TinTin++ Configs for DiscworldMUD
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#CLASS {quow} {kill}; #CLASS {quow} {open};
#VARIABLE {map_id_names} { {1}{Ankh-Morpork} {2}{AM Assassins} {3}{AM Buildings} {4}{AM Cruets} {5}{AM Docks} {6}{AM Guilds} {7}{AM Isle of Gods} {8}{Shades Maze} {9}{Temple of Small Gods} {10}{AM Temples} {11}{AM Thieves} {12}{Unseen University} {13}{AM Warriors} {14}{Pseudopolis Watch House} {15}{Magpyr's Castle} {16}{Bois} {17}{Bes Pelargic} {18}{BP Buildings} {19}{BP Estates} {20}{BP Wizards} {21}{Brown Islands} {22}{Death's Domain} {23}{Djelibeybi} {24}{IIL - DJB Wizards} {25}{Ephebe} {26}{Ephebe Underdocks} {27}{Genua} {28}{Genua Sewers} {29}{GRFLX Caves} {30}{Hashishim Caves} {31}{Klatch Region} {32}{Lancre Region} {33}{Mano Rossa} {34}{Monks of Cool} {35}{Netherworld} {37}{Pumpkin Town} {38}{Ramtops Regions} {39}{Sto-Lat} {40}{Academy of Artificers} {41}{Cabbage Warehouse} {42}{AoA Library} {43}{Sto-Lat Sewers} {44}{Sprite Caves} {45}{Sto Plains Region} {46}{Uberwald Region} {47}{UU Library} {48}{Klatchian Farmsteads} {49}{CTF Arena} {50}{PK Arena} {51}{AM Post Office} {52}{Ninja Guild} {53}{The Travelling Shop} {54}{Slippery Hollow} {55}{House of Magic - Creel} {56}{Special Areas} {57}{Skund Wolf Trail} }
#ALIAS {db gatherable %1} { #unvariable {gatherable_display};
#format {query} {SELECT item_name, room_short, map_id, INSTR(item_name, '%s') pos FROM shop_items INNER JOIN rooms on rooms.room_id = shop_items.room_id WHERE pos > 0 AND sale_price = 'gather';} {%1}; #format {db_command} {sqlite3 -separator ";" src/quow.db "%s"} {$query};
#script {gatherable_query_result} {$db_command}; #list {gatherable_query_result} {size} {gatherable_result_size};
#if {$gatherable_result_size > 0} { #foreach {$gatherable_query_result[%*]} {inner_query_result} { #replace {inner_query_result} {\\} {}; #list gatherable_results create {${inner_query_result}};
#variable {gatherable_info} { {item_name}{$gatherable_results[1]} {room_short}{$gatherable_results[2]} {map_name}{$map_id_names[$gatherable_results[3]]} };
#format {gatherable_display} {%cQuery Result: %c%s%c found in %c%s, %s%c} {bold blue}{green}{$gatherable_info[item_name]}{bold blue}{orange}{$gatherable_info[room_short]}{$gatherable_info[map_name]}{bold blue}; #echo {$gatherable_display}; } } { #format {gatherable_display} {%cQuery Result: %c%s%c was not found.} {bold blue}{green}{%1}{bold blue}; #echo {$gatherable_display}; } }
#ALIAS {db buyable %1} { #unvariable {buyable_display};
#format {query} {SELECT item_name, sale_price, room_short, map_id, INSTR(item_name, '%s') pos FROM shop_items INNER JOIN rooms on rooms.room_id = shop_items.room_id WHERE pos > 0 AND sale_price != 'gather' LIMIT 10;} {%1}; #format {db_command} {sqlite3 -separator ";" src/quow.db "%s"} {$query};
#script {buyable_query_result} {$db_command}; #echo {RESULT: $buyable_query_result}; #list {buyable_query_result} {size} {buyable_result_size};
#if {$buyable_result_size > 0} { #foreach {$buyable_query_result[%*]} {inner_query_result} { #replace {inner_query_result} {\\} {}; #list buyable_results create {${inner_query_result}};
#variable {buyable_info} { {item_name}{$buyable_results[1]} {sale_price}{$buyable_results[2]} {room_short}{$buyable_results[3]} {map_name}{$map_id_names[$buyable_results[4]]} };
#format {buyable_display} {%cQuery Result: %c%s%c (%c%s%c) found in %c%s, %s%c} {bold blue}{green}{$buyable_info[item_name]}{bold blue}{yellow}{$buyable_info[sale_price]}{bold blue}{orange}{$buyable_info[room_short]}{$buyable_info[map_name]}{bold blue}; #echo {$buyable_display}; } } { #format {buyable_display} {%cQuery Result: %c%s%c was not found.} {bold blue}{green}{%1}{bold blue}; #echo {$buyable_display}; } }
#CLASS {quow} {close};