@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ |
#NOP ==[TPA Alerts]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {^There is a sudden white flash. Your magical shield has broken.$} {bold red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^There is a sudden white flash around {(?!a passing wizard).+}.$} {bold red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^There is a sudden white flash around {(?!a passing wizard).+}.$} {bold orange underscore}; |
#ACTION {^There is a sudden white flash around {(?!a passing wizard).+}.$} { |
#showme {\a}; |
#line {log} {$chat_file}; |
@ -14,16 +14,18 @@ |
#HIGHLIGHT {There is a doorway in the %1 wall leading into a curious shop.} {bold green underscore}; |
#NOP ==[NPC Highlighting]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {thug} {red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {thug } {red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {bodyguard} {red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {hoplite} {red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {shadowy gentleman} {red}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {Coffee Nostra hitman} {red}; |
#NOP ==[Incident Highlighting]== |
#HIGHLIGHT {^%1 grabs %2 from you. You struggle briefly but %3 wrests it from your grip and makes for a hasty retreat.$} {bold red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^As %1 dies %2 drops %3 in shock.$} {bold green underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^When you open the %1 you think you can hear a faint rumbling sound from it.$} {red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {^Whoops! You tried to carry too many things and fumbled %1} {red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 juggles around his stuff and fumbles %2} {red underscore}; |
#HIGHLIGHT {%1 juggles around his stuff and fumbles %2} {orange underscore}; |
#NOP ==[Command Color Highlighting]== |
#SUB {%w %w with a total of %* item} {<148>%1 %2<099> with a total of <148>%3<099> item} |