TinTin++ Configs for DiscworldMUD
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142 lines
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#unvar quota;
#nop ==[ Parse 'read quota brief' output ]==;
#action {^ Receipts received: A\$%1.$}
#var quota[reciepts] %1;
#action {^ Receipts received: %1p.$}
#math quota[reciepts] {%1 * 0.01};
#action {^ Min quota: A\$%1.$}
#var quota[min] %1;
#action {^ Max quota: A\$%1.$}
#var quota[max] %1;
#action {^ Amount owed: A\$%1.$}
#var quota[owed] %1;
#action {^ Amount owed: %1p.$}
#math quota[owed] {%1 * 0.01};
#action {^ Amount paid: A\$%1.$}
#var quota[paid] %1;
#action {^ Amount paid: %1p.$}
#math quota[paid] {%1 * 0.01};
#action {^ Time left: %1.$} {
#regex {%1} {%d hour{s?}} {
#var {quota[time][hour]} {&1};
} { #var {quota[time][hour]} {0} };
#regex {%1} {%d minute{s?}} {
#var {quota[time][min]} {&1};
} { #var {quota[time][min]} {0} };
#regex {%1} {%d second{s?}} {
#var {quota[time][sec]} {&1};
} { #var {quota[time][sec]} {0} };
#var {quota[who]} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#var {quota[alert]} {on};
#tick {quota_time}
#nop If we have no quota info, do nothing;
#if {!&{quota[time]}} {
#nop Subtract a second, calculate new times;
#math {quota[time][sec]} {$quota[time][sec] - 1};
#if {$quota[time][sec] < 0} {
#math {quota[time][min]} {$quota[time][min] - 1};
#math {quota[time][sec]} {$quota[time][sec] + 60};
#nop Update prompt;
#if {$quota[time][min] < 0} {
#math {quota[time][hour]} {$quota[time][hour] - 1};
#math {quota[time][min]} {$quota[time][min] + 60};
#if {$quota[time][hour] < 0} {
#math {quota[time][hour]} {$quota[time][hour] + 12};
#var {quota[reciepts]} {0};
#nop Quota period is over, announce it.;
#format {quota_display_line} {%c[Quota] %c*%c %s's quota has %creset%c.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$quota[who]} {bold red} {bold blue};
#showme {$quota_display_line};
#nop Alert when quota is ending;
#if {"$quota[alert]" == "on"} {
#nop Message an hour before;
#if {$quota[time][hour] == 0 && $quota[time][min] == 59 && $quota[time][sec] == 59} {
#format {quota_display_line} {%c[Quota] %c*%c %s's quota flips over in %cone hour%c.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$quota[who]} {bold red} {bold blue};
#echo {$quota_display_line \a};
#nop Message 30 minutes before;
#if {$quota[time][hour] == 0 && $quota[time][min] == 29 && $quota[time][sec] == 59} {
#format {quota_display_line} {%c[Quota] %c*%c %s's quota flips over in %chalf an hour%c.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$quota[who]} {bold red} {bold blue};
#echo {$quota_display_line \a};
#nop Message 10 minutes before;
#if {$quota[time][hour] == 0 && $quota[time][min] == 9 && $quota[time][sec] == 59} {
#format {quota_display_line} {%c[Quota] %c*%c %s's quota flips over in %cten minutes%c.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$quota[who]} {bold red} {bold blue};
#echo {$quota_display_line \a};
} {1};
#alias {quota alert %1} {
#if {"%1" == "on"} {
#var {quota[alert]} {on};
} {
#var {quota[alert]} {off};
#function {zero_pad} {
#if {%1 < 10} {
#format {result} {0%d} {%0};
#else {
#format {result} {%d} {%0};
#return $result;
#function {quota_time_left} {
#if {$quota[time][hour] == 0 && $quota[time][min] < 60} {
#format {result} {<eac> %s:%s<099>} {@zero_pad{$quota[time][hour]}} {@zero_pad{$quota[time][min]}};
} {
#format {result} {%s:%s<099>} {$quota[time][hour]} {@zero_pad{$quota[time][min]}};
#return $result;