc.update(npc_abilities())
  101. npc.hit_points = calc_hp(attribute_mod(npc.constitution), npc.guild.hit_die_size, npc.level)
  102. npc.armour = calc_armour(npc.guild.armour_modifier, data['armours'])
  103. npc.melee = select_melee_weapon(npc.guild, data)
  104. npc.ranged = select_ranged_weapon(npc.guild, data)
  105. return npc
  106. def name_party(party):
  107. male_names = requests.get(
  108. '{}'.format(ceil(len(party))),
  109. params={'nameOptions': 'boy_names', 'separator': 'space'}
  110. ).json()
  111. female_names = requests.get(
  112. '{}'.format(floor(len(party))),
  113. params={'nameOptions': 'girl_names', 'separator': 'space'}
  114. ).json()
  115. names = female_names + male_names
  116. shuffle(names)
  117. for i in range(0, len(party)):
  118. party[i].name = names[i]
  119. return party
  120. def create_party(base_level):
  121. data = {
  122. 'armours': EquipmentArmour.query.all(),
  123. 'ranged': {
  124. 'light': EquipmentRangedWeapon.query.filter_by(bucket='Light').all(),
  125. 'heavy': EquipmentRangedWeapon.query.filter_by(bucket='Heavy').all()
  126. },
  127. 'melee': {
  128. 'light': EquipmentMeleeWeapon.query.filter_by(bucket='Light').all(),
  129. 'medium': EquipmentMeleeWeapon.query.filter_by(bucket='Medium').all(),
  130. 'heavy': EquipmentMeleeWeapon.query.filter_by(bucket='Heavy').all()
  131. },
  132. }
  133. return name_party([generate_npc(base_level, data) for x in range(0, number_encountered())])
  134. def print_party(party):
  135. def print_npc(npc):
  136. print('Level {0} NPC, {1}, {2} HP'.format(npc.level, npc.guild, npc.hp))
  137. print('{0} Str, {1} Int, {2} Wis, {3} Dex, {4} Con, {5} Chr'.format(
  138. npc.str,, npc.wis,
  139. npc.dex, npc.con, npc.chr
  140. ))
  141. print('Armour Class: {0} - {1}, {2}gp'.format(, npc.armour.ac_mod, npc.armour.gp_value))
  142. print('{:^16} - {:^10} - {:^10} - {:^10}'.format('Weapon', 'Gold', 'Throw Mod', 'Damage'))
  143. print('-------------------------------------------------------')
  144. print('{:^16} | {:^10} | {:^10} | {:^10}'.format(, 0, npc.melee.damage_die))
  145. if npc['ranged']:
  146. print('{:^16} | {:^10} | {:^10} | {:^10}'.format(, 0, npc.melee.damage_die))
  147. print('\n')
  148. for npc in party:
  149. print_npc(npc)
  150. if __name__ == '__main__':
  151. party = create_party(2)
  152. print_party(party)