TinTin++ Configs for DiscworldMUD
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6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
  1. #CLASS {combat} {kill};
  2. #CLASS {combat} {open};
  3. #VARIABLE {my_attacks_color} {orange};
  4. #VARIABLE {enemy_attack_color} {red};
  5. #NOP ==[My Specials]==
  6. #HIGHLIGHT {^You attempt to prepare %1} {bold red};
  7. #HIGHLIGHT {^You prepare to {stab|slice|trip|shove|impale|kick|punch} %2} {bold green};
  8. #HIGHLIGHT {^You attempt to launch a powerful attack. %1} {bold red};
  9. #HIGHLIGHT {^You launch a powerful attack. %1} {bold green};
  10. #HIGHLIGHT {^You launch a powerful attack, landing a %1} {bold green};
  11. #HIGHLIGHT {^You try to {trip|shove} %1} {bold red};
  12. #HIGHLIGHT {^You shove %1} {bold green};
  13. #HIGHLIGHT {^You trip %1} {bold green};
  14. #HIGHLIGHT {^You lose the moment.} {bold red};
  15. #NOP ==[Backstabs]==
  16. #HIGHLIGHT {^You {skilfully |silently |}sneak around %1 without being spotted and manage to %2.$} {bold green};
  17. #HIGHLIGHT {^You hold your cover as you {skillfully |silently |}sneak around %1 and manage to catch %w by surprise.$} {bold green};
  18. #HIGHLIGHT {^You %1 with %2 but despite the surprise %3.$} {bold red} {2};
  19. #HIGHLIGHT {^Moving {swiftly|quickly|too fast to see}, you %1 {with|right through} %2.$} {bold green};
  20. #HIGHLIGHT {^Catching %w {by surprise|off balance}, you %1 {with|right through} %2.$} {bold green};
  21. #HIGHLIGHT {^With {a blur of speed|surprising speed}, you %1 {with|right through} %2.$} {bold green};
  22. #HIGHLIGHT {^Quick as lightning, you %1 {with|right through} %2.$} {bold green};
  23. #HIGHLIGHT {Striking like a cobra, you %1 {with|right through} %2.$} {bold green};
  24. #NOP ==[Me Attacking Them]==
  25. #HIGHLIGHT {^You {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{thrust|snick|fillet|poke|chop up|chop|jab|scratch|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer|take} {a sliver off |into |}%1{'?s?} %2 {on|with} %3} {$my_attacks_color};
  26. #HIGHLIGHT {^You {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}stab %1 {deeply |}in %2 with %3} {$my_attacks_color};
  27. #HIGHLIGHT {^You stab %1 right through %2's %3} {$my_attacks_color};
  28. #HIGHLIGHT {^You {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|kick|punch|jab|boot|tickle|kick out} %1 in %2} {$my_attacks_color};
  29. #HIGHLIGHT {^You {punch|kick out} at %1 but {his|her} %2 absorbs {some|most} of the blow\.$} {$my_attacks_color};
  30. #NOP == [Them Attacking Me]==
  31. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 but your %2 absorbs {some|most} of the blow.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  32. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 runs you through the %2 with %3.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  33. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s %w %3 into your %4.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  34. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s your %2 {into pieces |}{with|on} %w %4.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  35. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s into your %2 with %w %3.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  36. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s you {deeply |}in the %2.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  37. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 {viciously |messily |barely |neatly |}{poke|chop|jab|scratche|boot|kick|hit|tickle|hack|prick|shred|nick|cut|stab|perforate|pierce|impale|slice|skewer}s you {deeply |}in the %2 with %3.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  38. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 pierces your %2 with %3.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  39. #HIGHLIGHT {%1 hitting your %2.$} {$enemy_attack_color};
  40. #CLASS {combat} {close};