A Twitch.tv viewer reward and games system.
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extends layout block content div.uk-grid br br div.uk-width-1-2 div.uk-panel.uk-panel-box h2 #{title} is span#status offline. div#streambox br div#betstats span.uk-text-bold Betting is currently: #{bet_status} if bet_status === true span.uk-text-bold.uk-text-success Active else span.uk-text-bold.uk-text-danger Inactive if bet_board table.uk-table caption Current Betting Pool thead tr th Option th Total tbody each option in bet_board tr td !#{option.name} td #{option.total} br div.uk-width-1-2 div.uk-panel.uk-panel-box table.uk-table.uk-table-hover.uk-table-striped caption Top 10 #{ucfirst(currency)} Farmers thead tr th Viewer th #{ucfirst(currency)} tbody each row in rows tr td #{row.user} td #{row.points} block postscript script. $(document).ready(function(){ $.getJSON('https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/#{title}?callback=?', function(data){ if(data.stream) { $('#status').empty().append('online!'); $("#streambox").append("<span>Game:</span> <span class='uk-text-bold uk-text-success'>"+data.stream.game+"</span><br/>"); $("#streambox").append("<span>Viewers:</span> <span class='uk-text-bold uk-text-warning'>"+data.stream.viewers+"</span><br/>"); $("#streambox").append("<br/><br/><img src='"+data.stream.preview.medium+"' />");; } else { $("#streambox").append("<h3 class='uk-text-danger'>Offline</h3>"); $("#betstats").hide(); } }); });