21 changed files with 1044 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
if [[ ! $(tmux ls -F '#S') =~ discworld ]]; then |
rm logs/minimap.log && touch logs/minimap.log |
rm logs/mapdoortext.log && touch logs/mapdoortext.log |
rm logs/chat.log && touch logs/chat.log |
tmux new-session -d -A -D -s discworld 'tail -fs .5 logs/chat.log' |
tmux select-window -t discworld:0 |
tmux split-window -v -p 85 'bash' |
tmux send-keys 'tt++ -G config.tin' 'C-m' |
# clear && watch -n10 logs/xptimers.log |
fi |
tmux -2 attach-session -t discworld -d |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
#VARIABLE {chat_file} {logs/chat.log} |
#CONFIG {BUFFER SIZE} {2000000}; |
#SPLIT {2} {1}; |
#READ {src/channels.tin}; |
#READ {src/actions.tin}; |
#READ {src/aliases.tin}; |
#READ {src/gmcp.tin}; |
#READ {src/prompt.tin}; |
#READ {src/xpmonitor.tin}; |
#READ {src/tpamonitor.tin}; |
#READ {src/timers.tin}; |
#READ {src/combat.tin}; |
#READ {src/deadletter.tin}; |
#READ {src/quow.tin}; |
#READ {src/magic.tin}; |
#SESSION {discworld} {} {4242}; |
#FORMAT {log_file} {logs/active/%t.log} {%Y-%m-%d}; |
#LOG {APPEND} {$log_file}; |
#ACTION {Greco the Departure Gecko waves.} {#end} |
#FORMAT {start_time} {%T}; |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
sed -i "1s?^?cd "`pwd`"\n?" Discworld |
if [[ $PREFIX = *"com.termux"* ]]; then |
ln -s "$(pwd)/Discworld" $PREFIX/bin/disc; |
else |
mkdir -p ~/bin |
ln -s "$(pwd)/Discworld" ~/bin/disc; |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
#CLASS {actions} {kill}; |
#CLASS {actions} {open}; |
#NOP ==[TPA Alerts]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {^There is a sudden white flash. Your magical shield has broken.$} {bold red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^There is a sudden white flash around {(?!a passing wizard).+}.$} {bold red underscore}; |
#ACTION {^There is a sudden white flash around {(?!a passing wizard).+}.$} { |
#showme {\a}; |
#line {log} {$chat_file}; |
}; |
#NOP ==[T-Shop Alerts]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {Greasy sparks crawl over the %1 wall, and a door silently materialises.} {bold green underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {There is a doorway in the %1 wall leading into a curious shop.} {bold green underscore}; |
#NOP ==[NPC Highlighting]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {thug} {red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {bodyguard} {red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {hoplite} {red}; |
#NOP ==[Incident Highlighting]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {^%1 grabs %2 from you. You struggle briefly but %3 wrests it from your grip and makes for a hasty retreat.$} {bold red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^As %1 dies %2 drops %3 in shock.$} {bold green underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^When you open the %1 you think you can hear a faint rumbling sound from it.$} {red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^Whoops! You tried to carry too many things and fumbled %1} {red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 juggles around his stuff and fumbles %2} {red underscore}; |
#NOP ==[Command Color Highlighting]== |
#SUB {%w %w with a total of %* item} {<148>%1 %2<099> with a total of <148>%3<099> item} |
#ACTION {Thanks for playing. See you next time.} { |
#end; |
} |
#CLASS {actions} {close}; |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
#ALIAS {setsize} {rows 300;cols 110}; |
#ALIAS {^clear$} { |
#system {tput clear}; |
#split {2} {1}; |
setsize; |
}; |
#ALIAS {htop} { |
#system {htop}; |
}; |
#ALIAS {rst} { |
#read {config.tin}; |
setsize; |
shields; |
}; |
#ALIAS {wiki} { |
#system {w3m}; |
#split {2} {1}; |
setsize; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
#CLASS {channels} {kill}; |
#CLASS {channels} {open}; |
#ACTION {^You {tell|ask|exclaim to} %1:%2} {#LINE {LOG} {$chat_file}}; |
#ACTION {^%1 {tells|asks|exclaims to} %*you{|(?: in \w+)?}: %4} {#LINE {LOG} {$chat_file}}; |
#ACTION {^[%1] %2{:|} %3} {#LINE {LOG} {$chat_file}}; |
#ACTION {^(newbiehelpers)} {#LINE {LOG} {$chat_file}}; |
#ACTION {^(newbie)} {#LINE {LOG} {$chat_file}}; |
#ACTION {^(Playerkillers) %1 wisps:? %2} {#LINE {LOG} {$chat_file}}; |
#ACTION {^(Thieves) %1 wisps:? %2} {#LINE {LOG} {$chat_file}}; |
#ACTION {^(They Might Be Alts) } {#LINE {LOG} {$chat_file}}; |
#CLASS {channels} {close}; |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
#CLASS {combat} {kill}; |
#CLASS {combat} {open}; |
#VARIABLE {my_attacks_color} {orange}; |
#VARIABLE {enemy_attack_color} {red}; |
#NOP ==[Me Attacking Them]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{thrust|snick|fillet|poke|chop up|chop|jab|scratch|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer|take} {a sliver off |into |}%1{'?s?} %2 {on|with} %3} {$my_attacks_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}stab %1 {deeply |}in %2 with %3} {$my_attacks_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You stab %1 right through %2's %3} {$my_attacks_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|kick|punch|jab|boot|tickle} %1 in %2} {$my_attacks_color}; |
#NOP ==[My Specials]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You attempt to prepare %1} {bold red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You prepare to {stab|slice|trip|shove|impale|kick|punch} %2} {bold green}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You attempt to launch a powerful attack. %1} {bold red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You launch a powerful attack. %1} {bold green}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You try to {trip|shove} %1} {bold red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You shove %1} {bold green}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You trip %1} {bold green}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You lose the moment.} {bold red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You {skilfully |silently|}sneak around %1 without being spotted and manage to catch %w by surprise.$} {bold green}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^You hold your cover as you {skilfully |silently|}sneak around %1 and manage to catch %w by surprise.$} {bold green}; |
#NOP ==[Them Attacking Me]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 but your %2 absorbs {some|most} of the blow.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 runs you through the %2 with %3.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s %w %3 into your %4.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s your %2 {into pieces |}{with|on} %w %4.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s into your %2 with %w %3.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s you {deeply |}in the %2.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s you {deeply |}in the %2 with %3.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 pierces your %2 with %3.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 hitting your %2.$} {$enemy_attack_color}; |
#CLASS {combat} {close}; |
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ |
#CLASS {deadletter} {kill}; |
#CLASS {deadletter} {open}; |
#VAR {distant_land_targets} { |
{Boy Willie}{Boy [Willie]} |
{Disembowel-Meself-Honourably Dibhala}{Disembowel-Meself-Honourably [Dibhala]} |
{Glod-san}{[Glod-san]} |
{Laggy-san}{[Laggy-san]} |
{Lon Fah Lo}{Lon Fah [Lo]} |
{Mad Hamish}{Mad [Hamish]} |
{No Go Wan}{No Go [Wan]} |
{Quisoda}{[Quisoda]} |
{Ruto of Fish}{[Ruto] of Fish} |
{Ryattenoki}{[Ryattenoki]} |
{Shi Do Gai}{Shi Do [Gai]} |
{Lap-lip}{[Lap-lip]} |
{Lip-phon Lap-top}{Lip-phon [Lap-top]} |
{Mihk-gran-bohp}{Mihk-gran-[bohp]} |
{Phos-phor}{[Phos]-phor} |
{Very Reverend Khepresh}{Very Reverend [Khepresh]} |
{Yclept}{[Yclept]} |
{Tuffy}{[Tuffy]} |
{Casanunda}{[Casanunda]} |
{Greig Schwitz}{Greig [Schwitz]} |
{Noobie}{[Noobie]} |
{Tfat Chick}{Tfat [Chick]} |
{Cut Me Own Hand Off Dhblah}{Cut Me Own Hand Off [Dhblah]} |
{Miss Pennie Laced}{Miss Pennie [Laced]} |
{Berti Boggis}{[Berti] Boggis} |
{The Proprietor}{The Proprietor} |
} |
#alias {/solveletter} { |
#if {&{letter_lines[1]}} { |
#var {current_match_line} {^$letter_lines[1]$}; |
#replace {current_match_line} {_} {%.}; |
#foreach {$distant_land_targets[]} {target} { |
#regex {$target} {$current_match_line} { |
#format {letter_solution_line} {%c[DL] %c*%c Deliver to %c%s%c.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {bold green} {$distant_land_targets[$target]} {bold blue}; |
#echo {$letter_solution_line}; |
}; |
} |
}; |
}; |
#NOP ==[Halt Parsing Letter]== |
#alias {/stopparsingletter} { |
#unvar {parsing_dead_letter}; |
/solveletter; |
}; |
#action {^Deliver by %1.$} { |
#if {&{parsing_dead_letter}} { |
/stopparsingletter; |
} |
}; |
#action {does not have anything written on it.} { |
#if {&{parsing_dead_letter}} { |
/stopparsingletter; |
} |
}; |
#action {Cannot find "letter", no match.} { |
#if {&{parsing_dead_letter}} { |
/stopparsingletter; |
} |
}; |
#action {You are too busy fighting to read at the moment.} { |
#if {&{parsing_dead_letter}} { |
/stopparsingletter; |
} |
}; |
#NOP ==[Catch-all to grab letter lines, store only lines with a '_']== |
#action {^%*$} { |
#if {&{parsing_dead_letter}} { |
#regex {%1} {%*_%*} { |
#list {letter_lines} {add} {%1}; |
}; |
} |
} {9}; |
#NOP ==[Alias to attempt solve of letter in inventory]== |
#ALIAS {sl} { |
#send {read letter}; |
#var {parsing_dead_letter} {0}; |
#list {letter_lines} {create}; |
} |
#CLASS {deadletter} {close}; |
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ |
#CLASS gmcp kill |
#CLASS gmcp open |
#FORMAT IAC %a 255 |
#FORMAT DONT %a 254 |
#FORMAT DO %a 253 |
#FORMAT WONT %a 252 |
#FORMAT WILL %a 251 |
#FORMAT SB %a 250 |
#FORMAT SE %a 240 |
#FORMAT GMCP %a 201 |
#ALIAS {debug {on|off}} |
{ |
#IF {"%1" == "on"} { #VARIABLE debug 1 }; |
#ELSE { #VARIABLE debug 0 }; |
#SHOWME { Debug is <139>$debug<099> }; |
#NOP; |
} |
{ |
#IF {$debug} { #SHOWME %1 }; |
#VAR GMCP[oldvitals] {$GMCP[vitals]}; |
#VAR GMCP[vitals] {%0}; |
#math {hploss} {$GMCP[vitals][hp] - $GMCP[oldvitals][hp]}; |
#if {$hploss < -100} { |
#echo {<139>HP IS FALLING! CAREFUL!<099>}; |
#showme {\a\a}; |
} |
update_prompt; |
} |
{ |
#IF {$debug} { #SHOWME %1 }; |
#VAR GMCP[room][info] {%0}; |
#nop; |
} |
{ |
#IF {$debug} { #SHOWME %1 }; |
#VAR {minimap} {%0}; |
#REPLACE {minimap} {u001b} {}; |
#SYSTEM {rm logs/minimap.log && touch logs/minimap.log}; |
#LINE {log} {logs/minimap.log} {\n\n $minimap \n\n}; |
#SYSTEM {sed -i -e 's/^/ /' logs/minimap.log}; |
} |
#EVENT {IAC SB GMCP room.writtenmap IAC SE} |
{ |
#IF {$debug} { #SHOWME %1 }; |
#VAR GMCP[room][mdt] {%0}; |
#LINE {log} {logs/mapdoortext.log} {\n\n\n %0}; |
} |
{ |
#nop #SEND {$IAC$SB$GMCP Core.Hello { "client": "$CLIENT_NAME", "version": "$CLIENT_VERSION" } $IAC$SE\}; |
#SEND {$IAC$SB$GMCP Core.Hello { "client": "TinTin++", "version": "2.01.2" } $IAC$SE\}; |
#SEND {$IAC$SB$GMCP Core.Supports.Set ["Char.Vitals", "", "", "room.writtenmap"] $IAC$SE\} |
} |
{ |
} |
#CLASS gmcp close |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
#CLASS {group} {kill}; |
#CLASS {group} {open}; |
#VARIABLE {group_shields} {}; |
#VARIABLE {group_shields_current} {}; |
#ACTION {^Arcane protection for %1:-} { |
#var {group_shields_current} {%1}; |
} |
#ACTION {^ * %1 is surrounded by a %2 impact shield.} { |
#var {group_shields[$group_shields_current]} {TPA}; |
} |
#ALIAS {rgs} { |
#variable {group_shields} {}; |
#variable {group_shields_current} {}; |
#send {group shields}; |
}; |
#ALIAS {sgs} { |
#foreach {$group_shields[]} {name} { |
#showme {$name: $group_shields[$name]}; |
}; |
}; |
#CLASS {group} {kill}; |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
#CLASS {magic} {kill}; |
#CLASS {magic} {open}; |
#NOP ==[Delude Levels]== |
#SUB {^It has a faint octarine shadow about it that disappears if you look at it squarely.$} {%0 <858>(1/5)<898>}; |
#SUB {^It has a faint octarine shadow about it.$} {%0 <858>(2/5)<898>}; |
#SUB {^It has an octarine shadow about it that flickers occasionally out of the corner of your eye.$} {%0 <858>(3/5)<898>}; |
#SUB {^It has a flickering octarine shadow about it.$} {%0 <858>(4/5)<898>}; |
#SUB {^It has a flickering octarine haze about it.$} {%0 <858>(5/5)<898>}; |
#HIGH {^The octarine shadow around %* deepens%*} {bold magenta} |
#HIGH {^The octarine shadow around %* fades%*} {magenta} |
#NOP ==[Item Enchantment Levels]== |
#SUB {It occasionally pulses with octarine light} {%0 <858>(Lvl 1)<898>}; |
#SUB {It emits a slight octarine glow} {%0 <858>(Lvl 2)<898>}; |
#SUB {It softly pulses in dull octarine shades} {%0 <858>(Lvl 3)<898>}; |
#SUB {It gives off a steady but dull octarine glow} {%0 <858>(Lvl 4)<898>}; |
#SUB {It gives off a steady octarine glow} {%0 <858>(Lvl 5)<898>}; |
#SUB {It glows an intense octarine} {%0 <858>(Lvl 6)<898>}; |
#SUB {It emits a bright octarine colour} {%0 <858>(Lvl 7)<898>}; |
#SUB {It brightly pulses octarine} {%0 <858>(Lvl 8)<898>}; |
#SUB {It glows brilliant octarine shades} {%0 <858>(Lvl 9)<898>}; |
#SUB {It radiates pure octarine brilliance} {%0 <858>(Lvl 10)<898>}; |
#NOP ==[Background Magic Levels]== |
#SUB {There is the residual taste of magic in this place} {%0 <858>(50-149 thaums)<898>}; |
#SUB {This place has seen some use of magic} {%0 <858>(150-299 thaums)<898>}; |
#SUB {A considerable amount of magic has been used here} {%0 <858>(300-499 thaums)<898>}; |
#SUB {A very large quantity of magic has been manipulated here} {%0 <858>(500-749 thaums)<898>}; |
#NOP red; |
#SUB {You can feel the Dungeon Dimensions trying to push in} {%0 <818>(750-1000 thaums)<898>}; |
#NOP bold red!; |
#SUB {Little sparks flash in from the Dungeon Dimensions} {%0 <118>(1001-1500 thaums)<098>}; |
#SUB {Apparations of things with lots of tentacles seem to be on the edge of your vision} {%0 <118>(1501-2000 thaums)<098>}; |
#SUB {So much magic has been expended here that the area is in danger of dumping itself into the Dungeon Dimensions} {%0 <118>(2001-5000 thaums)<098>}; |
#NOP ==[PFG Damage Values]== |
#SUB {^{The fire singes} } {%1 <019>(<<119>15<019>%)<099> }; |
#SUB {^{The fire burns} } {%1 <019>(<119>15<019>-<119>30<019>%)<099> }; |
#SUB {^{The fire crisps} } {%1 <019>(<119>30<019>-<119>60<019>%)<099> }; |
#SUB {^{The fire melts} } {%1 <019>(<119>60<019>-<119>75<019>%)<099> }; |
#SUB {^{The fire incinerates} } {%1 <019>(<119>75<019>-<119>90<019>%)<099> }; |
#SUB {^{The fire vaporises} } {%1 <019>(><119>90<019>%)<099> }; |
#NOP ==[Replace Spell Casting]== |
#ACTION {^You prepare to cast %1 {at|on} %2.$} { #showme { * <138>%1<098> -> %2}; #line gag} {3} |
#ACTION {^You prepare to cast %1.$} { #showme { * <138>%1<098>}; #line gag} {4} |
#NOP ==[Colour FCI Output]== |
#SUB {The weave indicates that %1 is a %2, with %3 charges remaining.} {The weave indicates that <138>%1<098> is a <138>%2<098> with <158>%3<098> charges remaining.}; |
#CLASS {magic} {close}; |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
#NOP == Prompt Update Function == |
#nop colors |
#function {tpa_col} |
{ |
#if {"%0" == "invisible"} |
#return <178>; |
#if {"%0" == "dull red"} |
#return <018>; |
#if {"%0" == "bright red"} |
#return <118>; |
#if {"%0" == "wobbling orange"} |
#return <fca><188>; |
#if {"%0" == "flickering yellow"} |
#return <138>; |
#return; |
} |
#ALIAS {update_prompt} { |
xp_monitor; |
#format {prompt_xp} {%Gxp in %s (%Gk/h)} {$session_xp} {$uptime[display]} {$xprate}; |
#var {prompt_tpa} {}; |
#if {$tpa_status == 1} { |
#format {prompt_tpa} {%cTPA%c} {@tpa_col{$tpa_color}} {<098>}; |
}; |
#format {prompt_line} {%+5s %+40s} {$prompt_tpa} {$prompt_xp}; |
#showme {$prompt_line} {-1}; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
#CLASS {quow} {kill}; |
#CLASS {quow} {open}; |
#VARIABLE {map_id_names} { |
{1}{Ankh-Morpork} |
{2}{AM Assassins} |
{3}{AM Buildings} |
{4}{AM Cruets} |
{5}{AM Docks} |
{6}{AM Guilds} |
{7}{AM Isle of Gods} |
{8}{Shades Maze} |
{9}{Temple of Small Gods} |
{10}{AM Temples} |
{11}{AM Thieves} |
{12}{Unseen University} |
{13}{AM Warriors} |
{14}{Pseudopolis Watch House} |
{15}{Magpyr's Castle} |
{16}{Bois} |
{17}{Bes Pelargic} |
{18}{BP Buildings} |
{19}{BP Estates} |
{20}{BP Wizards} |
{21}{Brown Islands} |
{22}{Death's Domain} |
{23}{Djelibeybi} |
{24}{IIL - DJB Wizards} |
{25}{Ephebe} |
{26}{Ephebe Underdocks} |
{27}{Genua} |
{28}{Genua Sewers} |
{29}{GRFLX Caves} |
{30}{Hashishim Caves} |
{31}{Klatch Region} |
{32}{Lancre Region} |
{33}{Mano Rossa} |
{34}{Monks of Cool} |
{35}{Netherworld} |
{37}{Pumpkin Town} |
{38}{Ramtops Regions} |
{39}{Sto-Lat} |
{40}{Academy of Artificers} |
{41}{Cabbage Warehouse} |
{42}{AoA Library} |
{43}{Sto-Lat Sewers} |
{44}{Sprite Caves} |
{45}{Sto Plains Region} |
{46}{Uberwald Region} |
{47}{UU Library} |
{48}{Klatchian Farmsteads} |
{49}{CTF Arena} |
{50}{PK Arena} |
{51}{AM Post Office} |
{52}{Ninja Guild} |
{53}{The Travelling Shop} |
{54}{Slippery Hollow} |
{55}{House of Magic - Creel} |
{56}{Special Areas} |
{57}{Skund Wolf Trail} |
} |
#ALIAS {db gatherable %1} { |
#unvariable {gatherable_display}; |
#format {query} {SELECT item_name, room_short, map_id, INSTR(item_name, '%s') pos FROM shop_items INNER JOIN rooms on rooms.room_id = shop_items.room_id WHERE pos > 0 AND sale_price = 'gather';} {%1}; |
#format {db_command} {sqlite3 -separator ";" src/quow.db "%s"} {$query}; |
#script {gatherable_query_result} {$db_command}; |
#list {gatherable_query_result} {size} {gatherable_result_size}; |
#if {$gatherable_result_size > 0} { |
#foreach {$gatherable_query_result[%*]} {inner_query_result} { |
#replace {inner_query_result} {\\} {}; |
#list gatherable_results create {${inner_query_result}}; |
#variable {gatherable_info} { |
{item_name}{$gatherable_results[1]} |
{room_short}{$gatherable_results[2]} |
{map_name}{$map_id_names[$gatherable_results[3]]} |
}; |
#format {gatherable_display} {%cQuery Result: %c%s%c found in %c%s, %s%c} {bold blue}{green}{$gatherable_info[item_name]}{bold blue}{orange}{$gatherable_info[room_short]}{$gatherable_info[map_name]}{bold blue}; |
#echo {$gatherable_display}; |
} |
} { |
#format {gatherable_display} {%cQuery Result: %c%s%c was not found.} {bold blue}{green}{%1}{bold blue}; |
#echo {$gatherable_display}; |
} |
} |
#ALIAS {db buyable %1} { |
#unvariable {buyable_display}; |
#format {query} {SELECT item_name, sale_price, room_short, map_id, INSTR(item_name, '%s') pos FROM shop_items INNER JOIN rooms on rooms.room_id = shop_items.room_id WHERE pos > 0 AND sale_price != 'gather' LIMIT 10;} {%1}; |
#format {db_command} {sqlite3 -separator ";" src/quow.db "%s"} {$query}; |
#script {buyable_query_result} {$db_command}; |
#echo {RESULT: $buyable_query_result}; |
#list {buyable_query_result} {size} {buyable_result_size}; |
#if {$buyable_result_size > 0} { |
#foreach {$buyable_query_result[%*]} {inner_query_result} { |
#replace {inner_query_result} {\\} {}; |
#list buyable_results create {${inner_query_result}}; |
#variable {buyable_info} { |
{item_name}{$buyable_results[1]} |
{sale_price}{$buyable_results[2]} |
{room_short}{$buyable_results[3]} |
{map_name}{$map_id_names[$buyable_results[4]]} |
}; |
#format {buyable_display} {%cQuery Result: %c%s%c (%c%s%c) found in %c%s, %s%c} {bold blue}{green}{$buyable_info[item_name]}{bold blue}{yellow}{$buyable_info[sale_price]}{bold blue}{orange}{$buyable_info[room_short]}{$buyable_info[map_name]}{bold blue}; |
#echo {$buyable_display}; |
} |
} { |
#format {buyable_display} {%cQuery Result: %c%s%c was not found.} {bold blue}{green}{%1}{bold blue}; |
#echo {$buyable_display}; |
} |
} |
#CLASS {quow} {close}; |
@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ |
#CLASS {xptimers} {kill}; |
#CLASS {xptimers} {open}; |
#VARIABLE {xptimer_file} {logs/xptimers.log}; |
#VARIABLE {killtimers} { |
{Delbert}{0} |
{the Triad boss}{0} |
{the bandit leader}{0} |
{Hlakket the Bartender}{0} |
{the Zoon Liar}{0} |
{Slim Stevie}{0} |
{the %* grflx worker}{0} |
{the %* student}{0} |
{the ceremonial guard}{0} |
{the giant leader}{0} |
{the %* rujona}{0} |
{the %* lion}{0} |
{Louis Accardo}{0} |
{Marlon Gumboni}{0} |
} |
#VARIABLE {killtimer_names} { |
{Delbert}{delbert} |
{the Triad boss}{medina boss} |
{the bandit leader}{bandit leader} |
{Hlakket the Bartender}{hlakket} |
{the Zoon Liar}{zoon liar} |
{Slim Stevie}{rogues} |
{the %* grflx worker}{grflx} |
{the %* student}{dojo} |
{the ceremonial guard}{cguards} |
{the giant leader}{giant leader} |
{the %* rujona}{snail} |
{the %* lion}{shaker lions} |
{Louis Accardo}{stables} |
{Marlon Gumboni}{casino} |
} |
#VARIABLE {visittimers} { |
{AMShades}{0} |
{ebff897af2b8bb6800a9a8636143099d0714be07}{0} |
{70546ec71867645ab5c51e9ce6087b75dcf4176f}{0} |
{f6c60dd36ed38707eb954c3a670f2f9370a79399}{0} |
{3862c5fd0fe83f4080bdb9b94519bf8da89d5015}{0} |
} |
#VARIABLE {visittimer_names} { |
{AMShades}{shades} |
{ebff897af2b8bb6800a9a8636143099d0714be07}{smugglers} |
{70546ec71867645ab5c51e9ce6087b75dcf4176f}{offler} |
{f6c60dd36ed38707eb954c3a670f2f9370a79399}{black market} |
{3862c5fd0fe83f4080bdb9b94519bf8da89d5015}{parades} |
} |
#ALIAS {dtreset} { |
#regex {%1} {all} { |
#foreach {$killtimers[]} {spot} { |
#format {killtimers[$spot]} {0}; |
} |
#foreach {$visittimers[]} {spot} { |
#format {visittimers[$spot]} {0}; |
} |
#format {xptimer_message} {%c[XPTimer] %c*%c Resetting all spots to Unseen.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue}; |
#echo {$xptimer_message}; |
#variable {dtreset_all} {1}; |
}; |
#if {$dtreset_all < 1} { |
#foreach {$killtimer_names[]} {spot} { |
#regex {%1 %2} {$killtimer_names[$spot]} { |
#format {killtimers[$spot]} {%T}; |
#format {xptimer_message} {%c[XPTimer] %c*%c Resetting death timer for %c$killtimer_names[$spot]%c.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {bold green} {bold blue}; |
#echo {$xptimer_message}; |
}; |
} |
#foreach {$visittimer_names[]} {spot} { |
#regex {%1 %2} {$visittimer_names[$spot]} { |
#format {visittimers[$spot]} {%T}; |
#format {xptimer_message} {%c[XPTimer] %c*%c Resetting visit timer for %c$visittimer_names[$spot]%c.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {bold green} {bold blue}; |
#echo {$xptimer_message}; |
}; |
} |
} |
#unvariable {dtreset_all}; |
} |
#ACTION {%1 deals the death blow to %2.} { |
#foreach {$killtimers[]} {spot} { |
#regex {%2} {$spot} { |
#format {killtimers[$spot]} {%T}; |
}; |
} |
} |
#ACTION {You kill %1.} { |
#foreach {$killtimers[]} {spot} { |
#regex {%1} {$spot} { |
#format {killtimers[$spot]} {%T}; |
}; |
} |
} |
#ALIAS {dt} { |
#echo {.:: Death Timers ::.}; |
#format {current_time} {%T}; |
#foreach {$killtimers[]} {spot} { |
#format {spotname} {$killtimer_names[$spot]}; |
#if {$killtimers[$spot] == 0} { |
#format {spotstring} { - (???) %s } {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $killtimers[$spot]) + 0.5) / 60 }; |
#if {$mins > 99} { #var {mins} {99} }; |
#if {$mins > 10} { |
#format {spotstring} { - (%dm) %s } {$mins} {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#format {spotstring} { - (0%dm) %s } {$mins} {$spotname}; |
} |
} |
#echo {$spotstring}; |
} |
#echo {\n}; |
#echo {.:: Visit Timers ::.}; |
#format {current_time} {%T}; |
#foreach {$visittimers[]} {spot} { |
#format {spotname} {$visittimer_names[$spot]}; |
#if {$visittimers[$spot] == 0} { |
#format {spotstring} { - (???) %s } {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $visittimers[$spot]) + 0.5) / 60 }; |
#if {$mins > 99} { #var {mins} {99} }; |
#if {$mins > 10} { |
#format {spotstring} { - (%dm) %s } {$mins} {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#format {spotstring} { - (0%dm) %s } {$mins} {$spotname}; |
} |
} |
#echo {$spotstring}; |
} |
} |
#ALIAS {writetimerstofile} { |
#system {rm $xptimer_file && touch $xptimer_file}; |
#format {current_time} {%T}; |
#line {log} {$xptimer_file} {.:: Death Timers ::. }; |
#foreach {$killtimers[]} {spot} { |
#format {spotname} {$killtimer_names[$spot]}; |
#if {$killtimers[$spot] == 0} { |
#format {spotstring} { - (???) %s } {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $killtimers[$spot]) + 0.5) / 60 }; |
#if {$mins > 99} { #var {mins} {99} }; |
#if {$mins > 10} { |
#format {spotstring} { - (%dm) %s } {$mins} {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#format {spotstring} { - (0%dm) %s } {$mins} {$spotname}; |
} |
} |
#line {log} {$xptimer_file} {$spotstring}; |
} |
#foreach {$visittimers[]} {spot} { |
#format {spotname} {$visittimer_names[$spot]}; |
#if {$visittimers[$spot] == 0} { |
#format {spotstring} { - (???) %s } {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $visittimers[$spot]) + 0.5) / 60 }; |
#if {$mins > 99} { #var {mins} {99} }; |
#if {$mins > 10} { |
#format {spotstring} { - (%dm) %s } {$mins} {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#format {spotstring} { - (0%dm) %s } {$mins} {$spotname}; |
} |
} |
#line {log} {$xptimer_file} {$spotstring}; |
} |
} |
#EVENT {SEND OUTPUT} {writetimerstofile}; |
#FUNCTION {parse_spot} { |
#var {spot_sync_raw} {%0}; |
#replace {spot_sync_raw} {=} {;}; |
#list {spot_sync} {create} {${spot_sync_raw}}; |
#return {$spot_sync}; |
} |
#ACTION {%1 tells you: ruhs_dtsync=[%2] | ruhs_vtsync=[%3]} { |
#var {synccount} {0}; |
#var {dtsync} {%2}; |
#var {vtsync} {%3}; |
#replace {dtsync} {,} {;}; |
#replace {vtsync} {,} {;}; |
#list dtsync_list create {${dtsync}}; |
#list vtsync_list create {${vtsync}}; |
#foreach {$dtsync_list[]} {spot} { |
#var {syncitem} {@parse_spot{$dtsync_list[$spot]}}; |
#var {syncname} {$syncitem[1]}; |
#var {synctime} {$syncitem[2]}; |
#foreach {$killtimer_names[]} {spotident} { |
#var {spotname} {$killtimer_names[$spotident]}; |
#if {"$spotname" == "$syncname"} { |
#if {$killtimers[$spotident] < $synctime} { |
#var {killtimers[$spotident]} {$synctime}; |
#math {synccount} {$synccount + 1}; |
}; |
}; |
} |
} |
#foreach {$vtsync_list[]} {spot} { |
#var {syncitem} {@parse_spot{$vtsync_list[$spot]}}; |
#var {syncname} {$syncitem[1]}; |
#var {synctime} {$syncitem[2]}; |
#foreach {$visittimer_names[]} {spotident} { |
#var {spotname} {$visittimer_names[$spotident]}; |
#if {"$spotname" == "$syncname"} { |
#if {$visittimers[$spotident] < $synctime} { |
#var {visittimers[$spotident]} {$synctime}; |
#math {synccount} {$synccount + 1}; |
}; |
}; |
} |
} |
#format {dtsync_message} {%c[XPTimer] %c*%c Synced %c%d%c spots from %c%s%c.} {bold blue}{yellow}{bold blue}{orange}{$synccount}{bold blue}{green}{%1}{bold blue}; |
#echo {$dtsync_message}; |
} |
#ALIAS {dtsync %1} { |
#var {dtsync_msg} {}; |
#var {vtsync_msg} {}; |
#foreach {$killtimer_names[]} {spotident} { |
#if {$killtimers[$spotident] > 0} { |
#format {dtsync_msg} {%s,%s=%d} {$dtsync_msg}{$killtimer_names[$spotident]}{$killtimers[$spotident]}; |
}; |
} |
#regex {$dtsync_msg} {^,{(.+)}$} { #var {dtsync_msg} {&1}; }; |
#foreach {$visittimer_names[]} {spotident} { |
#if {$visittimers[$spotident] > 0} { |
#format {vtsync_msg} {%s,%s=%d} {$vtsync_msg}{$visittimer_names[$spotident]}{$visittimers[$spotident]}; |
}; |
} |
#regex {$vtsync_msg} {^,{(.+)}$} { #var {vtsync_msg} {&1}; }; |
#format {sync_message} {tell %s ruhs_dtsync=[%s] | ruhs_vtsync=[%s]} {%1} {$dtsync_msg} {$vtsync_msg}; |
#send {$sync_message}; |
} |
{ |
#var {room_info} {%0}; |
#foreach {$visittimers[]} {spot} { |
#regex {$room_info[identifier]} {$spot} { |
#format {visittimers[$spot]} {%T}; |
} |
} |
} |
#ALIAS {gsdt} { |
#var {gsdt_string} {}; |
#foreach {$killtimers[]} {spot} { |
#format {spotname} {$killtimer_names[$spot]}; |
#var {mins} {???}; |
#if {$killtimers[$spot] == 0} { |
#format {spotstring} {%s: ??? |} {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $killtimers[$spot]) + 0.5) / 60 }; |
#if {$mins > 99} { #var {mins} {99} }; |
#if {$mins < 10} { |
#format {spotstring} {%s: 0%dm |} {$spotname} {$mins} ; |
}; |
#else { |
#format {spotstring} {%s: %dm |} {$spotname} {$mins} ; |
}; |
} |
#format {gsdt_string} {%s %s} {$gsdt_string} {$spotstring}; |
} |
#foreach {$visittimers[]} {spot} { |
#format {spotname} {$visittimer_names[$spot]}; |
#var {mins} {???}; |
#if {$visittimers[$spot] == 0} { |
#format {spotstring} {%s: ??? |} {$spotname}; |
}; |
#else { |
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $visittimers[$spot]) + 0.5) / 60 }; |
#if {$mins > 99} { #var {mins} {99} }; |
#if {$mins < 10} { |
#format {spotstring} {%s: 0%dm |} {$spotname} {$mins} ; |
}; |
#else { |
#format {spotstring} {%s: %dm |} {$spotname} {$mins} ; |
}; |
} |
#format {gsdt_string} {%s %s} {$gsdt_string} {$spotstring}; |
} |
#regex {$gsdt_string} {^{(.+)} \|$} {#var {gsdt_string} {&1}; }; |
#send {group say $gsdt_string}; |
} |
#CLASS {xptimers} {close}; |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
#CLASS {tpamonitor} {kill}; |
#CLASS {tpamonitor} {open}; |
#nop ### Turn TPA indicator on ### |
#action {^ * You are surrounded by a magical impact shield.$} { |
#var {tpa_status} {1}; |
#var {tpa_color} {invisible}; |
update_prompt; |
} |
#action {^ * You are surrounded by a %+ magical impact shield.$} |
{ |
#var {tpa_status} {1}; |
#var {tpa_color} {%1}; |
update_prompt; |
} |
#action {^With a noise that sounds like "Plink!", everything around you flashes red for a moment.$} { |
#var {tpa_status} {1}; |
#var {tpa_color} {invisible}; |
#format {tpa_start} {%T}; |
update_prompt; |
} |
#nop ### Turn TPA indicator off ### |
#action {^There is a sudden white flash. Your magical shield has broken.$} { |
#line {log} {$chat_file}; |
#var {tpa_status} {0}; |
#format {tpa_end} {%T}; |
/break_tpa |
} |
#nop ### Track TPA colors ### |
#action {^As your shield absorbs the impact, it becomes visible as a %1 glow.$} |
{ |
#var {tpa_color} {%1}; |
update_prompt; |
} |
#action {^As your shield absorbs the impact, its glow changes from a %1 to a %2.$} |
{ |
#var {tpa_color} {%2}; |
update_prompt; |
} |
#action {^Your shield changes from a %1 to a %2.$} |
{ |
#var {tpa_color} {%2}; |
update_prompt; |
} |
#action {^Your shield stops glowing a %1 and lapses back into invisibility.$} |
{ |
#var {tpa_color} {invisible}; |
update_prompt; |
} |
#nop ### When TPA breaks show some info ### |
#alias {/break_tpa} { |
#showme {\a\a}; |
#if {&{tpa_start}} { |
#math {tpa_dur} { (($tpa_end - $tpa_start) + 0.5) / 60 }; |
#echo {<168>*** TPA broken! (lasted for $tpa_dur minutes) ***<099>}; |
} |
#unvar {tpa_start}; |
#unvar {tpa_end}; |
update_prompt; |
} |
#var {tpa_status} {0}; |
#CLASS {tpamonitor} {close}; |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
#CLASS {xpmonitor} {kill}; |
#CLASS {xpmonitor} {open}; |
#ALIAS {xp_monitor} { |
#var {previous_xp} {$latest_xp}; |
#var {latest_xp} {$GMCP[vitals][xp]}; |
#if {$previous_xp != 0} { |
#math {gained_xp} {$latest_xp - $previous_xp}; |
#if {$gained_xp > 0} { |
#math {session_xp} {$session_xp + $gained_xp}; |
}; |
}; |
#format {check_time} {%T}; |
#format {uptime[hours]} {%m} {($check_time - $start_time) / 60 / 60}; |
#format {uptime[minutes]} {%m} {($check_time - $start_time) / 60 % 60}; |
#format {uptime[display]} {%th %tm} {$uptime[hours]} {$uptime[minutes]}; |
#format {xprate} {%d} { ($session_xp / ($uptime[hours] + ($uptime[minutes] / 60.0))) * 0.001 }; |
} |
#ALIAS {gsxp} { |
#format {prompt_xp} {%Gxp in %s (%Gk/h)} {$session_xp} {$uptime[display]} {$xprate}; |
#send {group say $prompt_xp}; |
} |
#ALIAS {xpreset} { |
#var {session_xp} {0}; |
#var {previous_xp} {0} |
#var {uptime[hours]} {0}; |
#var {uptime[minutes]} {0}; |
#var {uptime[seconds]} {0}; |
#format {start_time} {%T}; |
#format {check_time} {%T}; |
#format {uptime[display]} {%th %tm} {11} {0}; |
} |
#var {previous_xp} {0}; |
#var {latest_xp} {0}; |
#var {gained_xp} {0}; |
#var {session_xp} {0}; |
#CLASS {xpmonitor} {close}; |
Reference in new issue