#HIGHLIGHT {^%1 grabs %2 from you. You struggle briefly but %3 wrests it from your grip and makes for a hasty retreat.$} {bold red underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {^%1 grabs %2 from you. You struggle briefly but %3 wrests it from your grip and makes for a hasty retreat.$} {bold red underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {^%1 grabs {his|her|its} %2. You struggle briefly but {he|she|it} wrests it from your grip and makes for a hasty retreat.} {bold red underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {^As %1 dies %2 drops %3 in shock.$} {bold green underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {^As %1 dies %2 drops %3 in shock.$} {bold green underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {^When you open the %1 you think you can hear a faint rumbling sound from it.$} {red underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {^When you open the %1 you think you can hear a faint rumbling sound from it.$} {red underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {^Whoops! You tried to carry too many things and fumbled %1} {red underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {^Whoops! You tried to carry too many things and fumbled %1} {red underscore};
@ -46,12 +47,21 @@
#HIGHLIGHT {You take the diamond-tipped chisel from your roll of gemcutting tools and delicately chip %1} {bold green};
#HIGHLIGHT {You take the diamond-tipped chisel from your roll of gemcutting tools and delicately chip %1} {bold green};
#HIGHLIGHT {You take the diamond-tipped chisel from your roll of gemcutting tools and chip away %1} {bold red};
#HIGHLIGHT {You take the diamond-tipped chisel from your roll of gemcutting tools and chip away %1} {bold red};
#HIGHLIGHT {You take the diamond-tipped chisel from your roll of gemcutting tools and, struggling with %1} {bold red};
#HIGHLIGHT {You take the diamond-tipped chisel from your roll of gemcutting tools and, struggling with %1} {bold red};
#SUB {You estimate that the %1 is worth A$%2. You} {You estimate that the <149>%1<099> is worth A$<139>%2<099>. You};
#NOP ==[Kick Consortium]==
#NOP ==[Kick Consortium]==
#ACTION {^It is your turn to fight... enter the combat ring.$} {
#ACTION {^It is your turn to fight... enter the combat ring.$} {
#showme {\a};
#showme {\a};
#NOP ==[PK Actions]==
#HIGHLIGHT {You reach towards your goal but apuse suddenly as %1 seems to sense something. {She|He|It} doesn't spot you and %2} {bold green};
#HIGHLIGHT {You try to filch %1 from %2 but {she|he|it} notices you and manages to %3} {bold red};
#ACTION {A stream of expletives drifts down from above with %1} { #showme {\a}; };
#ACTION {There is the faintest of sounds, as of a gnat yawning, then a WHOOSH sound. %2} { #showme {\a}; };
#HIGHLIGHT {A stream of expletives drifts down from above with %1} {bold red underscore};
#HIGHLIGHT {There is the faintest of sounds, as of a gnat yawning, then a WHOOSH sound. %2} {bold red underscore};
#NOP ==[End Session On Quit]==
#NOP ==[End Session On Quit]==
#ACTION {Thanks for playing. See you next time.} {
#ACTION {Thanks for playing. See you next time.} {
#format {letter_timer_line} {%c[MT] %c*%c %s can now request another letter from Frank.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};