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3 years ago
  1. {% set player_bar = [
  2. ('/npc/spells', 'spells', 'Spells', false),
  3. ('/worldmap', 'worldmap', 'Maps', false),
  4. ('/player_tokens', 'tokens', 'Tokens', false),
  5. ('', 'redditwiki', 'Wiki', true),
  6. ] %}
  7. {% set judge_bar = [
  8. ('/npc/party', 'npcparty', 'Generate Party', false),
  9. ('/npc/single', 'npcsingle', 'Generate NPC', false),
  10. ('/lairs', 'lairs', 'Lairs', false),
  11. ('', 'treasure', 'Treasure', true),
  12. ('/quest/list', 'questlist', 'Quests', false),
  13. ('/wiki', 'wiki', 'Wiki', false),
  14. ]%}
  15. {% set navigation_bar = [
  16. ('/', 'index', 'Home', false),
  17. ('/handbook', 'handbook', 'Handbook', false),
  18. (player_bar, 'section', 'Player Resources', false),
  19. (judge_bar, 'section', 'Judge Resources', false),
  20. ('', 'subreddit', '/r/PalismaACKS', true),
  21. ] %}
  22. {% set active_page = active_page|default('index') %}
  23. <!doctype html>
  24. <html>
  25. <head>
  26. <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} - Palisma ACKS</title>
  27. <meta charset="utf-8">
  28. <meta name="viewport" contents="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  29. <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='favicon.ico') }}">
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  34. <script src=""></script>
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  36. h1 strong {
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  41. .uk-navbar-nav > li > a {
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  46. {% block head %}
  47. {% endblock %}
  48. </head>
  49. <body>
  50. <nav class="uk-navbar-container" uk-navbar>
  51. <div class="uk-navbar-left">
  52. <a href="" class="uk-hidden@m uk-button-default uk-margin-small-left uk-margin-small-right" uk-toggle="target: #offcanvas-nav" uk-icon="menu"></a>
  53. <a href="" class="uk-navbar-item uk-logo">Palisma ACKS</a>
  54. </div>
  55. <div class="uk-navbar-center uk-visible@m">
  56. <ul class="uk-navbar-nav">
  57. {% for href, id, label, blank in navigation_bar %}
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  61. <div class="uk-navbar-dropdown">
  62. <ul class="uk-nav uk-navbar-dropdown-nav">
  63. {% for phref, pid, plabel, pblank in href %}
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  83. {% for href, id, label, blank in navigation_bar %}
  84. {% if id == 'section' %}
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  99. </div>
  100. </div>
  101. <div class="uk-container uk-margin-medium-top">
  102. {% block content %}{% endblock %}
  103. </div>
  104. <footer class="uk-flex uk-flex-top uk-flex-center uk-margin-small uk-margin-medium-top">
  105. <div class="uk-text-center uk-text-small">
  106. Made by <a href="">binaryatrocity</a>.
  107. ACKS &amp; related &copy; <a href="">Autarch</a>.
  108. </div>
  109. </footer>
  110. {% block scripts %}
  111. {% endblock %}
  112. </body>
  113. </html>