DotaNoobs main site.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

230 lines
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  1. from flask import Flask
  2. from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
  3. from flask.ext.openid import OpenID
  4. from flask.ext.cache import Cache
  5. app = Flask(__name__)
  6. app.config.from_object('config')
  7. db = SQLAlchemy(app)
  8. oid = OpenID(app)
  9. cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': app.config['CACHE_TYPE']})
  10. from app import views
  11. '''
  12. from flask import Flask, render_template
  13. from flask.ext.mongoengine import MongoEngine
  14. from flask.ext.openid import OpenID
  15. from flask.ext.cache import Cache
  16. import utils
  17. import ts3
  18. app = Flask(__name__)
  19. app.config.from_object('config')
  20. #Setup mongo database
  21. db = MongoEngine(app)
  22. #Setup OpenID and Caching
  23. oid = OpenID(app)
  24. cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': app.config['CACHE_TYPE']})
  25. from app import views
  26. @app.route('/')
  27. def inx():
  28. return render_template('main.html')
  29. ##### INTO UTILS LATER #####
  30. RADIANT_TEAM = 2
  31. DIRE_TEAM = 3
  32. RADIANT_COLOR = 'b'
  33. DIRE_COLOR = 'r'
  34. def get_hero_data():
  35. xhr = urllib2.build_opener().open(urllib2.Request(""+DOTA2_API_KEY+"&language=en_us"))
  36. data = json.load(xhr)
  37. return data
  38. @app.context_processor
  39. def utility_processor():
  40. @cache.memoize(60*5)
  41. def ts3_viewer():
  42. try:
  43. server = ts3.TS3Server(app.config['TS3_HOST'], app.config['TS3_PORT'])
  44. server.login(app.config['TS3_USERNAME'], app.config['TS3_PASSWORD'])
  45. server.use(1)
  46. serverinfo = server.send_command('serverinfo').data
  47. channellist = server.send_command('channellist', opts=("limits", "flags", "voice", "icon")).data
  48. clientlist = server.send_command('clientlist', opts=("away", "voice", "info", "icon", "groups", "country")).data
  49. servergrouplist = server.send_command('servergrouplist').data
  50. channelgrouplist = server.send_command('channelgrouplist').data
  51. soup = BeautifulSoup()
  52. div_tag = soup.new_tag('div')
  53. div_tag['class'] ='devmx-webviewer'
  54. soup.append(div_tag)
  55. def construct_channels(parent_tag, cid):
  56. num_clients = 0
  57. for channel in channellist:
  58. if int(channel['pid']) == int(cid):
  59. # Construct the channel
  60. channel_tag = soup.new_tag('div')
  61. channel_tag['class'] = 'tswv-channel'
  62. # Channel image
  63. image_tag = soup.new_tag('span')
  64. image_tag['class'] = 'tswv-image tswv-image-right'
  65. if int(channel['channel_flag_password']) == 1:
  66. image_tag['class'] += ' tswv-channel-password-right'
  67. if int(channel['channel_flag_default']) == 1:
  68. image_tag['class'] += ' tswv-channel-home'
  69. if int(channel['channel_needed_talk_power']) > 0:
  70. image_tag['class'] += ' tswv-channel-moderated'
  71. if int(channel['channel_icon_id']) != 0:
  72. raise NotImplementedError
  73. image_tag.append(' ')
  74. channel_tag.append(image_tag)
  75. # Status image
  76. status_tag = soup.new_tag('span')
  77. status_tag['class'] = 'tswv-image'
  78. if int(channel['channel_flag_password']) == 1:
  79. status_tag['class'] += ' tswv-channel-password'
  80. elif int(channel['total_clients']) == int(channel['channel_maxclients']):
  81. status_tag['class'] += ' tswv-channel-full'
  82. else:
  83. status_tag['class'] += ' tswv-channel-normal'
  84. status_tag.append(' ')
  85. channel_tag.append(status_tag)
  86. # Label
  87. label_tag = soup.new_tag('span')
  88. label_tag['class'] = 'tswv-label'
  89. label_tag.append(channel['channel_name'])
  90. channel_tag.append(label_tag)
  91. # Clients
  92. channel_tag, channel_clients = construct_clients(channel_tag, channel['cid'])
  93. # Recurse through sub-channels, collecting total number of clients as we go
  94. channel_tag, sub_clients = construct_channels(channel_tag, channel['cid'])
  95. channel_clients += sub_clients
  96. # Only show non-empty channels
  97. if channel_clients > 0:
  98. parent_tag.append(channel_tag)
  99. num_clients += channel_clients
  100. return parent_tag, num_clients
  101. def construct_clients(parent_tag, cid):
  102. num_clients = 0
  103. for client in clientlist:
  104. if int(client['cid']) == int(cid):
  105. # Skip ServerQuery clients
  106. if int(client['client_type']) == 1: continue
  107. num_clients += 1
  108. client_tag = soup.new_tag('div')
  109. client_tag['class'] = 'tswv-client'
  110. # Status image
  111. status_tag = soup.new_tag('span')
  112. status_tag['class'] = 'tswv-image'
  113. if int(client['client_type']) == 1:
  114. status_tag['class'] += ' tswv-client-query'
  115. elif int(client['client_away']) == 1:
  116. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-away"
  117. elif int(client['client_input_muted']) == 1:
  118. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-input-muted"
  119. elif int(client['client_output_muted']) == 1:
  120. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-output-muted"
  121. elif int(client['client_input_hardware']) == 0:
  122. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-input-muted-hardware"
  123. elif int(client['client_output_hardware']) == 0:
  124. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-output-muted-hardware"
  125. elif (int(client['client_flag_talking']) == 1) and (int(client['client_is_channel_commander']) == 1):
  126. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-channel-commander-talking"
  127. elif int(client['client_is_channel_commander']) == 1:
  128. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-channel-commander"
  129. elif int(client['client_flag_talking']) == 1:
  130. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-talking"
  131. else:
  132. status_tag['class'] += " tswv-client-normal"
  133. status_tag.append(' ')
  134. client_tag.append(status_tag)
  135. # Country image
  136. country_tag = soup.new_tag('span')
  137. country_tag['class'] = 'tswv-image tswv-image-right'
  138. country_tag['title'] = ' '.join([word.capitalize() for word in utils.ISO3166_MAPPING[client['client_country']].split(' ')])
  139. country_tag['style'] = 'background: url("%s") center center no-repeat;' % url_for('static', filename='img/ts3_viewer/countries/%s.png' % client['client_country'].lower())
  140. country_tag.append(' ')
  141. client_tag.append(country_tag)
  142. # Server group images
  143. sgids = [int(sg) for sg in client['client_servergroups'].split(',')]
  144. servergroups = [servergroup for servergroup in servergrouplist if int(servergroup['sgid']) in sgids]
  145. servergroups.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('sortid'))
  146. for servergroup in servergroups:
  147. if not servergroup['iconid']: continue
  148. img_fname = 'img/ts3_viewer/%s.png' % servergroup['iconid']
  149. if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(app.static_folder, img_fname)):
  150. continue
  151. image_tag = soup.new_tag('span')
  152. image_tag['class'] = 'tswv-image tswv-image-right'
  153. image_tag['title'] = servergroup['name']
  154. image_tag['style'] = 'background-image: url("%s")' % url_for('static', filename=img_fname)
  155. image_tag.append(' ')
  156. client_tag.append(image_tag)
  157. # Check if client is in a moderated channel
  158. channel = [channel for channel in channellist if int(channel['cid']) == int(client['cid'])][0]
  159. if int(channel['channel_needed_talk_power']) > 0:
  160. status_tag = soup.new_tag('span')
  161. status_tag['class'] = 'tswv-image tswv-image-right'
  162. if int(client['client_is_talker']) == 0:
  163. status_tag['class'] += ' tswv-client-input-muted'
  164. else:
  165. status_tag['class'] += ' tswv-client-talkpower-granted'
  166. status_tag.append(' ')
  167. client_tag.append(status_tag)
  168. # Label
  169. label_tag = soup.new_tag('span')
  170. label_tag['class'] = 'tswv-label'
  171. label_tag.append(client['client_nickname'])
  172. client_tag.append(label_tag)
  173. parent_tag.append(client_tag)
  174. return parent_tag, num_clients
  175. div_tag, num_clients = construct_channels(div_tag, 0)
  176. return soup.prettify()
  177. except Exception as inst:
  178. return "error: %s" % inst
  179. def shorten_text(text, num_words=10):
  180. text = utils.fix_bad_unicode(text)
  181. space_iter = re.finditer('\s+', text)
  182. output = u''
  183. while num_words > 0:
  184. match =
  185. if not match: break
  186. output = text[:match.end()]
  187. num_words -= 1
  188. else:
  189. output += '...'
  190. return output
  191. def num_unique_clients(teamspeak_data):
  192. unique_clients = set()
  193. for data in teamspeak_data:
  194. unique_clients.update(data.clients)
  195. return len(unique_clients)
  196. def num_unique_clients_by_country(teamspeak_data):
  197. unique_clients = {}
  198. for data in teamspeak_data:
  199. for client_id, client_data in data.clients.iteritems():
  200. unique_clients[client_id] = (client_data['country'] or 'Unknown').lower()
  201. country = {}
  202. for client_id, country_code in unique_clients.iteritems():
  203. country[country_code] = country.get(country_code, 0) + 1
  204. return country
  205. def country_abbreviation_mapping():
  206. mapping = {}
  207. for key, name in utils.ISO3166_MAPPING.iteritems():
  208. mapping[key.lower()] = ' '.join([word.capitalize() for word in name.split(' ')])
  209. return mapping
  210. return dict(timestamp_to_js_date=utils.timestamp_to_js_date, ts3_viewer=ts3_viewer, shorten_text=shorten_text, getTeamspeakWindow=doob.getTeamspeakWindow,
  211. num_unique_clients=num_unique_clients,
  212. num_unique_clients_by_country=num_unique_clients_by_country,
  213. country_abbreviation_mapping=country_abbreviation_mapping)
  214. '''