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  1. APScheduler==3.0.0b1
  2. BeautifulSoup==3.2.1
  3. Flask==0.10.1
  4. Flask-Cache==0.12
  5. Flask-Migrate==1.2.0
  6. Flask-OpenID==1.1.1
  7. Flask-SQLAlchemy==1.0
  8. Flask-Script==2.0.5
  9. Flask-WTF==0.9.4
  10. Jinja2==2.7.1
  11. Mako==1.0.0
  12. MarkupSafe==0.18
  13. MySQL-python==1.2.4
  14. Pygments==1.6
  15. SQLAlchemy==0.8.4
  16. WTForms==1.0.5
  17. Werkzeug==0.9.4
  18. alembic==0.6.5
  19. argparse==1.2.1
  20. backports.ssl-match-hostname==
  21. beautifulsoup4==4.3.2
  22. bpython==0.12
  23. futures==2.1.6
  24. ipdb==0.8
  25. ipython==2.1.0
  26. itsdangerous==0.23
  27. matplotlib==1.3.1
  28. nose==1.3.3
  29. numpy==1.8.1
  30. peewee==2.1.6
  31. pyparsing==2.0.2
  32. python-crontab==1.8.1
  33. python-dateutil==2.2
  34. python-openid==2.2.5
  35. python-ts3==0.1
  36. pytz==2014.4
  37. requests==2.1.0
  38. simplejson==3.3.1
  39. six==1.7.2
  40. tornado==3.2.2
  41. tzlocal==1.1.1
  42. wsgiref==0.1.2