TinTin++ setup for Aardwolf MUD
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
1.1 KiB

  1. #ALIAS {porthome}
  2. {
  3. get portal $bag;
  4. wear portal;
  5. enter;
  6. remove portal;
  7. put portal $bag;
  8. wear all;
  9. };
  10. #ALIAS {^.note %*}
  11. {
  12. #line {log} {$dir/logs/notes.log} {%1};
  13. };
  14. #ALIAS {^.newpage$}
  15. {
  16. #5 #line {log} {$dir/logs/notes.log} {\n\n\n\n};
  17. };
  18. #ALIAS {^.colors$}
  19. {
  20. #forall {0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9}
  21. {
  22. #showme {<0&09>\<0&09\><099> <1&09>\<1&09\><099>};
  23. };
  24. };
  25. #ALIAS {cpcheck}
  26. {
  27. .newpage;
  28. #var {cplog} {1};
  29. #line {log} {$dir/logs/notes.log} {<199>-==[<169>Campaign Targets<199>]==-<099>\n};
  30. campaign check;
  31. };
  32. #ACTION {^You still have to kill %. %* (%*)$}
  33. {
  34. #if {$cplog}
  35. {
  36. #list {cpareas} {find} {%3} {exists};
  37. #if {$exists == 0} { #list {cpareas} {sort} {%3}; };
  38. #list {%3} {sort} {%2};
  39. };
  40. };
  41. #ACTION {left to finish this campaign.$}
  42. {
  43. #var {cplog} {0};
  44. #foreach {$cpareas[%*]} {name}
  45. {
  46. #line {log} {$dir/logs/notes.log} {<199>$name:<099>};
  47. #foreach {${$name}[%*]} {target}
  48. {
  49. #line {log} {$dir/logs/notes.log} { * <029>$target<099>};
  50. }
  51. }
  52. };