Browse Source

Mission times fix, dead letter bugfixes

Brandon Cornejo 6 years ago
  1. 39
  2. 30


@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
#if {&missions[sausage]} {
#foreach {$missions[sausage][active_list][]} {player} {
#if {&missions[sausage][active_list][$player][easy]} {
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[sausage][active_list][$player][easy]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[sausage][active_list][$player][easy]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {60 - $mins};
#format {mt_display} {\t<129>%s<099> can do another unspiced sausage mission in <139>%d<099> minutes.<099>} {$player}{$mins};
@ -27,7 +29,9 @@
#if {&missions[sausage][active_list][$player][hard]} {
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[sausage][active_list][$player][hard]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[sausage][active_list][$player][hard]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {60 - $mins};
#format {mt_display} {\t<129>%s<099> can do another spiced sausage mission in <139>%d<099> minutes.<099>} {$player}{$mins};
@ -36,7 +40,9 @@
#foreach {$missions[sausage][retry_list][]} {player} {
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[sausage][retry_list][$player]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[sausage][retry_list][$player]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {10 - $mins};
#format {mt_display} {\t<129>%s<099> can request a new sausage mission in <139>%d<099> minutes.<099>} {$player}{$mins};
@ -50,7 +56,9 @@
#if {&missions[letter]} {
#foreach {$missions[letter][active_list][]} {player} {
#if {&missions[letter][active_list][$player][difficult]} {
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][difficult]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][difficult]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {60 - $mins};
#if {$mins < 0} {
@ -61,7 +69,9 @@
#if {&missions[letter][active_list][$player][distant]} {
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][distant]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][distant]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {60 - $mins};
#if {$mins < 0} {
@ -72,7 +82,9 @@
#if {&missions[letter][active_list][$player][far]} {
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][far]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][far]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {60 - $mins};
#if {$mins < 0} {
@ -83,7 +95,9 @@
#if {&missions[letter][active_list][$player][close]} {
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][close]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][close]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {60 - $mins};
#if {$mins < 0} {
@ -94,7 +108,9 @@
#if {&missions[letter][active_list][$player][local]} {
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][local]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[letter][active_list][$player][local]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {60 - $mins};
#if {$mins < 0} {
@ -105,10 +121,11 @@
#foreach {$missions[letter][retry_list][]} {player} {
#format {missions[letter][retry_list][$GMCP[charinfo][capname]]} {%T};
#math {mins} { (($current_time - $missions[letter][retry_list][$player]) + 0.5) / 60 };
#showme {Mission Debug: $current_time - $missions[letter][retry_list][$player]};
#math {mins} {$current_time - $missions[letter][retry_list][$player]};
#math {mins} {($mins - (60 - 1)) / 60};
#math {mins} {10 - $mins};
#if {$mins < 0} {


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#NOP ===== VARIABLES =====
#NOP =======================
#NOP [1 = Local, 2 = Far Away, 3 = Distant Lands, 4 = Difficult Customer]
#NOP [1 = Local, 2 = Close-by, 3 = Far Away, 4 = Distant Lands, 5 = Difficult Customer]
#VAR {dead_letter_rewards} {
{4 Ankh-Morpork dollars}{1}
{8 Ankh-Morpork dollars}{2}
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
{4 Genuan forins and 3 Genuan livres}{4}
{3 Ankh-Morpork ten-dollars and 2 Ankh-Morpork dollars}{4}
{1 Ephebian mina and 5 Ephebian decadrachmae}{4}
{1 Agatean Empire fifty-rhinu and 2 Agatean Empire ten-rhinu}{5}
{9 Ankh-Morpork ten-dollars}{5}
{3 Agatean Empire ten-rhinu and 5 Agatean Empire rhinu}{5}
{4 Ankh-Morpork ten-dollars and 5 Ankh-Morpork dollars}{5}
{1 Lancre sovereign and 1 Lancre tencrown}{5}
{3 Ephebian minae and 5 Ephebian decadrachmae}{5}
{2 Ephebian minae}{5}
{1 Genuan ducat and 2 Genuan forins}{5}
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@
#unvar {delayname};
#ALIAS {return letter} {
#send {return letter};
#ALIAS {^return letter$} {
#send { return letter};
#ALIAS {give letter to {f|F}rank} {
#send {give letter to Frank};
#ALIAS {^give letter to {f|F}rank$} {
#send { give letter to Frank};
@ -70,10 +70,6 @@
#NOP ===== Actions =====
#NOP =======================
#ACTION {^You offer to give a letter to Frank} {
#nop letter_returned;
#ACTION {^You have been awarded %d experience points and given %2.$} {
#nop You have been awarded 60407 experience points and given 2 Agatean Empire ten-rhinu and 5 Agatean Empire rhinu.
@ -99,7 +95,7 @@
#format {missions[letter][active_list][$GMCP[charinfo][capname]][local]} {%T};
#line sub variable {
#format {delayname} {letter_distant_%s} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#format {delayname} {letter_local_%s} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#delay {$delayname} {
#format {letter_timer_line} {%c[MT] %c*%c %s can now do another local letter.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#echo {$letter_timer_line};
@ -116,7 +112,7 @@
#format {missions[letter][active_list][$GMCP[charinfo][capname]][close]} {%T};
#line sub variable {
#format {delayname} {letter_distant_%s} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#format {delayname} {letter_close_%s} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#delay {$delayname} {
#format {letter_timer_line} {%c[MT] %c*%c %s can now do another close-by letter.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#echo {$letter_timer_line};
@ -133,7 +129,7 @@
#format {missions[letter][active_list][$GMCP[charinfo][capname]][far]} {%T};
#line sub variable {
#format {delayname} {letter_distant_%s} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#format {delayname} {letter_far_%s} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#delay {$delayname} {
#format {letter_timer_line} {%c[MT] %c*%c %s can now do another far away letter.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#echo {$letter_timer_line};
@ -167,7 +163,7 @@
#format {missions[letter][active_list][$GMCP[charinfo][capname]][difficult]} {%T};
#line sub variable {
#format {delayname} {letter_distant_%s} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#format {delayname} {letter_difficult_%s} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#delay {$delayname} {
#format {letter_timer_line} {%c[MT] %c*%c %s can now do another difficult customer letter.} {bold blue} {bold yellow} {bold blue} {$GMCP[charinfo][capname]};
#echo {$letter_timer_line};
